154 research outputs found

    Bringing Oversight Review in Line with Online Research

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    The purpose of an oversight structure or institution is to protect human subjects from research that would pose unacceptable dangers or deny human rights. Review boards provide an independent assessment of research proposals. This additional level of scrutiny is meant to provide an additional level of protection for human subjects. However, oversight of human subject research, as currently carried out in the bureaucratic, rule-based, clinically-biased American system, is too cumbersome with regard to online research. In addition, it is not conducive to the training of ethical Internet researchers. Internet research differs from traditional human subject research in many ways, and the oversight rules governing traditional research do not easily relate to the complexities of conducting research online. Online researchers do not oppose the foundational principles of non-maleficence (avoiding harm) and autonomy, nor do they reject the ideals of informed consent and confidentiality, nevertheless, they face practical dilemmas in attempting to follow these principles and apply these ideals in the various Internet domains. The current oversight system is ill-equipped to assist. A conservative response to this problem of fit might entail adjustments to the oversight system that, in the case of the American system, would entail modifications to the Common Rule and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). I will argue in this paper, instead, that re-structuring is needed to allow more oversight authority for Internet researchers. I will utilize Consequentialism and Virtue Ethics in making this case

    Transhumanism and Society: The Social Debate Over Human Enhancement

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    This book provides an introductory overview to the social debate over enhancement technologies with an overview of the transhumanists\u27 call to bypass human nature and conservationists\u27 argument in defense of it. The author present this controversy as it unfolds in the contest between transhumanists proponents and conservationists, who push back with an argument to conserve human nature and to ban enhancement technologies. Readers are informed about the discussion over humanism, the tension between science and religion, and the interpretation of socio-technological revolutions; and are invited to make up their own mind about one of the most challenging topics concerning the social and ethical implications of technological advancements

    Suboptimal Executive Privilege

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    Suboptimal Executive Privilege

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    Callisto As a Value Agent: How This Online Site for College Sexual Assault Reporting Extends Value Design

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    In this paper, we offer a case study of Callisto, an online site for sexual assault reporting, to highlight innovations in value design. We compare Callisto first to ordinary reporting systems, second to value design projects in computer/information system engineering, and third to large scale social movements and social media enterprises. Callisto stands out from other systems based on its exceptional value agency- a measure of a system’s societal reach, resource commitment, and value design engineering. As such, it provides a model for human rights and social justice campaigns

    Will Smarter Marketing End Social Discrimination? A Critical Review

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    Purpose - There are two claims made by the web marketing/advertising industry. 1) By collecting, managing, and mining data, companies serve consumer’s best interests and 2) by adopting sophisticated analytics web marketers avoid discriminations that disserve individuals. Although we share an interest in ending social discrimination, we are more circumspect about pronounced individualism and technological fixes. Despite its appeal, or perhaps because of it, we should not accept the claim at face value. In this paper we argue that social discrimination may not disappear under smarter marketing; more overt forms may wane only to be replaced by more subtle forms. Design/methodology/approach - We compare the two most important techniques of smarter marketing- predictive analytics and Facebook\u27s social graph- with current discriminatory practices of weblining and e-scoring. While noting advances against overt discrimination we describe how smarter marketing allows for covert forms. Findings - Innovative strategies to record and mine users’ tastes and social connectivity for marketing purposes open the way for covert social discrimination. Originality/value - We provide a critical assessment of two claims made by the web marketing/advertising industry: 1) By monitoring consumer web activity and collecting, managing, and mining data, companies serve consumer’s best interests and 2) by adopting sophisticated analytics web marketers avoid discriminations that disserve individuals

    Social Networking and the Perception of Privacy within the Millennial Generation

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    Has technology caused a generational divide between current college age users (Millennial Generation) who have no problems posting intimate details of their personal life on the Web and more traditional older users who seem to value privacy? This paper presents the results of a survey of 251 university students and follow-up focus groups on the topic of the perceptions of social networking and privacy. We will use Facebook as an example of social networking, and review attitudes about privacy and control over personal information among traditional and non-traditional college age users and light and heavy users of social networking sites

    Communications Challenges In A Smaller World

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    Technological change and overlapping social, environmental. educational and political issues have increased the need for understandable communications among the different countries of the world. Because EngliSh is wldely used. many Americans have no other language capability and are at a disadvantage in many situations. In addition, changes in the ethnic composition of the United States have intensified the need for skills in other languages. The need for second-language skills is perhaps greater among agriculturalists than it is for other areas. The Cooperative Extension System has Important roles to play in expanding these communication skills

    Communications Challenges In A Smaller World

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    Technological change and overlapping social, environmental. educational and political issues have increased the need for understandable communications among the different countries of the world. Because English is wldely used. many Americans have no other language capability and are at a disadvantage in many situations. In addition, changes in the ethnic composition of the United States have intensified the need for skills in other languages. The need for second-language skills is perhaps greater among agriculturalists than it is for other areas. The Cooperative Extension System has Important roles to play in expanding these communication skills

    Edge-ground hatchets on the Southern Curtis Coast, Central Queensland: A preliminary Assessment of Technology, Chronology and Provenance

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    A number of edge-ground hatchets were identified from various locations in central Queensland during recent investigations conducted as part of the Gooreng Gooreng Cultural Heritage Project. Macroscopic examination suggested that some hatchets were manufactured on a distinctive form of rhyolitic tuff which is restricted in occurrence to the Town of Seventeen Seventy - Agnes Water area on the southern Curtis Coast. The hatchets are distributed over an area of some 6000 km2, centred on the town of Lowmead within the ethnohistorically documented linguistic borders of Gooreng Gooreng country. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was employed in an attempt to provenance the hatchets to particular outcrops of rhyolitic tuff on the basis of trace element geochemistry. Preliminary results confirm that all hatchets identified as rhyolitic tuff exhibit a similar geochemical signature. Moreover, this geochemistry can be correlated with the background samples from the Ironbark Site Complex, the only major rhyolite quarry known in the region. The study enhances our understanding of past Aboriginal lifeways in the region by situating strategies of stone procurement and use in the landscape
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