410 research outputs found

    Relative Artin motives and the reductive Borel-Serre compactification of a locally symmetric variety

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    We introduce the notion of Artin motives and cohomological motives over a scheme X. Given a cohomological motive M over X, we consider the universal Artin motive mapping to M and denote it Ο‰X0(M)\omega^{0}_{X}(M) . We use this to define a motive EX\mathbb{E}_{X} over X which is an invariant of the singularities of X. The first half of the paper is devoted to the study of the functors Ο‰X0\omega^{0}_{X} and the computation of the motives EX\mathbb{E}_{X} . In the second half of the paper, we develop their application to locally symmetric varieties. More specifically, let Ξ“\D be a locally symmetric variety and denote by p:Ξ“\Dβ€Ύrbsβ†’Ξ“\Dβ€Ύbbp:\overline{\Gamma\backslash D}^{\mathrm{rbs}}\to \overline{\Gamma\backslash D}^{\mathrm{bb}} the projection of its reductive Borel-Serre compactification to its Baily-Borel-Satake compactification. We show that Rpβˆ—QΞ“\Dβ€Ύrbs\mathrm{R}p_{*}\mathbb{Q}_{\overline{\Gamma\backslash D}^{\mathrm{rbs}}} is naturally isomorphic to the Betti realization of the motive EXβ€Ύbb\mathbb{E}_{\overline{X}^{\mathrm{bb}}} , where Xβ€Ύbb\overline{X}^{\mathrm{bb}} is the scheme such that Xβ€Ύbb(C)=Ξ“\Dβ€Ύbb\overline{X}^{\mathrm{bb}}(\mathbb{C})=\overline{\Gamma \backslash D}^{\mathrm{bb}} . In particular, the direct image of EXβ€Ύbb\mathbb{E}_{\overline{X}^{\mathrm{bb}}} along the projection of Xβ€Ύbb\overline{X}^{\mathrm{bb}} to Spec(β„‚) gives a motive whose Betti realization is naturally isomorphic to the cohomology of $\overline{ \Gamma\backslash D}^{\mathrm{rbs}}
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