13 research outputs found

    Dna Sequencing Of A Pathogenicity-related Plasmid Of An Avian Septicemic Escherichia Coli Strain.

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    A 43-MDa conjugative plasmid isolated from an avian septicemic Escherichia coli (APEC) strain possessing genes related to the adhesion and invasion capacities of in vitro-cultured cells was sequenced. The results demonstrated that the 43-MDa plasmid harbors bacterial pathogenicity-related sequences which probably allow the wild-type pathogenic strain to adhere to and invade tissues and to cause septicemia in poultry. The existence of homology sequences to sequences belonging to other human pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae like Escherichia coli O157:H7, Shigella and Salmonella was also observed. The presence of these sequences in this plasmid could indicate that there is horizontal genetic transfer between bacterial strains isolated from different host species. In conclusion, the present study suggests that APEC strains harbor high-molecular weight plasmids that present pathogenicity-related sequences and that these are probably responsible for the pathogenicity exhibited by these strains. The presence of human pathogenicity-associated sequences in APEC conjugative plasmids suggests that these strains could represent a zoonotic risk.6223123

    Molecular Epidemiology Of Shigella Spp Strains Isolated In Two Different Metropolitam Areas Of Southeast Brazil [epidemiologia Molecular De Linhagens De Shigella Spp Isoladas Em Diferentes Areas Metropolitanas Do Sudeste Do]

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    Shigella spp., the human pathogen responsible for shigellosis, is highly infectious even at low levels. The incidence rate of shigellosis varies with geographical distribution, location human development index, and age groups, being higher among children aged under 5 years. In Brazil, a few works indicate that shigellosis cases are underestimated, with S. flexneri and S. sonnei strains being the major agents responsible for the shigellosis cases. The present study used pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to investigate the molecular epidemiology of 119 strains of S. sonnei and S. flexneri isolated from shigellosis cases that occurred in the metropolitan areas of RibeirĂŁo Preto and Campinas Cities, SĂŁo Paulo Sate, southeast Brazil. The results indicated (i) the existence of just a few strain clusters for both species, but with genotype variability with either a high speed of genetic change or constant introduction of several genotypes, considering the intense migration to these two metropolitan areas, and (ii) the prevalence of specific genotypes in each geographical area, which suggests the successful adaptation of some genotypes to the local environmental conditions. Our results indicate the need of more efficacious sanitary barriers to prevent Shigella spp. outbreaks and epidemics.403685692Ausubel, F.M., Brent, R., Kingston, R.E., Moore, D.D., Smith, J.A., Seidman, J.G., Struhl, K., (1998) Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, p. 1. , New York: Green Publishing Associates1.6Brenner, D.J., Fanning, G.R., Skeman, F.J., Falkow, S., Polynucleotide sequence divergence among strains of Escherichia coli and closely related organisms (1972) J. 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    Study Of The Adhesion And Invasion Capacities Of An Invasive Avian Pathogenic Escherichia Coli Strain (apec) To In Vitro Cultivated Hep-2 Cells

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    An avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strain (APEC), designated strain sep17, was isolated from the liver of a chicken suffering from septicaemia. Its biological characteristics, including antimicrobial drug resistances, colicin production, plasmid profile, adhesion and invasion capacities to in vitro cultivated HEp-2 cells, and PCR detection of DNA sequences related to pathogenicity genes (fimA, tsh, papA, crl, csgA, afa, sfa, eae, lpfA O157/OI-141, lpfAO157/OI-154, toxB, iha, ial, efa, inv, invA/invE and ibeA) were determined. This strain (Lac+, Tc R, fimA, csgA, crl, lpfAO157/OI-154) harbored a 70 MDa plasmid and was able to adhere to and invade in vitro cultured HEp-2 cells. Transference of this 70 MDa plasmid by conjugation rendered a non-pathogenic recipient strain HB101 (Lac-, SmR, csgA) capable of adhering to and invading the same type of cell. Scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy confirmed the adhesion capacity of the wild and the transconjugant strains, while the in vitro invasion technique and light microscopy confirmed the invasion capacity of these strains. The FAS technique, which is used to visualize actin accumulation on cells where the adhesion process occurs, was negative for all those strains. None of the genes detected in strain sep17 were transferred by conjugation, which indicates that they are chromosomally located and are not related to the adhesion and invasion processes. The presence and absence of pathogenicity-related genes are discussed.241110Amabile de Campos, T.A., Stehling, E.G., Ferreira, A., Pestana de Castro, A.F., Brocchi, M., Silveira, W.D., Adhesion properties, fimbrial expression and PCR detection of adhesin-related genes of avian Escherichia coli strains (2005) Vet. 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    Molecular genotyping and epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates obtained from inmates of correctional institutions of Campinas, Southeast Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the possible transmission of tuberculosis among 39 inmates with positive Mycobacterium tuberculosis smears in four correctional institutions located in Campinas City, SP, Brazil over a 19-month period. Fifty-one M. tuberculosis isolates from these inmates were characterized according to the number of IS6110 insertion elements present in their genomic DNA. The number of insertion elements in M. tuberculosis isolates varied from two to twelve. The dendrogram of similarity resulted in the grouping the isolates in six main clusters. These results, associated to epidemiological data, suggested the transmission of tuberculosis among inmates of the same and different institutions inmates. Univariate analysis of epidemiological data (total delay for beginning of treatment, previous treatment, and HIV status) and clustering occurrence showed that only "previous treatment" (OR = 7.65, p = 0.032) was associated with the possible transmission of tuberculosis in the studied prisons