15 research outputs found

    RAGE mediates early recruitment of neutrophils in response to acute cigarette smoke exposure.

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    <p>The bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) collected from the lungs of RAGE-/- (grey bars) and wild type (black bars) mice (n = 8–15 per strain per group) were used to stain and quantify cells that had migrated into the fluid lining the alveolus. <b>Panel A</b> indicates the total cell counts obtained from the BALF of the different treatment groups on acute cigarette smoke exposure. RAGE-/- mice displayed significantly reduced numbers of neutrophils at 4 hours post- smoke exposure as compared to their wild type counterparts, as shown in <b>Panel B</b>. There was no significant alteration observed in the number of macrophages or monocytes (<b>Panel C</b>) and lymphocytes (<b>Panel D</b>) recruited in either the RAGE-/- or wild type mice at 4 hours post-acute smoke exposure. The error bars indicate the standard error mean (SEM) within each group/treatment/time point (* p≤0.05 indicates statistical significance by unpaired 2-tailed student t-test).</p

    RAGE expression contributes to apoptosis with long-term smoke exposure.

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    <p>Lung homogenates (50ÎĽg per well) harvested from RAGE-/- and wild type mice (n = 2/strain/treatmentgroup) exposed either to chronic cigarette smoke (Sm) or room air (NSm) was separated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted for caspase-3. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) with a molecular size of 37kDa was used as an internal control. Panel A- Western blot showing cleaved Caspase-3 and Pro-Caspase-3 bands in total lung homogenates. Cigarette smoke exposure led to significantly elevated caspase-3 cleavage in wild type but not RAGE-/- mice, when normalized either to Pro-Caspase-3 levels (Panel B) or GAPDH levels (Panel C). Band densities were analyzed using ImageJ and unpaired 2-tailed student T-test was used to analyze the normalized band intensities (*p<0.05).</p

    Lack of RAGE partially protects from progressive airspace enlargement.

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    <p>RAGE-/- and wild type mice were exposed either to cigarette smoke or room-air and sacrificed after 6 months. <b>Panel A-D</b> show representative images of gills stained sections of the lungs from the different treatment groups. <b>Panel E</b> is a graphical representation of the mean chord lengths (ÎĽm) from the first experimental group. * Indicates a p-value < 0.05 by Kruskal-Wallis test. The bars indicate the standard error mean (SEM). Note, RAGE-/- mice have larger chord lengths at baseline but are protected from cigarette smoke-induced enlargement compared to their wild type counterparts.</p

    Cigarette smoke exposed RAGE deficient mice show no reduction in lung tissue elastance on bronchocontriction when compared to their air-exposed controls.

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    <p>Respiratory mechanics of RAGE-/- mice and wild type mice (n = 5–6 mice per strain per treatment group) previously exposed to cigarette smoke or room air was assessed using a mechanical ventilator (Flexivent) as described in the methods section. <b>Panel A</b> indicates a significant reduction in lung tissue elastance in wild type smokers (●) as compared to the air-exposed controls (◯) on bronchocontriction. However, RAGE-/- mice show no reduction in lung tissue elastance (H) on cigarette smoke exposure (■) (or methacholine challenge) compared to their controls (□). <b>Panel B</b> shows dynamic lung compliance (C) was not significantly altered by methacholine challenge in either mouse strain irrespective of cigarette smoke exposure. Standard 2-tailed student t-tests were performed and p-value < 0.05 indicate statistical significance (as denoted by *).</p

    Lung mechanics after silica injury.

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    <p>Changes in lung mechanics were similar in WT and RAGE KO mice. Closed bars represent silica treatment and open bars vehicle control. (A) While the airway resistance in silica treated WT mice was not significantly increased over control, the RAGE KO mice treated with silica had a significant increase. All other values (B–E) were significantly changed for both WT and RAGE KO; however there were no other significant differences between WT and RAGE KO. Data are means (±SEM) analyzed by 2-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni post-test. (<i>n = 5–6 per group</i>). * p<0.05 silica vs. control.</p

    Analysis of BALF specimens 21 days after treatment.

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    <p>(A) Both silica treated WT and RAGE KO (closed bars) had significantly more total cells per mL in the BALF compared to control treated mice (open bars). There was not a significant difference between WT and RAGE KO mice. Furthermore, the number of macrophages in both WT and RAGE KO BALF was not significantly increased over control treated mice (B). While the level of neutrophils increased significantly with silica treatment compared to controls for both strains (C), only RAGE KO mice had a significant increase in lymphocytes after silica treatment (D). (E) Protein concentration in the BALF also increased significantly with treatment, but there was no difference between the two strains. Data are means (±SEM) analyzed by 2-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni post-test. (<i>n = 6–7 per group</i>). * p<0.05 silica vs. control.</p

    Hydroxyproline levels in WT and RAGE KO lungs were significantly higher in silica treated (closed bars) compared to saline controls (open bars).

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    <p>There were no significant differences between WT and RAGE KO hydroxyproline levels in the silica injured mice after both 14- and 21 days. Data were analyzed using 2-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni post-test and are means (±SEM) (<i>n = 5–6 per group</i>). * p<0.05 silica vs. control.</p

    RAGE KO mice have a different fibrotic pattern than WT mice.

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    <p>Lungs were fixed in 10% formalin and paraffin embedded. After H&E staining the lungs were inspected by microscopy (A) and scored according to the degree of fibrosis in each high power field (B and C). When comparing the silica treated WT and RAGE KO lung sections, it is evident that there is a marked difference in the fibrotic pattern among the two strains at both the 14-, 21-, and to a lesser extend the 28 day time point. WT mice have characteristic nodular shaped fibrotic regions, whereas RAGE KO mice develop less dense nodules with a more diffuse alveolar septal fibrosis. Silica treatment resulted in a significant increase in the histologic score for both WT and RAGE KO at the 14- and 28 day time points, and RAGE KO mice had a significantly higher score than WT mice after 14 days (B). After 28 days there was a trend towards what was seen after 14 days (C). Both WT and RAGE KO control treated mice had no fibrosis and therefore a score of 0 throughout (Data not shown). Data are means (±SEM) analyzed by 2-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni post-test. Black scale bars represent 500 µm. (<i>n = 5–6 per group for 14 day time point and n = 3 per group for 28 day time point</i>). * p<0.05 RAGE KO vs. WT.</p

    Dose response to silica.

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    <p>(A) The high dose of silica resulted in a significantly higher increase in total cells/mL in the BALF of RAGE KO mice compared to WT mice. (B) RAGE KO mice had more macrophages than WT at the high dose of silica. (C) Neutrophil levels were significantly lower in RAGE KO mice compared to WT mice for all doses of silica. (D) Lymphocyte levels were different among the two strains at the two lower doses of silica. (E) RAGE KO mice had a significant higher level of protein in the BALF after all doses of silica compared to WT mice. (F) Hydroxyproline assay showed no difference in collagen deposition between the two strains. Low; 0.2 mg, medium; 1 mg, high; 5 mg silica. Data are means (±SEM) analyzed by 2-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni post-test. (<i>n = 6–7 per group</i>). * p<0.05 silica vs. control, ** p<0.05 WT vs. RAGE KO.</p

    Analysis of BALF specimens 14 days after treatment.

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    <p>Lungs were lavaged with 800 µL saline and cells were counted in triplicate. Thirty thousand cells were transferred to a glass slide using a cytospin and stained. Two hundred cells were counted to determine the percentage of macrophages, lymphocytes and neutrophils. (A) Both silica treated WT and RAGE KO (closed bars) had significantly more total cells per mL in the BALF compared to control treated mice (open bars). There was not a significant difference between WT and RAGE KO mice. However, while there was no difference in number of macrophages (B), RAGE KO mice had significantly less neutrophils but more lymphocytes than WT mice treated with silica (C–D). (E) Protein concentration in the BALF was used as a measure of lung permeability and hence lung injury. There was a significant increase in protein concentration in silica treated BALF from both WT and RAGE KO over the controls. In addition, silica treated RAGE KO mice had significantly higher protein concentration in the BALF compared to WT mice. (F) Total TGF-β level in BALF was significantly lower in RAGE KO compared to WT silica treated mice. No active TGF-β was detected in BALF samples. Data are means (±SEM) analyzed by 2-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni post-test. Asterisks above error bars represent comparison to the control treated of the same strain. Asterisks above line represent an interaction and hence a difference between WT and RAGE KO mice. (<i>n = 7–9 per group</i>). * p<0.05 silica vs. control, ** p<0.05 WT vs. RAGE KO.</p