52 research outputs found

    The pangenome of the wheat pathogen <i>Pyrenophora tritici-repentis</i> reveals novel transposons associated with necrotrophic effectors <i>ToxA</i> and <i>ToxB</i>

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    BACKGROUND: In fungal plant pathogens, genome rearrangements followed by selection pressure for adaptive traits have facilitated the co-evolutionary arms race between hosts and their pathogens. Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Ptr) has emerged recently as a foliar pathogen of wheat worldwide and its populations consist of isolates that vary in their ability to produce combinations of different necrotrophic effectors. These effectors play vital roles in disease development. Here, we sequenced the genomes of a global collection (40 isolates) of Ptr to gain insights into its gene content and genome rearrangements. RESULTS: A comparative genome analysis revealed an open pangenome, with an abundance of accessory genes (~ 57%) reflecting Ptr’s adaptability. A clear distinction between pathogenic and non-pathogenic genomes was observed in size, gene content, and phylogenetic relatedness. Chromosomal rearrangements and structural organization, specifically around effector coding genes, were detailed using long-read assemblies (PacBio RS II) generated in this work in addition to previously assembled genomes. We also discovered the involvement of large mobile elements associated with Ptr’s effectors: ToxA, the gene encoding for the necrosis effector, was found as a single copy within a 143-kb ‘Starship’ transposon (dubbed ‘Horizon’) with a clearly defined target site and target site duplications. ‘Horizon’ was located on different chromosomes in different isolates, indicating mobility, and the previously described ToxhAT transposon (responsible for horizontal transfer of ToxA) was nested within this newly identified Starship. Additionally, ToxB, the gene encoding the chlorosis effector, was clustered as three copies on a 294-kb element, which is likely a different putative ‘Starship’ (dubbed ‘Icarus’) in a ToxB-producing isolate. ToxB and its putative transposon were missing from the ToxB non-coding reference isolate, but the homolog toxb and ‘Icarus’ were both present in a different non-coding isolate. This suggests that ToxB may have been mobile at some point during the evolution of the Ptr genome which is contradictory to the current assumption of ToxB vertical inheritance. Finally, the genome architecture of Ptr was defined as ‘one-compartment’ based on calculated gene distances and evolutionary rates. CONCLUSIONS: These findings together reflect on the highly plastic nature of the Ptr genome which has likely helped to drive its worldwide adaptation and has illuminated the involvement of giant transposons in facilitating the evolution of virulence in Ptr. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12915-022-01433-w

    Genome-wide association studies of root system architecture traits in a broad collection of Brassica genotypes

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    The root systems of Brassica species are complex. Eight root system architecture (RSA) traits, including total root length, total root surface area, root average diameter, number of tips, total primary root length, total lateral root length, total tertiary root length, and basal link length, were phenotyped across 379 accessions representing six Brassica species (B. napus, B. juncea, B. carinata, B. oleracea, B. nigra, and B. rapa) using a semi-hydroponic system and image analysis software. The results suggest that, among the assessed species, B. napus and B. oleracea had the most intricate and largest root systems, while B. nigra exhibited the smallest roots. The two species B. juncea and B. carinata shared comparable root system complexity and had root systems with larger root diameters. In addition, 313 of the Brassica accessions were genotyped using a 19K Brassica single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. After filtering by TASSEL 5.0, 6,213 SNP markers, comprising 5,103 markers on the A-genome (covering 302,504 kb) and 1,110 markers on the C-genome (covering 452,764 kb), were selected for genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Two general linear models were tested to identify the genomic regions and SNPs associated with the RSA traits. GWAS identified 79 significant SNP markers associated with the eight RSA traits investigated. These markers were distributed across the 18 chromosomes of B. napus, except for chromosome C06. Sixty-five markers were located on the A-genome, and 14 on the C-genome. Furthermore, the major marker-trait associations (MTAs)/quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with root traits were located on chromosomes A02, A03, and A06. Brassica accessions with distinct RSA traits were identified, which could hold functional, adaptive, evolutionary, environmental, pathological, and breeding significance

    The Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Protein Turnover during the Progression of Cancer Cachexia in the ApcMin/+ Mouse

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    Muscle wasting that occurs with cancer cachexia is caused by an imbalance in the rates of muscle protein synthesis and degradation. The ApcMin/+ mouse is a model of colorectal cancer that develops cachexia that is dependent on circulating IL-6. However, the IL-6 regulation of muscle protein turnover during the initiation and progression of cachexia in the ApcMin/+ mouse is not known. Cachexia progression was studied in ApcMin/+ mice that were either weight stable (WS) or had initial (≤5%), intermediate (6–19%), or extreme (≥20%) body weight loss. The initiation of cachexia reduced %MPS 19% and a further ∼50% with additional weight loss. Muscle IGF-1 mRNA expression and mTOR targets were suppressed with the progression of body weight loss, while muscle AMPK phosphorylation (Thr 172), AMPK activity, and raptor phosphorylation (Ser 792) were not increased with the initiation of weight loss, but were induced as cachexia progressed. ATP dependent protein degradation increased during the initiation and progression of cachexia. However, ATP independent protein degradation was not increased until cachexia had progressed beyond the initial phase. IL-6 receptor antibody administration prevented body weight loss and suppressed muscle protein degradation, without any effect on muscle %MPS or IGF-1 associated signaling. In summary, the %MPS reduction during the initiation of cachexia is associated with IGF-1/mTOR signaling repression, while muscle AMPK activation and activation of ATP independent protein degradation occur later in the progression of cachexia. IL-6 receptor antibody treatment blocked cachexia progression through the suppression of muscle protein degradation, while not rescuing the suppression of muscle protein synthesis. Attenuation of IL-6 signaling was effective in blocking the progression of cachexia, but not sufficient to reverse the process

    Detection and measurement of Plasmodiophora brassicae

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    Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is one of the most important diseases of brassicas. Management of clubroot is difficult, and the best means of avoiding the disease include planting in areas where P. brassicae is not present and using plants and growing media free from pathogen inoculum. As P. brassicae is not culturable, its detection has traditionally relied on plant bioassays, which are time-consuming and require large amounts of glasshouse space. More recently, fluorescence microscopy, serology, and DNA-based methods have all been used to test soil, water, or plant samples for clubroot. The use of fluorescence microscopy to detect and count pathogen spores in the soil requires significant operator skill and is unlikely to serve as the basis for a routine diagnostic test. By contrast, serologic assays are inexpensive and amenable to high-throughput screening but need to be based on monoclonal antibodies because polyclonal antisera cannot be reproduced and are therefore of limited quantity. Several polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays have also been developed; these are highly specific for P. brassicae and have been well-correlated with disease severity. As such, PCR-based diagnostic tests have been adopted to varying extents in Canada and Australia, but wide implementation has been restricted by sample processing costs. Efforts are underway to develop inexpensive serologic on-farm diagnostic kits and to improve quantification of pathogen inoculum levels through real-time PCR. Proper detection and quantification of P. brassicae will likely play an increasingly important role in the development of effective clubroot management strategies

    Yield losses in canola in response to blackleg disease

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    Blackleg, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. & De Not., is an important disease of canola (Brassica napus L.) worldwide. In Canada, blackleg is managed mainly by the cultivation of resistant or moderately resistant canola hybrids. Field experiments were conducted in Edmonton, AB, Canada, in 2017 and 2018 to determine the relationship between blackleg disease severity and yield in the moderately resistant canola hybrids ‘73-15RR’ and ‘1950RR’. Blackleg severity was rated on a 0–5 scale, where 0 = no disease and 5 = plant death. Regression analysis showed that relationships between disease severity and pod number and seed yield were best explained by second-degree quadratic equations in all site-years for both cultivars. Percentage yield loss increased by 18%–99% and 26%–86% in plants of ‘73-15RR’ and ‘1950RR’, respectively, with disease severities of 2–5 compared with plants with severities of 0–1. An improved knowledge of the relationship between blackleg severity and yield losses is important for a more accurate evaluation of the agronomic efficacy and economic benefits of control measures.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    The Host Range of <i>Fusarium proliferatum</i> in Western Canada

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    Fusarium proliferatum is associated with the root rot of many plant species, but knowledge of its impact on western Canadian field crops is limited. This study assessed the host range of this fungus and its effect on plant emergence, plant height, and shoot and root dry weights in repeated greenhouse experiments with wheat, barley, faba beans, peas, lentils, canola, lupine, and soybeans. Infection was confirmed via PCR, and principal component analysis determined the utility of different parameters in assessing host responses. All crops were at least partly susceptible, developing mild to severe disease at the seedling and adult stages, and showing significant reductions in growth. In general, the barley and wheat demonstrated higher tolerances to infection, followed by the faba bean and the pea. The soybean, canola, lupine, and lentil were most susceptible. The canola and the soybean were particularly vulnerable to F. proliferatum at the pre-emergence stage, while infection greatly reduced the lentil’s biomass. Reductions in the barley’s emergence and other growth parameters, however, occurred only under a high inoculum concentration. Variability in root rot severity among cultivars of the same crop indicated some diversity in host reactions within species. Nonetheless, the absence of fully-resistant crops may pose challenges in managing F. proliferatum in western Canadian cropping systems

    Plasmodiophora brassicae Inoculum Density and Spatial Patterns at the Field Level and Relation to Soil Characteristics

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    Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is an important soilborne disease of the Brassicaceae. Knowledge of the spatial dynamics of P. brassicae at the field level and the influence of soil properties on pathogen spatial patterns can improve understanding of clubroot epidemiology and management. To study the spatial patterns of P. brassicae inoculum density and their relationship to different soil properties, four clubroot-infested fields in central Alberta, Canada, were sampled in 2017 and 2019, and P. brassicae inoculum density, soil pH, and boron, calcium, and magnesium concentrations were quantified. Spatial autocorrelation of the inoculum density was estimated for each of the fields in both years with the Moran’s I and semi-variograms. A Bayesian hierarchical spatial approach was used to model the relationship between P. brassicae inoculum density and the soil parameters. Patchiness of the pathogen was detected, with most patches located at the field edges and adjacent to the entrance. Infested patches grew in size from 2017 to 2019, with an average increase in diameter of 221.3 m and with this growth determined by the maximum inoculum density and active dispersal methods such as movement by machinery and wind. Soil pH, boron, calcium, and magnesium concentrations were not found to have an important effect on the inoculum density of P. brassicae

    Genotyping of Plasmodiophora brassicae reveals the presence of distinct populations

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    Abstract Background Plasmodiophora brassicae is a soilborne pathogen of the family Brassicaceae and the causal agent of clubroot disease. In Canada, P. brassicae is now one of the most important constraints to canola (Brassica napus) production, and is managed mainly by the deployment of resistant cultivars. In recent years, however, new strains of the pathogen have emerged that are capable of overcoming host resistance, posing new challenges for disease management. Despite its economic significance, molecular studies of P. brassicae are rare, mainly because this microorganism cannot be cultured outside of its host. Results Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) was used to examine the genetic diversity within P. brassicae single-spore and field isolates collected from across Canada. The isolates included individuals that were either capable or incapable of causing disease on clubroot resistant canola cultivars. Over 8750 variants were identified through RADseq. Population analysis indicated that most isolates belonged to one of two distinct populations, corresponding with the ability of isolates to cause disease on resistant cultivars. Within each population, there were low levels of genetic diversity. One thousand and fifty of the genetic variants that distinguished the two populations were nonsynonymous, altering the coding sequences of genes. Conclusion The application of RADseq revealed two distinct populations of P. brassicae in Canada, suggesting multiple introductions of the pathogen into the country. The genetic variation found here will be important for future research and monitoring of the pathogen

    Application of the NanoString nCounter System as an Alternative Method to Investigate Molecular Mechanisms Involved in Host Plant Responses to Plasmodiophora brassicae

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    Clubroot, caused by the soilborne pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae, is an important disease of canola (Brassica napus) and other crucifers. The recent application of RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) technologies to study P. brassicae&ndash;host interactions has generated large amounts of gene expression data, improving knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis and host resistance. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis has been widely applied to examine the expression of a limited number of genes and to validate the results of RNA-seq studies, but may not be ideal for analyzing larger suites of target genes or increased sample numbers. Moreover, the need for intermediate steps such as cDNA synthesis may introduce variability that could affect the accuracy of the data generated by qPCR. Here, we report the validation of gene expression data from a previous RNA-seq study of clubroot using the NanoString nCounter System, which achieves efficient gene expression quantification in a fast and simple manner. We first confirm the robustness of the NanoString system by comparing the results with those generated by qPCR and RNA-seq and then discuss the importance of some candidate genes for resistance or susceptibility to P. brassicae in the host. The results show that the expression of genes measured using NanoString have a high correlation with the values obtained using the other two technologies, with R &gt; 0.90 and p &lt; 0.01, and the same expression patterns for most genes. The three methods (qPCR, RNA-seq, and NanoString) were also compared in terms of laboratory procedures, time, and cost. We propose that the NanoString nCounter System is a robust, sensitive, highly reproducible, and simple technology for gene expression analysis. NanoString could become a common alternative to qPCR to validate RNA-seq data or to create panels of genes for use as markers of resistance/susceptibility when plants are challenged with different P. brassicae pathotypes
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