p-Carbon CNI polarimetry in the AGS and RHIC.


Proton polarization measurements in the AGS (Alternate Gradient Synchrotron) and RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) are based on proton-carbon(pC) and proton-proton elastic scattering in the Coulomb Nuclear Interference (CNI) region. The CNI polarimeters are the essential tools for polarized proton acceleration setup and operation. High intensity recoil nuclei from the scattering of the circulating proton beam in the thin carbon target is efficiently utilized in the silicon strip detectors and data acquisition system, which is capable to analyze the event rate up to a few millions/second. This makes it possible for the fast, practically non-destructive polarization measurements. The polarization measurement on the beam energy ramp was implemented in AGS and RHIC, providing locations of polarization losses. Polarimeter operation in the scanning mode also gives polarization profile and beam profile (including bunch by bunch values for the later one). This paper summarizes the recent modifications. Results of polarization measurements are also discussed

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