28 research outputs found

    The wage impact of immigration in Germany: New evidence for skill groups and occupations

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    The paper contributes to the ongoing debate about the adequate technique to identify the impact of immigration. Initially the regression analysis on the basis of education-experience cells reveals that the impact of immigration on native wages in Germany is negative, but small. The subsequent analysis on the basis of occupations using the same data yields a considerably higher adjustment coefficient and indicates strong wage effects within primary service occupations with a magnitude comparable to results for the US. The analysis therefore demonstrates that the use of formal qualifications as an exclusive classification criterion may lead to an underestimation of the impact of immigration. --Labour market impact of migration,skill group approach,occupations,fixed effects model

    Does citizenship matter? The economic impact of naturalizations in Germany

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    The paper analyzes whether citizenship acquisition affects the labor market performance of immigrants in Germany. The study uses actual micro data from the IAB employment sample, which covers more than 80% of the whole labor force in Germany. The econometric analysis is carried out using both cross-sectional and panel data techniques, which allow to disentangle the effects of self-selection and legal impact of citizenship acquisition. The estimates from a simple OLS specification suggest the existence of a wage premium of naturalized immigrants. Panel estimates show an immediate positive naturalization effect on wages and an accelerated wage growth in the years after the naturalization event. Both results are consistent with the argument that naturalization increases the labor market opportunities of immigrants in various ways.Naturalization, self-selection, socioeconomic integration

    Unemployment Duration in Germany – A comprehensive study with dynamic hazard models and P-Splines

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    This paper makes use of data from the German socio-economic panel to gain new insights into the determinants of unemployment duration in Germany. Due to substantial differences with respect to labour market outcomes we follow a stratified approach with respect to gender and ethnicity. To analyze unemployment duration comprehensively, dynamic duration time models are used in which covariate e.ects are allowed to vary smoothly with unemployment duration and others enter the model in an a-priori unspecified functional form. We control for unobserved heterogeneity by following a modern frailty approach. As fitting routine we employ penalized spline smoothing effects using available software in R. We demonstrate with state-of-the-art regression models how effects of covariables change, either over duration time or within their domain and reveal substantial differences across gender and ethnicities for the German labour market. Among others we find large effects of family characteristics for women and a minor importance of formal qualifications for immigrants.Unemployment, Duration Time Models, Dynamic Effets, Penalized Splines, German Socio-Economic Panel, Ethnic Labour Market Segmentation

    Unemployment duration in Germany: A comprehensive study with dynamic hazard models and P-Splines

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    This paper makes use of data from the German socio-economic panel to gain new insights into the determinants of unemployment duration in Germany. Due to substantial differences with respect to labour market outcomes we follow a stratified approach with respect to gender and ethnicity. To analyze unemployment duration comprehensively, dynamic duration time models are used in which covariate effects are allowed to vary smoothly with unemployment duration and others enter the model in an a-priori unspecified functional form. We control for unobserved heterogeneity by following a modern frailty approach. As fitting routine we use penalized spline smoothing effects using available software in R. We demonstrate with state-of-the-art regression models how effects of covariables change, either over duration time or within their range and reveal substantial differences across gender end ethnicities for the German labour market. Among others we find large effects of family characteristics for women and a minor importance of formal qualifications for immigrants. --Unemployment,Duration Time Models,Dynamic Effects,Penalized Splines,German Socio-Economic Panel,Ethnic Labour Market Segmentation

    Die Steuerung der Arbeitsmigration im Zuwanderungsgesetz: Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme aus ökonomischer Sicht

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag beginnt mit einer Darstellung der Mechanismen der Selbstselektion von Migranten, da diese weitreichende Konsequenzen auf das bestehende Angebot an Migranten haben. Anschließend werden verschiedene Auswahlinstrumente dargestellt, anhand derer eine gezielte Steuerung der Zuwanderung seitens des Aufnahmelandes vorgenommen werden kann. Schließlich wird auf diejenigen Regelungen des deutschen Zuwanderungsgesetzes eingegangen, die sich auf eine Steuerung der Zuwanderung beziehen. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die wichtigsten Argumente der aktuellen Debatte um mögliche Änderungen des Zuwanderungsgesetzes aufgegriffen und diskutiert. Abschließend werden eigene politische Handlungsempfehlungen formuliert und ein Fazit gezogen. --

    Aktuelle Trends der EinbĂŒrgerungen in Deutschland

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    Ein zentrales Thema in der aktuellen politischen Debatte in Deutschland ist die Integration der auslĂ€ndischen Bevölkerung. Welche Rolle spielt dabei die EinbĂŒrgerung und wie sehen die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen hierfĂŒr aus? Wie entwickelte sich die Zahl der eingebĂŒrgerten Personen? Woher kommen sie, wie ist ihre Altersstruktur und welche Bildung haben sie? Welche Implikationen ergeben sich fĂŒr die Integrationspolitik? --

    Age, life-satisfaction, and relative income

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    We first confirm previous results with the German Socio-economic Panel, and obtain strong negative effects of comparison income. However, when we split the sample by age, we find quite different results for reference income. The effects on life-satisfaction are positive and significant for those under 46, consistent with Hirschman's (1973) tunnel effect and only negative (and larger than in the full sample) for those over 46, when relative deprivation dominates. Thus for young respondents, reference income's signalling role, indicating potential future prospects, can outweigh relative deprivation effects. Own-income effects are also larger for the older sample, and of greater magnitude than the comparison income effect. In East Germany the reference income effects are insignificant for all age groups. --

    Champions des Sports: Ein empirischer Vergleich deutscher SportstÀdte

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    Immer wenn die Ausrichter von Fußball-Weltmeisterschaften oder Olympischen Spielen bekannt gegeben werden, hoffen Millionen Menschen in den BewerberlĂ€ndern und -stĂ€dten, den Zuschlag zu bekommen. DarĂŒber hinaus ist die Vergabe von großer Bedeutung fĂŒr EntscheidungstrĂ€ger aus Wirtschaft und Politik, denn Sport ist in den letzten Jahren immer mehr zu einem wichtigen Image-, Standort- und Wirtschaftsfaktor geworden. Schon der Status als Candidate City in der Vorauswahl fĂŒr die Olympischen Spiele verspricht enorme Vermarktungschancen. Aber auch andere Sportevents wie Welt- und Europameisterschaften oder Weltcupveranstaltungen haben fĂŒr StĂ€dte mittlerweile eine große regionalwirtschaftliche Bedeutung erlangt. --

    Arbeitsmarkt und Migration: Eine empirische Analyse der Lohn- und BeschĂ€ftigungseffekte der Zuwanderung fĂŒr Deutschland

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema der Arbeitsmarkteffekte der Zuwanderung in Deutschland. Zuwanderung hat in der Bundesrepublik eine lange Tradition, und wird spĂ€testens seit dem Inkrafttreten des Zuwanderungsgesetzes auch von politischer Seite als Teil der deutschen RealitĂ€t anerkannt. Eine der zentralen Fragen in der wirtschaftspolitischen Diskussion um Zuwanderung ist, inwiefern sich diese auf die Löhne und die BeschĂ€ftigung der inlĂ€ndischen Bevölkerung im EmpfĂ€ngerland auswirkt. Eine hĂ€ufig geĂ€ußerte BefĂŒrchtung ist, dass es in Folge eines Anstiegs der Zuwanderung zu sinkenden Löhnen und steigender Arbeitslosigkeit der inlĂ€ndischen Bevölkerung kommt. --

    evidence from U.S. immigrants

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    In this paper we deliver first causal evidence on the relationship between immigrant host country language proficiency and homeownership. Using an instrumental variable strategy, we find a substantial positive impact of language skills on the propensity to own a home and the quality of housing. While this effect is mediated by education and household income, our estimates also speak in favor of a direct effect. Our results highlight the importance of host-country-specific human capital and, in particular, language proficiency for socio-economic assimilation