50 research outputs found

    Uticaj mehano-hemijske aktivacije flotacijske jalovine na stepen izdvajanja korisnih komponenti

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    The presented results refer to the investigation of effect the mechanical-chemical activation of flotation tailings on copper, iron and sulfur leaching degree in the sulfuric-chloride solution with the addition of H2O2 as oxidant. A sample of the Bor flotation tailings (BFT) from the old Bor flotation tailing dump consists of pyrite and tailings as the main components, and is activated in a dry process of the vibro mill with (BFT1) and without (BFT2) addition of NaOH as the chemical reagent. Using the dry magnetic separation in thee high-gradient magnetic separator Sala, the samples were separated into magnetic and non-magnetic fraction, BFT MF and BFT NMF, respectively. Leaching of various treated samples showed that the highest level of copper leaching (98.7 wt %), was obtained for BFJ2 MF sample while the leaching degree of Fe and S was higher in non-magnetic fractions, up to 92.46 wt % in BFT1 NMF sample for Fe and 80.62 wt % for S in BFT2 NMF sample.Prikazani rezultati odnose se na ispitivanje uticaja mehano-hemijske aktivacije flotacijske jalovine na stepen izluženja bakra, gvožđa i sumpora u sumporno-hloridnom rastvoru uz dodatak H2O2 kao oksidansa. Uzorak borske flotacijske jalovine (BFJ) sa lokacije starog borskog flotacijskog jaloviÅ”ta sadrži 23% pirita i 75,23% jalovine kao osnovne komponente, a aktiviran je suvim postupkom u vibro mlinu bez i sa dodatkom NaOH kao hemijskog reagensa, uzorci BFJ1 i BFJ2, respektivno. Suvom magnetnom separacijom u visokogradijentnom magnetnom separatoru 'Sala', uzorci su razdvojeni na magnetičnu i nemagnetičnu frakciju, BFJ MF i BFJ NMF, respektivno. Luženje različito tretiranih uzoraka pokazalo je da je najviÅ”i stepen izluženja bakra, 98,7 %, postignut kod uzorka BFJ2 MF dok je stepen izluženja Fe i S viÅ”i kod nemagnetičnih frakcija, i kreće se do 92,46 % kod uzorka BFJ1 NMF za Fe i 80,62 % za S iz uzorka BFJ2 NMF

    Decopperization process of waste solutions from conventional copper electrolysis

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    This paper is adresses on treatment of sulphuric acid waste solutions obtained during the conventional copper metallurgical activities. Mother liquor is a part of this solutions and it is generated during the regeneration process of copper bleed solution. Copper, nickel and sulphuric acid are the main components and the other registered impurities are: As, Se, Fe, Sb, Zn, Bi, Pb, Cl ions. Aim to copper removing from the mother liquor, the decopperization process on the industrial scale equipment, is investigated. Investigation was done using the rectangular insoluble lead anodes alloyed with 6 wt.% of antimony at current value of 13 000 A, identical to the current in a commercial copper refinery plant. A few parameters as so as: current, cell voltage, electrolyte temperature, electrolyte flow rate, level of electrolyte, were monitored during the test. Comparing the values of copper content in the solution before and after the decopperization of copper, it was found that it decreased of about 80 wt. % of the initial value. Chemical characterization of the sludge obtained on cathode has shown that it is a material with copper content of about 90 wt. %

    Uticaj mehano-hemijske aktivacije flotacijske jalovine na stepen izdvajanja korisnih komponenti

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    The presented results refer to the investigation of effect the mechanical-chemical activation of flotation tailings on copper, iron and sulfur leaching degree in the sulfuric-chloride solution with the addition of H2O2 as oxidant. A sample of the Bor flotation tailings (BFT) from the old Bor flotation tailing dump consists of pyrite and tailings as the main components, and is activated in a dry process of the vibro mill with (BFT1) and without (BFT2) addition of NaOH as the chemical reagent. Using the dry magnetic separation in thee high-gradient magnetic separator Sala, the samples were separated into magnetic and non-magnetic fraction, BFT MF and BFT NMF, respectively. Leaching of various treated samples showed that the highest level of copper leaching (98.7 wt %), was obtained for BFJ2 MF sample while the leaching degree of Fe and S was higher in non-magnetic fractions, up to 92.46 wt % in BFT1 NMF sample for Fe and 80.62 wt % for S in BFT2 NMF sample.Prikazani rezultati odnose se na ispitivanje uticaja mehano-hemijske aktivacije flotacijske jalovine na stepen izluženja bakra, gvožđa i sumpora u sumporno-hloridnom rastvoru uz dodatak H2O2 kao oksidansa. Uzorak borske flotacijske jalovine (BFJ) sa lokacije starog borskog flotacijskog jaloviÅ”ta sadrži 23% pirita i 75,23% jalovine kao osnovne komponente, a aktiviran je suvim postupkom u vibro mlinu bez i sa dodatkom NaOH kao hemijskog reagensa, uzorci BFJ1 i BFJ2, respektivno. Suvom magnetnom separacijom u visokogradijentnom magnetnom separatoru 'Sala', uzorci su razdvojeni na magnetičnu i nemagnetičnu frakciju, BFJ MF i BFJ NMF, respektivno. Luženje različito tretiranih uzoraka pokazalo je da je najviÅ”i stepen izluženja bakra, 98,7 %, postignut kod uzorka BFJ2 MF dok je stepen izluženja Fe i S viÅ”i kod nemagnetičnih frakcija, i kreće se do 92,46 % kod uzorka BFJ1 NMF za Fe i 80,62 % za S iz uzorka BFJ2 NMF

    Dewatering of sludge obtained by neutralisation from sulfuric-acid waste solutions

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the possibility of removing the liquid phase from the sludge using the mechanical dewatering methods. The sludge was obtained by neutralization of sulfuric acid waste solution from the process of copper electrolysis, using 1M Ca (OH)2 with and without addition of FeCl3 and AlCl3 as coagulants. Classical method of filtration by gravity and vacuum filtration method were used for tests of sludge dewatering process in the laboratory conditions. Solution volume, amount of sample, dewatering duration was measured during the experiments. The obtained results, presented in this paper, showed that using the vacuum filtration method, high of sludge sample was reduced for 75%, which is almost three times higher value compared to the results obtained using the gravity filtration. Data relating to the time of filtration, using different methods, show that in application of vacuum filtration method the dewatering time is almost 200 times faster compared to the time dewatering with gravity filtration. The shortest settling time was registered for the sludge that was obtained by neutralization process without coagulants addition

    Odvodnjavanje mulja dobijenog neutralizacijom sumporno-kiselih otpadnih rastvora

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the possibility of removing the liquid phase from the sludge using the mechanical dewatering methods. The sludge was obtained by neutralization of sulfuric acid waste solution from the process of copper electrolysis, using 1M Ca (OH)2 with and without addition of FeCl3 and AlCl3 as coagulants. Classical method of filtration by gravity and vacuum filtration method were used for tests of sludge dewatering process in the laboratory conditions. Solution volume, amount of sample, dewatering duration was measured during the experiments. The obtained results, presented in this paper, showed that using the vacuum filtration method, high of sludge sample was reduced for 75%, which is almost three times higher value compared to the results obtained using the gravity filtration. Data relating to the time of filtration, using different methods, show that in application of vacuum filtration method the dewatering time is almost 200 times faster compared to the time dewatering with gravity filtration. The shortest settling time was registered for the sludge that was obtained by neutralization process without coagulants addition.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita mogućnost uklanjanja tečne faze iz mulja metodama mehaničkog odvodnjavanja. Mulj je dobijen neutralizacijom sumporno-kiselih otpadnih rastvora iz procesa elektrolize bakra, koriŔćenjem 1M Ca(OH)2 sa i bez dodataka FeCl3 i AlCl3 kao koagulanata. Metoda klasične filtracije pod uticajem gravitacije i metoda vakuumske filtracije, koriŔćene su za ispitivanja procesa odvodnjavanja mulja u laboratorijskim uslovima. Tokom eksperimenata merena je zapremina rastvora, visina uzoraka, trajanje odvodnjavanja. Dobijeni rezultati prikazani u ovom radu pokazali su da je vakuumskom filtracijom postignuto smanjenje visine mulja od 75 % Å”to predstavlja gotovo 3 puta veću vrednost u odnosu na rezultate dobijene klasičnom filtracijom. Podaci koji se odnose na vreme filtracije primenom različitih metoda, pokazuju da je primenom vakuumske filtracione metode vreme odvodnjavanja gotovo 200 puta kraće u odnosu na vreme odvodnjavanja klasičnom filtracijom. Najkraće vreme bistrenja suspenzije registrovano je kod mulja dobijenog procesom neutralizacije bez dodataka koagulanata

    Electrorefining process of the non-commercial copper anodes

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    The electrorefining process of the non-commercial Cu anodes was tested on the enlarged laboratory equipment over 72 h. Cu anodes with Ni content of 5 or 10 wt.% and total content of Pb, Sn, and Sb of about 1.5 wt.% were used for the tests. The real waste solution of sulfuric acid character was a working electrolyte of different temperatures (T1 = 63 Ā± 2 Ā°C and T2 = 73 Ā± 2 Ā°C). The current density of 250 A/m2 was the same as in the commercial process. Tests were confirmed that those anodes can be used in the commercial copper electrorefining process based on the fact that the elements from anodes were dissolved, the total anode passivation did not occur, and copper is deposited onto cathodes. The masses of cathode deposits confirmed that the Cu ions from the electrolyte were also deposited onto cathodes. The concentration of Cu, As, and Sb ions in the electrolyte was decreased. At the same time, the concentration of Ni ions was increased by a maximum of up to 129.27 wt.%. The major crystalline phases in the obtained anode slime, detected by the X-ray diffraction analyses, were PbSO4, Cu3As, SbAsO4, Cu2O, As2O3, PbO, SnO, and Sb2O3

    Treatment of waste sulfuric acid copper electrolyte

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the possibility of using the copper anodes with high nickel content for electrolytic treatment of waste sulfuric acid copper electrolyte. Nickel content in each anode was about 10 wt. %. Lead, antimony, and tin content was within the limits ranged from 0.1 to 1.4 wt. %. Copper mass content in anodes was in the range from 86 to 90 wt. %, and was mathematical deference to 100 wt. %. Electrolytic processing was done in galvanostatic conditions at the current density of 250 A/m2, electrolyte temperature of 63 Ā± 2 Ā° C, duration of each test of 72 h. The mass of each anode was about 7 kg. The waste sulfuric acid electrolyte with concentration of 30 g dm3 Cu2+ ions and 225 g/dm3 SO4 2- ions was used as the working solution. Changing the anode mass, changing the content of copper and nickel ions in the working solution and the mass of obtained cathode deposit were the subject of discussion in this paper. The difference in weight of anode at the beginning and end of the process confirmed that the anodes are dissolved during the process. A significant reduction of Cu2+ ions concentration was achieved as well as an increase in concentration of Ni2+ ions in the working solution. Mass of cathode deposit, obtained during electrolytic refining of anode with the smallest impurity content, was greater than the mass of dissolved correspondent anode for about 2%. Mass of cathode deposit, obtained by refining the anode with the content of Pb + Sn + Sb from 1.5 to 3.5 wt. %, was less than the mass of dissolved correspondent anode by about 2 %

    Using the Low-Cost Waste Materials for Heavy Metals Removal from the Mine Wastewater

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    The possibility of application of low-cost and easily available materials such as cardboard or sawdust for the heavy metals removal from the acid mine water was investigated. The sawdust was obtained from oak and fir-wood. Those materials were tested on the real acid mine wastewater that contained copper, iron, zinc, nickel, and manganese in the concentrations above the maximal allowed level. The adsorption degrees of those elements were investigated. The results were shown that the iron was mechanically removed. The results of chemical analysis of effluent obtained by the use of sawdust from fir-wood indicate that the values for iron and nickel ions were lower than allowed values by the legislative direction. The highest value for copper adsorption degree of 98.31% was achieved at pH value of 7.94. Content of manganese in the effluent and at the end of process, was near the initial value. Using the sawdust obtained from oak as the adsorption material, zinc and manganese concentration in the effluent was near the start values and copper and iron content was decreased but the values were higher than allowed. Using the cardboard, the copper adsorption degree was up to 95 mass%, iron content was under the limit value for the applied chemical detection method. The content of the manganese was not changed and the content of the zinc was decreased but the concentration was over the maximum allowed value. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.M2011191