211 research outputs found

    Is It Us? Is It Them? Or is It This Place?: Predicting Civility in State Legislatures

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    While many scholars and analysts have observed a decline in civility in recent years, there have been few examinations of how political, economic, and institutional structures may partially explain inter-state differences in these trends. We suggest three potential explanations: (1) institutional structures, such as legislative professionalism and gubernatorial power, have created different contexts in which legislators build and maintain inter-personal relationships; (2) partisan competition has led to less bipartisan cooperation and contributed to strained relationships between members of different parties; and, (3) economic inequity and change has contributed to economic anxiety among citizens, contributing to conflict in legislative bodies as elected officials attempt to navigate emerging policy challenges. To test these explanations, we develop an innovative measure of civility using a national survey of lobbyists and a partial Multilevel Regression and Poststratification (MRP) design. Findings suggest that there is some validity to all three explanations, and signifying that civility is at least partially a result of structural issues

    Differences in Veterans' and Nonveterans' End-of-Life Preferences: A Pilot Study

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    Background: Investigators conducting focus groups on end-of-life preferences noted that veterans voiced opinions that strongly differed from those of nonveterans. Objective: The objective of this study was to further explore differences between veterans' and nonveterans' end-of-life preferences. Methods: Ten focus groups and a pilot survey were conducted. Setting and sample: The focus groups consisted of Arab Muslims, Arab Christians, Hispanics, blacks, and whites stratified by gender (n = 73). Fifteen male veterans were included across all five racial groups. Measures: A moderator discussion guide was used to lead the focus groups and a pilot survey asked about demographic information and end-of-life preferences. Results: Veterans were more likely to be married (p < 0.05) and less connected to their cultural group (p < 0.05) than nonveterans. The focus group results indicated that veterans in this study were more likely to oppose the use of heroic measures compared to nonveterans. More so than nonveterans, veterans felt that their doctors should be frank and open (p < 0.05) were strongly in favor of do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders (p < 0.10), yet were less likely to have a proxy (p < 0.10) or durable power of attorney p < 0.01). Comparing end-of-life preferences, veterans felt less strongly than nonveterans about remembering personal accomplishments (p < 0.05), being listened to (p < 0.05), being with friends (p < 0.01), or being comfortable with their nurse (p < 0.05), but did want to be around their pets at the end of life p < 0.10). Implications: The Department of Veterans Affairs is in a unique position to improve endof- life care for veterans. Providing end-of-life care that is congruent with the veteran's wishes can improve satisfaction and increase cost effectiveness by eliminating unacceptable services.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/63253/1/jpm.2006.9.1099.pd

    Combination anti-Aβ treatment maximizes cognitive recovery and rebalances mTOR signaling in APP mice

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    Drug development for Alzheimer\u27s disease has endeavored to lower amyloid β (Aβ) by either blocking production or promoting clearance. The benefit of combining these approaches has been examined in mouse models and shown to improve pathological measures of disease over single treatment; however, the impact on cellular and cognitive functions affected by Aβ has not been tested. We used a controllable APP transgenic mouse model to test whether combining genetic suppression of Aβ production with passive anti-Aβ immunization improved functional outcomes over either treatment alone. Compared with behavior before treatment, arresting further Aβ production (but not passive immunization) was sufficient to stop further decline in spatial learning, working memory, and associative memory, whereas combination treatment reversed each of these impairments. Cognitive improvement coincided with resolution of neuritic dystrophy, restoration of synaptic density surrounding deposits, and reduction of hyperactive mammalian target of rapamycin signaling. Computational modeling corroborated by in vivo microdialysis pointed to the reduction of soluble/exchangeable Aβ as the primary driver of cognitive recovery

    Effects of a water-soluble formulation of tylvalosin on disease caused by porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus alone in sows or in combination with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in piglets

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    BACKGROUND: The effect of a water-soluble formulation of tylvalosin (Aivlosin® 625 mg/g granules) on disease caused by porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhyop) was investigated in two animal studies. In a PRRSV challenge model in pregnant sows (n = 18), six sows received water medicated at target dose of 5 mg tylvalosin/kg body weight/day from 3 days prior to challenge until the end of gestation. Six sows were left untreated, with a third group remaining untreated and unchallenged. Sows were challenged with PRRSV-2 at approximately 85 days of gestation. Cytokines, viremia, viral shedding, sow reproductive parameters and piglet performance to weaning were evaluated. In a dual infection study (n = 16), piglets were challenged with Mhyop on days 0, 1 and 2, and with PRRSV-1 on day 14 and euthanized on day 24. From day 10 to 20, eight piglets received water medicated at target dose of 20 mg tylvalosin/kg body weight/day and eight piglets were left untreated. Cytokines, viremia, bacteriology and lung lesions were evaluated. RESULTS: In the PRRSV challenge study in pregnant sows, tylvalosin significantly reduced the levels of serum IL-8 (P < 0.001), IL-12 (P = 0.032), TNFα (P < 0.001) and GM-CSF (P = 0.001). IL-8 (P = 0.100) tended to be lower in uterus of tylvalosin sows. All piglets from tylvalosin sows surviving to weaning were PRRSV negative in faecal swabs at weaning compared to 33.3% PRRSV positive piglets from untreated sows (P = 0.08). In the dual challenge study in piglet, tylvalosin reduced serum IL1β, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IL-1α, IL-13, IL-17A, IL-18, GM-CSF, TGFβ1, TNFα, CCL3L1, MIG, PEPCAM-1 (P < 0.001) and increased serum IFNα, IL-1ra and MIP-1b (P < 0.001). In the lungs, tylvalosin reduced IL-8, IL-10 and IL-12 compared to untreated pigs (P < 0.001) and tended to reduce TNFα (P = 0.082). Lung lavage samples from all tylvalosin treated piglets were negative for Mhyop (0 cfu/mL) compared to the untreated piglets which had mean Mhyop counts of 2.68 × 10(4) cfu/mL (P = 0.023). CONCLUSION: Overall, tylvalosin reduced both local and systemic proinflammatory cytokines after challenge with respiratory pathogens in sows and in piglets. Tylvalosin was effective in reducing Mhyop recovery from the lungs and may reduce virus shedding in piglets following transplacental PRRSV infection in sows

    Learning deficit in cognitively normal apoe ε4 carriers with low β-amyloid

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    Introduction: In cognitively normal (CN) adults, increased rates of amyloid beta (Aβ) accumulation can be detected in low Aβ (Aβ–) apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 carriers. We aimed to determine the effect of ε4 on the ability to benefit from experience (ie, learn) in Aβ–CNs. Methods: Aβ– CNs(n= 333) underwent episodic memory assessments every 18 months for 108 months. A subset (n = 48) completed the Online Repeatable Cognitive Assessment-Language Learning Test (ORCA-LLT) over 6 days. Results: Aβ– ε4 carriers showed significantly lower rates of improvement on episodic memory over 108 months compared to non-carriers (d = 0.3). Rates of learning on the ORCA-LLT were significantly slower in Aβ– ε4 carriers compared to non-carriers (d = 1.2). Discussion: In Aβ– CNs,ε4 is associated with a reduced ability to benefit from experience. This manifested as reduced practice effects (small to moderate in magnitude) over 108 months on the episodic memory composite, and a learning deficit (large in magnitude) over 6 days on the ORCA-LLT. Alzheimer’s disease (AD)–related cognitive abnormalities can manifest before preclinical AD thresholds

    Genetic modulation of soluble Aβ rescues cognitive and synaptic impairment in a mouse model of Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    An unresolved debate in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is whether amyloid plaques are pathogenic, causing overt physical disruption of neural circuits, or protective, sequestering soluble forms of amyloid-β (Aβ) that initiate synaptic damage and cognitive decline. Few animal models of AD have been capable of isolating the relative contribution made by soluble and insoluble forms of Aβ to the behavioral symptoms and biochemical consequences of the disease. Here we use a controllable transgenic mouse model expressing a mutant form of amyloid precursor protein (APP) to distinguish the impact of soluble Aβ from that of deposited amyloid on cognitive function and synaptic structure. Rapid inhibition of transgenic APP modulated the production of Aβ without affecting pre-existing amyloid deposits and restored cognitive performance to the level of healthy controls in Morris water maze, radial arm water maze, and fear conditioning. Selective reduction of Aβ with a γ-secretase inhibitor provided similar improvement, suggesting that transgene suppression restored cognition, at least in part by lowering Aβ. Cognitive improvement coincided with reduced levels of synaptotoxic Aβ oligomers, greater synaptic density surrounding amyloid plaques, and increased expression of presynaptic and postsynaptic markers. Together these findings indicate that transient Aβ species underlie much of the cognitive and synaptic deficits observed in this model and demonstrate that significant functional and structural recovery can be attained without removing deposited amyloid

    Higher coffee consumption is associated with slower cognitive decline and less cerebral Aβ-amyloid accumulation over 126 months: Data from the Australian imaging, biomarkers, and lifestyle study

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    Background: Worldwide, coffee is one of the most popular beverages consumed. Several studies have suggested a protective role of coffee, including reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, there is limited longitudinal data from cohorts of older adults reporting associations of coffee intake with cognitive decline, in distinct domains, and investigating the neuropathological mechanisms underpinning any such associations. Methods: The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between self-reported habitual coffee intake, and cognitive decline assessed using a comprehensive neuropsychological battery in 227 cognitively normal older adults from the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers, and Lifestyle (AIBL) study, over 126 months. In a subset of individuals, we also investigated the relationship between habitual coffee intake and cerebral Aβ-amyloid accumulation (n = 60) and brain volumes (n = 51) over 126 months. Results: Higher baseline coffee consumption was associated with slower cognitive decline in executive function, attention, and the AIBL Preclinical AD Cognitive Composite (PACC; shown reliably to measure the first signs of cognitive decline in at-risk cognitively normal populations), and lower likelihood of transitioning to mild cognitive impairment or AD status, over 126 months. Higher baseline coffee consumption was also associated with slower Aβ-amyloid accumulation over 126 months, and lower risk of progressing to “moderate,” “high,” or “very high” Aβ-amyloid burden status over the same time-period. There were no associations between coffee intake and atrophy in total gray matter, white matter, or hippocampal volume. Discussion: Our results further support the hypothesis that coffee intake may be a protective factor against AD, with increased coffee consumption potentially reducing cognitive decline by slowing cerebral Aβ-amyloid accumulation, and thus attenuating the associated neurotoxicity from Aβ-amyloid-mediated oxidative stress and inflammatory processes. Further investigation is required to evaluate whether coffee intake could be incorporated as a modifiable lifestyle factor aimed at delaying AD onset

    Validation of a priori candidate Alzheimer’s disease SNPs with brain amyloid-beta deposition

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    The accumulation of brain amyloid β (Aβ) is one of the main pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the role of brain amyloid deposition in the development of AD and the genetic variants associated with this process remain unclear. In this study, we sought to identify associations between Aβ deposition and an a priori evidence based set of 1610 genetic markers, genotyped from 505 unrelated individuals (258 Aβ+ and 247 Aβ−) enrolled in the Australian Imaging, Biomarker & Lifestyle (AIBL) study. We found statistically significant associations for 6 markers located within intronic regions of 6 genes, including AC103796.1-BDNF, PPP3R1, NGFR, KL, ABCA7 & CALHM1. Although functional studies are required to elucidate the role of these genes in the accumulation of Aβ and their potential implication in AD pathophysiology, our findings are consistent with results obtained in previous GWAS efforts

    Longitudinal trajectories of basal forebrain volume in normal aging and Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    Dysfunction of the cholinergic basal forebrain (BF) system and amyloid- (A ) deposition are early pathological features in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). However, their association in early AD is not well-established. This study investigated the nature and magnitude of volume loss in the BF, over an extended period, in 516 older adults who completed A -PET and serial magnetic resonance imaging scans. Individuals were grouped at baseline according to the presence of cognitive impairment (CU, CI) and A status (A −, A +). Longitudinal volumetric changes in the BF and hippocampus were assessed across groups. The results indicated that high A levels correlated with faster volume loss in the BF and hippocampus, and the effect of A varied within BF subregions. Compared to CU A + individuals, A -related loss among CI A + adults was much greater in the predominantly cholinergic subregion of Ch4p, whereas no difference was observed for the Ch1/Ch2 region. The findings support early and substantial vulnerability of the BF and further reveal distinctive degeneration of BF subregions during early AD. © 2023 The Author(s

    Core Alzheimer’s disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarker assays are not affected by aspiration or gravity drip extraction methods

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    Background: CSF biomarkers are well-established for routine clinical use, yet a paucity of comparative assessment exists regarding CSF extraction methods during lumbar puncture. Here, we compare in detail biomarker profiles in CSF extracted using either gravity drip or aspiration. Methods: Biomarkers for β-amyloidopathy (Aβ1–42, Aβ1–40), tauopathy (total tau), or synapse pathology (BACE1, Neurogranin Trunc-p75, α-synuclein) were assessed between gravity or aspiration extraction methods in a sub-population of the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study (cognitively normal, N = 36; mild cognitive impairment, N = 8; Alzheimer’s disease, N = 6). Results: High biomarker concordance between extraction methods was seen (concordance correlation \u3e 0.85). Passing Bablock regression defined low beta coefficients indicating high scalability. Conclusions: Levels of these commonly assessed CSF biomarkers are not influenced by extraction method. Results of this study should be incorporated into new consensus guidelines for CSF collection, storage, and analysis of biomarkers