57 research outputs found

    Mimulus gemmiparus populations: current status and extended search

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    A research report submitted to: Steve J. Popovich, Botanist, USDA - Forest Service, Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests.September 30, 2005, revised September 5, 2006.Includes bibliographical references.To more accurately assess the current conservation status of the rare plant Mimulus gemmiparus (Phrymaceae), we visited all previously known sites of occurrence and documented the location, size, and condition of populations, and we searched for additional populations in nearby areas. Our search results indicate that more occurrences of M. gemmiparus are likely. Details regarding the populations and our searches are presented here. Includes a 2006 addendum and update by David A. Steingraeber

    Hatching, growth, major ion concentrations, and ostelogical development of Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) alevins exposed to soft, acidic water

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    Brook trout (Salvelinus fontirtalis) eyed-eggs and fry were continuously exposed (< 72 days) to 3 pH levels (5.0, 6.5, 7.2) in soft (0.10 meq/L total hardness), low alkaline (< 0.14 meq/L) , 10 degree Celcius water to determine effects of reduced pH on hatching success, growth, major whole-body ion concentrations, and osteological development in Ca+2 depleted water. Hatching success was observed daily and the date of 50% hatch was established for each treatment. Fish were fed an excess of a low Ca+2 diet after the completion of yolk absorption and initiation of swim-up behavior. This diet was replaced 1 week later with freshly hatched brine shrimp nauplii. Subsamples of fish were taken from each treatment at regular intervals over a 45-day period following median hatch. Some fish were individually dried and weighed to assess growth, then analyzed to determine whole-body Na+, K+, Ca+2, Mg+2 , and Cl- concentrations. In other fish, mineralized bone tissue was stained and objectively examined to assess the progression of ossification. In comparison to fish in the control (pH 7.2) treatment, more time was required for pH 5.0-treated fish to achieve median hatch and for both the pH 6.5- and pH 5.0-treated fish to complete hatching. Cumulative hatching success was reduced at pH 5.0 and pH 6.5. Hatching success followed a normal distribution at pH 7.2 but became increasingly skewed at lower pH levels. Patterns of growth were similar among fish from all treatments. Dry weight decreased during yolk absorption but was unaffected by exposure to reduced pH. Dry weight increased rapidly during exogenous feeding, particularly as the fish fed on brine shrimp nauplii. Significant differences in growth among treatments at this time were probably due to differences in availability of food rather than pH. Whole-body Na+, K+, Ca+2 , and Cl- concentrations of fish exposed to pH 5.0 were less than those of fish exposed to the circumneutral pH treatments throughout most of yolk absorption and early exogenous feeding. Only the reduction in whole-body Na+ concentrations followed a consistent pH relationship. Patterns of whole-body ion accumulation were similar among fish from all treatments during most of the exposure. The pattern of Ca+2 accumulation among fish in the pH 5.0 treatment was inconsistent during yolk absorption however, suggesting that reduced pH will alter normal Ca+2 accumulation at this time. The progression of ossification in the dentary-articular complex, branchiostegal rays, caudal epurals and hypurals, dorsal pterygiophores, pelvic basipterygia, and vertebral centra was substantially delayed by exposure to soft, acidified water. Osteological development comparable to that of fish in neutral pH waters was achieved within 9 days for most structures. The criteria used to assess osteological development were sensitive enough to distinguish more than 68% of the individuals exposed to acidic water from those exposed to circumneutral pH waters during early yolk absorption and later when exogenous feeding was well established

    Labor of Love: A Memoir

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    My thesis was a combination of creative writing and research; I wrote a seventy-page memoir about the last sixteen months of my maternal grandmother\u27s life and framed it between a prologue and epilogue which explore the theoretical underpinnings of memoir as a genre in addition to issues of canonicity and postmodernism in relation to the memoir. The body of the memoir explores the sixteen month period during my sophomore and junior years of high school where my grandmother lived at our house; we chose to care for her in our home rather than putting her in a managed care facility. Issues explored in the work are life, death, aging, memory, families, and responsibility

    The Effect of Personality Type on Learning/Knowledge Retention

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    poster, CAS 352/BIO 110, spring 201

    The Effect of Non-Producing Entities on Innovation Processes

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    Methodische Aspekte der Inhaltsanalyse aus der Sicht des Konstruktivismus

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    Die Inhaltsanalyse als Methode der empirischen Sozialforschung steht vor einigen Problemen der Repraesentation; ein Hauptproblem auf der semantischen Ebene ist das der Bedeutung. Hier bereitet insbesondere die Mehrdeutigkeit von Begriffen Schwierigkeiten, Texte zu kategorisieren. Der Methodische Konstruktivismus bietet Verfahren an, wie die Mehrdeutigkeit von Begriffen vermieden werden kann. Durch die explizite Festlegung des Gebrauchs von Praedikatoren durch Regeln einerseits und durch Definitionen andererseits kommt es zur Bildung von Termini. Unter Rueckgriff auf die Methode der Abstraktion als logische Operation auf Aussagen kann der Kontext eines zu untersuchenden Textes bestimmt werden. 'Wenn Kategorien einer Inhaltsanalyse paedagogischer Texte im Sinne des Konstruktivismus definiert werden, kann die Analyse valide Ergebnisse erbringen. Voraussetzung fuer solche Defintionen waere allerdings ein Aufbau der Erziehungswissenschaft insgesamt nach der konstruktiven Methode.' (pra)Available from UuStB Koeln(38)-980106141 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman