11 research outputs found

    The Mondialization Impact on the International Trade

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    The protest campaign against globalization proves a public, general anxiety that, thinking deeply, is not entirely unjustified. It’t about political interests that, unfortunately, have an influence on the economic ones. Therefore, one can speak about a discrepancy between the economic globalization and the political one, the latter being in advance. There are many aspects: alimentary security, environment, work standards, but the most illustrative are those in connection with the economic efficiency and the resource sharing. From this point of view the present presentation refers to: - mondialization and its consequences in the international trade; - mondialization and international economic relations. Although mondialization can be criticized because of the broken promises, we want to be optimistic thinking of the slogan said by World Bank Prime Minister, Stiglitz, „Our dream is a world without poor people”.Mondialization; Globalization; WTO; FMI; International economic relations; Global government; International trade.

    Responsiveness of Health Systems: a Barometer of the Quality of Health Services

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    In the health field, quality is a complex and multidimensional variable. The complexity is shown by different levels of quality, which provide a global picture of the performance of a health system: compliance with mandatory rules, compliance with professional recommendations/references, action of steady improvement aiming at resolving health problems, risk management or excellence seeking, etc. The multidimensional character is provided by various dimensions to be covered by evaluation indicators of the performance of a health system: acceptability in what points the health system meets our expectations; accessibility knowing whether we can receive the services where and when we need them; adequacy knowing whether the care meets our needs and is based on established rules; competence knowing whether knowledge and skills of health services providers are consistent with the care they provide; continuity matching services – coordination, integration, easy access; effectiveness concerning the services in operation and in what point they influence our health; efficiency achieving best results at the lowest cost; security minimizing possible risks in a health area or service. Out of these dimensions – which, from a synergetic perspective, define the overall performance of a health system – we retain for a detailed analysis only those concerning acceptability, adequacy and competence, which determine the responsiveness to the patients’ expectations. Moreover, for working out a methodology for assessing the quality of health services, it is necessary to analyse various standard procedures for assessing the performance of health services initiated and rendered by international organisations and promoted, first of all, by the World Health Organisation. Our paper also deals with actions already taken worldwide, which now are undergoing structural improvements as well as with opportunities for making market surveys (opinion polls) among the beneficiaries of a health system: the citizens.health system; health system responsiveness; health system performance; health condition; determinants of health condition

    Causes of Resistance to Change. What Managers Should Do?

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    Change is considered, in more and more cases, an inevitable process and the development of an organization largely depends on how it reacts and adapts to transformations occurring. Change has both positive and negative aspects, it implies experiment and creation of something new and different, but it also means destruction of familiar facts and relationships. The implementation failure rate of organizational change remains high and one of the most common causes of this is considered to be the resistance to change. Although the resistance to change is considered a natural reaction, it is necessary to understand the causes and identify the measures for its reduction. Using content analysis of representative works, as a research method, we identified a number of factors that cause resistance to change and methods than can be used to decrease it, in order to successful implement the organizational change. Journal:Risk in the Contemporary Economy, Proceedings Conferenc

    Romanian Business Environment in the Context of Economic Competitiveness Based on Knowledge

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    The changes of production factors priorities affect more and more the evolution of global economy, requiring reorientation of development policies both at company level and at national economies level to adapt to the phenomenon called: “the new economy” or “knowledge economy”. If for classical economy the ability to compete - competitiveness- depends largely on the quantity or the amount of production factors, at the present, has gained importance the efficiency of their use. The idea of making this article appeared both from the necessity of a systematic research to approach the Romanian competitive environment and the desire to stoop to this important conference theme. We can certainly say that the actual business environment is characterized by a particularly dynamic due to changes that occur within it, especially under the impact of technical and scientific revolution which brought to the fore the knowledge as an essential element of achieving a high competitiveness. It is intended that the proposed theme of this article to have an economic importance for the actual information and adequacy of the current economy in Romania


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    The phenomenon of globalization arises to develop a competent, coherent and efficient management. This article wants to explore the concept of leadership in the context of contemporary economy affected by uncertainty and dynamics

    The Impact of the Human Resources on the Romanian Court of Accounts' Performance

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    This article analyzes the human resource management of the Supreme Audit Institution of Romania, the Romanian Court of Accounts. The paper mostly analyzes the status and the development of the specialized personnel of the institution, represented by the external public auditors in the period 2010-2015. It also addresses the link between the quality control system and the human resources existing in the institution


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    Change has become the watchword of the present times. The dynamism of economic, social and political life is becoming more pronounced and it determines numerous organizational changes. In times of crisis and during the following periods, companies face major challenges, changes becoming even harder to anticipate and plan. The economic difficulties encountered by the business environment can be a decisive test for the leaders of companies. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the leadership characteristics which are necessary to efficiently manage and implement organizational changes during crisis. The research method used in this paper was based on the content analysis of works by both Romanian and foreign authors and on some studies conducted by different specialized companies. This paper is structured as follows: introduction, aspects regarding managers' role in change management, characteristics needed by the leaders involved in the change process, conclusions and biography

    Organizational Behavior from the Perspective of the Paradigm Strategy-Structure-Performance (SSP) in the Banking System

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    The purpose of this article is not to design and propose legislative initiatives in the banking industry, but to develop a methodological approach to the organizational structure of banks. The first objective is to highlight the theoretical correlation of the strategy-structure-performance paradigm with the neoclassical theory of the organization and the other theories that have started from it and to determine the theoretical roots of the organizational division in the banking financial field and to highlight the implementation strategy changes in banking, their impact on the organizational structure of banks, as well as on the performance recorded in the Romanian banking system. In addition, it was intended to measure the effect of increasing the importance of consumers’ opinions and the implementation of new IT technologies in banking on the same strategies. We believe that these contributions can be of great help to better understanding the underlying causes of the transformations that are taking place and will take place in both banking and non-banking organizations in Romania. They can thus even foresee and cross difficult situations and economic tim

    Marketing through the Eye of the Law

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    During the activity of buying and using goods and services, citizens of a country, as consumers, have to beneficiate from a legal frame, in order to access the goods and services they need and want. This frame refers to consumers' fundamental rights as it directly stem from UN Consumer bill of Rights, through the Resolution 39/248 from 1985, April. From these rights' perspective, become visible some questions: Is ethics mandatory in marketing activity? And if it is, is it right that ethics will be imposed by the law? Although there are strong connections between ethics and law, and the law is never un-ethical, respecting the law doesn't guarantee that you didn't breach the moral law. The law could replace the ethics of those who don't have one. The present article proposes to answer these questions bringing into discussion economic and ethical responsibility the producer should have - the key character which is obliged to give a great attention to consumers' interests on the market of goods and services. Reviewing in a synthetic manner, the structure of consumers' field and the role of the key characters in elaborating and implementing the consumers' protection policy, the authors develop, based on Romania's conditions, an analysis approach of the report which should exist between the marketing actions developed by a company and the ethical principles which it should respect in the spirit of the special legislation pro moted.consumer rights; consumers' movement; consumers' protection

    Organizational behavior from the perspective of the paradigme strategy-structure-performance (SSP) in the banking system

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    The purpose of this article is not to design and propose legislative initiatives in the banking industry, but to develop a methodological approach to the organizational structure of banks. The first objective is to highlight the theoretical correlation of the strategy-structure-performance paradigm with the neoclassical theory of the organization and the other theories that have started from it and to determine the theoretical roots of the organizational division in the banking financial field and to highlight the implementation strategy changes in banking, their impact on the organizational structure of banks, as well as on the performance recorded in the Romanian banking system. In addition, it was intended to measure the effect of increasing the importance of consumers’ opinions and the implementation of new IT technologies in banking on the same strategies. We believe that these contributions can be of great help to better understanding the underlying causes of the transformations that are taking place and will take place in both banking and non-banking organizations in Romania. They can thus even foresee and cross difficult situations and economic times