842 research outputs found

    The Understanding of the Church in Heinrich Bullinger's Theology

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    The church is central to, but not the centre of Heinrich Bullinger's theology. There is for him no salvation outside the church and salvation is itself ecclesial as well as personal. The article considers the main contexts in which Bullinger expounds his understanding of the church and the major areas of disagreement: scripture, salvation, unity, and catholicity with his Roman and Anabaptist opponents, but also holiness with Anabaptists. The issues involved in these areas differ according to the context, for example, with Roman opponents the authority of scripture over and against that of the church, but with Anabaptists the authority of the Old Testament alongside the New. In his exposition of the outward marks of the church, Bullinger mostly points to word and sacrament, through which Christ establishes the church, although the emphasis is on the word. He also mentions other marks, such as suffering. The inward marks are the Holy Spirit, faith, and love. Characteristically, Bullinger draws on a range of biblical passages in his exposition, including the various biblical images of the church, but with his Roman opponents he also adduces the support of the fathers

    PSSP, a computer program for the crystal structure solution of molecular materials from X-ray powder diffraction data

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    This work describes the computer program PSSP (powder structure solution program) for the crystal structure solution of molecular solids from X-ray powder diffraction data. This direct-space structure solution program uses the simulated annealing global optimization algorithm to minimize the difference between integrated intensities calculated from trial models and those extracted in a Le Bail fit of the experimental pattern, using a cost function for dealing with peak overlap through defined intensity correlation coefficients, computationally faster to calculate than R(wp). The methodology outlined is applicable to organic solids composed of moderately complex rigid and flexible molecules, using diffraction data up to relatively low resolution. PSSP performance tests using 11 molecular solids with six to 20 degrees of freedom are analyzed

    Profil sinhrontronske rengenske difrakcijske linije

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    We analyse diffraction line profiles obtained at the X3B1 National Synchrotron Light Source powder-diffraction beamline. Calculated diffraction-line widths are compared to the measurements of a National Institute of Science and Technology Standard Reference Material, LaB6. The discrepancy at high Bragg angles is probably caused by the inadequate Gaussian approximation for the Darwin width of monochromator Bragg reflection. The equatorial-slit width has a major influence not only on vertical (equatorial) divergence but also on the character of diffraction-line profiles at high angles. The least-squares fits of instrument-function deconvoluted tungsten-line profiles show that a Voigt function satisfactorily models physically broadened line profiles.Analizirali smo difrakcijske profile linija dobivenih na snopu X3B1 Nacionalnog sinhrotronskog izvora svjetlosti u Brookhavenu. Načinili smo usporedbe za razne uvjete i s više prilagodbenih funkcija. Prilagodbe primjenom najmanjih kvadrata za profile volframovih linija, koje su bile dekonvoluirane instrumentalnom funkcijom, pokazuju da Voigtova funkcija dobro opisuje fizičko proširenje profila linija

    Polymeric alkali fullerides are stable in air

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    Infrared transmission, electron spin resonance, and X-ray diffraction measurements show unambiguously that RbC60_{60} and KC60_{60} are stable in air, in contrast to Rb6_{6}C60_{60} which decomposes rapidly upon exposure. The specimens studied transform into pure C60_{60} and other byproducts when heated above 100\dd C, approximately the temperature of the orthorhombic-fcc phase transition. The stability of these compounds raises the possibility of applying them as protective layers for the superconducting fullerides.Comment: Scheduled for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 20 Feb. 1995, typeset in REVTEX v3.0 in LaTeX. Postscript file including all figures is available on WWW http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~mmartin/ under my list of publications, or will be e-mailed by request

    Insulating and Conducting Phases of RbC60

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    Optical measurements were performed on thin films of Rbx_{x}C60_{60}, identified by X-ray diffraction as mostly x=1x=1 material. The samples were subjected to various heat treatments, including quenching and slow cooling from 400K. The dramatic increase in the transmission of the quenched samples, and the relaxation towards the transmission observed in slow cooled samples provides direct evidence for the existence of a metastable insulating phase. Slow cooling results in a phase transition between two electrically conducting phases.Comment: Minor revisions. Submitted to PRB, RevTeX 3.0 file, 2 postscript figures included, ir_dop

    Superconductivity in Co-doped LaFeAsO

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    Here we report the synthesis and basic characterization of LaFe1-xCoxAsO for several values of x. The parent phase LaFeAsO orders antiferromagnetically (TN ~ 145 K). Replacing Fe with Co is expected to both electron dope the system and introduce disorder in the FeAs layer. For x = 0.05 antiferromagnetic order is destroyed and superconductivity is observed at Tconset = 11.2 K. For x = 0.11 superconductivity is observed at Tc(onset) = 14.3 K, and for x = 0.15 Tc = 6.0 K. Superconductivity is not observed for x = 0.2 and 0.5, but for x = 1, the material appears to be ferromagnetic (Tc ~ 56 K) as judged by magnetization measurements. We conclude that Co is an effective dopant to induce superconductivity. Somewhat surprisingly, the system appears to tolerate considerable disorder in the FeAs planes.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    On the possibility of using polycrystalline material in the development of structure-based generic assays

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    The correlation coefficients calculated between raw powder diffraction profiles can be used to identify ligand-bound/unbound states of lysozyme

    Orientational Phase Transition in Na_{x}C_{60} (1

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    X-ray diffraction and calorimetry data on cubic NaxC60(1\u3cx60, e.g., Tm(x=1.3)=325 K. The ordered phases are the same as in pure C60: simple cubic, space group Pa3¯, but the orientations in the disordered phase are more restricted. We explain how Na stabilizes the ordered phase to rather high T, while K and Rb do not, in terms of Coulomb interactions between C60 molecules and and Na ions which we calculate from the local charge density of C60