7 research outputs found

    Clinical, evolutional and epidemiological issues of seasonal flu in the Republic of Moldova

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    Catedra Boli infecţioase, tropicale şi parazitologie medicalăThe clinical, epidemiological and laboratory issues in 48 patients with seasonal flu admitted to the T. Ciorbă Republican Hospital of Infectious diseases during the year 2008 and January-March 2011 are presented. The clinical picture describes two basic clinical syndromes: the prevailing toxic-infectious syndrome and the catarrhal syndrome. A clinical case of seasonal flu caused by A(H3N2) virus is presented. Sunt prezentate aspecte clinice, epidemiologice şi de laborator la 48 bolnavi cu gripă sezonieră, spitalizaţi în Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase „Toma Ciorbă” or.Chisinău pe perioada anului 2008 şi ianuarie-martie 2011. În tabloul clinic s-au evidenţiat două sindroame de bază: sindromul toxico-infecţios predominant şi sindromul cataral. Este prezentat un caz de gripă sezonieră provocată de virusul A(H3N2)

    Клинические особенности генерализованных форм менингококковой инфекции у детей и взрослых

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    Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase T. Ciorbă, Catedra Boli Infecţioase, FECMFSummary. A retrospective analysis of the medical histories of 94 patients with generalized forms of meningococcal infection was carried out. These were recorded in 58.5% of children and 41.5% adults respectively. In most cases, children under the age of 3 years suffered (60%) with prevalence in children under 1 year old (34.5%). Among adult patients, the prevalence was revealed in those aged 19-40 years (76.9%). In both children and adults meningococcal infection proceeded in the combined form (meningitis + meningococcemia) – 78.2% and 53.8% respectively, mainly in severe form (74.5% and 64.1% respectively). The diagnosis of disease was confirmed bacterioscopically and / or bacteriologically in 76.6% of patients. The favorable outcome with convalescence was observed in 96.4% of children and 87.2% of adults.Резюме. Был произведен ретроспективный анализ историй болезни 94-х больных с генерализованными формами менингококковой инфекции. Из них дети составили 58,5%, взрослые – 41,5%. В большинстве случаев болели дети в возрасте до 3-х лет (60%), с преобладанием детей в возрасте до 1-го года (34,5%). Среди взрослых преобладали пациенты в возрасте 19-40 лет (76,9%). Как у детей, так и у взрослых менингококковая инфекция протекала в сочетанной форме (менингит + менингококцемия) – 78,2% и 53,8% соответственно, преимущественно в тяжёлой форме (74,5% и 64,1% соответственно). Диагноз болезни был подтверждён бактериологически и/или бактериоскопически у 76,6% больных. Благоприятное течение с выздоровлением отмечалось у 96,4% детей и 87,2% взрослых

    Clinical features of mumps in children and adult young people

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    Catedra Boli infecţioase FPM USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”188 patients with mumps had been examined within this study, including 84 young children (15-18 years old) and 104 adults 19-31 years old. The males have been affected more frequently by mumps, in 72,3%, while the females in 27,7%. The most affected ages were 17-18 (63,1%) of children and 19-21 (66,3%) of young adults. The mumps affected in most of the cases the parotidian glands 97,6% accompanied by extraparotidian localizations: of the pancreas-56,4%, the submaxilar gland in 47,8%. The testicles had been affected in 49,3% of males of 136 men. The orchitis was bilateral in 26,9%. The mumps developed in a medium and severe form in 66,5% of cases, with the same frequency both in big children and adults. În studiu au fost incluşi 188 bolnavi de oreion inclusiv 84 copii mari (15-18 ani) şi 104 adulţi tineri 19-31 ani. Oreionul a afectat mai frecvent sexul masculin 72,3% pe când sexul feminin în 27,7%. Vârstele cele mai afectate au fost de 17-18 ani (63,1%) la copii şi de 19-21 ani (66,3%) la adulţi tineri. În majoritatea cazurilor oreionul a evoluat cu afectarea glandelor parotidiene 97,6% însoţite de alte localizări extraparotidiene: a pancreasului 56,4%, glandei submaxilare 47,8%. Din 136 de bărbaţi afectarea testiculilor s-a constatat la 49,3%. În 26,9% orhita a fost bilaterală. În 66,5% cazuri oreionul a evoluat în forma medie şi gravă cu aceiaşi frecvenţă la copiii mari şi adulţii tineri

    Клинико-эпидемиологические и лабораторные аспекты ботулизма у детей

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    Catedra Boli Infecţioase, Tropicale şi Parazitologie Medicală a USMF N. Testemiţanu, IMSP SCBI Toma CiorbăSummary. The study reveal the clinical, epidemiological and laboratory particularity of botulism in 86 children. Most of the patients got ill because of the consumption of home-canned meat or meat products. Disease evolved with intoxication, gastrointestinal, ophtalmoplegic and pharyngeal neuropathic syndromes. Severity of the disease was mild or moderate in 89,5% of cases. The diagnosis of botulism was confirmed in 46,5% of cases by serum toxin bioassay performed by a mouse toxin neutralization test. Botulism in children was caused because of the toxin type B in 41,9% of cases or by combination of other types of botulotoxin.Резюме. Нами представлены клинико-эпидемиологические и лабораторные особенности ботулизма у 86 больных детей. Большинство пациентов заболело после употребления мяса или других мясных продуктов, консервированных в домашних условиях. Болезнь клинически проявлялась синдромами интоксикации, гастроинтестинальным, офтальмоплегическим, фагоназоглосоневрологическим. В большинстве случаев (89,5%) болезнь протекала в легкой и среднетяжелой формах. Диагноз ботулизма подтверждался путем выявления ботулинического токсина в крови – в реакции нейтрализации на белых мышах – у 46,5% больных. Ботулизм у больных детей чаще был обусловлен монотоксином В (41,9%) или в комбинации с другими типами ботулотоксинов

    Current clinical peculiarities of Herpes Zoster

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    Catedra Boli infecţioase FPM USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”53 patients aged 18-83 years, with herpes zoster were included in the study. Herpes zoster most commonly affects people aged 50-83 (66,2%), ith prevalence being higer in women (67,9%) than in men (32%). In 54,7% of patients the disease had an nonfebrile development. In 45,3% of patients herpes zoster occurred because of some chronic long-lasting diseases. According to the lesion topography the most frequent clinical form was thoracic herpes zoster (32,1%), being followed by ophthalmic herpes zoster (22,6%) and abdominal herpes zoster (22,7%). Facial and genital herpes zoster associated with Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome has been recorded in 7,5% and 3,8% respectively. In 22,6% of cases, herpes zoster resulted in postzosterian neuralgia. În studiu au fost incluşi 53 bolnavi de herpes zoster în vârstă de 18-83 ani. Herpes zoster mai frecvent a afectat persoanele în vârstă de 50-83 ani (66,2%) cu predominarea sexului feminin (67,9%) vizavi de cel masculin (32,1%). La 54,7% din bolnavi boala a evoluat afebril. La 45,3% herpesul zoster a apărut pe fondalul bolilor cronice îndelungate. După topografia leziunilor cutanate cea mai frecdventă formă clinică a fost herpesul zoster toracic (32,1%), urmată de herpesul zoster oftalmic (22,6%), abdominal (22,7%). Herpesul facial şi herpesul geniculat cu sindromul Ramsay-Hunt s-au constatat în 7,5 % şi 3,8 % cazuri corespunzător. În 22,6% din cazuri herpesul zoster a evoluat cu neuralgia postzosteriană

    Клинические и лабораторные аспекты менингококкового менингита у детей и взрослых

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    Spitalul Clinic de Boli infecţioase T. Ciorbă, Catedra Boli Infecţioase FECMF, USMF N. TestemiţanuSummary. We have performed an analysis of the medical history of 84 patients with meningococcal meningitis în the Public Health Care Setting, Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases „T. Ciorbă”. Among them were 49 (58.3%) children, 35 (41.7%) adults. în most cases (55.1%) the disease was revealed în children under 3 years old with a predominance of children under one year 32.7%. Among adult patients there was recorded a predominance among patients aged 19-30 years old, but after 50 years, meningococcal meningitis was observed în 25.7% of patients. In both children and adults, meningococcal meningitis was accompanied by meningococcemia (87.8% and 60% respectively) and în most cases a severe form (81.6% and 65.7% respectively). The disease diagnosis was confi rmed by bacterioscopical and bacteriological methods în 69.4% of children and 88.6% of adults. Favorable course of convalescence was noted în 98% of children and 94.3% of adults.Резюме. Нами был произведен анализ историй болезни 84-х больных с менингококковым менингитом в Государственном Медико-Санитарном Учреждении Инфекционной клинической больнице «Т. Чорбэ». Из них детей было 49 (58,3%), взрослых – 35 (41,7%). В большинстве случаев (55,1%) болели дети до 3-х лет, с преобладанием детей до одного года (32,7%). Среди взрослых преобладали больные в возрасте 19-30 лет, однако и после 50-и лет менингококковый менингит отмечался у 25,7% больных. Как у детей, так и у взрослых менингококковый менингит протекал в сочетании с менингококкцемией (87,8% и 60% соот.) и в большинстве случаев в тяжёлой форме (81,6% и 65,7% соот.). Диагноз болезни был подтверждён бактериоскопическим и бактериологическим методами у 69,4% детей и 88,6% взрослых. Благоприятное течение с выздоровлением отмечалось у 98% детей и 94,3% взрослых

    The 12th Edition of the Scientific Days of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases “Prof. Dr. Matei Bals” and the 12th National Infectious Diseases Conference

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