7,202 research outputs found

    Why Does Unemployment Hurt the Employed? Evidence from the Life Satisfaction Gap between the Public and the Private Sector

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    High rates of unemployment entail substantial costs to the working population in terms of reduced subjective well-being. This paper studies the importance of individual economic security, in particular job security, in workers’ well-being by exploiting sectorspecific institutional differences in the exposure to economic shocks. Public servants have stricter dismissal protection and face a lower risk of their organization’s bankruptcy than private sector employees. The empirical results for individual panel data for Germany and repeated cross-sectional data for the United States and the European Union show that the sensitivity of subjective well-being to fluctuations in unemployment rates is much lower in the public sector than in the private. This suggests that increased economic insecurity constitutes an important welfare loss associated with high general unemployment.Unemployment, life satisfaction, job security, public sector

    Why Does Unemployment Hurt the Employed? Evidence from the Life Satisfaction Gap between the Public and the Private Sector

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    High rates of unemployment entail substantial costs to the working population in terms of reduced subjective well-being. This paper studies the importance of individual economic security, in particular job security, in workers’ well-being by exploiting sector-specific institutional differences in the exposure to economic shocks. Public servants have stricter dismissal protection and face a lower risk of their organization’s bankruptcy than private sector employees. The empirical results for individual panel data for Germany and repeated cross-sectional data for the United States and the European Union show that the sensitivity of subjective well-being to fluctuations in unemployment rates is much lower in the public sector than in the private. This suggests that increased economic insecurity constitutes an important welfare loss associated with high general unemployment.unemployment, life satisfaction, job security, public sector

    Why Does Unemployment Hurt the Employed?: Evidence from the Life Satisfaction Gap between the Public and Private Sectors

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    High rates of unemployment entail substantial costs to the working population in terms of reduced subjective well-being. This paper studies the importance of individual economic security, in particular, job security, in workers' well-being by exploiting sector-specific institutional differences in the exposure to economic shocks. Public servants have stricter dismissal protection and face a lower risk of their organization's bankruptcy than do private sector employees. The empirical results for individual panel data for Germany and repeated cross-sectional data for the United States and the European Union show that the sensitivity of subjective well-being to fluctuations in unemployment rates is much lower in the public sector than in the private. This suggests that increased economic insecurity constitutes an important welfare loss associated with high general unemployment.Unemployment, life satisfaction, job security, public sector

    Single-Photon Switch based on Rydberg Blockade

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    All-optical switching is a technique in which a gate light pulse changes the transmission of a target light pulse without the detour via electronic signal processing. We take this to the quantum regime, where the incoming gate light pulse contains only one photon on average. The gate pulse is stored as a Rydberg excitation in an ultracold atomic gas using electromagnetically induced transparency. Rydberg blockade suppresses the transmission of the subsequent target pulse. Finally, the stored gate photon can be retrieved. A retrieved photon heralds successful storage. The corresponding postselected subensemble shows an extinction of 0.05. The single-photon switch offers many interesting perspectives ranging from quantum communication to quantum information processing

    The effects of cytokines in a cartilage explant model system

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, Technology and Design, University of Luton, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.Arthritis is a pathological condition whereby a persistent inflammatory response leads to breakdown of articular cartilage in synovial joints. Cartilage is a specialised avascular tissue containing chondrocytes embedded in an extracellular matrix. The cartilage matrix is composed of collagen to provide strength with aggregated proteoglycan to facilitate hydration. Cartilage has been reported to loose proteoglycans with concordant loss of integrity observed in arthritic disease pathology. Proteoglycans loss from cartilage has also been reported in in vitro models. Application of interleukin-1 (lL-1β) to cartilage in vitro has been demonstrated to increase loss of proteoglycans and modulate production of inflammatory mediators such as Nitric Oxide (NO) and Prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2). NO and PGE2 have also been associated with cartilage breakdown. Other cytokines such as colony stimulating factors (CSFs) may regulate cartilage function. The aim of this study was to select a cartilage explant system and compare the effects of interleukin-1 (lL-1) with those of colony stimulating factors (CSFs) by measuring the production of NO and PGE2 and release of proteoglycans. It was found that IL-1β increased PGE2 and NO production, but not loss of proteoglycans from rat cartilage explants. Granulocyte-CSF (G-CSF) and lL-3 increased production of NO and PGE2, respectively. When combined, IL-1β / Granulocyte-Macrophage (GM-CSF) increased production of PGE2 and G-CSF / IL-1β produced increased proteoglycan loss from explants. The model was then modified by integrating Swiss 3T3 Fibroblasts monolayers with explants. Fibroblasts were initially screened to determine their separate response to these cytokines. Fibroblasts did not release proteoglycans into the culture media, but produced elevated concentrations of NO and PGE2 in response to IL-lβ.¡Fibroblast-cartilage co-cultures treated with IL-lβ produced increased NO, PGE2 and proteoglycan release. G-CSF, GM-CSF and IL-3 caused increased levels of PGE2 in co-cultures, however, IL-1β was required to generate significant proteoglycan loss from cartilage explants. Finally, extra-cellular signal related protein kinases I and 2 (ERK 1&2) and p38 intracellular signalling pathways were shown to be involved in IL-1β mediated production of NO fibroblasts and explants. These studies show that IL-1β has increased potential to mediate cartilage breakdown when interacting with other cytokines, such as G-CSF, and other cell types, such as Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. IL-1β has defined intracellular signalling pathways that may produce a range of responses in cartilage explants and fibroblasts. These studies may relate to production of inflammatory processes and loss of cartilage integrity and function in pathological conditions

    MolMod – an open access database of force fields for molecular simulations of fluids

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    The MolMod database is presented, which is openly accessible at http://molmod.boltzmann-zuse.de and contains intermolecular force fields for over 150 pure fluids at present. It was developed and is maintained by the Boltzmann-Zuse Society for Computational Molecular Engineering (BZS). The set of molecular models in the MolMod database provides a coherent framework for molecular simulations of fluids. The molecular models in the MolMod database consist of Lennard-Jones interaction sites, point charges, and point dipoles and quadrupoles, which can be equivalently represented by multiple point charges. The force fields can be exported as input files for the simulation programmes ms2 and ls1 mardyn, GROMACS, and LAMMPS. To characterise the semantics associated with the numerical database content, a force field nomenclature is introduced that can also be used in other contexts in materials modelling at the atomistic and mesoscopic levels. The models of the pure substances that are included in the database were generally optimised such as to yield good representations of experimental data of the vapour–liquid equilibrium with a focus on the vapour pressure and the saturated liquid density. In many cases, the models also yield good predictions of caloric, transport, and interfacial properties of the pure fluids. For all models, references to the original works in which they were developed are provided. The models can be used straightforwardly for predictions of properties of fluid mixtures using established combination rules. Input errors are a major source of errors in simulations. The MolMod database contributes to reducing such errors.BMBF, 01IH16008E, Verbundprojekt: TaLPas - Task-basierte Lastverteilung und Auto-Tuning in der PartikelsimulationEC/H2020/694807/EU/Enrichment of Components at Interfaces and Mass Transfer in Fluid Separation Technologies/ENRICOEC/H2020/760907/EU/Virtual Materials Market Place (VIMMP)/VIMM

    Single-Photon Transistor Using a F\"orster Resonance

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    An all-optical transistor is a device in which a gate light pulse switches the transmission of a target light pulse with a gain above unity. The gain quantifies the change of the transmitted target photon number per incoming gate photon. We study the quantum limit of one incoming gate photon and observe a gain of 20. The gate pulse is stored as a Rydberg excitation in an ultracold gas. The transmission of the subsequent target pulse is suppressed by Rydberg blockade which is enhanced by a F\"orster resonance. The detected target photons reveal in a single shot with a fidelity above 0.86 whether a Rydberg excitation was created during the gate pulse. The gain offers the possibility to distribute the transistor output to the inputs of many transistors, thus making complex computational tasks possible
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