71 research outputs found

    Anti-oxidant potential and gap junction-mediated intercellular communication as early biological markers of mercuric chloride toxicity in MDCK cell line.

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    In this study, the early nephrotoxic potential of mercuric chloride (HgCl(2)) has been evaluated in vitro, by exposing a renal-derived cell system, the tubular epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell line, to the presence of increasing HgCl(2) concentrations (0.1-100 microM) for different periods of time (from 4 to 72 h). As possible biological markers of the tubular-specific toxicity of HgCl(2) in exposed-MDCK cultures we analysed: (i) critical biochemical parameters related to oxidative stress conditions and (ii) gap-junctional function (GJIC). HgCl(2) cytotoxicity was evaluated by cell-density assay. The biochemical analysis of the pro-oxidant properties of the mercuric ion (Hg(2+)) was performed by evaluating the effect of the metal salt on the antioxidant status of the MDCK cells. The cell glutathione (GSH) content and the activity of glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) and catalase (Cat), two enzymes engaged in the H(2)O(2) degradation, were quantified. HgCl(2) influence on MDCK GJIC was analysed by the microinjection/dye-transfer assay. HgCl(2)-induced morphological changes in MDCK cells were also taken into account. Our results, proving that subcytotoxic (0.1-10 microM) HgCl(2) concentrations affect either the antioxidant defences of MDCK cells or their GJIC, indicate these critical functions as suitable biological targets of early mercury-induced tubular cell injury

    RCCS™ bioreactor-based modelled microgravity induces significant changes on in vitro 3D neuroglial cell cultures

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    We propose a human-derived neuro-/glial cell three-dimensional in vitro model to investigate the effects of microgravity on cell-cell interactions. A rotary cell-culture system (RCCS) bioreactor was used to generate a modelled microgravity environment, and morphofunctional features of glial-like GL15 and neuronal-like SH-SY5Y cells in three-dimensional individual cultures (monotypic aggregates) and cocultures (heterotypic aggregates) were analysed. Cell survival was maintained within all cell aggregates over 2 weeks of culture. Moreover, compared to cells as traditional static monolayers, cell aggregates cultured under modelled microgravity showed increased expression of specific differentiation markers (e.g., GL15 cells: GFAP, S100B; SH-SY5Y cells: GAP43) and modulation of functional cell-cell interactions (e.g., N-CAM and Cx43 expression and localisation). In conclusion, this culture model opens a wide range of specific investigations at the molecular, biochemical, and morphological levels, and it represents an important tool for in vitro studies into dynamic interactions and responses of nervous system cell components to microgravity environmental conditions

    Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Affect Myogenic Processes in C2C12 Myoblasts: Role of Gap-Junction-Mediated Intercellular Communication

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    Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) can interact with biological systems. Although they are successfully used as therapeutic agents in physiatrics and rehabilitative practice, they might represent environmental pollutants and pose a risk to human health. Due to the lack of evidence of their mechanism of action, the effects of ELF-EMFs on differentiation processes in skeletal muscle were investigated. C2C12 myoblasts were exposed to ELF-EMFs generated by a solenoid. The effects of ELF-EMFs on cell viability and on growth and differentiation rates were studied using colorimetric and vital dye assays, cytomorphology, and molecular analysis of MyoD and myogenin expression, respectively. The establishment of functional gap junctions was investigated analyzing connexin 43 expression levels and measuring cell permeability, using microinjection/dye-transfer assays. The ELF-EMFs did not affect C2C12 myoblast viability or proliferation rate. Conversely, at ELF-EMF intensity in the mT range, the myogenic process was accelerated, through increased expression of MyoD, myogenin, and connexin 43. The increase in gap-junction function suggests promoting cell fusion and myotube differentiation. These data provide the first evidence of the mechanism through which ELF-EMFs may provide therapeutic benefits and can resolve, at least in part, some conditions of muscle dysfunction

    Human iPSC-Derived 3D Hepatic Organoids in a Miniaturized Dynamic Culture System

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    The process of identifying and approving a new drug is a time-consuming and expensive procedure. One of the biggest issues to overcome is the risk of hepatotoxicity, which is one of the main reasons for drug withdrawal from the market. While animal models are the gold standard in preclinical drug testing, the translation of results into therapeutic intervention is often ambiguous due to interspecies differences in hepatic metabolism. The discovery of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and their derivatives has opened new possibilities for drug testing. We used mesenchymal stem cells and hepatocytes both derived from hiPSCs, together with endothelial cells, to miniaturize the process of generating hepatic organoids. These organoids were then cultivated in vitro using both static and dynamic cultures. Additionally, we tested spheroids solely composed by induced hepatocytes. By miniaturizing the system, we demonstrated the possibility of maintaining the organoids, but not the spheroids, in culture for up to 1 week. This timeframe may be sufficient to carry out a hypothetical pharmacological test or screening. In conclusion, we propose that the hiPSCderived liver organoid model could complement or, in the near future, replace the pharmacological and toxicological tests conducted on animals

    3D culture in microgravity: a realistic alternative to experimental animal use

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    The acceptance of the new paradigm of three-dimensional (3D) cell culture will enhance in the next years the possibility to develop reliable and physiologically relevant in vitro alternatives to the use of in vivo animal-based models. The recent progress in tissue engineering approaches and the rapid advances in emerging technologies have greatly contributed to the design and set up of a large number of relevant bioreactor-based 3D tissue analogues with various characteristic properties. This article addresses the potential of the microgravity-based RCCS TM technology to provide the best culture conditions for the generation and long-term maintenance of functional 3D cell constructs and tissue explants for future applications in basic research, pharmaco-toxicology and clinical fields

    A mesoscale study of the degradation of bone structural properties in modeled microgravity conditions

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    One of the most important alterations that occur in man and experimental animals during spaceflight concerns the skeletal system, and entails important bone loss and degradation of mechanical properties. In the present work we investigate ex vivo the long-term effects of weightlessness (simulated microgravity) on bone tissue, by comparing the mesoscale structural properties of weight-bearing rat tibial epiphyseal cancellous structures of healthy animals (ground controls) with those of identical bone explants maintained ex vivo in the Rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS) bioreactor, used to model, on ground, microgravity conditions. Bone structures were reconstructed by synchrotron radiation micro-CT, morphometric analyses were performed, and the apparent elastic properties were computed by means of a numerical model based on the Cell Method. Two novel results were achieved in this study. First of all, the skeletal modifications found in bone explants after 3–4 weeks of culture in the RCCS bioreactor are in perfect agreement with those observed in vivo after a long-term spaceflight (Mice Drawer System mission, 2009), thus confirming the relevance of our model in reproducing the effects of microgravity on whole bone tissue. Secondly, but not less importantly, our study points out that the degradation in bone structural performance (apparent mechanical properties) must be considered in order to achieve an accurate representation of trabecular bone modifications not only in osteoporotic bone diseases, but also in the microgravity-induced bone alterations. In conclusion, our findings, by proving that the association of the RCCS bioreactor-based culture method, used to model microgravity conditions, with numerical simulations able to quantify bone quality, represents the first ground-based reliable model for investigating, ex vivo, some of the spaceflight effects on bone tissue, and open new perspectives to basic research and clinical applications

    Bioengineered osteo-articular systems: 3D culture of bone and cartilage in simulated microgravity

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    In vitro tissue models are becoming increasingly important for basic research purposes, as well as for pharmaco-toxicology and clinical applications, but their relevance is often limited by the rapid loss of cell viability and differentiated functions, that usually occurs when traditional culture conditions are employed. In this chapter we describe various procedures that allow the three-dimensional (3D), long-term culture of articular chondrocytes, cartilage and bone/cartilage tissue explants. The key point of our methods is the use of the Rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS™) bioreactor, that, by reproducing critical aspects of microgravity, generates a particular microenvironment, where high mass transfer is attained with low shear stress, thus providing optimal conditions for cell survival and function within large-sized 3D constructs. The results obtained demonstrate that our culture methods can preserve cell viability and differentiated phenotype over several weeks of culture, confirming their value for a wide range of biomedical applications

    Modelling tissues in 3D: the next future of pharmaco-toxicology and food research?

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    The development and validation of reliable in vitro methods alternative to conventional in vivo studies in experimental animals is a well-recognised priority in the fields of pharmaco-toxicology and food research. Conventional studies based on two-dimensional (2-D) cell monolayers have demonstrated their significant limitations: the chemically and spatially defined three-dimensional (3-D) network of extracellular matrix components, cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions that governs differentiation, proliferation and function of cells in vivo is, in fact, lost under the simplified 2-D condition. Being able to reproduce specific tissue-like structures and to mimic functions and responses of real tissues in a way that is more physiologically relevant than what can be achieved through traditional 2-D cell monolayers, 3-D cell culture represents a potential bridge to cover the gap between animal models and human studies. This article addresses the significance and the potential of 3-D in vitro systems to improve the predictive value of cell-based assays for safety and risk assessment studies and for new drugs development and testing. The crucial role of tissue engineering and of the new microscale technologies for improving and optimising these models, as well as the necessity of developing new protocols and analytical methods for their full exploitation, will be also discussed
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