38 research outputs found
Immunosuppressive treatment for kidney transplantation
Razvoj novih imunosupresivnih lijekova i saznanja steÄena primjenom razliÄitih kombinacija
ovih lijekova u imunosupresivnim protokolima dovela su do znaÄajnog poboljÅ”anja rezultata
lijeÄenja presaÄivanjem bubrega. Cilj imunosupresivnog lijeÄenja smanjenje je neželjene imunosne
aktivnosti, no ono Äesto vodi u razvoj komplikacija kao Å”to su infekcije, metaboliÄki
poremeÄaji, arterijska hipertenzija, tumori, te druge neželjene pojave. U ovom radu prikazani su
mehanizmi djelovanja dostupnih imunosupresivnih lijekova, njihova primjena kod presaÄivanja
bubrega i neželjena djelovanja. Imunosupresivni protokol koji se koristi u veÄine bolesnika obuhvaÄa
inhibitor kalcineurina takrolimus ili ciklosporin, antimetabolit mikofenolat mofetil ili mikofenolnu
kiselinu, i kortikosteroid. U ranom razdoblju nakon presaÄivanja za suzbijanje reakcije
odbacivanja primjenjuje se jaÄa imunosupresija pomoÄu veÄih doza imunosupresivnih lijekova ili
dodavanjem indukcijskih agensa, monoklonskih ili poliklonskih antilimfocitnih protutijela. Uz navedene
lijekove jednogodiÅ”nje preživljavanje bubrežnih presadaka iznosi viÅ”e od 90 %, a uÄestalost
akutnih reakcija odbacivanja do 15 %. U lijeÄenju akutne reakcije odbacivanja posredovane
stanicama primjenjuju se intravenski pulsne doze metilprednizolona, a rjeÄe antilimfocitna protutijela.
Za suzbijanje akutne humoralne reakcije odbacivanja, koju oznaÄava karakteristiÄni patohistoloÅ”ki
nalaz i dokaz donor-specifiÄnih protutijela u serumu primatelja, koriste se visoke
doze intravenskih imunglobulina (IVIG) ili niske doze citomegalovirusnog hiperimunog globulina
(CMVIG) u kombinaciji s plazmaferezom, do zadovoljavajuÄeg smanjenja titra antidonorskih protutijela.
RjeÄe se primjenjuje imunoadsorpcija, rituksimab, alemtuzumab ili splenektomija. Ispitivanja
imunosupresivnih tvari i njihovih mehanizama djelovanja dovela su do otkriÄa velikog
broja potencijalnih lijekova, meÄutim, njihovoj primjeni u imunosupresivnom lijeÄenju kod presaÄivanja
bubrega moraju prethoditi velike randomizirane kontrolirane studije.The development of new immunosuppressive drugs and knowledge gained through
their usage in different combinations in immunosuppressive protocols, has significantly
improved results after renal transplantation. Immunosuppressive treatment aims at a
reduction of unwanted immune activity, but complications often arise in the form of
infections, metabolic disorders, arterial hypertension, tumors, and other side-effects. In this
paper, we describe the mechanisms of action of available immunosuppressive drugs, their
application for renal transplantation and their side-effects. In the majority of patients, the
immunosuppressive protocol includes a calcineurin inhibitor, tacrolimus or cyclosporin, the
antimetabolite mycophenolate mofetil or mycophenolic acid, and a corticosteroid. Early after
transplantation, acute rejection is suppressed with higher doses of immunosuppressive drugs
or an induction agent, monoclonal or polyclonal antilymphocytic antibodies. These drugs
allow a one-year survival of renal allografts in over 90 % of cases, and an incidence of acute
rejection reactions below 15 %. Acute cell-mediated rejection is treated with pulse doses of
methylprednisolone intravenously, less often with antilymphocytic antibodies. Acute humoral
rejection, characterized through specific pathohystologic changes and donor-specific
antibodies in the recipientās serum, is treated with high doses of intravenous immunoglobulines
(IVIG) or low doses of cytomegalovirus hyperimmune globuline (CMVIG) together with
plasmapheresis until a satisfactory reduction of anti-donor antibodies is obtained. Rarely,
immunoadsorption, rituximab, alemtuzumab or splenectomy are applied. Investigations of
immunosuppressive agents and their mechanisms of action have lead to the discovery of a
large number of potential drugs. However, their application in the immunosupressive treament
for renal transplantation has to be preceeded by large randomized controlled trials
Peritoneal dialysis
Peritonejska dijaliza (PD) postala je dobro afi rmirana metoda integriranog lijeÄenja
zavrÅ”nog stupnja bubrežnog zatajenja. Ona ima prednost kao prva metoda dijaliti Äkog lijeÄenja
jer se u usporedbi s hemodijalizom dulje održava ostatna bubrežna funkcija, Äime se znaÄajno
poboljŔava kvaliteta života i preživljavanje bolesnika. PD je neophodna kod male djece i
bolesnika sa srÄanožilnim komplikacijama, kao Å”to su dijabeti Äari i starije osobe. U ovom radu
prikazani su važni kliniÄki aspekti , prednosti i komplikacije lijeÄenja PD. UsavrÅ”avanje tehnologije
i uvoÄenje biokompati bilnih otopina za PD, te individualizacija dijaliti Äkog lijeÄenja znaÄajno
smanjuju morbiditet i mortalitet bolesnika sa zavrŔnim stupnjem bubrežnog zatajenja.Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a well-established method for the integrated care of
end-stage renal disease. It is advantageous to start with PD as the fi rst dialyti c method, because
it preserves residual renal functi on bett er than hemodialysis (HD) which leads to a
signifi cant improvement in the quality of life and pati ent survival. PD is necessary for small
children and pati ents with cardiovascular complicati ons, as are diabeti cs and the elderly.
This paper addresses important clinical aspects, advantages and complicati ons of PD treatment.
Improvement of technology, introducti on of biocompati ble soluti ons for PD, and individualisati
on of dialyti c treatment signifi cantly reduce morbidity and mortality in pati ents
with end-stage renal failure
Peritoneal dialysis
Peritonejska dijaliza (PD) postala je dobro afi rmirana metoda integriranog lijeÄenja
zavrÅ”nog stupnja bubrežnog zatajenja. Ona ima prednost kao prva metoda dijaliti Äkog lijeÄenja
jer se u usporedbi s hemodijalizom dulje održava ostatna bubrežna funkcija, Äime se znaÄajno
poboljŔava kvaliteta života i preživljavanje bolesnika. PD je neophodna kod male djece i
bolesnika sa srÄanožilnim komplikacijama, kao Å”to su dijabeti Äari i starije osobe. U ovom radu
prikazani su važni kliniÄki aspekti , prednosti i komplikacije lijeÄenja PD. UsavrÅ”avanje tehnologije
i uvoÄenje biokompati bilnih otopina za PD, te individualizacija dijaliti Äkog lijeÄenja znaÄajno
smanjuju morbiditet i mortalitet bolesnika sa zavrŔnim stupnjem bubrežnog zatajenja.Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a well-established method for the integrated care of
end-stage renal disease. It is advantageous to start with PD as the fi rst dialyti c method, because
it preserves residual renal functi on bett er than hemodialysis (HD) which leads to a
signifi cant improvement in the quality of life and pati ent survival. PD is necessary for small
children and pati ents with cardiovascular complicati ons, as are diabeti cs and the elderly.
This paper addresses important clinical aspects, advantages and complicati ons of PD treatment.
Improvement of technology, introducti on of biocompati ble soluti ons for PD, and individualisati
on of dialyti c treatment signifi cantly reduce morbidity and mortality in pati ents
with end-stage renal failure
Peritoneal dialysis
Peritonejska dijaliza (PD) postala je dobro afi rmirana metoda integriranog lijeÄenja
zavrÅ”nog stupnja bubrežnog zatajenja. Ona ima prednost kao prva metoda dijaliti Äkog lijeÄenja
jer se u usporedbi s hemodijalizom dulje održava ostatna bubrežna funkcija, Äime se znaÄajno
poboljŔava kvaliteta života i preživljavanje bolesnika. PD je neophodna kod male djece i
bolesnika sa srÄanožilnim komplikacijama, kao Å”to su dijabeti Äari i starije osobe. U ovom radu
prikazani su važni kliniÄki aspekti , prednosti i komplikacije lijeÄenja PD. UsavrÅ”avanje tehnologije
i uvoÄenje biokompati bilnih otopina za PD, te individualizacija dijaliti Äkog lijeÄenja znaÄajno
smanjuju morbiditet i mortalitet bolesnika sa zavrŔnim stupnjem bubrežnog zatajenja.Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a well-established method for the integrated care of
end-stage renal disease. It is advantageous to start with PD as the fi rst dialyti c method, because
it preserves residual renal functi on bett er than hemodialysis (HD) which leads to a
signifi cant improvement in the quality of life and pati ent survival. PD is necessary for small
children and pati ents with cardiovascular complicati ons, as are diabeti cs and the elderly.
This paper addresses important clinical aspects, advantages and complicati ons of PD treatment.
Improvement of technology, introducti on of biocompati ble soluti ons for PD, and individualisati
on of dialyti c treatment signifi cantly reduce morbidity and mortality in pati ents
with end-stage renal failure
Development of the Croatian model of organ donation and transplantation
Abstract During the past ten years, the efforts to improve
and organize the national transplantation system in Croatia
have resulted in a steadily growing donor rate, which
reached its highest level in 2011, with 33.6 utilized donors
per million population (p.m.p.). Nowadays, Croatia is one of
the leading countries in the world according to deceased
donation and transplantation rates. Between 2008 and
2011, the waiting list for kidney transplantation decreased
by 37.2% (from 430 to 270 persons waiting for a transplant)
and the median waiting time decreased from 46 to 24
months. The Croatian model has been internationally recognized
as successful and there are plans for its implementation
in other countries. We analyzed the key factors that
contributed to the development of this successful model
for organ donation and transplantation. These are primarily
the appointment of hospital and national transplant coordinators,
implementation of a new financial model with
donor hospital reimbursement, public awareness campaign,
international cooperation, adoption of new legislation,
and implementation of a donor quality assurance
program. The selection of key factors is based on the authorsā
opinions; we are open for further discussion and propose
systematic research into the issue
Inferior vena cava thrombosis due to polycystic kidney disease
Cilj: Adultna policistiÄna bolest bubrega je najÄeÅ”Äa nasljedna bolest bubrega.Tijekom godina dolazi do poveÄanja cisti, smanjenja funkcionalne nefronske mase i kompresije uveÄanih bubrega na okolne strukture. U ovom radu prikazujemo pacijenticu s policistiÄnom bolesti bubrega, kod koje se nakon presaÄivanja bubrega razvila tromboza donje Å”uplje vene. Prikaz pacijenta: Tri mjeseca nakon transplantacije kadaveriÄnoga bubrega u lijevu ilijaÄnu jamu 67-godiÅ”nja pacijentica hospitalizirana je zbog otoka desne noge. KliniÄkim i ultrazvuÄnim pregledom ustanovljena je duboka venska tromboza desne noge i uvedena je terapija heparinom. S obzirom na to da nije dolazilo do poboljÅ”anja, uÄinjen je pregled kompjutoriziranom tomografijom kojim je potvrÄena duboka venska tromboza desne noge, ilijaÄnih vena desno i parcijalna tromboza distalnog dijela donje Å”uplje vene. Nalazi radioloÅ”ke obrade ukazali su na pritisak desnog policistiÄnog bubrega na donju Å”uplju venu te smo, zbog sprjeÄavanja kompletnog venskog zastoja na razini donje Å”uplje vene, uÄinili nefrektomiju policistiÄnog bubrega. Poslijeoperacijski tijek bio je uredan, otok noge se smanjio i funkcija bubrežnog presatka je ostala stabilna. Rasprava i zakljuÄak: U pacijenata s velikim policistiÄnim bubrezima kompresija donje Å”uplje vene može dovesti i do njezine tromboze. Indicirana je pravovremena nefrektomija.Aim: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is the most common renal hereditary disease. During many years renal cysts become larger, the functional nephron mass decreases and enlarged kidneys compress the surrounding structures. We present the
case of a patient with polycystic kidney disease and inferior vena cava thrombosis after kidney transplantation. Case report: Three months after kidney transplantation into the left iliac fossa, the 67 year-old woman was admitted to our hospital due to swelling oft the right leg. Clinical and ultrasound examination revealed deep vein thrombosis of right leg and therapy with heparine was introduced. Since there was no improvement, a computerized tomography examination was performed that confirmed deep vein thrombosis of the right leg, thrombosis of iliac veins on the right side and partial thrombosis of the distal part of the inferior vena cava. As radiologic imaging revealed compression of the right polycystic kidney onto the inferior vena cava, we performed nephrectomy of the polycystic kidney to prevent complete thrombosis. The postoperative course was uneventful, with a regression of the right leg edema and stable graft function. Discussion and conclusion: In patients with large polycystic kidneys, compression of the inferior vena cava may lead to its thrombosis. A nephrectomy should be performed in time
Uvod: Globalna procjena prevalencije kroniÄne bubrežne bolesti (KBB) kreÄe se izmeÄu 11-13 % uz 50 % starijih koji pokazuju znakove disfunkcije bubrega. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjeÄe li strukturirani predijalizni program na izbor lijeÄenja, odabir metode i vrijeme poÄetka nadomjesnog lijeÄenja u svih bolesnika s posebnim osvrtom na starije bolesnike. Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u Zavodu za nefrologiju, dijalizu i transplantaciju bubrega Klinike za internu medicinu KBC-a Rijeka. Retrospektivno smo analizirali 634 bolesnika s KBB, a koji su prijavljeni u nefroloÅ”ku skrb u vremenu od 1. sijeÄnja 2008. do kraja 2017. godine. Nadalje smo kao zasebnu skupinu izvojili bolesnike koji su u praÄenom vremenu prvi puta prijavljeni nefrologu ili su zapoÄeli neku od nadomjesnih metoda u dobi od ā„65 godina. U skupini ā„65 godina analizirali smo podatke za 319 bolesnika. Bolesnike smo podijelili u tri skupine i pratili prema vremenskoj crti definiranoj u dob 1-3 izraženoj u godinama; od prvog nefroloÅ”kog pregleda do kraja 2017. Rezultati: Analizom nije pronaÄena statistiÄki znaÄajna razlika izmeÄu skupina s obzirom na spol (p>0,670). Hi-kvadrat test pokazao je statistiÄki znaÄajnu vrijednost zastupljenosti Å”eÄerne bolesti tip 2 u odnosu na ostale uzroke bubrežne bolesti (p 0.670). The Ļ2-test showed statistical signiļ¬ cance for diabetes mellitus type 2 compared to other PKD causes (p<0.001). In group 1, 52.38% of 147 patients started some of the follow-up methods and 47.61% of patients were treated conservatively or were preparing for dialysis. The patients in this group statistically signiļ¬ cantly preferred PD compared to the other two groups (p<0.05). The ANOVA and LSD test in older adults showed a statistically signiļ¬ cant difference in the timeline in group 1 as compared to the other two groups (p<0.001). Gehanās Wilcoxon test (p=0.00043) and Coxās F-test (p=0.00001) in survival analysis showed a statistically signiļ¬ cant difference in survival between the groups (p<0.05). Survival analysis revealed that preparation or treatment after ten years of survival curve, there was no difference between the groups regardless of the choice. The study opened up the question of continuation with greater emphasis on planned, extended diagnosis after the ļ¬ rst patient referral, especially at an older age that might have interpreted survival more clearly
AseptiÄna nekroza kosti je relativno rijetka komplikacija u primatelja bubrežnog transplantata. Ona može biti posljedica djelovanja brojnih uzroÄnih Äimbenika, ali se najviÅ”e povezuje s lijeÄenjem kortikosteroidima. Prikazat Äemo 62-godiÅ”nju bolesnicu s terminalnim bubrežnim zatajenjem, uzrokovanim poststreptokoknim glomerulonefritisom, koja se prije transplantacije bubrega 2,5 godine lijeÄila peritonejskom dijalizom. Dvadeset mjeseci prije presaÄivanja bubrega, bolesnica je zbog akutnog poliradikuloneuritisa Guillaine BarrĆ© lijeÄena visokim dozama kortikosteroida, uz primjenu imunoglobulina i plazmafereze. Kod transplantacije bubrega primijenjen je standardni imunosupresivni protokol, koji ukljuÄuje takrolimus, mikofenolat mofetil i kortikosteroid uz indukciju baziliksimabom. Äetiri mjeseca nakon transplantacije, bolesnica poÄinje osjeÄati bolove u desnom kuku kod dužeg stajanja. Na radiogramu kuka ustanovljena su subhondralna prosvjetljenja u podruÄju lateralnog dijela cirkumferencije glavice, koja su se Å”irila u proksimalni dio vrata desnog femura, dok pregled
magnetskom rezonancom (MR) nije pokazao promjene u smislu aseptiÄne nekroze kosti. Bolesnica je zbog progresije bolova i pozitivnog radiografskog nalaza, a unatoÄ negativnom nalazu MR-a, podvrgnuta kirurÅ”kom zahvatu dekompresije glavice bedrene kosti. Nakon zahvata bolovi su prestali i bolesnica se zadovoljavajuÄe oporavila. Kod primatelja bubrežnog
transplantata treba rano posumnjati i utvrditi aseptiÄnu nekrozu kosti, jer pravodobno lijeÄenje dekompresijom kosti može otkloniti bol te sprijeÄiti ili odgoditi destrukciju kosti koja bi zahtijevala aloartroplastikuA vascular bone necrosis is a relatively rare but significant complication in renal transplant recipients because it causes progressive pain and invalidity. it can be the consequence of the action of numerous causative factors, but it is mostly connected to corticosteroid treatment.the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism is a diminished blood flow to the bone leading to necrosis and bone destruction. during the past 25-years period, 570 renal transplantations and five combined kidney and pancreas transplantations were performed in our centre. a part of the patients was lost to follow-up due to the separation of croatia from the former republic of Yugoslavia. After transplantation, we revealed aseptic necrosis of the femoral head in five female patients. all patients had a history of treatment with pulse doses of corticosteroids. at transplantation the average age of the patients was 52.2 yrs (range 46 to 62 yrs), and dialytic treatment before transplantation lasted in average 9.2 yrs (range 2.5 to 21.2 yrs). the period between renal transplantation and the development
of clinical signs of avascular bone necrosis lasted in average 1.2 yrs (range 0.3 to 2.3 yrs). We will demonstrate our 62-year old female patient with terminal renal failure caused by post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, who was treated with peritoneal dialysis 2.5 years
before renal transplantation. twenty months before renal transplantation the patient received pulse doses of corticosteroids, together with immunoglobulins and plasmapheresis, for the treatment of an acute polyradiculoneuritis Guillaine barrĆ©. after transplantation a standard immunosuppressive protocol was applied which included tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, corticosteroids and induction with basiliximab. four months after transplantation the patient started to feel pain in the right hip after longer standing, in addition to the earlier long-lasting problems caused by bilateral coxarthrosis. the pelvic radiograph showed subchondral radiolucencies in the lateral part of the head circumference spreading into the proximal part of the neck of the right femur, which indicated the presence of aseptic necrosis, but these changes could have also been caused by coxarthrosis. unexpectedly, magnetic resonance imaging (mri) did not reveal changes characteristic for avascular bone necrosis. due to the progressively worsening of pain and the radiographic finding, the patient was submitted to decompression surgery of the femoral head. the surgical procedure was performed under diascopic guidance (c-arm) which allowed the correct positioning of a kuerschner wire. a cannulated drill (diameter 4.0 mm) was placed over the wire and we performed two drillings of the spongiosis of the femoral head through to the subchondral area. Postoperatively, the patient was soon verticalized and advised to walk with crooks during a period of six weeks. this time is necessary to allow the mineralisation and strengthening of the bone which is now better vascularised. the patient recovered well and had no more pain. in renal transplant recipients it is most important to raise suspicion and verify the presence of avascular bone necrosis early, because timely bone decompression surgery can eliminate pain and cure the patient or it can prevent or delay bone destruction. When clinical signs of avascular bone necrosis arise and radiographic or standard mri findings are negative, additional investigations (i.e. sPect or mri with contrast) should be performed to confirm or exclude the diagnosis. in latter phases of the disease, surgical decompression of the femoral head cannot lead to permanent amelioration, and it is inevitable to perform more invasive surgical procedures like āresurfacingā or bone grafting in younger patients, or the implantation of total hip ndoprotheses