10 research outputs found

    Social Entrepreneurship and Colombian Social Work. Case Analysis

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    Introducci贸n; el emprendimiento social realizado por profesionales del trabajo social en Colombia plantea diversos retos en la comunidad acad茅mica, evidenciando la emergencia del emprendimiento social como nuevos canales para alcanzar resultados desde el abordaje de las problem谩ticas. Objetivo: indagar las caracter铆sticas de los/las emprendedoras sociales graduadas en el trabajo social en Bogot谩. Materiales y m茅todos: se realiza una investigaci贸n cualitativa mediante el an谩lisis de caso de estudio, con la t茅cnica de entrevista semiestructurada, en la cual se tuvieron como categor铆as principales la relaci贸n con la comunidad, relaciones con el Estado, recursos y gesti贸n-organizaci贸n. Resultados: en cuanto a las relaciones con la comunidad, es fundamental que los emprendedores/as sociales se relacionen directamente con las comunidades y fortalezcan el tejido social. En las relaciones con el Estado, se identifica la importancia de fortalecer la participaci贸n y la responsabilidad de este, as铆 como de otros actores. Para la gesti贸n de recursos, las/os trabajadoras/es sociales identifican la importancia del trabajo en equipo u otras habilidades para el desarrollo e implementaci贸n del emprendimiento. Por 煤ltimo, en la gesti贸n-organizaci贸n se rescata la importancia de la debida administraci贸n de los recursos econ贸micos y humanos, as铆 como la autosostenibilidad de los emprendimientos sociales. Conclusi贸n: se evidencia la necesidad de formaci贸n en procesos de emprendimiento social para el trabajo social en Colombia, ya que, permite un cambio a trav茅s de la incidencia social, como ejercicio profesional y alternativa laboral. The social entrepreneurship developed by social work professionals in Colombia poses several challenges in the academic community, highlighting the emergence of social entrepreneurship as new channels to achieve results from addressing problems. Objective: to ask about the characteristics of social entrepreneurs who graduated in social work in Bogot谩. Material and methods: a qualitative research are carried out through a case study analysis, using the semi-structured interview technique, in which the main categories of the relationship with the community, relations with the country, resources and management-organization have been studied classified. Results: in community relations, it is essential that social entrepreneurs interact directly with the communities and strengthen the social fabric. In relations with the country, the importance of strengthening the active participation and responsibility of the country, as well as of other actors, is identified. For resource management, social workers identify the importance of working in teams or other skills for the development and implementation of the company. Finally, in management-organization, the importance of poor management of economic and human resources is highlighted, as well as the selfsustainability of social entrepreneurship. Conclusion: there is a need for training in social entrepreneurship processes for social work in Colombia, which allows a change through social impact, such as professional training and alternative employment. 漏 2022. Revista Lasallista de Investigacion. All Rights Reserved

    Representaciones sociales que tienen los diferentes actores del contexto educativo acerca de las necesidades educativas especiales en el marco de la educaci贸n inclusiva

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    Inclusive education is an issue that has been gaining strength in recent years; Currently, there is a greater interest in learning about this, which is reflected in the present research, which aims to identify the Social Representations that the different actors of the educational context have about the Special Educational Needs within the framework of Inclusive Education in two institutions of the city of Medell铆n. This was based on a qualitative approach, based on a phenomenological study and the implementation of survey and testimony techniques and oral history, which allowed us to collect information to compare and analyze the results, allowing access to conclusions where inclusive education is not included. completely far from reality, it has been found that most of the actors belonging to an educational community demonstrate an attitude of welcome, active, solidarity, social commitment towards the inclusion of children with special educational needs, which day by day they attend the regular classrooms that open their doors to provide an equitable education in equal rights, a quality education, where everyone eliminates prejudices and negative attitudes, ready to attend to the special educational needs of each child from the possibilities of their position. Elements that lead to build a knowledge of social reality about SEN within the framework of Inclusive Education being the subject of interest in this researchLa educaci贸n inclusiva es un tema que ha ido tomando fuerza en los 煤ltimos a帽os; actualmente se demuestra mayor inter茅s por conocer sobre este tema reflej谩ndose en la presente investigaci贸n con la que se pretende identificar cu谩les son las representaciones sociales que tienen los diferentes actores del contexto educativo acerca de las Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE) en el marco de la educaci贸n inclusiva en dos instituciones de la ciudad de Medell铆n. Esto a partir, de un enfoque cualitativo, basado en un estudio fenomenol贸gico e implementando t茅cnicas de encuesta y testimonio e historia oral las cuales permitieron recaudar informaci贸n para contrastar y analizar los resultados, posibilitando el acceso a conclusiones donde se enmarca que la educaci贸n inclusiva no est谩 del todo lejos de la realidad pues, se ha encontrado que la mayor parte de los actores pertenecientes a una comunidad educativa demuestran una actitud de acogida activa, de solidaridad, compromiso social hacia la inclusi贸n de ni帽os con NEE, que d铆a a d铆a asisten a las aulas regulares que abre sus puertas para brindar de forma equitativa en igualdad de derechos una educaci贸n de calidad, compartida donde todos eliminan prejuicios y actitudes negativas disponi茅ndose a atender desde las posibilidades de su cargo a las NEE de cada ni帽o. Elementos que llevan a construir un conocimiento de la realidad social sobre las NEE en el marco de la Educaci贸n Inclusiva siendo el tema de inter茅s en esta investigaci贸

    Adult Stem Cell Transplantation: Is Gender a Factor in Stemness?

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    Cell therapy now constitutes an important area of regenerative medicine. The aging of the population has mandated the discovery and development of new and innovative therapeutic modalities to combat devastating disorders such as stroke. Menstrual blood and Sertoli cells represent two sources of viable transplantable cells that are gender-specific, both of which appear to have potential as donor cells for transplantation in stroke. During the subacute phase of stroke, the use of autologous cells offers effective and practical clinical application and is suggestive of the many benefits of using the aforementioned gender-specific cells. For example, in addition to being exceptionally immunosuppressive, testis-derived Sertoli cells secrete many growth and trophic factors and have been shown to aid in the functional recovery of animals transplanted with fetal dopaminergic cells. Correspondingly, menstrual blood cells are easily obtainable and exhibit angiogenic characteristics, proliferative capability, and pluripotency. Of further interest is the ability of menstrual blood cells, following transplantation in stroke models, to migrate to the infarct site, secrete neurotrophic factors, regulate the inflammatory response, and be steered towards neural differentiation. From cell isolation to transplantation, we emphasize in this review paper the practicality and relevance of the experimental and clinical use of gender-specific stem cells, such as Sertoli cells and menstrual blood cells, in the treatment of stroke

    Precipitous decline of white-lipped peccary populations in Mesoamerica

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    Large mammalian herbivores are experiencing population reductions and range declines. However, we lack regional knowledge of population status for many herbivores, particularly in developing countries. Addressing this knowledge gap is key to implementing tailored conservation strategies for species whose population declines are highly variable across their range. White-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) are important ecosystem engineers in Neotropical forests and are highly sensitive to human disturbance. Despite maintaining a wide distributional range, white-lipped peccaries are experiencing substantial population declines in some portions of their range. We examined the regional distribution and population status of the species in Mesoamerica. We used a combination of techniques, including expert-based mapping and assessment of population status, and data-driven distribution modelling techniques to determine the status and range limits of white-lipped peccaries. Our analysis revealed declining and highly isolated populations of peccaries across Mesoamerica, with a range reduction of 87% from historic distribution and 63% from current IUCN range estimates for the region. White-lipped peccary distribution is affected by indices of human influence and forest cover, and more restricted than other sympatric large herbivores, with their largest populations confined to transboundary reserves. To conserve white-lipped peccaries in Mesoamerica, transboundary efforts will be needed that focus on both forest conservation and hunting management, increased cross-border coordination, and reconsideration of country and regional conservation priorities. Our methodology to detail regional white-lipped peccary status could be employed on other poorly-known large mammals.Universidad Nacional, Costa RicaEl Colegio de la Frontera Sur, M茅xicoWildlife Conservation Society, United StatesInstituto Internacional en Conservaci贸n y Manejo de Vida Silvestr