1,585 research outputs found

    Genome sequences of \u3ci\u3eAgropyron mosaic virus\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eHordeum mosaic virus \u3c/i\u3esupport reciprocal monophyly of the genera \u3ci\u3ePotyvirus\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eRymovirus \u3c/i\u3e in the family \u3ci\u3ePotyviridae\u3c/i\u3e

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    Assignment of mite-transmitted species to the genus Rymovirus (family Potyviridae) has changed several times, and the status of the genus has been questioned. To address this issue, complete genome sequences of the rymoviruses Agropyron mosaic virus (AgMV) and Hordeum mosaic virus (HoMV) were determined. AgMV (9540 nucleotides) and HoMV (9463 nucleotides) each encode a single polyprotein with proteinase cleavage sites demarcating protein products characteristic of monopartite species of the family Potyviridae. Of the described species of Potyviridae, AgMV and HoMV are most closely related to each other (68.5% nucleotide and 71.6% amino acid sequence identity) and equidistant (about 53% nucleotide and about 49% amino acid sequence identity) from a third rymovirus, Ryegrass mosaic virus (RGMV). Phylogenetic analyses by neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, and Bayesian inference each grouped the three Rymovirus species in an exclusive clade distinct from a clade containing 34 species of the genus Potyvirus. Because AgMV, HoMV, and RGMV share a reciprocal monophyletic relationship with species of the genus Potyvirus and are divergent in sequence and type of vector, the genus Rymovirus should be retained as a taxonomic unit within the family Potyviridae

    Population structure within lineages of Wheat streak mosaic virus derived from a common founding event exhibits stochastic variation inconsistent with the deterministic quasi-species model

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    AbstractStructure of Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) populations derived from a common founding event and subjected to serial passage at high multiplicity of infection (MOI) was evaluated. The founding population was generated by limiting dilution inoculation. Lineages of known pedigree were sampled at passage 9 (two populations) and at passage 15, with (three populations) or without mixing (four populations) of lineages at passage 10. Polymorphism within each population was assessed by sequencing 17–21 clones containing a 1371 nt region (WSMV-Sidney 81 nts 8001–9371) encompassing the entire coat protein cistron and flanking regions. Mutation frequency averaged ∼5.0 × 10−4/nt across all populations and ranged from 2.4 to 11.6 × 10−4/nt within populations, but did not consistently increase or decrease with the number of passages removed from the founding population. Shared substitutions (19 nonsynonymous, 10 synonymous, and 3 noncoding) occurred at 32 sites among 44 haplotypes. Only four substitutions became fixed (frequency = 100%) within a population and nearly one third (10/32) never achieved a frequency of 10% or greater in any sampled population. Shared substitutions were randomly distributed with respect to genome position, with transitions outnumbering transversions 5.4:1 and a clear bias for A to G and U to C substitutions. Haplotype composition of each population was unique with complexity of each population varying unpredictably, in that the number and frequency of haplotypes within a lineage were not correlated with number of passages removed from the founding population or whether the population was derived from a single or mixed lineage. The simplest explanation is that plant virus lineages, even those propagated at high MOI, are subject to frequent, narrow genetic bottlenecks during systemic movement that result in low effective population size and stochastic changes in population structure upon serial passage

    Gap and channelled plasmons in tapered grooves: a review

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    Tapered metallic grooves have been shown to support plasmons -- electromagnetically coupled oscillations of free electrons at metal-dielectric interfaces -- across a variety of configurations and V-like profiles. Such plasmons may be divided into two categories: gap-surface plasmons (GSPs) that are confined laterally between the tapered groove sidewalls and propagate either along the groove axis or normal to the planar surface, and channelled plasmon polaritons (CPPs) that occupy the tapered groove profile and propagate exclusively along the groove axis. Both GSPs and CPPs exhibit an assortment of unique properties that are highly suited to a broad range of cutting-edge nanoplasmonic technologies, including ultracompact photonic circuits, quantum-optics components, enhanced lab-on-a-chip devices, efficient light-absorbing surfaces and advanced optical filters, while additionally affording a niche platform to explore the fundamental science of plasmon excitations and their interactions. In this Review, we provide a research status update of plasmons in tapered grooves, starting with a presentation of the theory and important features of GSPs and CPPs, and follow with an overview of the broad range of applications they enable or improve. We cover the techniques that can fabricate tapered groove structures, in particular highlighting wafer-scale production methods, and outline the various photon- and electron-based approaches that can be used to launch and study GSPs and CPPs. We conclude with a discussion of the challenges that remain for further developing plasmonic tapered-groove devices, and consider the future directions offered by this select yet potentially far-reaching topic area.Comment: 32 pages, 34 figure

    Nested deletion analysis of Wheat streak mosaic virus HC-Pro: Mapping of domains affecting polyprotein processing and eriophyid mite transmission

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    A series of in-frame and nested deletion mutations which progressively removed 5′-proximal sequences of the Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) HC-Pro coding region (1152 nucleotides) was constructed and evaluated for pathogenicity to wheat. WSMV HC-Pro mutants with 5′- proximal deletions of 12 to 720 nucleotides systemically infected wheat. Boundary sequences flanking the deletions were stable and unaltered by passage through plants for all deletion mutants except HCD12 (lacking HC-Pro codons 3–6) that exhibited strong bias for G to A substitution at nucleotide 1190 in HC-Pro codon 2 (aspartic acid to asparagine). HC-Pro mutants with 5′-proximal deletions of up to 720 nucleotides retained autoproteolytic activity in vitro. In contrast, 5′-proximal deletion of 852 nucleotides of the HC-Pro coding region (HCD852) abolished both infectivity and in vitro proteolytic activity, confirming that the proteolytic domain of WSMV HC-Pro resides within the carboxy-terminal third of the protein and includes the cysteine proteinase motif (GYCY) conserved among four genera of the family Potyviridae. Inoculation of wheat with HC-Pro deletion mutants also bearing the GUS reporter gene revealed that HCD852 was unable to establish primary infection foci in inoculated leaves, indicating that processing of the P3 amino-terminus was essential. Deletion of as few as 24 nucleotides of HC-Pro (codons 3–10) eliminated transmission by the eriophyid mite vector Aceria tosichella Keifer. Collectively, these results demonstrated similar organization of proteinase and vector transmission functional domains among divergent HC-Pro homologues encoded by potyviruses and tritimoviruses. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Complete Deletion of \u3ci\u3eWheat Streak Mosaic Virus\u3c/i\u3e HC-Pro: a Null Mutant Is Viable for Systemic Infection

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    A Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) genome lacking HC-Pro was constructed and confirmed by reverse transcription-PCR to systemically infect wheat, oat, and corn. Coupled in vitro transcription/translation reactions indicated that WSMV P1 proteinase cleaved the polyprotein at the P1/P3 junction of the HC-Pro null mutant. The WSMV HC-Pro null mutant was competent for virion formation, but the virus titer was reduced 4.5-fold relative to that of the wild type. Collectively, these results indicate that WSMV HC-Pro is dispensable for replication and movement, two essential processes that are disrupted by point and small-insertion mutations introduced into potyvirus HC-Pro

    Nested deletion analysis of Wheat streak mosaic virus HC-Pro: Mapping of domains affecting polyprotein processing and eriophyid mite transmission

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    A series of in-frame and nested deletion mutations which progressively removed 5′-proximal sequences of the Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) HC-Pro coding region (1152 nucleotides) was constructed and evaluated for pathogenicity to wheat. WSMV HC-Pro mutants with 5′- proximal deletions of 12 to 720 nucleotides systemically infected wheat. Boundary sequences flanking the deletions were stable and unaltered by passage through plants for all deletion mutants except HCD12 (lacking HC-Pro codons 3–6) that exhibited strong bias for G to A substitution at nucleotide 1190 in HC-Pro codon 2 (aspartic acid to asparagine). HC-Pro mutants with 5′-proximal deletions of up to 720 nucleotides retained autoproteolytic activity in vitro. In contrast, 5′-proximal deletion of 852 nucleotides of the HC-Pro coding region (HCD852) abolished both infectivity and in vitro proteolytic activity, confirming that the proteolytic domain of WSMV HC-Pro resides within the carboxy-terminal third of the protein and includes the cysteine proteinase motif (GYCY) conserved among four genera of the family Potyviridae. Inoculation of wheat with HC-Pro deletion mutants also bearing the GUS reporter gene revealed that HCD852 was unable to establish primary infection foci in inoculated leaves, indicating that processing of the P3 amino-terminus was essential. Deletion of as few as 24 nucleotides of HC-Pro (codons 3–10) eliminated transmission by the eriophyid mite vector Aceria tosichella Keifer. Collectively, these results demonstrated similar organization of proteinase and vector transmission functional domains among divergent HC-Pro homologues encoded by potyviruses and tritimoviruses. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Multiple Interactions among Proteins Encoded by the Mite-Transmitted Wheat Streak Mosaic Tritimovirus

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    AbstractThe genome organization of the mite-transmitted wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) appears to parallel that of members of the Potyviridae with monopartite genomes, but there are substantial amino acid dissimilarities with other potyviral polyproteins. To initiate studies on the functions of WSMV-encoded proteins, a protein interaction map was generated using a yeast two-hybrid system. Because the pathway of proteolytic maturation of the WSMV polyprotein has not been experimentally determined, random libraries of WSMV cDNA were made both in DNA-binding domain and activation domain plasmid vectors and introduced into yeast. Sequence analysis of multiple interacting pairs revealed that interactions largely occurred between domains within two groups of proteins. The first involved interactions among nuclear inclusion protein a, nuclear inclusion protein b, and coat protein (CP), and the second involved helper component-proteinase (HC-Pro) and cylindrical inclusion protein (CI). Further immunoblot and deletion mapping analyses of the interactions suggest that subdomains of CI, HC-Pro, and P1 interact with one another. The two-hybrid assay was then performed using full-length genes of CI, HC-Pro, P1, P3, and CP, but no heterologous interactions were detected. In vitro binding assay using glutathione-S-transferase fusion proteins and in vitro translation products, however, revealed mutual interactions among CI, HC-Pro, P1, and P3. The failure to detect interactions between full-length proteins by the two-hybrid assay might be due to adverse effects of expression of viral proteins in yeast cells. The capacity to participate in multiple homomeric and heteromeric molecular interactions is consistent with the pleiotropic nature of many potyviral gene mutants and suggests mechanisms for regulation of various viral processes via a network of viral protein complexes

    Implementing Jastrow--Gutzwiller operators on a quantum computer using the cascaded variational quantum eigensolver algorithm

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    A Jastrow--Gutzwiller operator adds many-body correlations to a quantum state. However, the operator is non-unitary, making it difficult to implement directly on a quantum computer. We present a novel implementation of the Jastrow--Gutzwiller operator using the cascaded variational quantum eigensolver algorithm. We demonstrate the method on IBM Q Lagos for a Hubbard model
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