484 research outputs found

    Campaign effects on voter choice in the German election of 1990

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    'Anhand von Panel-Daten, die bei einer Umfrage in Deutschland während des Bundestagswahlkampfs 1990 erhoben wurden, entwickeln wir ein Modell zur Beurteilung der Wirkung des Wahlkampfes auf das individuelle Wahlverhalten und das Wahlergebnis. Unsere Ergebnisse entsprachen den Untersuchungen von Lazarsfeld et al. aus den 40er Jahren und der neueren amerikanischen Forschung. Wir fanden heraus, daß die Wirkung des Wahlkampfes auf deutsche Wähler vor allem in der Verstärkung früherer Präferenzen und der Aktivierung latenter Wahl-Dispositionen bestand, die auf grundlegenden individuellen Einstellungen wie Parteizugehörigkeit und Rechts-Links-Ideologie beruhen. Zugleich zeigt die Analyse, daß die Anzahl der Personen, die entgegen ihren Dispositionen und früheren Präferenzen ihre Stimme abgaben, annähernd 14 Prozent der Wählerschaft ausmacht. Davon war der Anteil der Pro-Regierungs-Entscheidungen überwältigend groß. Deshalb nehmen wir an, daß der Bundestagswahlkampf von 1990 den von der ursprünglichen Disposition der Wählerschaft aus gesehen gleichstarken Wettstreit in einen soliden Sieg der Regierungskoalition umwandelte. Die Ergebnisse werden hinsichtlich ihrer theoretischen und normativen Implikationen diskutiert.' (HSübers)'Using national survey panel data collected in Germany during the 1990 Bundestag election campaign, we develop a model to assess the effect of the campaign on individual votes and the election outcome. We find that the dominant effects of the campaign on German voters, as in the Lazarsfeld et al. studies from the 1940s and in more recent U.S. research, were the 'reinforcement' of earlier preferences and the 'activation' of latent vote dispositions based on fundamental individual attitudes such as party affiliation and left-right ideology. At the same time, the analysis shows that the number of campaign converts, those who vote against their dispositions and prior preferences, was approximately 14 percent of the electorate. The vote division among these individuals was overwhelmingly pro-government, suggesting that the 1990 German campaign altered a sufficient number of votes to turn what was an even contest, based on the electorate's initial political dispositions, into a solid government coalition victory. The results are discussed in terms of their theoretical as well as normative implications.' (authotr's abstract

    Civic Education and Democratic Backsliding in the Wake of Kenya’s Post-2007 Election Violence

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    This article examines two unexplored questions concerning the impact of civic education programs in emerging democracies: (1) whether such programs have longer-terms effects and (2) whether civic education can be effective under conditions of democratic “backsliding.” We investigate these questions in the context of a large-scale civic education program in Kenya just before the disputed 2007 election that sparked a wave of ethnic clashes and brought the country to the brink of civil war. Analysis of a survey of 1,800 “treatment” and 1,800 “control” individuals shows that the program had significant long-term effects on variables related to civic competence and engagement, with less consistent effects on democratic values. We also find that participants who subsequently were affected by the violence were less likely to adopt negative beliefs about Kenya’s political system, less likely to support the use of ethnic or political violence, and more likely to forgive those responsible for the post-election violence

    Wählerstimmen durch Wahlkämpfe? Eine Analyse der Bundestagswahl 1990

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    'Mit Paneldaten zur Bundestagswahl 1990 testen wir ein Modell, das entwickelt wurde, um Wahlkampfeffekte auf das individuelle Wahlverhalten und den Wahlausgang zu messen. Die dominanten Effekte im deutschen Wahlkampf sind einerseits die 'Verstärkung' von vorhandenen Präferenzen und andererseits die 'Aktivierung' latenter Wahldispositionen, die auf solch fundamentalen individuellen Eigenschaften wie Parteieneingang und Links-Rechts-Einschätzung basieren. Diese Befunde bestätigen die Lazarsfeld et. al. Studien der frühen vierziger Jahre und auch neuere Wahlstudien in den USA. Gleichzeitig zeigen die Analysen, daß immerhin 13 Prozent der Wähler im Laufe des Wahlkampfes 'konvertierten', d. h. anders als bei ihren ursprünglichen politischen Einstellungen und Wahlabsichten stimmten. Diese Verschiebung war zugunsten der Regierung und wohl dafür verantwortlich, daß ein anfängliches Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen in einem soliden Sieg der Regierungskoalition mündete.' (Autorenreferat)'Using national survey panel data collected in Germany during the 1990 federal election campaign, we develop a model to assess the effect of the campaign on individual votes and the election outcome. We find that dominant effects of the campaign on German voters were the 'reinforcement' of earlier preferences and the 'activation' of latent vote dispositions based on fundamental individual attitudes such as party affiliations and left-right ideology. At the same time, the analysis shows that the number of campaign converts, those who vote against their dispositions and prior preferences, was approximately 13 per cent of the electorate. The vote division among these individuals was overwhelmingly pro-government, suggesting that the 1990 German campaign altered a sufficient number of votes to turn what was an even contest, based on the electrorate's initial dispositions, into a solid government coalition victory. The results are discussed in terms of their theoretical as well as normative implications.' (author's abstract)

    YPFS Lessons Learned Oral History Project: An Interview with James K. Finkel

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    Suggested Citation Form: Finkel, James, 2020. “Lessons Learned Interview. Interview by Steve Kasoff and Matt Lieber. Yale Program on Financial Stability Lessons Learned Oral History Project. December 22, 2020. Transcript. https://ypfs.som.yale.edu/library/ypfs-lesson-learned-oral-history-project-interview-james-finke

    Civic Education and Democratic Backsliding in the Wake of Kenya’s Post-2007 Election Violence’.

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    This article examines two unexplored questions concerning the impact of civic education programs in emerging democracies: (1) whether such programs have longer-terms effects and (2) whether civic education can be effective under conditions of democratic ''backsliding.'' We investigate these questions in the context of a large-scale civic education program in Kenya just before the disputed 2007 election that sparked a wave of ethnic clashes and brought the country to the brink of civil war. Analysis of a survey of 1,800 ''treatment'' and 1,800 ''control'' individuals shows that the program had significant long-term effects on variables related to civic competence and engagement, with less consistent effects on democratic values. We also find that participants who subsequently were affected by the violence were less likely to adopt negative beliefs about Kenya's political system, less likely to support the use of ethnic or political violence, and more likely to forgive those responsible for the post-election violence

    Ketamine Modulates Theta and Gamma Oscillations

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    Ketamine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor glutamatergic antagonist, has been studied as a model of schizophrenia when applied in subanesthetic doses. In EEG studies, ketamine affects sensory gating and alters the oscillatory characteristics of neuronal signals in a complexmanner. We investigated the effects of ketamine on in vivo recordings from the CA3 region of mouse hippocampus referenced to the ipsilateral frontal sinus using a paired-click auditory gating paradigm. One issue of particular interest was elucidating the effect of ketamine on background network activity, poststimulus evoked and induced activity. We find that ketamine attenuates the theta frequency band in both background activity and in poststimulus evoked activity. Ketamine also disrupts a late, poststimulus theta power reduction seen in control recordings. In the gamma frequency range, ketamine enhances both background and evoked power, but decreases relative induced power. These findings support a role for NMDA receptors in mediating the balance between theta and gamma responses to sensory stimuli, with possible implications for dysfunction in schizophrenia