9 research outputs found

    Relationship of footwear comfort, selected size, and lower leg overuse injuries among infantry soldiers

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    Funding Information: This research was financially supported by a Rīga Stradiņš University doctoral research grant. Funding Information: The authors would like to thank the soldiers who participated in the study and the Latvian National Army Logistic Command Military Medical Support Centre for the support. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).BACKGROUND: High rates of musculoskeletal injuries such as plantar fasciitis and stress fractures have been observed among physically active military personnel. During service time, infantry soldiers use issued boots daily that should fit well and provide comfort to prevent injuries and decrease lower extremity pain effectively. The association of military boot comfort with overuse injuries remains unclear. This study investigates the relationship between the chosen military boot size, perceived boot comfort and lower leg overuse injury. METHODS: During the cross-sectional study, 227 (males, n = 213; females, n = 14) active-duty infantry soldiers at a mean age of 29.5 years old, and with an average service time of 7.2 years were assessed for a history of overuse injury, footprint length, appropriate shoe size, and footwear comfort. Males with a history of overuse injury (n = 32) and non-injured age-matched controls (n = 34) were selected for detailed testing and establishing the possible relationship between footwear comfort and lower leg overuse injury. RESULTS: No relationship was found between footwear comfort and a history of lower leg overuse injury. N = 38 (57.6%) of study subjects were wearing an inappropriate shoe size daily. Inappropriate shoe size usage affected footwear comfort ratings significantly. CONCLUSIONS: Study results showed that improper boot size was significantly related to comfort ratings but was not associated with a history of lower leg overuse injury.publishersversionPeer reviewe


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    Musculoskeletal injury is the leading cause of disability among different military populations that results in socioeconomic burden and negatively affects military readiness. Study aim was to describe self-reported musculoskeletal injuries among Latvian infantry soldiers during one-year period. Survey-based cross-sectional study was carried out. Data was assessed using survey about injuries that occurred in one-year period during annual medical check-up. Musculoskeletal injuries were classified according to body regions as it is in Barell injury matrix and by injury type – acute or overuse. Study results showed in one-year injury incidence rate was 867.8 cases per 1000 person-years (95% CI 824.8 – 913.0) with total 197 musculoskeletal injuries reported among active duty infantry soldiers. Typical acute injuries were superficial contusion injuries (n=24), fractures (n=21), joint dislocations (n=21) and sprains (n=29). Typical overuse diagnoses were lower back pain (n=42), patellofemoral pain syndrome (n=11), medial tibial stress syndrome (n=9), plantar fasciitis (n=8). Present study showed high incidence of overuse back injuries and overuse and acute lower leg injuries. Mostly of reported injuries could be classified as preventable and should be reduced through injury reduction programmes.


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    The purpose of this article is to present a theoretical integrative model, which reflects contemporary tendencies in the understanding of mental disorders and functional impairment, and which is used as a theoretical frame for the development of the Latvian Clinical Personality Inventory (LCPI). This article, based on the latest research findings in the field, supports the necessity of a combined analysis of mental disorders and functional impairment. Due to scientific findings and deeper understanding of the interrelation between mental disorders and functioning impairment, it has become possible to develop psychological instruments for valid assessment of the disturbances in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation, and  behaviour combining with analysis of most essential and relevant aspects of their functioning. An integrative theoretical model of LCPI, developed on the selected criteria from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM – 5; APA, 2013) and WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF; WHO, 2001/2015) is presented in the article. Conducted literature analysis permits to conclude, that in a context of clinical personality assessment, a combined analysis of symptoms of mental disorders and relevant functioning criteria is very promising and will be useful in many assessment contexts. Based on such an integrative approach the Latvian Clinical Personality Inventory is currently being developed. This project is a part of the National Research Programme (No. 5.8.2.)

    Incremental Role of Pathological Personality Traits in the Prediction of Suicidal Ideation in General and Psychiatric Inpatient Sample

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    Funding Information: The study was supported by Grants No. 5.8.2 of the National Research Programme of Latvia (Biomedicine, 2014–2017) and Nr. 48-23/2017/0452. 2017–2020, project “The Development of Digitalized Personality Assessment System”. Publisher Copyright: © 2019 Viktorija Perepjolkina et al., published by Sciendo 2019.The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of the pathological personality traits in predicting suicidal ideation, especially in combination with other risk factors, such as the level of depression, prior attempts of suicide, low self-esteem, low level of perceived social support and self-esteem-by-social support interaction, both in general and in psychiatric inpatient samples. Data were analysed within two samples: non-clinical general sample (n = 461) and psychiatric inpatient sample (n = 131). Latvian Clinical Personality Inventory (LCPI) was used as the instrument for data collection. LCPI is a comprehensive multi-scale multi-item inventory, which consists of nine clinical scales (including Depression Symptom Scale), 33 pathological personality scales, five functioning scales, and five additional scales, including a Suicidal Ideation Scale, Low Self-esteem Scale and Lack of Perceived Social Support Scale. Results of the hierarchical regression analysis showed that several facet-level pathological personality traits (depressivity, self-harm, dissociation proneness, submissiveness, and suspiciousness) added significant incremental variance to the prediction of suicidal ideation above and beyond the well-known main risk factors of suicidal ideation, such as depression and prior suicide attempt. This effect remained stable even after taking into account additional interpersonal risk factors, such as low self-esteem, low level of perceived social support and self-esteem-by-perceived social support interaction. The incremental effect of personality traits was medium in the psychiatric inpatient sample and small in the general sample. Findings of the study may assist in early screening for persons with suicide risk and for developing prevention programmes in different settings.publishersversionPeer reviewe


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    In the next 30 years, a significant increase of the population aged over 65 is expected (WHO, 2015). Ageing can often be associated with cognitive decline; however, recent research indicates that symptoms of age-related cognitive impairment are modulated by Cognitive Reserve (CR), which derives from level of education, working activity, and social activity (Tucker Stern, 2011). The role of CR in neurodegenerative disease has been extensively researched, but little is known about its contribution to normal ageing. Fifty-four healthy Latvian seniors were recruited for the study. We assessed simple and complex reaction times, associative memory, memory retrieval, attention, working memory. Furthermore, we quantified their CR. We analysed the relationship between CR and reaction times with two separate logistic regressions. Then, four linear regression models were built to analyse the relationship between CR and the scores on the cognitive tasks. CR was not related to the cognitive performance of healthy Latvian seniors. Such results indicate that CR resources may be mostly required when high-demanding tasks have to be performed

    White matter abnormalities in methcathinone abusers with an extrapyramidal syndrome

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    Funding Information: National Institute for Health Research Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (to H.J.B. and C.J.S.); the Wellcome Trust (to H.J.B.) and the European Social Fund (to A.S.). Copyright: Copyright 2017 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.We examined white matter abnormalities in patients with a distinctive extrapyramidal syndrome due to intravenous methcathinone (ephedrone) abuse. We performed diffusion tensor imaging in 10 patients and 15 age-matched controls to assess white matter structure across the whole brain. Diffuse significant decreases in white matter fractional anisotropy, a diffusion tensor imaging metric reflecting microstructural integrity, occurred in patients compared with controls. In addition, we identified two foci of severe white matter abnormality underlying the right ventral premotor cortex and the medial frontal cortex, two cortical regions involved in higher-level executive control of motor function. Paths connecting different cortical regions with the globus pallidus, the nucleus previously shown to be abnormal on structural imaging in these patients, were generated using probabilistic tractography. The fractional anisotropy within all these tracts was lower in the patient group than in controls. Finally, we tested for a relationship between white matter integrity and clinical outcome. We identified a region within the left corticospinal tract in which lower fractional anisotropy was associated with greater functional deficit, but this region did not show reduced fractional anisotropy in the overall patient group compared to controls. These patients have widespread white matter damage with greatest severity of damage underlying executive motor areas.Peer reviewe

    The Relationship between Suicide Ideation, Depressive Symptoms and Personality Traits in ElderlyPilot Study Results

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    Healthy aging and the research on the related factors is one of the World Health Organization's priorities for the 2020-2030 years. Depression and suicidal ideation can adversely affect an individual's aging experience. Personality traits are important factors that allow to predict the individual's behavior in different situations, as well as the accurance of emotional difficulties. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between symptoms of depression, suicidal ideation and personality traits in elderly, and to determine whether the relationship between personality traits and suicidal ideation remains statistically significant after controlling the severity of depression symptoms. Thirty nine respondents aged 65 and over were included in the pilot study (M = 71.23; SD = 4.95). The Latvian Clinical Personality Inventory (LCPI) was used for data collection. The results indicate a statistically significant relationship between several personality traits, depression symptoms and suicidal ideation for elderly. Controlling the severity of depression symptoms, statistically significant correlations were found between suicidal ideation and personality traits such as distrust, social withdrawal, self-harm, dissociation proneness on facet level and introversion on domain level. The results of the pilot study largely coincide with the results of previous studies and indicate that certain personality traits, irrespective of the degree of severity of depression symptoms, can explain an additional variation in suicidal thoughts and, hence, the risk of suicide for elderly. It would be important to conduct a study with similar variables in a larger sample.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries in the military : a qualitative systematic review of the literature from the past two decades and a new prioritizing injury model

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to thank LTC Dr. Damien Van Tiggelen (Belgium) and Ms. Beatriz Sanz-Bustillo Aguirre (Spain) for their participation and input in the discussion during the HFM-283 meeting in Cologne (Germany) in January 2020. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Background: Musculoskeletal injuries (MSkIs) are a leading cause of health care utilization, as well as limited duty and disability in the US military and other armed forces. MSkIs affect members of the military during initial training, operational training, and deployment and have a direct negative impact on overall troop readiness. Currently, a systematic overview of all risk factors for MSkIs in the military is not available. Methods: A systematic literature search was carried out using the PubMed, Ovid/Medline, and Web of Science databases from January 1, 2000 to September 10, 2019. Additionally, a reference list scan was performed (using the “snowball method”). Thereafter, an international, multidisciplinary expert panel scored the level of evidence per risk factor, and a classification of modifiable/non-modifiable was made. Results: In total, 176 original papers and 3 meta-analyses were included in the review. A list of 57 reported potential risk factors was formed. For 21 risk factors, the level of evidence was considered moderate or strong. Based on this literature review and an in-depth analysis, the expert panel developed a model to display the most relevant risk factors identified, introducing the idea of the “order of importance” and including concepts that are modifiable/non-modifiable, as well as extrinsic/intrinsic risk factors. Conclusions: This is the qualitative systematic review of studies on risk factors for MSkIs in the military that has attempted to be all-inclusive. A total of 57 different potential risk factors were identified, and a new, prioritizing injury model was developed. This model may help us to understand risk factors that can be addressed, and in which order they should be prioritized when planning intervention strategies within military groups.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Differences in long- and short-term memory performance and brain matter integrity in seniors with different physical activity experience

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    Due to increasing changes in demographics, maintaining cognitive functioning later in life has become both economic and social concerns, and thus finding a cost-effective solution is one of the priorities in research. Factors like physical and intellectual activities have been associated with better cognitive performance in later life. While several studies have considered the impact of short-term physical activity interventions on cognitive functioning, retrospective research focusing on life-time physical activity experience has been sparse. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between memory performance and whole brain matter integrity in seniors with different regular life-long physical activity experience. Fifty-three Latvian seniors aged 65-85 (M = 72.25, SD = 5.03, 83% female) with no self-reported chronic disease participated in the study. Measures of memory, physical activity and whole brain matter integrity were obtained and analysed. The obtained results indicated no significant relationship between physical activity experience and short and long-term memory and whole brain matter integrity; however, brain matter integrity was significantly correlated with demographic factors like age and education. These results might be related to inadequate physical activity measures, as well as unequal physical activity experience in participants. In the future, more detailed assessment of physical activity experience should be considered