144 research outputs found

    Modeling of transient disturbances in coronal-streamer configurations

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    Numerical simulations of the formation and propagation of mass ejection, loop transients in coronal streamers are discussed. The simulations are accomplished with numerical solutions of the single fluid, ideal MHD equations of motion in the meridional plane. The streamer is produced by simulating the relaxation of an initially radial hydrodynamic flow coupled with a dipole magnetic field. The simulated transient then results from an energy release at the base of the streamer. The legs of the loop transient produced remain essentially stationary while the loop expands mainly in the radial direction with velocities of 400 to 750 km s-1. Once the leading edge of the transient has passed out of the lower corona, the initial streamer configuration is restored after 15 to 24 hours. A second energy release 2 hours later than, and with an energy release identical to, the first does not produce a significant coronal disturbance

    An MHD study of the interaction between the solar wind and the interstellar medium

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    The overall objective of this research program is to obtain a better understanding of the interaction between the solar wind and the interstellar medium through the use of numerical solutions of the time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations. The simulated results will be compared with observations where possible and with the results from previous analytic and numerical studies. The primary progress during the first two years has been to develop codes for 2-D models in both spherical and cylindrical coordinates and to apply them to the solar wind-interstellar medium interaction. Computations have been carried out for both a relatively simple gas-dynamic interaction and a flow-aligned interstellar magnetic field. The results have been shown to compare favorably with models that use more approximations and to modify and extend the previous results as would be expected. Work has also been initiated on the development of a 3-D MHD code in spherical coordinates

    Slow shocks in coronal mass ejections

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    The possibility that slow-mode shock compression may produce at least some of the increased brightness observed at the leading edge of coronal mass ejections is investigated. Among the reasons given for the possible existence of slow shocks are the following: (1) transient velocities are often greater than the upstream sound speed but less than the Alfven speed, (2) the presence of a slow shock is consistent with the flat top observed in some transients, and (3) the lateral extension of slow shocks may be responsible for distributing adjacent structures as also seen on the observations. It is shown that there may be some difficulties with this suggestion for transients originating inside the closed-field region at the base of a preexisting coronal streamer. First of all, slow mode characteristics have difficulty emerging from the closed-field region at the streamer base so they can merge to form a slow shock, unless a preceding, large-amplitude disturbance opens the field lines. In addition, a slow shock cannot exist at the center of the streamer current sheet. Finally, numerical simulations demonstrate that at least the last two (and possibly all) of the above reasons for slow shocks can be satisfied by a disturbance whose leading edge propagates at the local fast-mode speed without any shocks. The leading portion of the transient that would be seen in white-light coronagraphs propagates at a speed either less than or equal to the fast-mode speed

    Coronal mass ejections

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are now recognized as an important component of the large-scale evolution of the solar corona. Some representative observations of CMEs are reviewed with emphasis on more recent results. Recent observations and theory are examined as they relate to the following aspects of CMEs: (1) the role of waves in determining the white-light signature; and (2) the mechanism by which the CME is driven (or launched) into the corona

    Dynamic evolution of coronal magnetic fields

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    The response of coronal magnetic fields to photospheric motion is investigated using a time-dependent, two-dimensional MHD simulation. Starting with an initially uniform field, a circular section of the loop base is slowly rotated to represent the photospheric motion. The field lines at the base move with this flow in a manner consistent with the generated electric fields. The subsequent evolution of the field and flow can be characterized as passing through several distinct configurations. In the earliest phase the kinetic energy is negligible, and the current and field are parallel throughout most of the cylinder. This is followed by a period in which the field rotation increases, the axial field at and near the axis increases, and the acial field decreases in two cylindrical regions away from the axis. When the field in an appreciable portion of the cylinder has undergone one complete rotation, a rapid change in field configuration occurs with a large portion of the field making several rotations at large radii and a corresponding large reduction in the axial field

    Dynamics and energetics of the solar corona

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    The primary objective of this research program is to improve our understanding of the dynamics and energetics of the solar corona both in the quiescent dynamic equilibrium state when coronal structure is dominated by the equatorial streamer belt and in the eruptive state when coronal plasma is ejected into the interplanetary medium. Numerical solutions of the time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations and comparisons of the computed results with observations form the core of the approach to achieving this objective. Some of the specific topics that have been studied are: (1) quiescent coronal streamers in an atmosphere dominated by a dipole magnetic field at large radii, (2) the formation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in quiescent streamers due to the emergence of new magnetic flux and due to photospheric shear motion, (3) MHD shock formation near the leading edge of CMEs, (4) coronal magnetic arcade eruption as a result of applied photospheric shear motion, and (5) the three-dimensional structure of CMEs

    Dynamic simulation of coronal mass ejections

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    A model is developed for the formation and propagation through the lower corona of the loop-like coronal transients in which mass is ejected from near the solar surface to the outer corona. It is assumed that the initial state for the transient is a coronal streamer. The initial state for the streamer is a polytropic, hydrodynamic solution to the steady-state radial equation of motion coupled with a force-free dipole magnetic field. The numerical solution of the complete time-dependent equations then gradually approaches a stationary coronal streamer configuration. The streamer configuration becomes the initial state for the coronal transient. The streamer and transient simulations are performed completely independent of each other. The transient is created by a sudden increase in the pressure at the base of the closed-field region in the streamer configuration. Both coronal streamers and coronal transients are calculated for values of the plasma beta (the ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure) varying from 0.1 to 100

    Numerical Simulations of Mass Loading in the Solar Wind Interaction with Venus

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    Numerical simulations are performed in the framework of nonlinear two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics to investigate the influence of mass loading on the solar wind interaction with Venus. The principal physical features of the interaction of the solar wind with the atmosphere of Venus are presented. The formation of the bow shock, the magnetic barrier, and the magnetotail are some typical features of the interaction. The deceleration of the solar wind due to the mass loading near Venus is an additional feature. The effect of the mass loading is to push the shock farther outward from the planet. The influence of different values of the magnetic field strength on plasma evolution is considered

    Does the resistive tearing instability nonlinearly evolve to a fast reconnection mode

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    A fundamental problem in applying linear tearing instability theory to the rapid processes (particle acceleration, heating) in flares was the characteristically slow rate of reconnection. This problem can be at least partially overcome if the tearin mode nonlinearly evolves to a regime in which the reconnection rate is substantially enhanced, such as that for the Petschek configuration. This possibility was often suggested, and some numerical simulations appear to provide support for such a view. Numerical simulation are used to study the nonlinear evolution of the tearing stability and show that a fast Petschek-like regime may not be achieved. This conclusion follows when there are sufficient grid points within the diffusion region to completely resolve the nonlinear dynamic interactions in the diffusion layer. When the numerical resolution is not adequate, the solution does appear to approach a Petschek configuration. The resolved solution contains reverse flow vortices and current sheets, terminated with a current reversal, similar to those obtained by Syrovatsky (JEPT, 33, 933, 1971)

    An MHD Study of the Interaction Between the Solar Wind and the Interstellar Medium

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    The overall objective of this research program is to obtain a better understanding of the interaction between the solar wind and the interstellar medium through the use of numerical solutions of the time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations. The simulated results have been compared with observations where possible and with the results from previous analytic and numerical studies. The primary accomplishment of this project has been the development of codes for 2-D models in both spherical and cylindrical coordinates and the application of the codes to the solar wind/interstellar medium interaction. Computations have been carried out for both a relatively simple gas-dynamic interaction and a flow-aligned interstellar magnetic field. The results have been shown to compare favorably with models that use more approximations and to modify and extend the previous results as would be expected. The simulations have also been used along with a data analysis study to provide a quantitative estimate of the distance to the termination and bow shocks. Some of the specific topics that have been studied are: (1) gas dynamic models of the solar wind/interstellar medium interaction, (2) termination shock response to large-scale solar wind fluctuations, and (3) distances to the termination shock and heliopause. The main results from each of these studies are summarized. The results were published in three papers which are included as attachments