3,250 research outputs found

    A Planetary Companion to the Nearby M4 Dwarf, Gliese 876

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    Doppler measurements of the M4 dwarf star, Gliese 876, taken at both Lick and Keck Observatory reveal periodic, Keplerian velocity variations with a period of 61 days. The orbital fit implies that the companion has a mass of, M = 2.1 MJUP /sin i, an orbital eccentricity of, e = 0.27+-0.03, and a semimajor axis of, a = 0.21 AU. The planet is the first found around an M dwarf, and was drawn from a survey of 24 such stars at Lick Observatory. It is the closest extrasolar planet yet found, providing opportunities for follow--up detection. The presence of a giant planet on a non-circular orbit, 0.2 AU from a 1/3 M_Sun star, presents a challenge to planet formation theory. This planet detection around an M dwarf suggests that giant planets are numerous in the Galaxy.Comment: 13 pages, 3 Figure

    Planetary Companions Around Two Solar Type Stars: HD 195019 and HD 217107

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    We have enlarged the sample of stars in the planet search at Lick Observatory. Doppler measurements of 82 new stars observed at Lick Observatory, with additional velocities from Keck Observatory, have revealed two new planet candidates. The G3V/IV star, HD 195019, exhibits Keplerian velocity variations with a period of 18.27 d, an orbital eccentricity of 0.03 +/- 0.03, and M sin i = 3.51 M_Jup. Based on a measurement of Ca II H&K emission, this star is chromospherically inactive. We estimate the metallicity of HD 195019 to be approximately solar from ubvy photometry. The second planet candidate was detected around HD 217107, a G7V star. This star exhibits a 7.12 d Keplerian period with eccentricity 0.14 +/- 0.05 and M sin i = 1.27 M_Jup. HD 217107 is also chromospherically inactive. The photometric metallicity is found to be [Fe/H] = +0.29 +/- 0.1 dex. Given the relatively short orbital period, the absence of tidal spin-up of HD 217107 provides a theoretical constraint on the upper limit of the companion mass of < 11 M_Jup.Comment: 15 pages, plus 6 figures. To appear in Jan 1999 PAS

    You\u27ve Licensed It. Now What?

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    While libraries face challenges in building usage of a new medium like streaming video, strategic, active marketing by libraries, with support from vendors, can overcome these challenges. Time‐tested marketing strategies, as well as leveraging new promotional tools can help the library attain the usage that justifies the investment in new media. If you license, with a little help, they will come

    Untargeted Plasma Metabolite Profiling Reveals the Broad Systemic Consequences of Xanthine Oxidoreductase Inactivation in Mice

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    A major challenge in systems biology is integration of molecular findings for individual enzyme activities into a cohesive high-level understanding of cellular metabolism and physiology/pathophysiology. However, meaningful prediction for how a perturbed enzyme activity will globally impact metabolism in a cell, tissue or intact organisms is precluded by multiple unknowns, including in vivo enzymatic rates, subcellular distribution and pathway interactions. To address this challenge, metabolomics offers the potential to simultaneously survey changes in thousands of structurally diverse metabolites within complex biological matrices. The present study assessed the capability of untargeted plasma metabolite profiling to discover systemic changes arising from inactivation of xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR), an enzyme that catalyzes the final steps in purine degradation. Using LC-MS coupled with a multivariate statistical data analysis platform, we confidently surveyed >3,700 plasma metabolites (50–1,000 Da) for differential expression in XOR wildtype vs. mice with inactivated XOR, arising from gene deletion or pharmacological inhibition. Results confirmed the predicted derangements in purine metabolism, but also revealed unanticipated perturbations in metabolism of pyrimidines, nicotinamides, tryptophan, phospholipids, Krebs and urea cycles, and revealed kidney dysfunction biomarkers. Histochemical studies confirmed and characterized kidney failure in xor-nullizygous mice. These findings provide new insight into XOR functions and demonstrate the power of untargeted metabolite profiling for systemic discovery of direct and indirect consequences of gene mutations and drug treatments

    Global forestation and deforestation affect remote climate via adjusted atmosphere and ocean circulation.

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    Forests can store large amounts of carbon and provide essential ecosystem services. Massive tree planting is thus sometimes portrayed as a panacea to mitigate climate change and related impacts. Recent controversies about the potential benefits and drawbacks of forestation have centered on the carbon storage potential of forests and the local or global thermodynamic impacts. Here we discuss how global-scale forestation and deforestation change the Earth's energy balance, thereby affect the global atmospheric circulation and even have profound effects on the ocean circulation. We perform multicentury coupled climate model simulations in which preindustrial vegetation cover is either completely forested or deforested and carbon dioxide mixing ratio is kept constant. We show that global-scale forestation leads to a weakening and poleward shift of the Northern mid-latitude circulation, slows-down the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, and affects the strength of the Hadley cell, whereas deforestation leads to reversed changes. Consequently, both land surface changes substantially affect regional precipitation, temperature, clouds, and surface wind patterns across the globe. The design process of large-scale forestation projects thus needs to take into account global circulation adjustments and their influence on remote climate

    A New Planet Around an M Dwarf: Revealing a Correlation Between Exoplanets and Stellar Mass

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    We report precise Doppler measurements of GJ317 (M3.5V) that reveal the presence of a planet with a minimum mass Msini = 1.2 Mjup in an eccentric, 692.9 day orbit. GJ317 is only the third M dwarf with a Doppler-detected Jovian planet. The residuals to a single-Keplerian fit show evidence of a possible second orbital companion. The inclusion of an additional Jupiter-mass planet (P = 2700 days, Msini = 0.83 Mjup) improves the quality of fit significantly, reducing the rms from 12.5 m/s to 6.32 m/s. A false-alarm test yields a 1.1% probability that the curvature in the residuals of the single-planet fit is due to random fluctuations, lending additional credibility to the two-planet model. However, our data only marginally constrain a two-planet fit and further monitoring is necessary to fully characterize the properties of the second planet. To study the effect of stellar mass on Jovian planet occurrence we combine our samples of M stars, Solar-mass dwarfs and intermediate-mass subgiants. We find a positive correlation between stellar mass and the occurrence rate of Jovian planets within 2.5 AU; the former A-type stars in our sample are nearly 5 times more likely than the M dwarfs to harbor a giant planet. Our analysis shows that the correlation between Jovian planet occurrence and stellar mass remains even after accounting for the effects of stellar metallicity.Comment: ApJ accepted, 27 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Five Planets Orbiting 55 Cancri

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    We report 18 years of Doppler shift measurements of a nearby star, 55 Cancri, that exhibit strong evidence for five orbiting planets. The four previously reported planets are strongly confirmed here. A fifth planet is presented, with an apparent orbital period of 260 days, placing it 0.78 AU from the star in the large empty zone between two other planets. The velocity wobble amplitude of 4.9 \ms implies a minimum planet mass \msini = 45.7 \mearthe. The orbital eccentricity is consistent with a circular orbit, but modest eccentricity solutions give similar \chisq fits. All five planets reside in low eccentricity orbits, four having eccentricities under 0.1. The outermost planet orbits 5.8 AU from the star and has a minimum mass, \msini = 3.8 \mjupe, making it more massive than the inner four planets combined. Its orbital distance is the largest for an exoplanet with a well defined orbit. The innermost planet has a semi-major axis of only 0.038 AU and has a minimum mass, \msinie, of only 10.8 \mearthe, one of the lowest mass exoplanets known. The five known planets within 6 AU define a {\em minimum mass protoplanetary nebula} to compare with the classical minimum mass solar nebula. Numerical N-body simulations show this system of five planets to be dynamically stable and show that the planets with periods of 14.65 and 44.3 d are not in a mean-motion resonance. Millimagnitude photometry during 11 years reveals no brightness variations at any of the radial velocity periods, providing support for their interpretation as planetary.Comment: accepted to Ap

    ISO LWS Spectroscopy of M82: A Unified Evolutionary Model

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    We present the first complete far-infrared spectrum (43 to 197 um) of M82, the brightest infrared galaxy in the sky, taken with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). We detected seven fine structure emission lines, [OI] 63 and 145 um, [OIII] 52 and 88 um, [NII] 122 um, [NIII] 57 um and [CII] 158 um, and fit their ratios to a combination starburst and photo-dissociation region (PDR) model. The best fit is obtained with HII regions with n = 250 cm^{-3} and an ionization parameter of 10^{-3.5} and PDRs with n = 10^{3.3} cm^{-3} and a far-ultraviolet flux of G_o = 10^{2.8}. We applied both continuous and instantaneous starburst models, with our best fit being a 3-5 Myr old instantaneous burst model with a 100 M_o cut-off. We also detected the ground state rotational line of OH in absorption at 119.4 um. No excited level OH transitions are apparent, indicating that the OH is almost entirely in its ground state with a column density ~ 4x10^{14} cm^{-2}. The spectral energy distribution over the LWS wavelength range is well fit with a 48 K dust temperature and an optical depth, tau_{Dust} proportional to lambda^{-1}.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ApJ, Feb. 1, 199

    Gene Sequencing-Based Analysis of Microbial-Mat Morphotypes, Caicos Platform, British West Indies

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    Active carbonate platforms provide modern analogs to study microbial-mat development and taphonomy in the sedimentary record. Microbial-mat descriptions and classifications for tropical tidal-flat environments have focused predominantly on morphological observations. This is exemplified by flat and biscuit-shaped mats, where the mat morphotypes are postulated to reflect different Cyanobacteria communities as the main mat-building taxa. To compare the total microbial communities of these two mat types and test this Cyanobacteria hypothesis, we applied optical microscopy and gene sequencing methods using samples from a tidal algal marsh on Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos, B.W.I. With gene sequencing we find that total diversity and community composition differs significantly between morphotypes; the biscuit mat is more diverse than the flat mat. Microscopy results support that Cyanobacteria populations colonizing the surface layer of these two mat types are responsible for much of the mat's structural elements; however, genetic data find the Cyanobacteria population is indistinguishable between the two mat types. The recovered Cyanobacteria populations fall predominantly into three taxa: Scytonema, Halomicronema, and Crinalium. We propose that the morphology of these two mat types is not controlled by the Cyanobacteria, but instead reflects a time-integrated microbial response to environmental factors, where the microbial community becomes more diverse with time since environmental disturbance