4 research outputs found

    Economic Growth and Employment Effects as a Result of the Upper Austrian Flood Protection Building Program

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    Starting in 2002, a continuous building of flood protection infrastructure aiming at preventing high monetary damages has been taking place in Upper Austria. As a result of investments in these flood protection measures between 2002 and 2015, significant positive effects on the gross regional product as well as on the employment level have been generated. However, the macroeconomic effects are found to depend substantially on the import quota for required materials

    Scientific Assessment in Support of the Materials Roadmap Enabling Low Carbon Energy Technologies: Bioenergy

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    This scientific assessment serves as the basis for a materials research roadmap for bioenergy technology, itself an integral element of an overall "Materials Roadmap Enabling Low Carbon Technologies", a Commission Staff Working Document published in December 2011. The Materials Roadmap aims at contributing to strategic decisions on materials research funding at European and Member State levels and is aligned with the priorities of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). It is intended to serve as a guide for developing specific research and development activities in the field of materials for energy applications over the next 10 years. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art and future challenges for energy technology-related materials and the needs for research activities to support the development of bioenergy technology both for the 2020 and the 2050 market horizons. It has been produced by independent and renowned European materials scientists and energy technology experts, drawn from academia, research institutes and industry, under the coordination the SET-Plan Information System (SETIS), which is managed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. The contents were presented and discussed at a dedicated hearing in which a wide pool of stakeholders participated, including representatives of the relevant technology platforms, industry associations and the Joint Programmes of the European Energy Research Associations.JRC.F.2-Cleaner energ