2,989 research outputs found

    A photon-photon quantum gate based on a single atom in an optical resonator

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    Two photons in free space pass each other undisturbed. This is ideal for the faithful transmission of information, but prohibits an interaction between the photons as required for a plethora of applications in optical quantum information processing. The long-standing challenge here is to realise a deterministic photon-photon gate. This requires an interaction so strong that the two photons can shift each others phase by pi. For polarisation qubits, this amounts to the conditional flipping of one photon's polarisation to an orthogonal state. So far, only probabilistic gates based on linear optics and photon detectors could be realised, as "no known or foreseen material has an optical nonlinearity strong enough to implement this conditional phase shift..." [Science 318, 1567]. Meanwhile, tremendous progress in the development of quantum-nonlinear systems has opened up new possibilities for single-photon experiments. Platforms range from Rydberg blockade in atomic ensembles to single-atom cavity quantum electrodynamics. Applications like single-photon switches and transistors, two-photon gateways, nondestructive photon detectors, photon routers and nonlinear phase shifters have been demonstrated, but none of them with the ultimate information carriers, optical qubits. Here we employ the strong light-matter coupling provided by a single atom in a high-finesse optical resonator to realise the Duan-Kimble protocol of a universal controlled phase flip (CPF, pi phase shift) photon-photon quantum gate. We achieve an average gate fidelity of F=(76.2+/-3.6)% and specifically demonstrate the capability of conditional polarisation flipping as well as entanglement generation between independent input photons. Our gate could readily perform most of the hitherto existing two-photon operations. It also discloses avenues towards new quantum information processing applications where photons are essential.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Photon-Mediated Quantum Gate between Two Trapped Neutral Atoms in an Optical Cavity

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    Quantum logic gates are fundamental building blocks of quantum computers. Their integration into quantum networks requires strong qubit coupling to network channels, as can be realized with neutral atoms and optical photons in cavity quantum electrodynamics. Here we demonstrate that the long-range interaction mediated by a flying photon performs a gate between two stationary atoms inside an optical cavity from which the photon is reflected. This single step executes the gate in 2 μs2\,\mathrm{\mu s}. We show an entangling operation between the two atoms by generating a Bell state with 76(2)% fidelity. The gate also operates as a CNOT. We demonstrate 74.1(1.6)% overlap between the observed and the ideal gate output, limited by the state preparation fidelity of 80.2(0.8)%. As the atoms are efficiently connected to a photonic channel, our gate paves the way towards quantum networking with multiqubit nodes and the distribution of entanglement in repeater-based long-distance quantum networks.Comment: 10 pages including appendix, 5 figure

    Nondestructive Detection of an Optical Photon

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    All optical detectors to date annihilate photons upon detection, thus excluding repeated measurements. Here, we demonstrate a robust photon detection scheme which does not rely on absorption. Instead, an incoming photon is reflected off an optical resonator containing a single atom prepared in a superposition of two states. The reflection toggles the superposition phase which is then measured to trace the photon. Characterizing the device with faint laser pulses, a single-photon detection efficiency of 74% and a survival probability of 66% is achieved. The efficiency can be further increased by observing the photon repeatedly. The large single-photon nonlinearity of the experiment should enable the development of photonic quantum gates and the preparation of novel quantum states of light.Comment: published online in Science Express, 14 November 201

    Breakdown of atomic hyperfine coupling in a deep optical-dipole trap

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    We experimentally study the breakdown of hyperfine coupling for an atom in a deep optical-dipole trap. One-color laser spectroscopy is performed at the resonance lines of a single 87^{87}Rb atom for a trap wavelength of 1064 nm. Evidence of hyperfine breakdown comes from three observations, namely a nonlinear dependence of the transition frequencies on the trap intensity, a splitting of lines which are degenerate for small intensities, and the ability to drive transitions which would be forbidden by selection rules in the absence of hyperfine breakdown. From the data, we infer the hyperfine interval of the 5P1/25P_{1/2} state and the scalar and tensor polarizabilities for the 5P3/25P_{3/2} state

    Cavity Carving of Atomic Bell States

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    We demonstrate entanglement generation of two neutral atoms trapped inside an optical cavity. Entanglement is created from initially separable two-atom states through carving with weak photon pulses reflected from the cavity. A polarization rotation of the photons heralds the entanglement. We show the successful implementation of two different protocols and the generation of all four Bell states with a maximum fidelity of (90+-2)%. The protocol works for any distance between cavity-coupled atoms, and no individual addressing is required. Our result constitutes an important step towards applications in quantum networks, e.g. for entanglement swapping in a quantum repeater.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures including Supplemen

    Increased Dimensionality of Raman Cooling in a Slightly Nonorthogonal Optical Lattice

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    We experimentally study the effect of a slight nonorthogonality in a two-dimensional optical lattice onto resolved-sideband Raman cooling. We find that when the trap frequencies of the two lattice directions are equal, the trap frequencies of the combined potential exhibit an avoided crossing and the corresponding eigenmodes are rotated by 45 degrees relative to the lattice beams. Hence, tuning the trap frequencies makes it possible to rotate the eigenmodes such that both eigenmodes have a large projection onto any desired direction in the lattice plane, in particular, onto the direction along which Raman cooling works. Using this, we achieve two-dimensional Raman ground-state cooling in a geometry where this would be impossible, if the eigenmodes were not rotated. Our experiment is performed with a single atom inside an optical resonator but this is inessential and the scheme is expected to work equally well in other situations

    Single-Photon Switch based on Rydberg Blockade

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    All-optical switching is a technique in which a gate light pulse changes the transmission of a target light pulse without the detour via electronic signal processing. We take this to the quantum regime, where the incoming gate light pulse contains only one photon on average. The gate pulse is stored as a Rydberg excitation in an ultracold atomic gas using electromagnetically induced transparency. Rydberg blockade suppresses the transmission of the subsequent target pulse. Finally, the stored gate photon can be retrieved. A retrieved photon heralds successful storage. The corresponding postselected subensemble shows an extinction of 0.05. The single-photon switch offers many interesting perspectives ranging from quantum communication to quantum information processing

    Heralded Storage of a Photonic Quantum Bit in a Single Atom

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    Combining techniques of cavity quantum electrodynamics, quantum measurement, and quantum feedback, we have realized the heralded transfer of a polarization qubit from a photon onto a single atom with 39% efficiency and 86% fidelity. The reverse process, namely, qubit transfer from the atom onto a given photon, is demonstrated with 88% fidelity and an estimated efficiency of up to 69%. In contrast to previous work based on two-photon interference, our scheme is robust against photon arrival-time jitter and achieves much higher efficiencies. Thus, it constitutes a key step toward the implementation of a long-distance quantum network.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    High-Performance Reachability Query Processing under Index Size Restrictions

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    In this paper, we propose a scalable and highly efficient index structure for the reachability problem over graphs. We build on the well-known node interval labeling scheme where the set of vertices reachable from a particular node is compactly encoded as a collection of node identifier ranges. We impose an explicit bound on the size of the index and flexibly assign approximate reachability ranges to nodes of the graph such that the number of index probes to answer a query is minimized. The resulting tunable index structure generates a better range labeling if the space budget is increased, thus providing a direct control over the trade off between index size and the query processing performance. By using a fast recursive querying method in conjunction with our index structure, we show that in practice, reachability queries can be answered in the order of microseconds on an off-the-shelf computer - even for the case of massive-scale real world graphs. Our claims are supported by an extensive set of experimental results using a multitude of benchmark and real-world web-scale graph datasets.Comment: 30 page

    Observation of molecules produced from a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Molecules are created from a Bose-Einstein condensate of atomic 87Rb using a Feshbach resonance. A Stern-Gerlach field is applied, in order to spatially separate the molecules from the remaining atoms. For detection, the molecules are converted back into atoms, again using the Feshbach resonance. The measured position of the molecules yields their magnetic moment. This quantity strongly depends on the magnetic field, thus revealing an avoided crossing of two bound states at a field value slightly below the Feshbach resonance. This avoided crossing is exploited to trap the molecules in one dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, minor revison
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