1,954 research outputs found

    Optical pulse synthesis using brillouin selective sideband amplification

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    Techniques for producing optical pulses based on Brillouin selective sideband amplification by using a common modulation control signal to modulate both a signal beam to produce multiple sideband signals and a single pump beam to produce multiple pump beams

    Opto-electronic devices for processing and transmitting RF signals based on brillouin selective sideband amplification

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    Systems and techniques for transmitting and processing an electrical signal through an opto-electronic system with an optical Brillouin amplifier

    Photonic variable delay devices based on optical birefringence

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    Optical variable delay devices for providing variable true time delay to multiple optical beams simultaneously. A ladder-structured variable delay device comprises multiple basic building blocks stacked on top of each other resembling a ladder. Each basic building block has two polarization beamsplitters and a polarization rotator array arranged to form a trihedron; Controlling an array element of the polarization rotator array causes a beam passing through the array element either going up to a basic building block above it or reflect back towards a block below it. The beams going higher on the ladder experience longer optical path delay. An index-switched optical variable delay device comprises of many birefringent crystal segments connected with one another, with a polarization rotator array sandwiched between any two adjacent crystal segments. An array element in the polarization rotator array controls the polarization state of a beam passing through the element, causing the beam experience different refractive indices or path delays in the following crystal segment. By independently control each element in each polarization rotator array, variable optical path delays of each beam can be achieved. Finally, an index-switched variable delay device and a ladder-structured variable device are cascaded to form a new device which combines the advantages of the two individual devices. This programmable optic device has the properties of high packing density, low loss, easy fabrication, and virtually infinite bandwidth. The device is inherently two dimensional and has a packing density exceeding 25 lines/cm2. The delay resolution of the device is on the order of a femtosecond (one micron in space) and the total delay exceeds 10 nanosecond. In addition, the delay is reversible so that the same delay device can be used for both antenna transmitting and receiving

    Ladder-structured photonic variable delay device

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    An ladder-structured variable delay device for providing variable true time delay to multiple optical beams simultaneously. The device comprises multiple basic units stacked on top of each other resembling a ladder. Each basic unit comprises a polarization sensitive corner reflector formed by two polarization beamsplitters and a polarization rotator array placed parallel to the hypotenuse of the corner reflector. Controlling an array element of the polarization rotator array causes an optical beam passing through the array element to either go up to a basic unit above it or reflect back towards output. The beams going higher on the ladder experience longer optical path delay. Finally, the ladder-structured variable device can be cascaded with another multi-channel delay device to form a new device which combines the advantages of the two individual devices. This programmable optic device has the properties of high packing density, low loss, easy fabrication, and virtually infinite bandwidth. In addition, the delay is reversible so that the same delay device can be used for both antenna transmitting and receiving

    Compact programmable photonic variable delay devices

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    Optical variable delay devices for providing variable true time delay to multiple optical beams simultaneously. A ladder-structured variable delay device comprises multiple basic building blocks stacked on top of each other resembling a ladder. Each basic building block has two polarization beamsplitters and a polarization rotator array arranged to form a trihedron; Controlling an array element of the polarization rotator array causes a beam passing through the array element either going up to a basic building block above it or reflect back towards a block below it. The beams going higher on the ladder experience longer optical path delay. An index-switched optical variable delay device comprises of many birefringent crystal segments connected with one another, with a polarization rotator array sandwiched between any two adjacent crystal segments. An array element in the polarization rotator array controls the polarization state of a beam passing through the element, causing the beam experience different refractive indices or path delays in the following crystal segment. By independently control each element in each polarization rotator array, variable optical path delays of each beam can be achieved. Finally, an index-switched variable delay device and a ladder-structured variable device are cascaded to form a new device which combines the advantages of the two individual devices. This programmable optic device has the properties of high packing density, low loss, easy fabrication, and virtually infinite bandwidth. The device is inherently two dimensional and has a packing density exceeding 25 lines/cm.sup.2. The delay resolution of the device is on the order of a femtosecond (one micron in space) and the total delay exceeds 10 nanosecond. In addition, the delay is reversible so that the same delay device can be used for both antenna transmitting and receiving

    Space Charge Polarization Measurements as a Method to Determine the Temperature Dependence of the Number Density of Mobile Cations in Ion Conducting Glasses

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    A method is proposed using mean-field theories to help solve a long standing problem in the study of ionically solid electrolytes. While it has been long known that the ionic conductivity in solid electrolytes is comprised of two terms, the mobility and number of mobile charge carriers, there has been no accurate method developed to determine these two quantities independently. In this paper, we apply a mean-field method based upon low frequency a.c. impedance measurements of the limiting low frequency space charge polarization capacitance that develops as a result of the mobile carrier population diffusing to blocking electrodes. The space charge capacitance that develops is shown to be a simple function of the number of charge carriers and is found to be independent of the d.c. conductivity, but strongly dependent upon temperature. Measurements on two simple but well studied ion conducting glasses, LiPO3 and NaPO3, suggest that the carrier population is thermally activated where only a small fraction of the cations are mobile in the glass. The activation energy for carrier creation in LiPO3 is larger (49 kJ/mol) than that for NaPO3 glass (44 kJ/mol) and is in agreement with models of activation energies in ion conducting glasses that associate the creation energy with the cation charge density

    Coupled opto-electronic oscillator

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    A coupled opto-electronic oscillator that directly couples a laser oscillation with an electronic oscillation to simultaneously achieve a stable RF oscillation at a high frequency and ultra-short optical pulsation by mode locking with a high repetition rate and stability. Single-mode selection can be achieved even with a very long opto-electronic loop. A multimode laser can be used to pump the electronic oscillation, resulting in a high operation efficiency. The optical and the RF oscillations are correlated to each other

    Single-frequency lasers' linewidth elegantly characterized with Sigmoid functions of observation time

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    Linewidth is the most important parameter for characterizing the coherence properties of a single-frequency laser, but unfortunately only the natural linewidth representing the contributions of the spontaneous emission or quantum noise can be described with an analytical expression known as the Schawlow-Townes-Henry formula. To the best of authors' knowledge, no analytical expression is formulized after 63 years since laser's invention for characterizing the effective linewidth of a single-frequency laser including the linewidth broadening caused by the flicker noises, which strongly depends on the measurement duration and is much larger than the natural linewidth. By carefully measuring the instantaneous frequency fluctuations of multiple commercial single-frequency lasers using a self-built optical frequency analyzer with ultra-high resolution and speed to obtain their linewidths with our time domain statistical analysis method, we discover and validate that the laser linewidths can be expressed as one or more Sigmoid functions of observation time. Not only the simple Sigmoid linewidth expression provides clear linewidth information of the laser, but also better understanding of the physical origins affecting the laser linewidths, which will benefit a large number of applications ranging from coherent distributed sensing to gravitational wave detection and therefore is worthy to be widely adopted to fully and elegantly characterize the linewidths of single-frequency lasers.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figures, 1 table, research articl

    Polarization Independent Electro-Optic Modulator

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    A polarization insensitive electro-optic modulator is constructed by providing a polarization beamsplitter to separate an incoming light beam into two orthogonally plane polarized beams. Each of the polarized beams passes through a separate electro-optic modulator where each beam is modulated by the same data signal. After modulation the beams are combined to yield a modulated beam having modulated components that are orthogonally polarized. Not only is this device insensitive to changes in polarization of the input beam, the final modulated beam can be detected by optical receivers without regard to polarization alignment of the modulated beam and the receiver