14 research outputs found

    Perché leggere Michelstaedter?

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    La persuasione e la rettorica was written by Carlo Michelstaedter in 1910 as a doctoral thesis, and not intended for public consumption. It has, however, acquired the status of a significant philosophical text of the early 20th century.The present article attempts to elucidate the reasons why the book, almost one hundred years later, and in spite of its apparently outdated style, content and context, is still relevant. It does so through an investigation concerning its intended readership, and an analysis of its two main wavelengths: the sociological one (criticism of contemporary pedagogy and social structures) and the philosophical one (pursuit of the “thought of the limit”).“Egli deve aver il coraggio di sentirsi ancorasolo, di guardar ancora in faccia il propriodolore, di sopportarne tutto il peso.(Michelstaedter, 1982: 83

    The point of time: structures of temporality in Primo Levi’s Se questo è un uomo

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    The article, whilst aknowledging that Se questo è un uomo demands to be read for reasons and in ways that are not exclusively or predominantly aesthetic, analyzes the work as a literary artifact. This is done in the first instance by examining the various ways (narrative structure, usage of verbal tenses, thematic mention of temporal characteristics) in which internal chronological dimensions are created, connected among themselves and communicated in the process defined as "chronopoiesis". A further aspect of temporality is then identified as "exotemporality", which is structurally connectd with a dimension of ineffability: this is the projection of the text toward the (external) time of the reader. Both processes are regarded as intrinsic to the constitution and functioning of the literary text in general; a necessary link is established between Primo Levi's condition as victim, witness and writer and his choice to discharge his self-imposed duty of testimony by means of a narrative account sustained by an entire literary tradition, and, more specifically, powered by the poetic and heuristic energy emanating from Dante's Divine comedy

    La fabbrica del tempo: strutture della temporalità in "Aracoeli"

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    Aracoeli, ultima, enigmatica opera di Elsa Morante e libro di straordinaria complessità (che non è certo possibile districare da una sola prospettiva), presenta elementi di estremo interesse nell'ottica di un esame dei modi della temporalità nel contesto della scrittura. Questo contributo analizza il tema del tempo nel romanzo morantiano, collegando diversi orizzonti. In primo luogo si presterà attenzione alle coordinate temporali della narrazione, che si distribuiscono sostanzialmente su tre livelli distinti: eventi descritti al presente e in prima persona dal protagonista, con una co-implicazione di dimensioni diverse (vita privata, avvenimenti storici esterni); flash-back nel passato, inclusa la storia famigliare precedente la nascita del narratore; e un terzo tempo, quello immaginario del dialogo e dell'incontro finale con la madre morta. Successivamente si esploreranno le due dimensioni principali rispetto alle quali si struttura questo come qualunque altro testo letterario: quella della cronopoiesi (i vari modi in cui il testo gestisce e crea prospettive temporali ad esso interne) e quella dell'esotemporalità (l'inevitabile dipendenza del testo da un tempo - e da un contesto - che gli sono invece fondamentalmente esterni ed estranei, essendo legati all'atto e al momento futuro della lettura). Si può perciò concludere che Aracoeli funziona (anche) molto bene come paradigma del rapporto fra letteratura e temporalità. </p

    The point of time: structures of temporality in Primo Levi’s Se questo è un uomo

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    The article, whilst aknowledging that Se questo è un uomo demands to be read for reasons and in ways that are not exclusively or predominantly aesthetic, analyzes the work as a literary artifact. This is done in the first instance by examining the various ways (narrative structure, usage of verbal tenses, thematic mention of temporal characteristics) in which internal chronological dimensions are created, connected among themselves and communicated in the process defined as "chronopoiesis". A further aspect of temporality is then identified as "exotemporality", which is structurally connectd with a dimension of ineffability: this is the projection of the text toward the (external) time of the reader. Both processes are regarded as intrinsic to the constitution and functioning of the literary text in general; a necessary link is established between Primo Levi's condition as victim, witness and writer and his choice to discharge his self-imposed duty of testimony by means of a narrative account sustained by an entire literary tradition, and, more specifically, powered by the poetic and heuristic energy emanating from Dante's Divine comedy

    Gadda: miseria e grandezza della letteratura (Riccardo Stracuzzi)

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    Giuseppe Stellardi, Gadda: miseria e grandezza della letteratura, Firenze, Cesati, 2006, 184 pp