12 research outputs found

    Metagenomic and Metabolic Profiling of Nonlithifying and Lithifying Stromatolitic Mats of Highborne Cay, The Bahamas

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    BACKGROUND: Stromatolites are laminated carbonate build-ups formed by the metabolic activity of microbial mats and represent one of the oldest known ecosystems on Earth. In this study, we examined a living stromatolite located within the Exuma Sound, The Bahamas and profiled the metagenome and metabolic potential underlying these complex microbial communities. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The metagenomes of the two dominant stromatolitic mat types, a nonlithifying (Type 1) and lithifying (Type 3) microbial mat, were partially sequenced and compared. This deep-sequencing approach was complemented by profiling the substrate utilization patterns of the mats using metabolic microarrays. Taxonomic assessment of the protein-encoding genes confirmed previous SSU rRNA analyses that bacteria dominate the metagenome of both mat types. Eukaryotes comprised less than 13% of the metagenomes and were rich in sequences associated with nematodes and heterotrophic protists. Comparative genomic analyses of the functional genes revealed extensive similarities in most of the subsystems between the nonlithifying and lithifying mat types. The one exception was an increase in the relative abundance of certain genes associated with carbohydrate metabolism in the lithifying Type 3 mats. Specifically, genes associated with the degradation of carbohydrates commonly found in exopolymeric substances, such as hexoses, deoxy- and acidic sugars were found. The genetic differences in carbohydrate metabolisms between the two mat types were confirmed using metabolic microarrays. Lithifying mats had a significant increase in diversity and utilization of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur substrates. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The two stromatolitic mat types retained similar microbial communities, functional diversity and many genetic components within their metagenomes. However, there were major differences detected in the activity and genetic pathways of organic carbon utilization. These differences provide a strong link between the metagenome and the physiology of the mats, as well as new insights into the biological processes associated with carbonate precipitation in modern marine stromatolites

    Light dependency of nitrogen fixation in a coastal cyanobacterial mat

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    The fixation of nitrogen in cyanobacterial mats situated along the littoral gradient on a Dutch barrier island was investigated by using a high-resolution online, near-real-time acetylene reduction assay. Light-response curves of nitrogenase activity yielded a variety of physiological parameters that changed during a day–night cycle. The fitted parameters were used to calculate nitrogen fixation from the incident natural irradiance over several days in two different mat types. Mats occurring in the higher regions of the littoral were composed of a diverse community of cyanobacteria, consisting of both heterocystous and non-heterocystous filamentous species, whereas closer to the low water mark the mats contained mainly non-heterocystous filamentous cyanobacteria. Although the daily cycles of nitrogenase activity differed considerably between the two types of mats, the daily integrated rates of nitrogen fixation were the same. Moreover, the daily integrated nitrogen fixation seemed to be independent from the daily incident photon flux. The measurements further suggest that different types of diazotrophic cyanobacteria become active at different times of the day and that the composition of the mat community affects maximal and daily patterns of nitrogenase activity. Notwithstanding the apparent light independence of nitrogen fixation, the light-response curves as well as light action spectra unequivocally showed that cyanobacteria were the predominant nitrogen-fixing organisms in these mats. It is concluded that the diversity of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria leads to an optimization of this process

    Lay-up optimization of composite plates to delay mode-jump instabilities

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    All cyanobacterial mats that have been investigated have been proven to be diazotrophic, i.e., use atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) as the source of nitrogen. Many cyanobacteria possess the capacity to fix N2 and different species have evolved various ways to cope with the sensitivity of nitrogenase toward oxygen which is produced by these oxygenic phototrophs. These different strategies give rise to complex patterns of nitrogenase activity in microbial mats. Nitrogenase activity may exhibit complex variations over a day–night cycle but different types of microbial mats may also have their own characteristic patterns. Besides the cyanobacteria, numerous other members of the Bacteria as well as some Archaea are known to be diazotrophic. The complexity of the microbial community and of the observed patterns of nitrogenase activity makes it difficult to understand how the different groups of organisms contribute to N2 fixation in microbial mats. Cyanobacteria have ample access to energy (sunlight) and reducing equivalents (water) and therefore easily satisfy the demands of nitrogenase. As well, since they also fix CO2, they are able to synthesize the acceptor molecules for the fixed nitrogen. However, it is also feasible that other diazotrophs in a joint venture with cyanobacteria are responsible for the bulk of the fixed nitrogen. In this review we discuss the importance of cyanobacteria as diazotrophs in microbial mats, their interactions with other potential N2-fixing microorganisms, and the factors that control their activities.

    Assessing sapwood depth and wood properties in Eucalyptus and Corymbia spp. using visual methods and near infrared spectroscopy (NIR)

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    Accurate measurement of sapwood depth (DS) is essential for calculating volumetric water use of individual trees and stands. Various methods are available to measure DS but their accuracy is rarely cross-validated. We sampled 15 Eucalyptus and 1 Corymbia species along a gradient of aridity and obtained reference values of DS in fresh wood cores using light microscopy, which represents our reference method. We compared this method to the simpler and widely used macroscopic method: visual assessment of natural or induced colour change from sapwood to heartwood. In a third method, estimation of DS was based on species-specific models that rely on wood properties measured using near infrared spectroscopy (NIR). Microscopy allowed clear identification of DS based on the presence of blocked vessels. Measurement of DS using microscopic methods was possible for 78 of a total of 80 cores and ranged from 3.6 mm (E. loxophleba) to 43.8 mm (E. viminalis). Macroscopic assessment clearly differentiated sapwood and heartwood in 60 cores. Results from microscopic and macroscopic methods agreed closely (50% deviation between estimates), macroscopic measurement across all species agreed well with microscopic assessment of DS (R2 = 0.92). Models developed for differentiation between sapwood and heartwood using NIR spectroscopy were very robust (high coefficient of determination) for four species, but DS could only be predicted well for one (E. obliqua) of the four species. Even after elimination of apparent false estimates, prediction of DS by NIR across species was not as strong as for macroscopic assessment (R2 = 0.88). DS can accurately be measured using microscopy if vessel occlusion is clearly visible. Although slightly overestimated, DS from macroscopic assessment was generally similar to that measured by microscopy. NIR spectroscopy was unable to predict DS with acceptable accuracy for the majority of species. Further improvements in the prediction of DS using NIR will require more intensive model calibration and validation, and may not be applicable to all species

    Inner workings of thrombolites: spatial gradients of metabolic activity as revealed by metatranscriptome profiling

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    Microbialites are sedimentary deposits formed by the metabolic interactions of microbes and their environment. These lithifying microbial communities represent one of the oldest ecosystems on Earth, yet the molecular mechanisms underlying the function of these communities are poorly understood. In this study, we used comparative metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analyses to characterize the spatial organization of the thrombolites of Highborne Cay, The Bahamas, an actively forming microbialite system. At midday, there were differences in gene expression throughout the spatial profile of the thrombolitic mat with a high abundance of transcripts encoding genes required for photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and exopolymeric substance production in the upper three mm of the mat. Transcripts associated with denitrification and sulfate reduction were in low abundance throughout the depth profile, suggesting these metabolisms were less active during midday. Comparative metagenomics of the Bahamian thrombolites with other known microbialite ecosystems from across the globe revealed that, despite many shared core pathways, the thrombolites represented genetically distinct communities. This study represents the first time the metatranscriptome of living microbialite has been characterized and offers a new molecular perspective on those microbial metabolisms, and their underlying genetic pathways, that influence the mechanisms of carbonate precipitation in lithifying microbial mat ecosystems