10 research outputs found
Bayesian majority rule consensus tree with support values (PP/ML-BS) for the combined analysis with expanded taxon sampling but a reduced dataset (D3G - nrITS, <i>btub</i>, and <i>apn2mat/IGS</i>).
<p>Clades enclosed in red boxes contain isolates from <i>Vaccinium macrocarpon</i> in cultivated cranberry beds in North America. Clades enclosed in orange boxes contain isolates from host species sympatric with cultivated <i>V. macrocarpon</i>.</p
Box plots of daily growth rates representing various species in the <i>Colletotrichum gloeosporioides</i> species complex.
<p>A) Box plot of species isolated from <i>Vaccinium macrocarpon</i> and other sympatric host species in commercial cranberry beds. Red boxes represent species where strains have been isolated from <i>V. macrocarpon</i> in commercial beds only. Non-colored boxes represent species isolated only from sympatric host species. B) Box plot of several strains representing species within the <i>C. gloeosporioides</i> species complex. Purple boxes represent species that contain strains isolated from host plants found in wild and commercial cranberry bogs in North America. Non-colored boxes represent species not found in these habitats.</p
Genealogical sorting indices of 1000 bootstrap trees calculated using genealogical Sorting R package with 1,000 permutations.
***<p>p-value <0.001.</p>**<p>p-value <0.01.</p>*<p>p-value <0.05.</p><p>NSp-value >0.05.</p
Bayesian majority rule consensus tree with support values (PP/ML-BS/MP-BS) for the combined analysis of nrITS, <i>btub</i>, <i>apn2</i>, and <i>apn2mat/IGS</i>.
<p>Outgroup taxa (<i>Coll57, Coll60, 3386, 4801, 4766</i>) have been trimmed from the phylogram. Support values of 1.0 or 100% are represented with “*”. Terminals enclosed in shaded boxes represent sequence data from ex-type strains. Clades enclosed in red boxes contain isolates from <i>Vaccinium macrocarpon</i> in cultivated cranberry beds in North America. Clades enclosed in orange boxes contain isolates from host species sympatric with cultivated <i>V. macrocarpon</i>.</p
Primary concordance tree resulting from the Bayesian concordance analysis of the nrITS, <i>btub</i>, <i>apn2</i>, and <i>apn2mat/IGS</i> with concordance factors for nodes above the species level.
<p>Clades enclosed in red boxes contain isolates from <i>Vaccinium macrocarpon</i> in cultivated cranberry beds in North America. Clades enclosed in orange boxes contain isolates from host species sympatric with cultivated <i>V. macrocarpon</i>.</p
New and epitypified species of <i>Colletotrichum</i> from North American cranberry bogs.
<p>A-D. Conidia. A) <i>C. rhexiae</i> on CMA. B) <i>C. melanocaulon</i> on CMA. C) <i>C. temperatum</i> on CMA. D) <i>C. fructivorum</i> on CMA. E-H. Asci and ascospores. E) <i>C. rhexiae</i> on PDA. F) <i>C. temperatum</i> on CMA. G) <i>C. temperatum</i> on CMA. H) <i>C. fructivorum</i> on V8 agar. I-L. Phialides. I) <i>C. rhexiae</i> on CMA. J) <i>C. melanocaulon</i> on SNA. K) <i>C. temperatum</i> on CMA. L) <i>C. fructivorum</i> on CMA. M-P. Hyphal appressoria. M) <i>C. rhexiae.</i> N) <i>C. melanocaulon.</i> O) <i>C. temperatum</i>. P) <i>C. fructivorum</i>. Q-X. Colonies on PDA after 10 days at 25°C in the dark (100×15 mm plates). Q) <i>C. rhexiae</i> obverse. R) <i>C. rhexiae</i> reverse. S) <i>C. melanocaulon</i> obverse. T) <i>C. melanocaulon</i> reverse. U) <i>C. temperatum</i> obverse. V) <i>C. temperatum</i> reverse. W) <i>C. fructivorum</i> obverse. X) <i>C. fructivorum</i> reverse. All scale bars = 10 µm.</p
Tree statistics.
#<p>Taxa: number of taxa included in the analysis.</p>#<p>Chars: number of characters per locus. %PIC: Percent of parsimony informative characters.</p>#<p>MPTs: number of most parsimonious trees. MPT: length of the most parsimonious trees. CI: ensemble consistency index. RI: ensemble retention index. ML –ln L: ML score of best tree calculated in RAxML under the GTRGAMMA model. BI –ln L: ML score of best tree from 4 runs of 10,000,000 generations inferred in MrBayes calculated in RAxML with GTRGAMMA model.</p
Acervuli of <i>Colletotrichum rhexiae</i> on <i>Rhexia virginica.</i>
<p>A) Acervulus of the holotype, <i>A. Commons 2534</i>, on leaf. Scale bar = 500 µm. B) Acervuli on leaves of <i>R. virginica.</i> Scale bar = 250 µm. C) Acervulus with setae and conidial masses from which <i>V. Doyle Coll1470</i> was isolated. Scale bar = 250 µm.</p
<p>A) Colletotrichum melanocaulon on SNA. B) Colletotrichum rhexiae on CMA. C) Colletotrichum rhexiae on SNA. D) Colletotrichum fructivorum on CMA. E) Colletotrichum temperatum on CMA. F) Colletotrichum sp. indet. B on SNA. Scale bars = 10 µm.</p