203 research outputs found

    Analysis of Possible New Market Mechanisms Pilot Activities beyond the PMR

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    This report analyses activities developed outside of the Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) that could evolve to become possible NMM pilot activities. It assesses a number of initiatives that can provide lessons for the design of market mechanisms, ranging from the Japanese Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) to the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) of the World Bank. This assessment is done on the basis of a set of criteria covering the mitigation contribution, MRV ability and practicality. The study concludes that NMM pilot activities could take many sizes and shapes, and should ideally cover Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as well as large emerging economies. The majority of the initiatives assessed did not envisage to generate credits, but aimed to provide credible proof of achieved greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. Open questions include how to safeguard environmental integrity through conservative and credible baselines and post-NMM emission level determination methodologies and how to ensure that incentives reach the entities that can mobilize mitigation. Still, a number of such activities can provide valuable lessons for mechanisms that have the primary aim of generating Carbon credits

    Development of guidance for non-market approaches in the Paris Agreement: operationalizing Articles 6.8 and 6.9 of the Paris Agreement

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    While market-based forms of cooperation are enshrined in Articles 6.2–6.7, Article 6.8 of the Paris Agreement recognizes the importance of non-market approaches (NMAs) in international cooperation on climate change mitigation and adaptation in a variety of fields. Article 6.9 establishes the NMA framework that promotes NMAs described in Article 6.8. The Parties to the Paris Agreement are currently negotiating a work program to further elaborate on this. If properly designed, fostering the accelerated diffusion of non-market based international cooperation on technology development and transfer, capacity-building and finance in both adaptation and mitigation can provide a relevant contribution to NDC implementation and ratcheting up of ambition. Having that goal in mind, this report provides recommendations on the operationalization of the NMA framework and the work program and the identification of concrete NMAs for consideration by the negotiating Parties. We provide concrete examples of NMAs in various fields Parties have identified as relevant under the framework, including forests, resilience, removals, energy efficiency and the cross cutting topics mentioned above. The NMA work program should be designed as a meaningful addition to ongoing work under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The focus must be on activities that are not duplicating ongoing efforts, not implementable through markets, transformative, and have so far been side-lined by international public climate finance. The NMAs’ relevance will ultimately depend on Parties’ active engagement in the identification of concrete NMAs and their submission to the NMA forum envisaged in the latest iterations of the Presidency draft texts from COP25. The NMA forum should operate in a flexible but results-oriented manner to allow for the consideration of emerging concepts and pilot activities. In the end, the role of finance will also be pivotal for the work program’s relevance. According to the current status of negotiations, the work program will not have own financial resources but the consideration of finance is essential to avoid that the NMA work program becomes a mere ‘talk shop’

    Article 6 Piloting: State of Play and Stakeholder Experiences

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    This report is the 3rd edition of a series started in 2019 and provides an updated overview of all aspects related to the piloting and operationalization of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Despite the continued uncertainty regarding the finalization of the Article 6 rules, practical Article 6 piloting is continuing apace and the landscape of Article 6 piloting initiatives evolves. Testing how Article 6 cooperation could work in practice in order to inform negotiations as well as getting early access to sources of emissions credits is seen as important to fulfill national mitigation commitments. As a framework for the analysis in our study, we apply a ‘concentric ring’ model that clearly differentiates between piloting activities that aim at generating Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) or adaptation benefits (ABs), initiatives that will eventually be governed by Article 6 rules and the enabling environment, which is essential to drive piloting efforts forward. In an additional analytical step, we classify piloting activities in the inner circle according to three different phases: the preparatory phase, the pilot phase and the full implementation phase. Moreover, we summarise current stakeholder experiences with Article 6 piloting and provide an overview of our insights from broad and deep stakeholder consultations, including the views of buyer countries, host countries and project developers

    Aufhören ja – aber bitte nicht sofort! Ein Dilemma für die Allokationsforschung

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    Im Rahmen der Smoking and Nicotine Dependence Awareness and Screening (SNICAS) Studie wurde neben strukturellen Bedingungen und Variablen auf Ärzteseite (z.B. Qualifikation, Einstellungen zum Rauchen und zur Raucherentwöhnung, spezielle Vorerfahrungen und Therapiepräferenzen, perzipierte Barrieren) daher auch die Aufhörmotivation und die Erfahrungen mit Aufhörversuchen auf Seiten der Patienten untersucht

    Methodology for CDM eligibility criteria definition

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    This study analyses different issues related to defining approaches to limit CDM eligibility in the context of the evolving future climate regime. This is based on the notion that in the future climate regime all countries will need to contribute to global mitigation efforts. It is highly likely that a more differentiated spectrum of national contributions by developing countries will also result in a more strongly differentiated eligibility of CDM project types and host countries. Therefore, the study develops a set of criteria for limiting CDM eligibility. After a thorough assessment and discussion, four scenarios for limiting Certified Emission Reduction (CER) supply for imports into domestic emission trading schemes (ETS) are determined. Based on the indicator sets and the chosen scenarios representing different choices of eligibility criteria, the respective credit quantities, geographic distribution and project type distribution are modelled quantitatively in order to arrive at an estimation of the global impact on CER supply of each scenario. The study also assesses ways to reinforce the mitigation impact of the CDM by discounting of CERs. Options exist to set strong incentives that strengthen the positive developments in the CDM, and to further align the mechanism with the political objectives of the UNFCCC process

    Raucherentwöhnung in der primärärztlichen Versorgung – Chance oder Fiktion?: Ergebnisse der "Smoking and Nicotine Dependence Awareness and Screening (SNICAS)"-Studie

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    Durch eine stärkere Einbeziehung deutscher Hausärzte in die Raucherentwöhnung soll die Versorgung von Rauchern flächendeckend verbessert werden. Inwiefern dieser Anspruch realisierbar ist, wird im Rahmen der "Smoking and Nicotine Dependent Awareness and Screening" (SNICAS) Studie überprüft. SNICAS ist eine zweistufige epidemiologische Punktprävalenzstudie [Stufe I (Vorstudie): Charakterisierung einer repräsentativen, bundesweiten Stichprobe von n = 889 Hausärzten; Stufe II: Stichtagserhebung an n = 28 707 unselektierten konsekutiven Patienten], an die sich eine regionale klinische Interventionskomponente anschließt. In diesem Beitrag werden Prävalenzraten des Rauchens, Aufhörmotivation und bisherige Aufhörversuche von Primärarztpatienten berichtet. Dargestellt werden Erkennens- und Interventionsraten von Rauchern durch Hausärzte, das ärztliche Interventionsverhalten sowie deren Einschätzung der Chancen und Barrieren von Raucherentwöhnung im Praxisalltag. Die Ergebnisse der Studie belegen ein großes Interesse der Hausärzte am Thema Raucherentwöhnung. Dennoch weisen niedrige hausärztliche Interventionsraten bei gleichzeitig hohen Prävalenzraten von Rauchen und Nikotinabhängigkeit auf ein beträchtliches Versorgungsdefizit. Als Ursachen hierfür werden neben ambivalenter Aufhörmotivation der Patienten strukturelle Barrieren diskutiert. Die Autoren fordern neue klinische Versorgungsmodelle, die ein abgestimmtes Zusammenspiel von Hausärzten mit anderen, auf Raucherentwöhnung spezialisierte Berufsgruppen fokussieren.Through smoking cessation interventions, primary care physicians could play an important part in the treatment of smokers in Germany. In the "Smoking and Nicotine Dependent Awareness and Screening" (SNICAS) study, we examined whether this increased involvement of primary care physicians might be implemented. SNICAS is a two-stage epidemiological point prevalence study. In stage I (pre-study), a nationwide sample of 889 primary care doctors was characterized; in stage II, 28 707 unselected consecutive patients were assessed on the target day. The investigation was followed by regional clinical interventions. The present article contains our findings on the prevalence of smoking, the motivation to quit, and the history of quit attempts among primary care patients. Information will be provided on how frequently physicians recognize and treat smokers; what kind of interventions they offer; as well as how they judge the opportunities and obstacles for smoking cessation in routine care. Despite the high prevalence of smoking and nicotine dependence and the primary care doctors’ interest in treating smokers, insufficient interventions are provided. Reasons for this situation include, but are not limited to the patients’ ambivalent motivation to quit and structural barriers. Hence, new clinical models of health care with an improved cooperation between primary care physicians and other specialists in the field of smoking cessation seem necessary

    Raucherentwöhnung in der primärärztlichen Versorgung: Ziele, Design und Methoden der "Smoking and Nicotine Dependence Awareness and Screening (SNICAS)"-Studie

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    In Deutschland fehlen bislang belastbare epidemiologische Daten über sowohl die Häufigkeit nikotinabhängiger Raucher im primärärztlichen Versorgungsbereich als auch das Ausmaß der von Hausärzten angebotenen Raucherentwöhnungsmaßnahmen. Die Ziele in der "Smoking and Nicotine Dependence Awareness and Screening (SNICAS)"-Studie waren/sind: (1) die Ermittlung repräsentativer Daten zur Prävalenz des Rauchens und der Nikotinabhängigkeit in Deutschland, (2) die Beschreibung des Rauchverhaltens und der Aufhörmotivation von Rauchern in der primärärztlichen Versorgung sowie (3) die Feststellung von Einstellungen, Fertigkeiten und Erfahrungen von Hausärzten im Zusammenhang mit der Raucherentwöhnung. SNICAS basierte auf einem zweistufigen epidemiologischen Studiendesign, woran sich eine derzeit noch laufende, klinische Interventionskomponente anschloss. In Stufe I (Vorstudien-Fragebogen) wurde eine repräsentative Auswahl von 889 Ärzten (Allgemeinärzte, praktische Ärzte, Internisten) hinsichtlich Erfahrungen und Einstellungen zu Raucherentwöhnungsmethoden charakterisiert. In Stufe II wurde an einem Stichtag (7. Mai 2002) in diesen Praxen n = 28 707 unausgelesene, konsekutive Patienten zunächst mittels eines Patientenfragebogens untersucht (konservative Ausschöpfungsrate: 52,8%). Daran schloss sich für jeden einzelnen Patienten eine unabhängige, standardisierte Arztbeurteilung (Erhebung des Rauchstatus, des Gesundheitszustands, vergangener und aktueller Interventionen u.ä.) an. Der Beitrag enthält eine Darstellung von Design und Methode der SNICAS-Studie und berichtet über die Gewinnung, Ausschöpfung und Repräsentativität der Arzt- und Patientenstichprobe. Auf der Grundlage ausgewählter Daten des Vorstudien- Fragebogens, aus denen eine geringe Anzahl (17,6%) an sich intensiv mit der Raucherentwöhnung befassenden Ärzten hervorgeht, werden ärztliche Interventionsstrategien, aber auch Einstellungs- und Strukturbarrieren vorgestellt.Aims, Design and Methods of the "Smoking and Nicotine Dependence Awareness and Screening" (SNICAS) Study Germany lacks robust epidemiological data on the prevalence of smoking and nicotine dependence in primary care patients as it does on smoking cessation interventions provided by primary care physicians. Objectives of the "Smoking and Nicotine Dependence Awareness and Screening" (SNICAS) study are (1) to provide nationally representative data on the frequency of smoking and nicotine dependence among primary care patients in Germany, (2) to describe their smoking behaviour and motivation to quit as well as (3) attitudes, skills and experiences of physicians regarding smoking cessation. SNICAS is based on a 2-stage epidemiological design, supplemented by a subsequently conducted clinical intervention trial still ongoing. Stage I consists of a prestudy characterization of a nationwide sample of 889 primary care doctors (general practitioners, family doctors and internists with primary care functions). Stage II consists of a target day assessment (May 7th 2002) of n=28,707 unselected consecutive patients by means of a patient questionnaire (conservative response rate: 52.8%). For each patient a structured clinical appraisal form (screening of the patients' smoking status, physical and mental health, current and past interventions etc. ) was accomplished by the doctor. This article presents design and methods of the SNICAS study and describes its sampling strategy, its response rates and the representativity of primary care doctors and patients. By means of selected pre-study data, showing that only a small proportion of physician is extensively involved in smoking cessation (17.6%), intervention strategies of the doctors are presented as well as obstacles for smoking cessation (e.g. structures, attitudes)