30 research outputs found

    Imaging cortical dynamics in GCaMP transgenic rats with a head-mounted widefield macroscope

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    Widefield imaging of calcium dynamics is an emerging method for mapping regional neural activity but is currently limited to restrained animals. Here we describe cScope, a head- mounted widefield macroscope developed to image large-scale cortical dynamics in rats during natural behavior. cScope provides a 7.8 by 4 mm field of view, dual illumination paths for both fluorescence and hemodynamic correction, and can be fabricated at low cost using readily attainable components. We also report the development of Thy-1 transgenic rat strains with widespread neuronal expression of the calcium indicator GCaMP6f. We combined these two technologies to image large-scale calcium dynamics in the dorsal neocortex during a visual evidence accumulation task. Quantitative analysis of task-related dynamics revealed multiple regions having neural signals that encode behavioral choice and sensory evidence. Our results provide a new transgenic resource for calcium imaging in rats and extend the domain of headmounted microscopes to larger-scale cortical dynamics.Accepted manuscrip

    Volume conservation principle involved in cell lengthening and nucleus movement during tissue morphogenesis

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    Tissue morphogenesis is the process in which coordinated movements and shape changes of large numbers of cells form tissues, organs, and the internal body structure. Understanding morphogenetic movements requires precise measurements of whole-cell shape changes over time. Tissue folding and invagination are thought to be facilitated by apical constriction, but the mechanism by which changes near the apical cell surface affect changes along the entire apical–basal axis of the cell remains elusive. Here, we developed Embryo Development Geometry Explorer, an approach for quantifying rapid whole-cell shape changes over time, and we combined it with deep-tissue time-lapse imaging based on fast two-photon microscopy to study Drosophila ventral furrow formation. We found that both the cell lengthening along the apical–basal axis and the movement of the nucleus to the basal side proceeded stepwise and were correlated with apical constriction. Moreover, cell volume lost apically due to constriction largely balanced the volume gained basally by cell lengthening. The volume above the nucleus was conserved during its basal movement. Both apical volume loss and cell lengthening were absent in mutants showing deficits in the contractile cytoskeleton underlying apical constriction. We conclude that a single mechanical mechanism involving volume conservation and apical constriction-induced basal movement of cytoplasm accounts quantitatively for the cell shape changes and the nucleus movement in Drosophila ventral furrow formation. Our study provides a comprehensive quantitative analysis of the fast dynamics of whole-cell shape changes during tissue folding and points to a simplified model for Drosophila gastrulation

    Rab proteins not associated with virus particle exocytosis.

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    <p>Cells were transduced to express mCherry-tagged Rab proteins, infected with PRV 486 expressing gM-pHluorin, and imaged at 4.5–5 hr after PRV infection. (A,D,G,J) The indicated Rab proteins are not present at gM-pHluorin exocytosis event (green circle). Images correspond to <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004535#ppat.1004535.s005" target="_blank">Movie S5</a>. Scale bar represents 2 µm. (B,E,H,K) Kymographs of indicated Rab protein (red) and gM-pHluorin (green) fluorescence over time. (C,F,I,L) Ensemble averages of gM-pHluorin (top, green line) and indicated Rab protein (bottom, red line) relative fluorescence. Shaded area represents standard deviation. (A–C) mCherry-Rab3a. Data represent 38 exocytosis events in 2 independent experiments. (D–F) mCherry-Rab27a. Data represent 23 exocytosis events in 2 independent experiments. (G–I) mCherry-Rab5a. Data represent 37 exocytosis events in 2 independent experiments. (J–L) mCherry-Rab7a. Data represent 30 exocytosis events in 2 independent experiments.</p

    Viral exocytosis occurs most frequently near patches of LL5β.

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    <p>(A–B) Cells were transduced to express mRFP-LL5β, infected with PRV 486 expressing gM-pHluorin, and imaged at 4.5–5 hr after PRV infection. Data represent 150 exocytosis events in 9 independent experiments. Scale bars represent 2 µm in all images. (A) Image is a maximum difference projection depicting exocytosis events over a 10 min time course. Particle exocytosis events are classified according to their proximity to mRFP-LL5β patches (yellow circles), or lack thereof (green squares). (B) Still images of a single exocytosis event, corresponding to <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004535#ppat.1004535.s006" target="_blank">Movie S6</a>. (C) Schematic of molecular and cellular mechanisms that coordinate viral transport and exocytosis. Please refer to the <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1004535#s3" target="_blank">discussion</a> section for references supporting the depicted molecular links.</p