19 research outputs found

    Four Different Types of Intelligences and their Application in Strategic and Organisational Management and Leadership

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    This paper presents an overview of the concept of multiple intelligences by discussion of four types of intelligence: conative, cultural, emotional, and spiritual. The authors further discuss the important roles that an understanding of these types of intelligence can play in business contexts and how they can inform management and leadership decisions

    'A bite before bed': exposure to malaria vectors outside the times of net use in the highlands of western Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: The human population in the highlands of Nyanza Province, western Kenya, is subject to sporadic epidemics of Plasmodium falciparum. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) are used widely in this area. These interventions are most effective when Anopheles rest and feed indoors and when biting occurs at times when individuals use LLINs. It is therefore important to test the current assumption of vector feeding preferences, and late night feeding times, in order to estimate the extent to which LLINs protect the inhabitants from vector bites. METHODS: Mosquito collections were made for six consecutive nights each month between June 2011 and May 2012. CDC light-traps were set next to occupied LLINs inside and outside randomly selected houses and emptied hourly. The net usage of residents, their hours of house entry and exit and times of sleeping were recorded and the individual hourly exposure to vectors indoors and outdoors was calculated. Using these data, the true protective efficacy of nets (P*), for this population was estimated, and compared between genders, age groups and from month to month. RESULTS: Primary vector species (Anopheles funestus s.l. and Anopheles arabiensis) were more likely to feed indoors but the secondary vector Anopheles coustani demonstrated exophagic behaviour (p < 0.05). A rise in vector biting activity was recorded at 19:30 outdoors and 18:30 indoors. Individuals using LLINs experienced a moderate reduction in their overall exposure to malaria vectors from 1.3 to 0.47 bites per night. The P* for the population over the study period was calculated as 51% and varied significantly with age and season (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, LLINs offered the local population partial protection against malaria vector bites. It is likely that P* would be estimated to be greater if the overall suppression of the local vector population due to widespread community net use could be taken into account. However, the overlap of early biting habit of vectors and human activity in this region indicates that additional methods of vector control are required to limit transmission. Regular surveillance of both vector behaviour and domestic human-behaviour patterns would assist the planning of future control interventions in this region

    Key gene modules and hub genes associated with pyrethroid and organophosphate resistance in Anopheles mosquitoes: a systems biology approach

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    Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) are the main methods used to control mosquito populations for malaria prevention. The efficacy of these strategies is threatened by the spread of insecticide resistance (IR), limiting the success of malaria control. Studies of the genetic evolution leading to insecticide resistance could enable the identification of molecular markers that can be used for IR surveillance and an improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms associated with IR. This study used a weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) algorithm, a systems biology approach, to identify genes with similar co-expression patterns (modules) and hub genes that are potential molecular markers for insecticide resistance surveillance in Kenya and Benin. A total of 20 and 26 gene co-expression modules were identified via average linkage hierarchical clustering from Anopheles arabiensis and An. gambiae, respectively, and hub genes (highly connected genes) were identified within each module. Three specific genes stood out: serine protease, E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase, and cuticular proteins, which were top hub genes in both species and could serve as potential markers and targets for monitoring IR in these malaria vectors. In addition to the identified markers, we explored molecular mechanisms using enrichment maps that revealed a complex process involving multiple steps, from odorant binding and neuronal signaling to cellular responses, immune modulation, cellular metabolism, and gene regulation. Incorporation of these dynamics into the development of new insecticides and the tracking of insecticide resistance could improve the sustainable and cost-effective deployment of interventions

    The Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Shigella Surveillance Study in Kenya

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    Background: Although Shigella is an important cause of diarrhea in Kenyan children, robust research platforms capable of conducting incidence-based Shigella estimates and eventual Shigella-targeted clinical trials are needed to improve Shigella-related outcomes in children. Here, we describe characteristics of a disease surveillance platform whose goal is to support incidence and consequences of Shigella diarrhea as part of multicounty surveillance aimed at preparing sites and assembling expertise for future Shigella vaccine trials. Methods: We mobilized our preexisting expertise in shigellosis, vaccinology, and diarrheal disease epidemiology, which we combined with our experience conducting population-based sampling, clinical trials with high (97%–98%) retention rates, and healthcare utilization surveys. We leveraged our established demographic surveillance system (DSS), our network of healthcare centers serving the DSS, and our laboratory facilities with staff experienced in performing microbiologic and molecular diagnostics to identify enteric infections. We joined these resources with an international network of sites with similar capabilities and infrastructure to form a cohesive scientific network, designated Enterics for Global Health (EFGH), with the aim of expanding and updating our knowledge of the epidemiology and adverse consequences of shigellosis and enriching local research and career development priorities. Conclusions: Shigella surveillance data from this platform could help inform Shigella vaccine trials

    Clinical and Epidemiologic Features of Cryptosporidium-Associated Diarrheal Disease Among Young Children Living in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa (VIDA) Study.

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    BACKGROUND: As part of the Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa (VIDA) Study, we examined the prevalence, clinical presentation, and seasonality of Cryptosporidium in children to understand its relative burden after the introduction of rotavirus vaccine. METHODS: VIDA was a 3-year, age-stratified, matched case-control study of medically attended acute moderate-to-severe diarrhea (MSD) in children aged 0-59 months residing in censused populations at sites in Kenya, Mali, and The Gambia. Clinical and epidemiologic data were collected at enrollment, and a stool sample was tested for enteropathogens by quantitative PCR. An algorithm was created based on the organism's cycle threshold (Ct) and association with MSD to identify the subset of Cryptosporidium PCR-positive (Ct <35) cases most likely to be attributed to MSD. Clinical outcomes were assessed at 2-3 months after enrollment. RESULTS: One thousand one hundred six (22.9%) cases of MSD and 873 controls (18.1%) were PCR positive for Cryptosporidium; 465 cases (42.0%) were considered attributable to Cryptosporidium, mostly among children 6-23 months. Cryptosporidium infections peaked in The Gambia and Mali during the rainy season, while in Kenya they did not have clear seasonality. Compared with cases with watery MSD who had a negative PCR for Cryptosporidium, cases with watery MSD attributed to Cryptosporidium were less frequently dehydrated but appeared more severely ill using a modified Vesikari scale (38.1% vs 27.0%; P < 0.001), likely due to higher rates of hospitalization and intravenous fluid administration, higher prevalence of being wasted or very thin very thin (23.4% vs 14.7%; P < 0.001), and having severe acute malnutrition (midupper arm circumference <115 mm, 7.7% vs 2.5%; P < 0.001). On follow-up, Cryptosporidium-attributed cases had more prolonged and persistent episodes (43.2% vs 32.7%; P <0 .001) and linear growth faltering (change in height-for-age z score between enrollment and follow-up: -0.29 vs -0.17; P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The burden of Cryptosporidium remains high among young children in sub-Saharan Africa. Its propensity to cause illness and further impact children longer term by compromising nutritional status early in life calls for special attention to enable appropriate management of clinical and nutritional consequences

    Adult Presentation of Subaortic Stenosis: Another Great Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Mimic.

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    Subaortic stenosis (SAS) is a rare entity in adults with an unclear aetiology and variable clinical presentations and outcomes. SAS typically tends to occur in the first decade of life either as an isolated lesion or in association with other congenital heart diseases. The clinical presentation of SAS can closely mimic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) with obstructive physiology. We present two cases of SAS in adults that were initially presumed to be HCM. The patients were in their late forties and were referred to HCM clinic for further evaluation. Careful review of the transthoracic echocardiogram was indicative for the presence of possible subaortic membrane. These patients underwent subsequent imaging studies that completed the diagnosis for SAS and thereafter had successful surgical resection of the subaortic membrane. Subaortic stenosis remains a rare and clinically challenging diagnosis in the adult population. Often a combination of imaging modalities is needed to distinguish SAS from HCM with obstruction. It is critical to make the appropriate diagnosis as the treatment options are vastly different from the SAS and HCM with obstruction as well as the implications of a diagnosis of HCM with regards to risk of sudden death and family screening