61 research outputs found

    The investigation of formal operational thinking on the age 14-19

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    Rad se bavi sledećim aspektima formalno-operacionalnog mišljenja,: (1) karakteristikama formalno-operacionalnog mišljenja, (2) postojanjem jedinstvene strukture formalnih operacija, (3) postojanjem uzrasnih razlika u pogledu formalno-operacionalnog mišljenja i (4) postojanjem polnih razlika u formalno-operacionalnom mišljenju. Uzorak je činilo 399 ispitanika iz tri uzrasne grupe (osmi razred, drugi i četvrti razred srednje škole). Formalne operacije su ispitivane Bondovim testom logičkih operacija. Za analizu rezultata korišćena je uglavnom Raš analiza ali i neke druge tehnike koje pripadaju CTT modelu, pre svega za probleme ispitivanja uzrasnih i polnih razlika. Rezultati pokazuju da je test lak za ispitanike. Najteži ajtemi odnose se na implikacije a najlakši na korelacije i konzervaciju zapremine. Rezultati potvrđuju jedinstvenost strukture formalnih operacija. Uzrasne razlike postoje između osmaka i obe grupe srednjoškolaca ali ne i između mlađih i starijih srednjoškolaca. Polne razlike nisu nađene. Rezultati su diskutovani u svetlu Pijažeove teorije i rezultata studija formalnih operacija.This work deals with formal operations. The following problems were investigated: (1) formal operational thought characteristics, (2) existence of formal operations structured whole, (3) existence of age differences regarding formal operations and (4) existence of sex differences regarding formal operations. There were 339 subjects, from the three age groups (eight grade of primary school, second and fourth grade of secondary school). Formal operations are tested by Bond’s Logical Operations Test. Rasch model was used for data analysis as well as some CTT techniques, basically for testing age and sex differences. The results show that BLOT is easy for our subjects. The hardest items are related to implications and the easiest to correlations and volume conservation. The data confirm assumption of formal operations as structured whole. There are age differences between youngest subjects and other two age groups but there is no differences between younger and older secondary school students. Sex differences were not found. Results were discussed in the light of Piaget's theory and the results of formal operations studies

    Značaj vršnjačke interakcije za razvoj mišljenja u adolescenciji

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    U ovoj monografiji razmatra se značaj interakcije vršnjaka adolescentskog uzrasta prilikom zajedničkog rešavanja proble¬ma za razvoj njihovog mišljenja. Akcenat je prvenstveno na vršnjačkoj interakciji kao faktoru razvoja mišljenja, dok su karakteristike i razvoj mišljenja tokom adolescencije detaljno razmatrani u prethodnoj monografiji autorke (Stepanović, 2007). Monografija je podeljena u četiri tematske celine. U prvoj celini, koja se sastoji iz tri poglavlja, predsta¬vljene su teorijske osnove istraživanja uloge vršnjačke interakcije u kognitiv¬nom razvoju tokom adolescencije, odnosno teorije Pijažea i Vigotskog kao naj¬uticajnji pristupi u oblasti razvojne psihologije koji se bave ovim problemom. Druga celina, koju takođe čine tri poglavlja, prati razvoj istraživanja koja su potekla iz pomenuta dva teorijska pristupa. Treća celina, koju čine dva poglavlja, posvećena je radovima autora koji se bave obrazovanjem i posmatraju vršnjačku interakciju kao pedagošku strategiju važnu za ostvari¬vanje obrazovnih ciljeva. Četvrta celina, kroz dva poglavlja, donosi prikaz istraživanja sprovedenih u prethodne dve decenije koja su se bavila dijalogom vršnjaka tokom zajednič¬kog rešavanja problema i ulogom vršnjačke interakcije u kognitivnom razvoju adolescenata. Na kraju autorka sumira sve što je iznela u prehodnim tematskim celinama prikazujući i šemu kojom se mogu predstaviti dosadašnja saznanja o fenomenu kojim se bavi u ovoj momografiji, ali i ukratko razmatra najvažnije implikacije značaja vršnjačke interakcije u ovom razvojnom periodu za obrazovni proces

    The role of peer interaction in cognitive development: Piagetian and Vygotskyan perspective

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    Članak se bavi pristupima Pijažea i Vigotskog, tj. načinom na koji je u okviru tih pristupa definisana vršnjačka interakcija i istraživana njena uloga u intelektualnom razvoju. Prikazani su i upoređeni oni aspekti izvornih učenja Pijažea i Vigotskog koji se bave vršnjačkom interakcijom i njenim značajem za nastanak novih kognitivnih kompetencija. Pored toga, razmatrane su konceptualne i metodološke novine koje su donela istraživanja nastavljača pomenuta dva učenja. Konstatovano je približavanje pijažetanske i vigotskijanske paradigme u pogledu razumevanja vršnjačke interakcije i načina na koji ona oblikuje kognitivni razvoj. Na kraju su opisane studije koje kombinuju te pristupe u proučavanju fenomena kojim se ovaj rad bavi. Diskutovane su prednosti integrativnog pristupa i nova saznanja do kojih se došlo, a naznačeni su i potencijalni problemi sa kojima treba da se suoče autori budućih istraživanja. .This paper deals with the role of peer interaction in cognitive development from the perspective of Piaget's and socio-cultural approach. The description of original Piagetian and Vygotskian ideas regarding the mentioned phenomenon and their comparison is given in the first part of the paper. Research studies of Piaget's and Vygotsky's followers brought theoretical and methodological innovations in the examination of peer interaction influence on cognitive development. At the beginning they were devoted to different aspects of social interaction. Piaget's followers recognized the importance of peer interaction for cognitive development and created a rich corpus of empirical data. The authors from socio-cultural perspective, following Vygotskian ideas, thoroughly investigated adult-child interaction and the consequences of difference in partners' competences on cognitive development in the process of adult's assistance within the child's ZPD. In the meantime, those two perspectives got closer and made the understanding of the phenomenon of peer interaction and its role in thinking development broader and more profound. Namely, Piagetians diverted attention to the importance of peer interaction for cognitive development and Vygotskians emphasized the relevance of asymmetry in peers' cognitive competences. The last part of the paper deals with studies of peer interaction which combine Piagetian and Vygotskian perspectives. The advantages of integrative approach and new discoveries are discussed. In addition to this, potential problems for future research are considered.

    Adolescents and amusement: Is there any reason to be concerned?

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    Uvod: Istraživanja pokazuju da mladi pretežno provode vreme zabavljajući se. Zabava spada u nestrukturisane aktivnosti čiji efekti po razvoj i mentalno zdravlje adolescenata mogu biti negativni. Cilj rada: (1) Identifikovanje aktivnosti zabavnog karaktera i utvrđivanje stepena njihovog prisustva, (2) Otkrivanje tipičnih obrazaca ponašanja tokom slobodnog vremena okrenutih zabavi, (3) Utvrđivanje vrednosti koje razlikuju mlade sklone zabavi od onih koji to nisu. Metod: Ispitano je 2426 srednjškolaca Upitnikom o slobodnom vremenu i Instrumentom koji se odnosi na lične i društvene ciljeve. Rezultati: Slobodnim vremenom dominiraju aktivnosti zabavanog karaktera: druženje navodi 48% adolescenata, gledanje televizije 46%, uz mobilni telefon 33%. Iako izlasci, vreme za računarom i gledanje zabavnih programa nemaju zabrinjavajuće razmere postoji negativna korelacija sa školskim uspehom i potencijalni rizik po razvoj adolescenata. Tri od pet tipičnih obrazaca ponašanja tokom slobodnog vremena su zabavnog karaktera: praćenje zabavnih sadržaja u medijima ('laka zabava'), provođene vremena pred kompjuterom i uz muziku, izlasci. Diskriminantna analiza pokazuje da se vrednosti mladih sklonih 'lakoj zabavi' razlikuju od vrednosti onih koje to ne privlači (c2(36)=209.799, p=0.00). Razlike postoje i između onih koji vreme provode uz kompjuter i muziku i onih koji to ne čine (c2(36)= 98.190, p=0.00) i između onih koji često i retko izlaze (c2(36)= 121.526, p=0.00). Zaključak: Iako zabavne aktivnosti nisu štetne po sebi, njihova dominacija ukazuje na potencijalne rizike i neophodnost angažovanja porodice, škole i društva u povećanju učešća adolescenata u strukturisanim aktivnostima.Background: According to many researches amusement is a dominant leisure activity of youngsters. It is an unstructured activity which mostly has negative effects on adolescent's development. Objectives: This work deals with: (1) types and frequency of amusement activities, (2) patterns of leisure activities related to amusement, (3) values that differentiate adolescents oriented towards amusement and those how are not. Method: The sample consisted of 2426 secondary-school students. Leisure activities questioner and Values scale have been applied. Results: The most frequent leisure activities are related to amusement: hanging out with friends, watching TV, using a cell phone. Although going out, watching TV and spending time at computers are not found to be dangerously time consuming they have negative effects on school achievement and potentially risky influence on the adolescent's well being. Three out of five behavior patterns during leisure time are related to amusement: orientation towards entertainment media, spending time at computers and listening to music, going out. Values of adolescents who are inclined to these three behavior patterns differ from values of those not interested in amusement. Conclusion: While amusement activities, alone, are not a concern, their dominance may become problematic. There is a need for systematic engagement of relevant agents in prevention of negative outcomes of unstructured activities by providing support for adolescents' participation in structured activities

    The formal operations: Piaget’s concept, researches and main critics

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    Ovo je pregledni rad koji je posvećen Pijažeovom konceptu formalnih operacija, istraživanjima koja su se njima bavila, kao i kritikama tog koncepta. U delu rada koji se odnosi na koncept formalnih operacija predstavljena su osnovna svojstva formalno-operacionalnog mišljenja i strukture formalnih operacija, kao i logičko-matematički model ovog stadijuma razvoja. Pregled studija koje se bave formalnim operacijama je organizovan u tri celine. Prva se bavi problemima koji su istraživani, druga specifičnostima primenjene metodologije, a treća kontekstom istraživanja koga čine pristupi kojima pripadaju autori istraživanja. U poslednjem delu rada su iznete i razmatrane kritike koje su najčešće upućivane Pijažeovom učenju o formalnim operacijama.This paper deals with Piaget's concept of formal operations, formal operations researches and critics related to the concept. The first part of the work is dedicated to the formal operations concept. The main characteristics of formal operational thought and formal operations structure, as well as structure logical model are presented in that part of the work. The second part is a review of formal operational researches and it is divided in three parts: (1) problems of researches (2) characteristics of applied methodology and (3) author approaches as a specific research context. In the last part of the work the main critics of formal operations concept are presented and discussed

    Comparing the effects of individual construction of formal operations and asymetric peer interaction on their development

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    Ispitivana je uloga samostalne konstrukcije formalnih operacija i asimetrične vršnjačke interakcije u razvoju tog oblika mišljenja. Kombinovani su Pijažeov pristup i pristup Vigotskog, što je omogućilo bolje sagledavanje ispitivanog problema. Pijaže naglašava ulogu aktivnosti jedinke, ali i vršnjačke interakcije, u razvoju logičkog mišljenja. Vigotski ukazuje na važnost kognitivne asimetrije partnera u interakciji, čime je obogaćeno ispitivanje uloge vršnjačke interakcije u kognitivnom razvoju. Zadatak istraživanja je da odgovori na pet pitanja: 1. Da li je moguće podsticati razvoj formalnih operacija; 2. Kakvi su rezultati poređenja efekata samostalne konstrukcije formalnih operacija i asimetrične vršnjačke interakcije na njen razvoj; 3. Ima li efekata u zoni narednog razvoja (ZNR); 4. Kakvi su efekti na učenike različitih uzrasta; 5. Kakve su implikacije za nastavu. Istraživanje je eksperimentalno i sastojalo se od pretesta, intervencije (rešavanje zadataka u asimetričnim dijadama i samostalno rešavanje) i posttesta. Učestvovali su učenici šestog i osmog razreda iz Beograda. Rezultati pokazuju da asimetrična vršnjačka interakcija utiče na razvoj formalnih operacija, ali da je moguća i samostalna konstrukcija ove forme mišljenja. Oba faktora deluju u ZNR, i to u jednakoj meri. To se dešava samo kod starijih učenika. Diskutovane su implikacije dobijenih nalaza za nastavu koja bi podsticala razvoj formalnih operacija.Our research dealt with the role of independent construction of formal operations and asymmetric peer interaction in the development of this form of thinking. We combined Piaget‘s and Vygotsky‘s approaches, which provided a fuller view on the problem under study. Piaget stresses not only the role of the individual but also of peer interactions in the development of logical thinking, while Vygotsky indicates the importance of cognitive asymmetry of partners in interaction, which enriches the study of the role peer interaction plays in cognitive development. Our research focused on five questions: 1. Is it possible to stimulate the development of formal operations? 2. What are the results of the comparison of the effects of independent construction and peer interactions on the development of formal operations? Are there any effects in the zone of subsequent development (ZSD)? 4. What are the effects of each upon students of various age? 5. Are there any implications for teaching? The research had a form of an experiment and included a pre-test, intervention (solving tasks in asymmetric dyads and individually), and a post-test. The examinees were students of the sixth and eighth grades of an elementary school in Belgrade. The results show that asymmetric peer interaction affects the development of formal operations, but also that individual construction of this type of thinking is possible. Both factors acted in the ZSD with equal strength but only in senior students. The paper also discusses some implications for teaching that can be derived from the research results and which can stimulate the development of formal operations

    Testing one model of family role in the development of formal operations

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    Savremeni autori naglašavaju važnost sagledavanja porodice kao specifičnog obrazovnog konteksta i izučavanja njene uloge u kognitivnom razvoju. U radu je testiran model kojim se postulira način na koji različiti vidovi roditeljskog posredovanja i razna porodična kulturno-potporna sredstva deluju na razvoj formalnih operacija. Pretpostavili smo da obrazovanje roditelja i materijalni status porodice čine širi kontekst koji utiče na generalne dimenzije porodične interakcije (emocionalna razmena i demokratičnost), ali i na kulturno-pedagoški status porodice, te da je njihova veza sa formalnim operacijama posredovana pomenutim varijablama. Očekivali smo da obrazovanje roditelja i generalne dimenzije porodične interakcije utiču na roditeljsku medijaciju specifičnu za razvoj formalnih operacija, operacionalizovanu KPS skalom, i da preko ove varijable posreduju razvoj tog oblika mišljenja. Direktna veza s formalnim operacijama postulirana je u slučaju varijabli kulturno-pedagoškog statusa i KPS skale. Uzorak čini 305 učenika od 15 do 19 godina. Za testiranje postuliranog modela korišćen je metod strukturalnih jednačina. Rezultati pokazuju da postoji direktan uticaj kulturno-pedagoškog statusa i KPS skale na formalne operacije, ali i obrazovanja majke. Neki odnosi ostalih prediktora su potvrđeni a neki ne, što sugeriše da predloženi eksplanatorni model mora biti donekle revidiran.Contemporary authors emphasise the importance of viewing the family as a specific educational context and of studying its role in the cognitive development. In this paper, we tested the model that postulates the way in which the different ways of parental mediation and various means of the family cultural-supportive system affect the development of formal operations. We assumed that the education of parents and financial status of the family form a wider context that influences the general dimensions of family interaction (emotional exchange and democratism), but also the cultural-pedagogical status of the family, and that their connection with formal operations is mediated by the above-mentioned variables. We expected the education of parents and general dimensions of family interaction to influence the parental mediation characteristic for the development of formal operations, operationalised by CSS scale, and to mediate, via this variable, the development of that form of thinking. The direct link with formal operations is postulated in the case of variables of cultural-pedagogical status and CSS scale. The sample consists of 305 pupils aged 15 to 19. The Structural Equation Modeling was used for testing the postulated model. The results show that there is a direct influence of cultural-pedagogical status and CSS scale on formal operations, but of mother's education as well. Some relations between other predictors were confirmed, and some not, which suggests that the proposed explanatory model must be revised to some degree

    Is there a relationship between adolescents' hobbies and idol preferences?

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    This paper is based on the concept of positive youth development and the formative role of leisure activities on identity formation and youngsters’ growth. The aim is to investigate if there is a relationship between adolescents’ hobbies and role models important for particular interests’ appearance but also for cognitive and social development. Students (N=1404 from primary and secondary school) estimated, in a form of questionnaire, how often in their leisure time they are engaged in 9 hobbies (e.g. blog writing; drawing/painting; graphic design; computer programming). They also answered the name of the public person they admire and why. Those answers are classified into 6 idol types within different domains: show business; sport; politics; science and art; entrepreneurship and fiction. This research has revealed the relationship showing that students practicing hobbies differ from those who do not regarding idol preferences. The most salient finding shows that adolescents admiring sportsmen do not incline to hobby practicing. Adolescents who take up hobbies prefer idols from show business, science/art and politics. Besides there are differences in number of hobbies regarding idol type preferences and differences in idol type preferences regarding how often adolescents practice hobbies.Saopštenje sa međunarodnog skupa štampano u celin

    Why more competent adolescents progress or regress after asymmetrical peer interaction

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    This research follows adolescents who participated in joint problem solving of tasks examining early forms of formal-operational thinking, with their less competent classmates. Although original research shows that asymmetrical peer interaction did not influence formal-operational development in the majority of more competent (MC) adolescents, we decided to examine those who progressed and regressed most after the interaction, considering rare research interest for MC students. Thus, conversations of 10 dyads, of MC adolescents and their less competent (LC) peers, were investigated. Each dyad solved 5 tasks together, which MC students had successfully solved on the pre-test, unlike their LC partners. Ten dialogue characteristics, derived from the referent literature, were traced in the 50 dyads’ conversations. Two dialogue patterns related to different post-test outcomes of MC adolescents were identified by cluster analysis. In the first type of dialogue, MC students justified correct answers but frequently behaved inconsistently with their higher competences. The second type of dialogue characterizes domination-submissiveness pattern and MC students’ unwillingness to justify opinion. All regressing MC adolescents participated in dialogues of the first type, while half of progressing MC adolescents had dialogue from the second. Qualitative analysis implies that although ready to give arguments to their peers when they can, regressing MC students were uncertain in their own reasoning and that is way interaction led to their regression. Progressing MC students apparently tried to protect themselves from possible disturbances coming from their LC partners by dominant attitude towards them and withdrawing from communication

    Public figures as idols of secondary school students in Serbia

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    The idols categorization offers an insight into adolescents’ values. It is also interesting to track changes in the certain categories preferences and to identify new categories. Hence, our research aim is to classify adolescents’ idols and to determine their preferences, to compare that categorization with previous research (Lin & Lin, 2007; Popadic, 2003; Stepanovic et al., 2009, 2017) and to relate idols preferences with socio-demographic variables. The sample includes 1383 secondary school students (1st and 3rd grade) from 10 Serbian towns. Adolescents (60% of the sample) named 431 public persons. The main idols’ categories are show business stars, sportsmen, artists and scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians and fictional characters. The categorization is same as in the recent research (Stepanovic et al., 2017) and similar to the others (Lin & Lin, 2007; Stepanovic et al., 2009). Additional subcategories are identified within show business class: fashion models and reality stars, which appeared in the previous study (Stepanovic et al., 2017) but their popularity now rises (reported by percentage of respondents who admire these subcategories), and the new subcategory of social media influencers. The admiration of show business models is higher while sportsmen are less preferred than earlier. However, Novak Đokovic is the most popular role model appreciated by 3.6% of students. Politicians, artists and scientist are rarely admired, as in the previous studies. The preferences of entrepreneurs and fictional characters are stable and low. There are no significant differences among 1st and 3rd graders regarding idols’ preferences, while gender and school type matters. Grammar school students admire scientists, artists and entrepreneurs more than vocational school students who prefer sportsmen and fictional characters (χ² = 19.134, df = 5, Cramer’s V = 0.12, p = .002). Gender is strongly associated with idol’s gender preference (χ² = 340.715, df = 1, Cramer’s V = 0.64, p = .000). Boys almost always name male idols (96%), while 34% of girls have male idols. Gender differences exist also regarding idols’ categories preferences (χ² = 110.146, df = 5, Cramer’s V = 0.37, p = .000). Girls admire show business stars, artist and scientist more than boys. Boys, more than girls prefer sportsmen, politicians, rulers and entrepreneurs. The results suggest strong and growing influence of the contents presented on the Internet and social networks on adolescents’ idols preferences