41 research outputs found

    Electrokinetic transport of heterogeneous particles in suspension

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    The Smoluchowski equation for electrophoresis predicts that the electrophoretic velocity of a particle is proportional to its zeta potential but not its size, shape, or orientation. Furthermore, the equation predicts that the rotation rate is identically zero. The Smoluchowski equation fails for heterogeneous particles (i.e., those with nonuniform zeta potentials). Recent theories and experiments show that particles with a dipole moment of zeta potential rotate into alignment with an externally applied electric field. For doublets (particles composed of two spheres) the rotation rate depends on (1) whether the spheres are rigidly rocked or freely rotating, and (2) the gap distance between the spheres. The relative configuration of two coagulated spheres is determined by the colloidal forces of the system. The goal of our research is to use measurements of electrophoretic rotation to determine the gap between two spheres of a colloidal doublet and also to determine whether or not the doublet is rigid

    Measurement of the Airway Surface Liquid Volume with Simple Light Refraction Microscopy

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    In the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung, the airway surface liquid (ASL) volume is depleted, impairing mucus clearance from the lung and leading to chronic airway infection and obstruction. Several therapeutics have been developed that aim to restore normal airway surface hydration to the CF airway, yet preclinical evaluation of these agents is hindered by the paucity of methods available to directly measure the ASL. Therefore, we sought to develop a straightforward approach to measure the ASL volume that would serve as the basis for a standardized method to assess mucosal hydration using readily available resources. Primary human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells cultured at an air–liquid interface develop a liquid meniscus at the edge of the culture. We hypothesized that the size of the fluid meniscus is determined by the ASL volume, and could be measured as an index of the epithelial surface hydration status. A simple method was developed to measure the volume of fluid present in meniscus by imaging the refraction of light at the ASL interface with the culture wall using low-magnification microscopy. Using this method, we found that primary CF HBE cells had a reduced ASL volume compared with non-CF HBE cells, and that known modulators of ASL volume caused the predicted responses. Thus, we have demonstrated that this method can detect physiologically relevant changes in the ASL volume, and propose that this novel approach may be used to rapidly assess the effects of airway hydration therapies in high-throughput screening assays

    The Interferon Response Inhibits HIV Particle Production by Induction of TRIM22

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    Treatment of human cells with Type 1 interferons restricts HIV replication. Here we report that the tripartite motif protein TRIM22 is a key mediator. We used transcriptional profiling to identify cellular genes that were induced by interferon treatment and identified TRIM22 as one of the most strongly up-regulated genes. We confirmed, as in previous studies, that TRIM22 over-expression inhibited HIV replication. To assess the role of TRIM22 expressed under natural inducing conditions, we compared the effects of interferon in cells depleted for TRIM22 using RNAi and found that HIV particle release was significantly increased in the knockdown, implying that TRIM22 acts as a natural antiviral effector. Further studies showed that TRIM22 inhibited budding of virus-like particles containing Gag only, indicating that Gag was the target of TRIM22. TRIM22 did not block the release of MLV or EIAV Gag particles. Inhibition was associated with diffuse cytoplasmic staining of HIV Gag rather than accumulation at the plasma membrane, suggesting TRIM22 disrupts proper trafficking. Mutational analyses of TRIM22 showed that the catalytic amino acids Cys15 and Cys18 of the RING domain are required for TRIM22 antiviral activity. These data disclose a pathway by which Type 1 interferons obstruct HIV replication

    Quasi-Immiscible Spreading of Aqueous Surfactant Solutions on Aqueous Entangled Polymer Solutions

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    Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: Carnegie-Mellon UniversityFacult

    Geometry-Driven Wetting Transition

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    Surfactant Self-Assemblies Controlling Spontaneous Dewetting

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    Measuring Colloidal Forces Using Differential Electrophoresis

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