3,638 research outputs found


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    Fishing activities and other anthropogenic influences have direct and indirect effects on fish community structure. One expectation may be that with increasing fishing pressure and decreasing size selectivity of fisheries all predator populations decline and consequently fish assemblages change. Comparisons of MPAs with unprotected areas are considered valid natural experiments to test hypotheses on how predation structures communities. Here we report on the use of a lure-assisted visual census in the Central Croatian Adriatic to assess and compare fish assemblages in MPA sites (Kornati NP) with adjacent unprotected sites. We detected a significant protection effect on mesopredator abundance and overall fish diversity/richness and that protection status explained a significant portion of the fish assemblage variability, all independent of additional predictor variables, like habitat and depth. As we continue to expand the spatiotemporal scale and magnitude of the approach, we hope that it will eventually provide us with a long-term data series needed for testing many hypotheses in coastal ecology, including the effects of MPAs, coastal development, fishing and global climate change on the species interactions, abundance, diversity and assembly of animal species across multiple spatial scales.Ribolovne i druge antropogene aktivnosti izravno i neizravno utječu na sastav zajednica riba. Jedna od pretpostavki je da povećani ribolovni napor dovodi do smanjenja populacije predatorskih vrsta riba što dovodi do promjena u sastavu zajednica riba. Usporedba zaštićenih i nezaštićenih područja smatra se vjerodostojnom eksperimentalnom metodom za testiranje hipoteze na koji način struktura predatora utječe na zajednicu riba. Ovdje predstavljamo rezultate korištenja metode vizualnog cenzusa uz pomoć mamca na području srednjeg Jadrana kako bi procijenili i usporedili sastav zajednica riba u zaštićenom području (NP Kornati) i susjednim nezaštićenim područjima. Zabilježili smo značajan utjecaj zaštite na brojnost meso-predatora i na ukupnu raznolikost/brojnost riba kao i to da je zaštitom moguće objasniti značajan dio varijabilnosti u sastavu zajednica riba, neovisno o drugim faktorima poput tipa staništa ili dubine. Daljnjim proširivanjem naših istraživanja na prostornoj i vremenskoj skali, očekujemo da ćemo prikupiti vrijedne i dugotrajne podatke koji su potrebni kako bismo testirali mnoge pretpostavke u ekologiji priobalne zone, uključujući one o u utjecaju zaštićenih područja, razvoju obale, ribolovu, dostupnosti staništa te globalnim klimatskim promjenama na odnose među različitim vrstama, brojnost, raznolikost i sastav životinjskih vrsta na raznim prostornim skalama


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    Fishing activities and other anthropogenic influences have direct and indirect effects on fish community structure. One expectation may be that with increasing fishing pressure and decreasing size selectivity of fisheries all predator populations decline and consequently fish assemblages change. Comparisons of MPAs with unprotected areas are considered valid natural experiments to test hypotheses on how predation structures communities. Here we report on the use of a lure-assisted visual census in the Central Croatian Adriatic to assess and compare fish assemblages in MPA sites (Kornati NP) with adjacent unprotected sites. We detected a significant protection effect on mesopredator abundance and overall fish diversity/richness and that protection status explained a significant portion of the fish assemblage variability, all independent of additional predictor variables, like habitat and depth. As we continue to expand the spatiotemporal scale and magnitude of the approach, we hope that it will eventually provide us with a long-term data series needed for testing many hypotheses in coastal ecology, including the effects of MPAs, coastal development, fishing and global climate change on the species interactions, abundance, diversity and assembly of animal species across multiple spatial scales.Ribolovne i druge antropogene aktivnosti izravno i neizravno utječu na sastav zajednica riba. Jedna od pretpostavki je da povećani ribolovni napor dovodi do smanjenja populacije predatorskih vrsta riba što dovodi do promjena u sastavu zajednica riba. Usporedba zaštićenih i nezaštićenih područja smatra se vjerodostojnom eksperimentalnom metodom za testiranje hipoteze na koji način struktura predatora utječe na zajednicu riba. Ovdje predstavljamo rezultate korištenja metode vizualnog cenzusa uz pomoć mamca na području srednjeg Jadrana kako bi procijenili i usporedili sastav zajednica riba u zaštićenom području (NP Kornati) i susjednim nezaštićenim područjima. Zabilježili smo značajan utjecaj zaštite na brojnost meso-predatora i na ukupnu raznolikost/brojnost riba kao i to da je zaštitom moguće objasniti značajan dio varijabilnosti u sastavu zajednica riba, neovisno o drugim faktorima poput tipa staništa ili dubine. Daljnjim proširivanjem naših istraživanja na prostornoj i vremenskoj skali, očekujemo da ćemo prikupiti vrijedne i dugotrajne podatke koji su potrebni kako bismo testirali mnoge pretpostavke u ekologiji priobalne zone, uključujući one o u utjecaju zaštićenih područja, razvoju obale, ribolovu, dostupnosti staništa te globalnim klimatskim promjenama na odnose među različitim vrstama, brojnost, raznolikost i sastav životinjskih vrsta na raznim prostornim skalama

    Semantic Segmentation for Posidonia Oceanica Coverage Estimation

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    One method of assessing the ecological status of seagrass is the analysis of videographic images for variables such as total aerial cover. Georeferenced images can be collected and matched by location over time, and any changes in coverage can be compared statistically to the expected null hypothesis. Since the manual analysis of large datasets approaching over a million images is not feasible, automated methods are necessary. Because of the wide variation in underwater conditions affecting light transmission and reflection, including biological conditions, deep learning methods are necessary to distinguish seagrass from non-seagrass portions of images. Using deep semantic segmentation, we evaluated several deep neural network architectures, and found that the best performer is the DeepLabv3Plus network, at close to 88% (intersection over union). We conclude that the deep learning method is more accurate and many times faster than human annotation. This method can now be used for scoring of large image datasets for seagrass discrimination and cover estimates. Our code is available on GitHub: https://enviewfulda.github.io/LookingForSeagrassSematicSegmentatio

    Semantic Segmentation for Posidonia Oceanica Coverage Estimation

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    One method of assessing the ecological status of seagrass is the analysis of videographic images for variables such as total aerial cover. Georeferenced images can be collected and matched by location over time, and any changes in coverage can be compared statistically to the expected null hypothesis. Since the manual analysis of large datasets approaching over a million images is not feasible, automated methods are necessary. Because of the wide variation in underwater conditions affecting light transmission and reflection, including biological conditions, deep learning methods are necessary to distinguish seagrass from non-seagrass portions of images. Using deep semantic segmentation, we evaluated several deep neural network architectures, and found that the best performer is the DeepLabv3Plus network, at close to 88% (intersection over union). We conclude that the deep learning method is more accurate and many times faster than human annotation. This method can now be used for scoring of large image datasets for seagrass discrimination and cover estimates. Our code is available on GitHub: https://enviewfulda.github.io/LookingForSeagrassSematicSegmentatio

    Integrating robotics into wildlife conservation: testing improvements to predator deterrents through movement

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    Background Agricultural and pastoral landscapes can provide important habitat for wildlife conservation, but sharing these landscapes with wildlife can create conflict that is costly and requires managing. Livestock predation is a good example of the challenges involving coexistence with wildlife across shared landscapes. Integrating new technology into agricultural practices could help minimize human-wildlife conflict. In this study, we used concepts from the fields of robotics (i.e., automated movement and adaptiveness) and agricultural practices (i.e., managing livestock risk to predation) to explore how integration of these concepts could aid the development of more effective predator deterrents. Methods We used a colony of captive coyotes as a model system, and simulated predation events with meat baits inside and outside of protected zones. Inside the protected zones we used a remote-controlled vehicle with a state-of-the art, commercially available predator deterrent (i.e., Foxlight) mounted on the top and used this to test three treatments: (1) light only (i.e., without movement or adaptiveness), (2) predetermined movement (i.e., with movement and without adaptiveness), and (3) adaptive movement (i.e., with both movement and adaptiveness). We measured the time it took for coyotes to eat the baits and analyzed the data with a time-to-event survival strategy. Results Survival of baits was consistently higher inside the protected zone, and the three movement treatments incrementally increased survival time over baseline except for the light only treatment in the nonprotected zone. Incorporating predetermined movement essentially doubled the efficacy of the light only treatment both inside and outside the protected zone. Incorporating adaptive movement exponentially increased survival time both inside and outside the protected zone. Our findings provide compelling evidence that incorporating existing robotics capabilities (predetermined and adaptive movement) could greatly enhance protection of agricultural resources and aid in the development of nonlethal tools for managing wildlife. Our findings also demonstrate the importance of marrying agricultural practices (e.g., spatial management of livestock at night) with new technology to improve the efficacy of wildlife deterrents


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    A fundamental question in ecology is the role of predators in limiting their prey populations. This question can be approached for shallow marine fish communities by comparison of abundance of species inside and outside marine protected areas (MPAs), where fishing restrictions may enforce large abundance differences in large (top) predators. The first step in demonstrating differences in these populations is the development and testing of methods capable of estimating abundance of fast-swimming and alert species which generally are difficult to quantify with traditional net-based sampling or visual census. That the method of experimental fishing with hook and line is capable of sampling predatory fish of a wide range of sizes, from 15 to 125 cm, inside and outside an MPA in the central Adriatic Sea, Kornati National Park, Croatia, was demonstrated in this preliminary study. Evidence of significantly more abundant top predators inside the MPA and a significantly higher mean size of fish overall was found. A total of 11 species of fish were sampled across several benthic habitats, of which six were found only in the MPA. It is concluded that the MPA represents a natural experiment with greater abundance of larger predators than outside, and that experimental fishing can take advantage of these differences to test the hypothesis of top-down regulation of fish communities.Temeljno pitanje u ekologiji je uloga predatora u kontroli populacije plijena. Za zajednice riba u plitkom moru, na ovo pitanje može se odgovoriti uspoređujući brojnost vrsta unutar morskih zaštićenih područja (MPA) i izvan njih, gdje regulacija ribolovnih aktivnosti može značajno utjecati na brojnost velikih (vršnih) predatora. Prvi korak u dokazivanju razlika u navedenim populacijama je razvoj i testiranje metoda uz pomoć kojih je moguće procijeniti brojnost brzih i opreznih vrsta, koje je obično teško kvantificirati korištenjem tradicionalnih metoda poput lova mrežama ili vizualnim cenzusom. U ovom preliminarnom istraživanju je prikazano da se korištenjem metode eksperimentalnog ribolova mogu uzorkovati predatorske vrste riba raznih veličina, od 15 do 125 cm, unutar i izvan morskih zaštićenih područja u srednjem Jadranu (na području Nacionalnog parka Kornati, Hrvatska). Dokazala se značajno veća brojnost vršnih (top) predatora unutar zaštićenog područja kao i značajno veća prosječna veličina riba. Uzorkovano je ukupno 11 različitih vrsta riba na raznim pridnenim staništima, od kojih je 6 zabilježeno isključivo unutar zaštićenog područja. Može se zaključiti da su morska zaštićena područja svojevrsni prirodni eksperiment gdje je brojnost predatorskih vrsta veća nego izvan zaštićenog područja. Osim toga, eksperimentalni ribolov je učinkovita metoda uz pomoć koje se na temelju uočenih razlika može testirati hipoteza o top-down regulaciji zajednica riba

    Length of carotid stenosis predicts peri-procedural stroke or death and restenosis in patients randomized to endovascular treatment or endarterectomy.

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    BACKGROUND: The anatomy of carotid stenosis may influence the outcome of endovascular treatment or carotid endarterectomy. Whether anatomy favors one treatment over the other in terms of safety or efficacy has not been investigated in randomized trials. METHODS: In 414 patients with mostly symptomatic carotid stenosis randomized to endovascular treatment (angioplasty or stenting; n = 213) or carotid endarterectomy (n = 211) in the Carotid and Vertebral Artery Transluminal Angioplasty Study (CAVATAS), the degree and length of stenosis and plaque surface irregularity were assessed on baseline intraarterial angiography. Outcome measures were stroke or death occurring between randomization and 30 days after treatment, and ipsilateral stroke and restenosis ≥50% during follow-up. RESULTS: Carotid stenosis longer than 0.65 times the common carotid artery diameter was associated with increased risk of peri-procedural stroke or death after both endovascular treatment [odds ratio 2.79 (1.17-6.65), P = 0.02] and carotid endarterectomy [2.43 (1.03-5.73), P = 0.04], and with increased long-term risk of restenosis in endovascular treatment [hazard ratio 1.68 (1.12-2.53), P = 0.01]. The excess in restenosis after endovascular treatment compared with carotid endarterectomy was significantly greater in patients with long stenosis than with short stenosis at baseline (interaction P = 0.003). Results remained significant after multivariate adjustment. No associations were found for degree of stenosis and plaque surface. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing stenosis length is an independent risk factor for peri-procedural stroke or death in endovascular treatment and carotid endarterectomy, without favoring one treatment over the other. However, the excess restenosis rate after endovascular treatment compared with carotid endarterectomy increases with longer stenosis at baseline. Stenosis length merits further investigation in carotid revascularisation trials