8 research outputs found

    Association between malaria (Blank = Negative, Filled = Positive) by SCD and Foetal hemoglobin levels for individuals in all ages (A) and for ≥5 years (B).

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    <p>Sample size of each group is shown on the x-axis and p-values (p) in the graph were derived from t-tests (HbAA and HbSS) and Wilcox sign rank test (HbAS). The box show median (central line) and inter quartile range (IQR). The top whisker corresponds to the largest observation that is less than or equal to the 75th percentile + 1.5 x IQR. The bottom whisker corresponds to the smallest observation that is greater than or equal to the 25th percentile—1.5 x IQR, while open circles are the outliers.</p

    Coefficient estimates from multivariate logistic (single visit at the time of HbF measurement) and GEE (multiple visits) regression models of malaria in relation to SCD status, HbF levels and age for individuals of all ages.

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    <p><sup>§</sup>Transformed by square root</p><p>*Seven individuals with missing age excluded</p><p>**20 visits with missing age excluded</p><p>Coefficient estimates from multivariate logistic (single visit at the time of HbF measurement) and GEE (multiple visits) regression models of malaria in relation to SCD status, HbF levels and age for individuals of all ages.</p