11 research outputs found

    Secondary-Electron Yields and Their Dependence on the Angle of Incidence on Stainless-Steel

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    INTRODUCTION There is considerable experimental information available for the yield of secondary electrons ejected following the impact of a variety of ions on different solid surfaces and also at the exit surfaces for ions penetrating thin targets. The field has been recently reviewed by several authors #1--4#. There are relatively few measurements for energies larger than 1 MeV/amu and of these, most are performed at normal incidence. Near grazing collisions are of particular importance for the practical applications described below. They are also of interest for the understanding of the underlying phenomena, since the yields #which become very large# are known, at lower energies, to deviate markedly from predictions based on semiempirical theories. The present experiments were motivated by the need to evaluate #and eventually avoid or mitigate# deleterious effects of secondary electrons on ion accelerator performance. In particular, e-p instabilities could occur in the Spallatio