22 research outputs found

    Determining the Availability of Continuous Systems at Open Pits Applying Fuzzy Logic

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    This work presents a model for determining the availability of continuous systems at open pits by applying fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference systems. The applied model was formed by the synthesis of independent partial indicators of availability. The model is based on an expert system for assessing the availability of continuous mining systems. The availability of the system, as a complex state parameter, is decomposed into the partial indicators, reliability, and convenience of maintenance, and the fuzzy compositions, used for integration the partial indicators, are the max–min and min–max compositions. The advantage of this model in comparison to the conventional models is that it takes into account the effect of practical indicators of availability, does not require long-term monitoring, and records necessary to determine the time picture of the system state. This model for determining the availability has a role to help responsible persons at open pits in the planning and control of exploitation, and the adoption of an appropriate maintenance strategy, all with the aim of stable production and cost reduction. The presented model can be used as a tool for the quick assessment of system availability, based on expert judgments and assessments

    Osetljivost genotipova pasulja na Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli u zaštićenom prostoru

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    Plants of 17 bean genotypes were evaluated under greenhouse conditions for their reaction to X. campestris pv. phaseoli, the causal agent of common blight of beans, following leaf-spray inoculation with bacterial suspension (108 cfu/ml). The plants were evaluated based on the number of leaf lesions, and the disease severity index (DSI) was calculated. The evaluated genotypes showed various levels of susceptibility to X. campestris pv. phaseoli strain VS-1. The results of both experiments showed that the cultivar Oreol was the most resistant. The genotypes: KB 142, HR-45, Tisa and Panonski tetovac also showed low susceptibility with DSI values in the first trial ranging from 2.27 to 3.60. The same genotypes, with the exception of Panonski tetovac, were also categorized as low-susceptible to the bacterium in the second experiment, having the DSI values between 2.27 and 3.60. Most genotypes (Slavonski žutozeleni, Zlatko, Biser, Sremac, Naya Nayahit) were categorized as susceptible in the first experiment, including Panonski tetovac in the second one, while the genotypes Dvadesetica, Prelom and Oplenac displayed the highest susceptibility in both trials.Ispitivana je reakcija 17 genotipova pasulja i boranije na X. campestris. pv. phaseoli, prouzrokovača obične bakteriozne plamenjače pasulja u uslovima staklenika nakon inokulacije biljaka prskanjem bakterijskom suspenzijom (108 ćel/ml). Reakcija biljaka ocenjivana je na osnovu broja pega na lišću i izračunat je indeks oboljenja (IO). Proučavani genotipovi su ispoljili različit nivo osetljivosti na soj bakterije VS-1. U oba ogleda najveću otpornost je ispoljila sorta oreol. Slabo osetljivim genotipovima u prvom ogledu pripadali su genotipovi KB 142, HR-45, tisa i panonski tetovac sa IO 2,73-3,93. Isti genotipovi, osim panonskog tetovca, i u drugom ogledu su svrstani u kategoriju slabo osetljivih (IO 2,27 do 3,60). Najveći broj genotipova pripadao je kategoriji osetljivih (slavonski žutozeleni, zlatko, biser, sremac, Naya Nayahit) u prvom ogledu, a u drugom, pored navedenih genotipova, spada i panonski tetovac. Najveću osetljivost u oba ogleda ispoljile su sorte dvadesetica, prelom i oplenac

    Efekti bakarnih jedinjenja, antibiotika i aktivatora otpornosti biljaka na populaciju i širenje Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis na rasadu paradajza u zaštićenom prostoru

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    Three copper-based compounds (copper hydroxide, copper oxychloride, copper sulphate), two antibiotics (streptomycin and kasugamycin) and a plant activator (ASM) significantly reduced population sizes and spread of C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis among tomato seedlings in the greenhouse. Streptomycin had the best effect in reducing pathogen population size in all sampling regions. Moreover, this antibiotic completely stopped the spread of C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in the region most distant from the inoculum focus. Copper hydroxide mixed with streptomycin significantly limited the pathogen population, compared with copper hydroxide alone, the other copper-based compounds, ASM and kasugamycin. However, combining streptomycin with copper hydroxide did not contribute to its greater efficacy against the pathogen population. Copper-based compounds, in general, were less effective in limiting pathogen population sizes than the other treatments in all three sampling regions, primarily copper oxychloride and the combination of copper hydroxide and mancozeb. Among copper compounds, copper hydroxide was the most prominent in reducing the bacterial population, especially in the region closest to the inoculum focus, while its combination with mancozeb did not improve the effects. Kasugamycin significantly limited pathogen population size, compared to copper bactericides, but it was less effective than the other antibiotic compound, i.e. streptomycin. The plant activator ASM significantly reduced population density, and it was more effective when used three days prior to inoculation than six days before inoculation.Jedinjenja na bazi bakra (bakar-hidroksid, bakar-oksihlorid, bakar-sulfat trobazni), antibiotici (streptomicin i kasugamicin) i aktivator otpornosti biljaka (acibenzolar-S-metil, ASM) značajno su redukovali veličinu populacije i širenje C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis na rasadu paradajza u zaštićenom prostoru. Streptomicin je imao najbolji efekat u smanjenju populacije patogena u svim regionima uzorkovanja. Takođe, ovaj antibiotik je potpuno zaustavio širenje C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis u regionu najudaljenijem od žarišta inokuluma. Mešavina bakar-hidroksida i streptomicina je značajno smanjila populaciju patogena u poređenju sa tretmanom bakar-hidroksidom primenjenim samostalno, drugim bakarnim jedinjenjima, acibenzolar-S-metilom i kasugamicinom. Međutim, kombinovanje streptomicina sa bakar-hidroksidom nije doprinelo poboljšanju njegovog efekta na smanjenje populacije patogena. Bakarni preparati su imali najslabiji efekat u smanjenju populacije patogena na sva tri mesta uzorkovanja, što se pre svega odnosi na bakar-oksihlorid i kombinaciju bakar-hidroksida sa mankozebom. Među bakarnim jedinjenjima najbolji efekat imao je bakar-hidroksid, posebno u regionu najbližem žarištu inokuluma, dok njegova kombinacija sa mankozebom nije poboljšala efekat. Kasugamicin je bio efikasniji od bakarnih jedinjenja, ali znatno slabiji u smanjenju populacije bakterije od drugog antibiotika-streptomicina. Aktivator otpornosti ASM je ispoljio značajan efekat u smanjenju zaraze, pri čemu je bolji efekat ovog jedinjenja ostvaren primenom tri dana pre inokulacije u odnosu na primenu šest dana pre inokulacije

    In vitro toksičnost fungicida različitih mehanizama delovanja za Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach

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    Isolates of Agaricus bisporus strains F56 and U3 were tested for sensitivity to several selected fungicides in vitro. The analysis showed that flusilasole + carbendazim and cyproconazole + carbendazim were the most toxic fungicides to A. bisporus strain F56 with respective EC50 values of 0.04 and 0.23 mg/l. The least toxic fungicides were carbendazim (EC50 = 16.58 mg/l) and trifloxystrobin (EC50 = 20.69 mg/l) to A. bisporus F56 and benomyl (EC50 = 14.99 mg/l) to A. bisporus U3.Ispitana je in vitro toksičnost odabranih fungicida za sojeve F56 i U3 Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach. Analiza je pokazala da su fungicidi fluzilazol + karbendazim i ciprokonazol + karbendazim pokazali najveću toksičnost za soj F56 A. bisporus sa EC50 vrednostima 0.04 i 0.23 mg/l. Karbendazim (EC50 = 16.58 mg/l) i trifloksistrobin (EC50 = 20.69 mg/l) su bili najmanje toksični fungicidi za A. bisporus F56 i benomil (EC50 = 14.99 mg/l) za A. bisporus U3

    In vitro osetljivost patogena šampinjona Cladobotryum spp. na tiofanat-metil i različite formulacije karbendazima

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    A survey of in vitro sensitivity of 13 isolates of the mushroom pathogen Cladobotryum spp. to the fungicides thiophanate-methyl, carbendazim, cyproconazole+carbendazim and flusilazole+carbendazim was undertaken. The isolates were collected from diseased fruiting bodies of Agaricus bisporus sampled from mushroom farms in Serbia over the period 2003-2006. Sensitivity to the selected fungicides was tested and all isolates were found to be highly sensitive to carbendazim (EC50 = 0.24 - 2.92 mg l-1), cyproconazole+carbendazim (EC50 = 0.33 - 1.82 mg l-1) and especially to flusilazole+carbendazim (EC50 = 0.02 - 0.11 mg l-1). All the isolates tested were weakly resistant to thiophanate-methyl and had EC50 values in the region of 6.53 to 12.09 mg l-1.Iz obolelih plodonosnih tela Agaricus bisporus prikupljenih u gajilištima šampinjona u Srbiji tokom 2003-2006. dobijeno je trinaest izolata Cladobotryum spp. Ispitana je njihova osetljivost na fungicide tiofanat-metil, karbendazim, ciprokonazol+karbendazim i flusilazol+karbendazim in vitro. Ispitivanje osetljivosti izolata na fungicide je pokazalo da su svi izolati visoko osetljivi na karbendazim (EC50=0,24-2,92 mg l-1), ciprokonazol+karbendazim (EC50=0,33-1,82 mg l-1) i naročito na flusilazol+karbendazim (EC50=0,02-0,11 mg l-1). Svi testirani Cladobotryum spp. izolati su bili umereno rezistentni na tiofanat-metil sa EC50 vrednostima u rasponu od 6,53 do 12,09 mg l-1

    Morfološke i patogene karakteristike gljive Cladobotryum dendroides, prouzrokovača paučinaste plesni šampinjona Agaricus bisporus u Srbiji

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    Twenty isolates were isolated from diseased fruiting bodies of Agaricus bisporus collected from Serbian mushroom farms during 2003-2007. The isolates formed white, cottony, aerial colonies on agar media. With age, conidia and colonies turned yellow and redish. Pathogenicity of these isolates was confirmed by inoculation of harvested basidiomes of A. bisporus and by casing inoculation. Symptoms similar to natural infection were recorded. Based on pathogenicity tests and morphological characteristics, the isolates were identified as Cladobotryum dendroides (Bulliard : Fries) W. Gams & Hoozemans.Dvadeset mikrofungalnih izolata je dobijeno iz obolelih plodonosnih tela Agaricus bisporus prikupljenih iz gajilišta u Srbiji u periodu od 2003. do 2007. godine. Izolati su obrazovali bele, vazdušne kolonije na krompir-dekstroznoj podlozi. Nakon nekoliko dana kolonije su poprimile žutu i ružičastu boju. Veštačkim inokulacijama ubranih plodonosnih tela A. bisporus i pokrivke za gajenje šampinjona, pojavili su se simptomi paučinaste plesni. Izolati su identifikovani na osnovu morfoloških i patogenih osobina kao Cladobotryum dendroides (Bulliard : Fries) W. Gams & Hoozemans

    Osetljivost Cladobotryum spp., patogena šampinjona (Agaricus bisporus), na neke fungicide

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    Thirteen isolates of Cladobotryum spp., isolated from diseased fruiting bodies of Agaricus bisporus, sampled from mushroom farms in Serbia during 2003-2006, were studied. Sensitivity to several selected fungicides was tested and all isolates were found to be highly sensitive to iprodione (EC50 = 0.35-2.30 mg L-1), benomyl (EC50 = 0.14-0.97 mg L-1) and especially to prochloraz-Mn (EC50 = 0.02-0.09 mg L-1). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of benomyl was 4 mg L-1, while those of prochloraz-Mn and iprodione exceeded 1000 mg L-1. The minimum fungicide concentration (MFC) of benomyl was 4 mg L-1, and none of the tested concentrations of prochloraz-Mn and iprodione were lethal to any of the investigated Cladobotryum spp. isolates.Trinaest izolata Cladobotryum spp., dobijeno je iz obolelih plodonosnih tela Agaricus bisporus iz gajilišta šampinjona u Srbiji tokom 2003-2006. godine. Ispitivanje osetljivosti izolata na fungicide je pokazalo da su svi izolati visoko osetljivi na benomil (EC50 = 0.14-0.97 mg L-1), iprodion (EC50 = 0.35-2.30 mg L-1) i naročito na prohloraz (EC50 = 0.02-0.09 mg L-1). Minimalna inhibitorna koncentracija (MIC) benomila je bila 4 mg L-1, a prohloraza i iprodiona veća od 1000 mg L-1. Minimalna fungicidna koncentracija (MFC) benomila je takođe bila 4 mg L-1, a nijedna od testiranih koncentracija prohloraza i iprodiona nije bila letalna za Cladobotryum spp. izolate

    Efikasnost kombinacije fluopikolida i fosetil-Al (Profiler®) za suzbijanje prouzrokovača plamenjače vinove loze (Plasmopara viticola) u poljskim uslovima

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    The efficacy of new fungicide mixtures in controlling Plasmopara viticola in grapevine was evaluated in field trials. The efficacies of Profiler (fluopicolide + fosetyl-Al) and the standard fungicide Mikal Flash (fosetyl-Al + folpet) were tested at Radmilovac and Slankamenaèki Vinogradi in 2006 and 2007. Both tested fungicides exhibited high efficacy in controlling grape downy mildew. There were no significant differencies in the efficacies of Profiler (96.1-99.7%) and Mikal Flash (94.9-99.2%). Our experiments showed that the investigated fungicide mixture fluopicolide + fosetyl-Al is highly effective against P. viticola, even when it it is applied at long intervals and under high disease pressure.Ispitivana je efikasnost nove kombinacije fungicida za suzbijanje Plasmopara viticola na vinovoj lozi u poljskim uslovima. U 2006. i 2007. godini ispitivana je efikasnost Profiler (fluopikolid + fosetil-Al) u odnosu na standardni fungicid Mikal Flash (fosetil-Al + folpet) na lokalitetima Radmilovac i Slankamenački Vinogradi. Oba ispitivana fungicida ispoljila su visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju prouzrokovača plamenjače vinove loze. Između efikasnosti Profiler (96,1- 99,7%) i Mikal Flash (94,9- 99,2%), nije zabeležena statistički značajna razlika. Naši ogledi su pokazali da je ispitivana kombinacija fungicida fluopikolid + fosetil-Al visoko efikasna protiv P. viticola, čak i kada se primenjuje u dužim vremenskim intervalima kao i pri uslovima jake zaraze

    Efikasnost kombinacija nespecifičnih i fungicida iz grupe strobilurina u suzbijanju čađave pegavosti jabuke

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    The efficacy of several fungicide mixtures in controlling Venturia inaequalis in apple was evaluated in field trials. The efficacies of Flint Plus (trifloxystrobin + captan) and Tercel (pyraclostrobin + dithianon) in comparison with standard fungicides Zato 50-WG (trifloxystrobin) and Stroby + Delan (kresoxim-methyl + dithianon) were tested in the localities Mihajlovac, Radmilovac and Landol in 2004 and 2005. Both tested fungicides exhibited high efficacy in controlling apple scab. There were significant differencies in the efficacies of Flint Plus (91.3-98.5%) and Zato 50-WG (68.2% and 78.4%); and Tercel (88.7-93.5%) and Stroby + Delan (77.9% and 82.1%). Our experiments showed that the investigated fungicide mixtures are highly effective against V. inaqeulais, even under high disease pressure.Ispitivana je efikasnost nekoliko kombinacija fungicida u suzbijanju Venturia inaequalis na jabuci u poljskim uslovima. U 2005-oj i 2006-oj godini ispitivana je efikasnost Flint Plus (trifloksistrobin + kaptan) i Tercel (piraklostrobin + ditianon) u odnosu na standardne fungicide Zato 50-WG (trifloksistrobin) i Stroby + Delan (kresoksim-methil + ditianon) na lokalitetima Mihajlovac, Radmilovac i Landol. Oba ispitivana fungicida ispoljila su visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju čađave pagavosti jabuke. Između efikasnosti Flint Plus (91.3-98.5%) i Zato 50-WG (68.2% i 78.4%), i Tercel (88.7-93.5%) i kombinacije fungicida Stroby + Delan (77.9% i 82.1%) zabeležena je statistički značajna razlika. Naši ogledi su pokazali da su ispitivane kombinacije fungicida visoko efikasne protiv V. inaequalis čak i u uslovima jake zaraze