44 research outputs found

    δ13C and δD values of n-alkanes from in-reservoir biodegraded oils: Implications for understanding the mechanisms of biodegradation and for petroleum exploration

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    This study investigates the magnitude and direction of stable C and H isotope shifts of n-C 15–30 alkanes from biodegraded oils sourced from Type II (Oil suite S) and Type II/III (Oil suite H) kerogens. Compound-specific isotope data show a 2.0‰ 13C-enrichment and no D-enrichment of n-alkanes in the most biodegraded oil from sample suite S. Similarly, there is a 1.5–2.5‰ 13C-enrichment and no D-enrichment in Oil suite H. Overall, there is a <2.5‰ δ 13C and <20‰ δD variability among individual n-alkanes in the whole sequence of biodegradation. N-alkanes from the least biodegraded Oil H samples are 2–4‰ 13C-enriched in comparison with the least biodegraded Oil S. However, there are no differences in the δD values of n-alkanes in these samples. Our indirect isotopic evidence suggests (1) a site-specific biodegradation process, most likely at position C-2 and/or C-3 or another site-specific process, and (2) a significant D/H exchange between organic compounds in the source rock and isotopically similar marine formation waters. We conclude that, unlike δD methodology, investigation of δ 13C composition of n-alkanes has strong potential as a supplementary tool for oil–oil and oil–source-rock correlation even in biodegraded oils when n-alkanes are present

    Biomass Photoreforming for Hydrogen and Value-Added Chemicals Co-Production on Hierarchically Porous Photocatalysts

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    Biomass, a naturally abundant, sustainable and clean resource has great potential as an alternative to replace the limited fossil feedstock for value-added chemicals and fuels. Biomass with abundant reductive functional groups could theoretically act as electron donor to consume photogenerated holes and/or active free radicals. Biomass photoreforming over semiconductor photocatalysts using solar light as energy input attracts much attention in this context. However, biomass photoreforming still suffers low conversion efficiency and product selectivity due to its structural complexity, poor solubility and unclear reaction mechanism. Owing to the advanced features of mass diffusion of biomass derivatives and adjustable surface properties, hierarchically porous photocatalysts with desired active sites at each length scale of porosity have shown their superiority in boosting the conversion efficiency and selectivity of biomass photoreforming. Herein, a critical review is presented on selective biomass photoreforming for simultaneous H2 and value-added chemicals co-production on hierarchically porous photocatalysts. The fundamentals of biomass photoreforming and current bottleneck of biomass valorization by photocatalytic process are presented and analyzed. The rational photocatalyst design with hierarchically porous structure to improve the biomass conversion and product selectivity by boosting mass transfer is highlighted. Finally the challenges and opportunities for photocatalytic biomass valorization are presented in the perspective ssection.</p

    Spatial structure of boreal woodland caribou populations in northwest Canada

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    Local population units (LPUs) were delineated in Canada’s recovery strategy for threatened boreal woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). Population viability analyses central to contemporary integrated risk assessments of LPUs implicitly assume geographic closure. Several LPUs in northwest Canada, however, were in part delineated by geopolitical boundaries and/or included large areas in the absence of evidence of more finely resolved population spatial structure. We pooled &gt;1.2 million locations from &gt;1200 GPS or VHF-collared caribou from northeast British Columbia, northwest Alberta and southwestern Northwest Territories. Bayesian cluster analysis generated 10 alternative candidate LPUs based on a spatial cluster graph of the extent of pairwise co-occurrence of collared caribou. Up to four groups may be artifacts in as yet under-sampled areas. Four were mapped LPUs that were conserved (Prophet, Parker, Chinchaga and Red Earth). &nbsp;One small group between Parker and Snake-Sahtaneh known locally as the “Fort Nelson core,” and outside any mapped LPU, was also conserved. Finally, one large group, at &gt;136000 km2, spanned all three jurisdictions and subsumed all of six delineated LPUs (Maxhamish, Snake-Sahtaneh, Calendar, Bistcho, Yates, Caribou Mountains) and part of southern Northwest Territories. These results suggest less geographic closure of LPUs than those currently delineated, but further analyses will be required to better reconcile various sources of knowledge about local population structure in this region.&nbsp; &nbsp

    A large-scale transcontinental river system crossed West Antarctica during the Eocene

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    Extensive ice coverage largely prevents investigations of Antarctica’s unglaciated past. Knowledge about environmental and tectonic development before large-scale glaciation, however, is important for understanding the transition into the modern icehouse world. We report geochronological and sedimentological data from a drill core from the Amundsen Sea shelf, providing insights into tectonic and topographic conditions during the Eocene (~44 to 34 million years ago), shortly before major ice sheet buildup. Our findings reveal the Eocene as a transition period from &gt;40 million years of relative tectonic quiescence toward reactivation of the West Antarctic Rift System, coinciding with incipient volcanism, rise of the Transantarctic Mountains, and renewed sedimentation under temperate climate conditions. The recovered sediments were deposited in a coastal-estuarine swamp environment at the outlet of a &gt;1500-km-long transcontinental river system, draining from the rising Transantarctic Mountains into the Amundsen Sea. Much of West Antarctica hence lied above sea level, but low topographic relief combined with low elevation inhibited widespread ice sheet formation.</jats:p

    First deployment of a multi-barrel sea floor drill rig on the Antarctic continental shelf: experiences from the MARUM-MeBo70 on Polarstern-Expedition PS104

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    The MARUM-MeBo (abbreviation for Meeresboden-Bohrgerät, the German expression for seafloor drill rig) is a robotic drilling system that is developed since 2004 at the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen in close cooperation with Bauer Maschinen GmbH and other industry partners. The MARUM-MeBo drill rigs can be deployed from multipurpose research vessel like, RV MARIA S. MERIAN, RV METEOR, RV SONNE and RV POLARSTERN and are used for getting long cores both in soft sediments as well as hard rocks in the deep sea. The first generation drill rig, the MARUM-MeBo70 is dedicated for drilling depths of more than 70 m (Freudenthal and Wefer, 2013). Between 2005 and 2017 it was deployed on 18 research expeditions and drilled more than. 3 km into different types of lithologies including carbonate and crystalline rocks, gas hydrates, sands and gravel, glacial till and hemipelagic mud with an average recovery rate of 67 %. In February and March 2017 the MeBo70 was used on the West Antarctic continental shelf in the Amundsen Sea Embayment for the first time. The goal of the deployment on RV Polarstern expedition PS104 was to recover a series of sediment cores from different ages that will provide material for investigating the glaciation history of this area known as the most dynamic drainage area of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. In this presentation we will focus on the operational experiences of this first deployment of a multi-barrel sea floor drill rig on the Antarctic continental shelf. References: Freudenthal, T and Wefer, G (2013) Drilling cores on the sea floor with the remote-controlled sea floor drilling rig MeBo. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 2(2). 329-337. doi:10.5194/gi-2-329-201

    First results of sedimentological investigations of MeBo drill cores recovered from the West Antarctic continental shelf in the Amundsen Sea

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    During expedition PS104 with RV Polarstern in February and March 2017 the MARUM MeBo 70 seabed drilling system was deployed at nine sites on the continental shelf of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica. A total of 57 meters of sediment core were recovered from 11 boreholes located in Pine Island Bay, Pine Island Trough, Bear Ridge and Cosgrove-Abbot Trough with recovery rates ranging from 7 to 76%. The main scientific objective of the drilling was to reconstruct the Late Mesozoic to Quaternary environmental history in this part of the Antarctic continental margin, with a special focus on the past dynamics of the marine based West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) from its inception to the last glacial cycle. Another main goal of the expedition was to test the suitability of the MeBo drill system for operating on the Antarctic continental shelf and recovering pre-glacial and glacially influenced sedimentary sequences. Here we will present the first results of sedimentological investigations carried out on the drill cores. These comprise (i) visual lithological descriptions, (ii) CT-scanning records of core stratigraphy, sedimentary structures, and possible artefacts induced by the drilling process, (iii) measurements of physical properties performed with a multi-sensor core logger, and (iv) characterisation of the geochemical composition of the drilled sedimentary strata using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner data. Preliminary biostratigraphic investigations conducted on board ship indicated that the recovered sedimentary strata were deposited during various time slices spanning from the Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene to the Late Quaternary. We will provide an update of these initial chronological findings. Keywords: Drill cores, shelf sediments, West Antarctic Ice Sheet

    Now you see them, now you don&apos;t, now you might see them again! A review of the systematics of alkylphenol occurrence in conventional and heavy oil petroleum systems

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    Summary Alkylphenols are small hydroxylated aromatic compounds that are ubiquitously present in conventional oils and gas condensates at concentrations up to hundreds, or even thousands, of ppm and are found at equilibrium in oil field waters in contact with phenol containing petroleums. They are known to display unique partition behavior within the crude oil / brine / rock phases in petroleum systems, having high vapor pressures, low oil/water partition coefficients and some affinity for solid sorption and these partition properties have been described under reservoir conditions. Alkylphenols can impact fluid rock interactions and reservoir system wettability and it has been shown that they can also change wettability if added to reservoir systems during fluid floods. Generated initially by alkylation and isomerisation reactions in source rocks during petroleum generation, they are removed from petroleum during long range petroleum secondary migration and by advanced levels of in reservoir biodegradation. They can however, be generated by thermal alteration of crude oil polar fractions, including asphaltenes at elevated temperatures. In this paper we review over 30 years of our work on the source rock and high temperature thermal origins, thermodynamics and partition behavior of phenols and also their kinetics of generation at high temperatures during thermal alteration of organic matter. We show how the charged oils to the L. Cretaceous oil sands reservoirs in Alberta, all likely originally contained alkylphenols when sourced, but that the long distances migrated and the heavy and severe biodegradation levels of the oils in the oil sands result in the oils being, now, low molecular weight (C 0 -C 3 ) phenol free! We also discuss how alkylphenols added to bitumen thermal recovery process fluid streams via injection, or generated during thermal recovery, can impact reservoir state or be used as quantitative tracers of reservoir phase and flow behavior