Efikasnost kombinacija nespecifičnih i fungicida iz grupe strobilurina u suzbijanju čađave pegavosti jabuke


The efficacy of several fungicide mixtures in controlling Venturia inaequalis in apple was evaluated in field trials. The efficacies of Flint Plus (trifloxystrobin + captan) and Tercel (pyraclostrobin + dithianon) in comparison with standard fungicides Zato 50-WG (trifloxystrobin) and Stroby + Delan (kresoxim-methyl + dithianon) were tested in the localities Mihajlovac, Radmilovac and Landol in 2004 and 2005. Both tested fungicides exhibited high efficacy in controlling apple scab. There were significant differencies in the efficacies of Flint Plus (91.3-98.5%) and Zato 50-WG (68.2% and 78.4%); and Tercel (88.7-93.5%) and Stroby + Delan (77.9% and 82.1%). Our experiments showed that the investigated fungicide mixtures are highly effective against V. inaqeulais, even under high disease pressure.Ispitivana je efikasnost nekoliko kombinacija fungicida u suzbijanju Venturia inaequalis na jabuci u poljskim uslovima. U 2005-oj i 2006-oj godini ispitivana je efikasnost Flint Plus (trifloksistrobin + kaptan) i Tercel (piraklostrobin + ditianon) u odnosu na standardne fungicide Zato 50-WG (trifloksistrobin) i Stroby + Delan (kresoksim-methil + ditianon) na lokalitetima Mihajlovac, Radmilovac i Landol. Oba ispitivana fungicida ispoljila su visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju čađave pagavosti jabuke. Između efikasnosti Flint Plus (91.3-98.5%) i Zato 50-WG (68.2% i 78.4%), i Tercel (88.7-93.5%) i kombinacije fungicida Stroby + Delan (77.9% i 82.1%) zabeležena je statistički značajna razlika. Naši ogledi su pokazali da su ispitivane kombinacije fungicida visoko efikasne protiv V. inaequalis čak i u uslovima jake zaraze

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