61 research outputs found

    Agri-Food Trade between the United States and Russia

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    U.S.-Russia agricultural trade has undergone significant change. This article provides an overview of bilateral agri-food trade. Particular attention is devoted to agri-food trade since 2000. The article concludes that American agricultural exports are now less important to Russian food security than at any time since 1992

    Vulnerabilities in Russian Agriculture to Climate Change

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    Russia’s agricultural sector has experienced a significant rebound in production since 2000, becoming the leading wheat exporter in the world in six of the past agricultural years. Not only has Russia’s role in the international food trade system become more important, as the world’s population continues to increase Russia grain will become even more significant, especially to politically volatile regions where food riots have contributed to pressures for regime change. While analysts are cognizant of the effects of climate change and impacts on Russian agricultural production, little thought has been given to the pathways for a transition from industrial agriculture. The article identifies four vulnerabilities to the agricultural sector from climate change in the world and in Russia. The article discusses the dislocations that may occur during a transition from industrial agriculture. The final section considers alternative models for moving away from industrial agriculture, concluding that the market-driven approach in which private industry leads the transition by “going green” is the most politically viable in Russia

    Household inequality and village discord: toward a post-socialist moral economy

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    The author believes that rural Russia is much more unequal today than during the Soviet period in terms of income and wealth (land). The article describes three periods in the XX century, when rural Russia experienced a significant upheaval in the economic interaction between peasants and their means of production: the Stolypin reform of 1906-1911, the Stalin's collectivization, and the ending of the Soviet system in the early 1990s. The author analyzes the effects of the market revolution that came with the end of Soviet rule and facilitated the growth of village inequality, and focuses on intra-village relations between different economic strata. The paper has several goals: to quantify the growth in household inequality; to examine intra-village relationships between "rich" and "poor" households; to explore whether high-income households feel communality with the village community. To analyze the level of village discord, the author uses survey data from a geographically diverse sample of 900 rural households. The article argues that the post-socialist moral economy is not based upon state regulated income levels or wealth holdings-rather on opportunity and economic freedom bounded mainly by the energy, willpower, capabilities and adaptability of household members

    Is Russia's Role in the International Agri-Food System Sustainable?

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    Der Handel mit agrarischen Lebensmitteln zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und Russland

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    Der Agrarhandel zwischen Russland und den USA hat einen beträchtlichen Wandel erfahren. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über den bilateralen Handel mit landwirtschaftlichen Lebensmitteln, insbesondere für die Zeit nach 2000. Die Schlussfolgerung lautet, dass US-amerikanische Exporte für die russische Nahrungsmittelsicherheit jetzt weniger bedeutsam sind als jemals zuvor seit 1992. Russlands Invasion in die Ukraine im Februar 2022 macht eine Erholung des bilateralen Handels mit landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnissen in der nahen Zukunft unwahrscheinlich

    Das Lebensmittelproblem der russischen Landwirtschaft

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    Seit dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion haben im russischen Landwirtschaftssystem enorme Veränderungen stattgefunden. Sie betreff en Produktionsformen und -mengen genauso wie den Lebensmittelhandel. Trotz neoliberaler Reformen fi ndet sich Russland in einer Situation wieder, die mit den frühen 1990er Jahren vergleichbar ist: Gestiegene Lebensmittelimporte gehen mit wachsendem Kostenaufwand für die Landwirtschaftsbetriebe und höheren Lebensmittelpreisen für die Verbraucher einher. Das Ergebnis ist die konstant gebliebene Suche Russlands nach »Lebensmittelsicherheit«

    Russland setzt den Getreidehandel als Waffe gegen die Ukraine ein

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    Das Schwarzmeer-Getreide-Abkommen, das der Ukraine erlaubt hatte, Getreide über ihre Häfen zu exportieren, wurde am 27. Juli 2023 von Russland aufgekündigt. Der Beitrag analysiert die Folgen der Beendigung dieses Abkommens sowie Russlands Bedingungen für einen Neustart des Abkommens. Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass auf diese Bedingungen eingegangen wird. Eine Wiederaufnahme des Abkommens ist zweifelhaft. Russland setzt den Getreidehandel als Waffe gegen die Ukraine ein

    Ideology and philosophy of the successful regional development in contemporary Russia: the Belgorod case

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    The article considers economic successes of the Belgorod region as significantly determined by the governor Yevgeny Savchenko' agrarian policies, which compensate for the region's small size and modest human capital. In 2017, the authors published an article describing economic policies and social programs of regional authorities; now the authors focus on the leadership by Yevgeny Savchenko, and his rather paradoxical personal and management views. First, according to Max Weber's typology of authority, Savchenko is a charismatic leader with strong personality traits and careful political behavior, who benefits from the traditional Slavophile populism and institutional design of the gubernatorial powers that has allowed governors to become more powerful compared to other regional actors during 2002-2012. Second, the Belgorod governor's project has quite traditional Russian roots in the spirit of A.V. Chayanov's novel "My brother Alexey's journey to the land of peasant utopia", which allowed the Belgorod modernization project to successfully cope with unpredictable challenges from the Russian oligarchy and global economy, and to use competitive standards of consumer society as the grounds for conservative modernization and solidary society development. The Belgorod governor implements his own model of new economy consisting of the extensive development of solidarity and cooperation; ideals of healthy lifestyle; and freedom in choosing ways to work and to rest (regional authorities support corporate, family and individual strategies of life). Third, Savchenko has publicly articulated his personal political-economic theory reflecting a conglomerate of conservative, socialist and populist ideas, and combining anti-liberalism and statist philosophy as the basis for the revival of the Russian state, which the governor sees as an engine of social progress
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