2,148 research outputs found

    Stretching the Inflaton Potential with Kinetic Energy

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    Inflation near a maximum of the potential is studied when non-local derivative operators are included in the inflaton Lagrangian. Such terms can impose additional sources of friction on the field. For an arbitrary spacetime geometry, these effects can be quantified in terms of a local field theory with a potential whose curvature around the turning point is strongly suppressed. This implies that a prolonged phase of slow-roll inflation can be achieved with potentials that are otherwise too steep to drive quasi-exponential expansion. We illustrate this mechanism within the context of p-adic string theory.Comment: 4 page

    Non-local dilaton coupling to dark matter: cosmic acceleration and pressure backreaction

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    A model of non-local dilaton interactions, motivated by string duality symmetries, is applied to a scenario of "coupled quintessence" in which the dilaton dark energy is non-locally coupled to the dark-matter sources. It is shown that the non-local effects tend to generate a backreaction which -- for strong enough coupling -- can automatically compensate the acceleration due to the negative pressure of the dilaton potential, thus asymptotically restoring the standard (dust-dominated) decelerated regime. This result is illustrated by analytical computations and numerical examples.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure ep

    Interacting dark energy, holographic principle and coincidence problem

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    The interacting and holographic dark energy models involve two important quantities. One is the characteristic size of the holographic bound and the other is the coupling term of the interaction between dark energy and dark matter. Rather than fixing either of them, we present a detailed study of theoretical relationships among these quantities and cosmological parameters as well as observational constraints in a very general formalism. In particular, we argue that the ratio of dark matter to dark energy density depends on the choice of these two quantities, thus providing a mechanism to change the evolution history of the ratio from that in standard cosmology such that the coincidence problem may be solved. We investigate this problem in detail and construct explicit models to demonstrate that it may be alleviated provided that the interacting term and the characteristic size of holographic bound are appropriately specified. Furthermore, these models are well fitted with the current observation at least in the low red-shift region.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of Random Link Removal on the Photonic Band Gaps of Honeycomb Networks

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    We explore the effects of random link removal on the photonic band gaps of honeycomb networks. Missing or incomplete links are expected to be common in practical realizations of this class of connected network structures due to unavoidable flaws in the fabrication process. We focus on the collapse of the photonic band gap due to the defects induced by the link removal. We show that the photonic band gap is quite robust against this type of random decimation and survives even when almost 58% of the network links are removed

    Sever: A Robust Meta-Algorithm for Stochastic Optimization

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    In high dimensions, most machine learning methods are brittle to even a small fraction of structured outliers. To address this, we introduce a new meta-algorithm that can take in a base learner such as least squares or stochastic gradient descent, and harden the learner to be resistant to outliers. Our method, Sever, possesses strong theoretical guarantees yet is also highly scalable -- beyond running the base learner itself, it only requires computing the top singular vector of a certain n×dn \times d matrix. We apply Sever on a drug design dataset and a spam classification dataset, and find that in both cases it has substantially greater robustness than several baselines. On the spam dataset, with 1%1\% corruptions, we achieved 7.4%7.4\% test error, compared to 13.4%−20.5%13.4\%-20.5\% for the baselines, and 3%3\% error on the uncorrupted dataset. Similarly, on the drug design dataset, with 10%10\% corruptions, we achieved 1.421.42 mean-squared error test error, compared to 1.511.51-2.332.33 for the baselines, and 1.231.23 error on the uncorrupted dataset.Comment: To appear in ICML 201

    How Material Heterogeneity Creates Rough Fractures

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    Fractures are a critical process in how materials wear, weaken, and fail whose unpredictable behavior can have dire consequences. While the behavior of smooth cracks in ideal materials is well understood, it is assumed that for real, heterogeneous systems, fracture propagation is complex, generating rough fracture surfaces that are highly sensitive to specific details of the medium. Here we show how fracture roughness and material heterogeneity are inextricably connected via a simple framework. Studying hydraulic fractures in brittle hydrogels that have been supplemented with microbeads or glycerol to create controlled material heterogeneity, we show that the morphology of the crack surface depends solely on one parameter: the probability to perturb the front above a critical size to produce a step-like instability. This probability scales linearly with the number density, and as heterogeneity size to the 5/25/2 power. The ensuing behavior is universal and is captured by the 1D ballistic propagation and annihilation of steps along the singular fracture front

    Complete Set of Homogeneous Isotropic Analytic Solutions in Scalar-Tensor Cosmology with Radiation and Curvature

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    We study a model of a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity, with a specific potential energy for the scalar field, and include curvature and radiation as two additional parameters. Our goal is to obtain analytically the complete set of configurations of a homogeneous and isotropic universe as a function of time. This leads to a geodesically complete description of the universe, including the passage through the cosmological singularities, at the classical level. We give all the solutions analytically without any restrictions on the parameter space of the model or initial values of the fields. We find that for generic solutions the universe goes through a singular (zero-size) bounce by entering a period of antigravity at each big crunch and exiting from it at the following big bang. This happens cyclically again and again without violating the null energy condition. There is a special subset of geodesically complete non-generic solutions which perform zero-size bounces without ever entering the antigravity regime in all cycles. For these, initial values of the fields are synchronized and quantized but the parameters of the model are not restricted. There is also a subset of spatial curvature-induced solutions that have finite-size bounces in the gravity regime and never enter the antigravity phase. These exist only within a small continuous domain of parameter space without fine tuning initial conditions. To obtain these results, we identified 25 regions of a 6-parameter space in which the complete set of analytic solutions are explicitly obtained.Comment: 38 pages, 29 figure

    Penrose Quantum Antiferromagnet

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    The Penrose tiling is a perfectly ordered two dimensional structure with fivefold symmetry and scale invariance under site decimation. Quantum spin models on such a system can be expected to differ significantly from more conventional structures as a result of its special symmetries. In one dimension, for example, aperiodicity can result in distinctive quantum entanglement properties. In this work, we study ground state properties of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the Penrose tiling, a model that could also be pertinent for certain three dimensional antiferromagnetic quasicrystals. We show, using spin wave theory and quantum Monte Carlo simulation, that the local staggered magnetizations strongly depend on the local coordination number z and are minimized on some sites of five-fold symmetry. We present a simple explanation for this behavior in terms of Heisenberg stars. Finally we show how best to represent this complex inhomogeneous ground state, using the "perpendicular space" representation of the tiling.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Cosmological scaling solutions of minimally coupled scalar fields in three dimensions

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    We examine Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models in three spacetime dimensions. The matter content of the models is composed of a perfect fluid, with a γ\gamma-law equation of state, and a homogeneous scalar field minimally coupled to gravity with a self-interacting potential whose energy density red-shifts as a−2νa^{-2 \nu}, where a denotes the scale factor. Cosmological solutions are presented for different range of values of γ\gamma and ν\nu. The potential required to agree with the above red-shift for the scalar field energy density is also calculated.Comment: LaTeX2e, 11 pages, 4 figures. To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit
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