7 research outputs found

    Symbolic Model Checking of Product-Line Requirements Using SAT-Based Methods

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    Product line (PL) engineering promotes the de- velopment of families of related products, where individual products are differentiated by which optional features they include. Modelling and analyzing requirements models of PLs allows for early detection and correction of requirements errors – including unintended feature interactions, which are a serious problem in feature-rich systems. A key challenge in analyzing PL requirements is the efficient verification of the product family, given that the number of products is too large to be verified one at a time. Recently, it has been shown how the high-level design of an entire PL, that includes all possible products, can be compactly represented as a single model in the SMV language, and model checked using the NuSMV tool. The implementation in NuSMV uses BDDs, a method that has been outperformed by SAT-based algorithms. In this paper we develop PL model checking using two leading SAT-based symbolic model checking algorithms: IMC and IC3. We describe the algorithms, prove their correctness, and report on our implementation. Evaluating our methods on three PL models from the literature, we demonstrate an improvement of up to 3 orders of magnitude over the existing BDD-based method.NSERC Discovery Grant, 155243-12 || NSERC / Automotive Partnership Canada, APCPJ 386797 - 09 || Ontario Research Fund, RE05-04

    Heuristic NPN classification for large functions using AIGs and LEXSAT

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    Two Boolean functions are NPN equivalent if one can be ob- tained from the other by negating inputs, permuting inputs, or negating the output. NPN equivalence is an equivalence relation and the number of equivalence classes is significantly smaller than the number of all Boolean functions. This property has been exploited successfully to in- crease the efficiency of various logic synthesis algorithms. Since computing the NPN representative of a Boolean function is not scalable, heuristics have been proposed that are not guaranteed to find the representative for all functions. So far, these heuristics have been implemented using the function’s truth table representation, and therefore do not scale for functions exceeding 16 variables. In this paper, we present a symbolic heuristic NPN classification using And-Inverter Graphs and Boolean satisfiability techniques. This allows us to heuristically compute NPN representatives for functions with much larger number of variables; our experiments contain benchmarks with up to 194 variables. A key technique of the symbolic implementation is SAT-based procedure LEXSAT, which finds the lexicographically smallest satisfiable assignment. To our knowledge, LEXSAT has never been used before in logic synthesis algorithms

    PathFinder: A Tool for Design Exploration

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    In this paper we present a tool called PathFinder, which exploits the power of model checking for developing and debugging newly-written hardware designs. Our tool targets the community of design engineers, who -- in contrast to verification engineers -- are not versed in formal verification, and therefore have traditionally been distant from the growing industry momentum in the area of model checking..