267 research outputs found

    Hotspots of soil organic carbon storage revealed by laboratory hyperspectral imaging

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    Subsoil organic carbon (OC) is generally lower in content and more heterogeneous than topsoil OC, rendering it difficult to detect significant differences in subsoil OC storage. We tested the application of laboratory hyperspectral imaging with a variety of machine learning approaches to predict OC distribution in undisturbed soil cores. Using a bias-corrected random forest we were able to reproduce the OC distribution in the soil cores with very good to excellent model goodness-of-fit, enabling us to map the spatial distribution of OC in the soil cores at very high resolution (~53 × 53 ”m). Despite a large increase in variance and reduction in OC content with increasing depth, the high resolution of the images enabled statistically powerful analysis in spatial distribution of OC in the soil cores. In contrast to the relatively homogeneous distribution of OC in the plough horizon, the subsoil was characterized by distinct regions of OC enrichment and depletion, including biopores which contained ~2–10 times higher SOC contents than the soil matrix in close proximity. Laboratory hyperspectral imaging enables powerful, fine-scale investigations of the vertical distribution of soil OC as well as hotspots of OC storage in undisturbed samples, overcoming limitations of traditional soil sampling campaigns

    Combination of Imaging Infrared Spectroscopy and X-ray Computed Microtomography for the Investigation of Bio-and Physicochemical processes in Structured Soils

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    Soil is a heterogeneous mixture of various organic and inorganic parent materials. Major soil functions are driven by their quality, quantity and spatial arrangement, resulting in soil structure. Physical protection of organic matter (OM) in this soil structure is considered as a vital mechanism for stabilizing organic carbon turnover, an important soil function in times of climate change. Herein, we present a technique for the correlative analysis of 2D imaging visible light near-infrared spectroscopy and 3D X-ray computed microtomography (mCT) to investigate the interplay of biogeochemical properties and soil structure in undisturbed soil samples. Samples from the same substrate but different soil management and depth (no-tilled topsoil, tilled topsoil and subsoil) were compared in order to evaluate this method in a diversely structured soil. Imaging spectroscopy is generally used to qualitatively and quantitatively identify OM with high spatial resolution, whereas 3D X-ray mCT provides high resolution information on pore characteristics. The unique combination of these techniques revealed that, in undisturbed samples, OM can be found mainly at greater distances from macropores and close to biopores. However, alterations were observed because of disturbances by tillage. The correlative application of imaging infrared spectroscopic and X-ray mCT analysis provided new insights into the biochemical processes affected by soil structural changes

    Kriterien fĂŒr die Zertifizierung von Kohlenstoffsenken in Landwirtschaftsböden

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    Im Rahmen der Klimadiskussion sind auch CO2-Zertifikate* fĂŒr die Einlagerung von Kohlenstoff in Landwirtschaftsböden (Kohlenstoffsenken) im GesprĂ€ch. Doch bevor solche Zertifikate ausgegeben werden, muss sichergestellt werden, dass die Kohlenstoffsenken zu einer effektiven Reduktion von Klimagasen beitragen. Damit dies geschehen kann, mĂŒssen vier Kriterien erfĂŒllt sein

    CritĂšres de certification pour les puits de carbone dans les sols agricoles

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    Les certificats* de CO2 peuvent thĂ©oriquement ĂȘtre attribuĂ©s pour les puits de carbone dans les sols agricoles et font l’objet de discussions dans le cadre du dĂ©bat sur le climat. Mais avant que ces certificats ne puissent ĂȘtre dĂ©livrĂ©s, il faut s’assurer que les puits de carbone dans les sols contribuent Ă  une rĂ©duction effective des gaz Ă  effet de serre. Pour cela, quatre critĂšres devraient ĂȘtre remplis

    Eine Chance fĂŒr Klima und Landwirtschaft

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    Böden sind weltweit die grĂ¶ĂŸten CO2-Speicher auf dem Land. Sie beinhalten mehr Kohlenstoff als die gesamte AtmosphĂ€re und oberirdische Biomasse zusammen. Markus Steffens erklĂ€rt, wie Klima und Landwirtschaft davon profitieren, wenn der Boden gesund gehalten und Humus aufgebaut wird

    Development of SOM and aggregation in an agriculturally managed re-cultivated loess

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    Soil organic matter (SOM) and organic glues from biological processes are considered to be major contributors inaggregate formation. But there is limited knowledge on soil structural formation during initial soil development –the step when SOM content is low and soil properties are mostly controlled by the parent material. In our study we used a chronosequence approach in the re-cultivated open-cast mining area near Cologne, Germany to elucidate thedevelopment of soil structure and soil organic matter during initial soil formation in a loess material. We selectedsix plots with different ages of agricultural management after re-cultivation (0, 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 years after firstseeding). In each plot 12 spatially independent locations were sampled with stainless steel cylinders (100 cm3)at three depths representing the topsoil (1-5 cm), the plowing layer (16-20 cm), and the management-unaffectedparent material (41-45 cm). All samples were analysed for bulk density, organic and inorganic carbon and totalnitrogen content, and aggregate size distribution (≄20 mm, 20-6.3 mm, 3.6-2 mm, and≀2 mm). We calculated soil organic carbon stocks during this early phase of soil formation and assessed the development of aggregationby determining the aggregate stability and their organic carbon content. The re-cultivated soils in the area were alkaline and no differentiation was determined along the chronosequence with having an average pHCaCl2of 7.5. The reclamation was established with freshly excavated loess, thus CaCO3content in the soil was relatively high having concentrations in management-unaffected parent material layer of73.7 mg g−1in 0 year and 124.5 mg g−1in 24 years. Bulk density and soil organic carbon content showed different temporal developments. In just one year bulk density increased to an average of 1.6 g cm−3and changed after first plowing with remaining stable after 12 years to 1.5 g cm−3from topsoil to parent material. Soil organic carbon content increased during first three years only in topsoil (1-5 cm). After ploughing fresh OM input was detected in0-30 cm, where OC stocks increased from 1.23 kg OC m−2in 3 years to 4.06 kg OC m−2in 6 years. Although wedetected OM input and an increase of OC concentrations in aggregates along the chronosequence, we did not see significant differences in aggregate size distribution. Due to high carbonate content in re-cultivated soils, CaCO3 was dominating as a cementing agent and had a strong influence on aggregation in loess soil

    Wissenserhebung und Analyse zum Entwicklungsprozeß eines DruckbehĂ€lters aus Faserverbundwerkstoff

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    Within the scope of the DFKI-project IMCOD (Intelligent Manager for Comprehensive Design) a so-called \u27Design-Manager\u27 as an engineering expert system is being developed. The task of this manager as a part of an intelligent computer system shall be the coordination of single pieces of information provided by already existing information systems. These pieces of information shall now be "distributed at a definite time in order to provide them for the user of the system for the solution of his technical problem. In order to get an impression of the conventional constructional process without computational aid - starting at the idea of the new product up to its production and final marketing - an expert session with different experts from the constructional, the calculational, the manufacturing and financial field, together with a representative of a fictitious customer, was held in cooperation .with the Institute for Composite Materials (IVW), situated at the University of Kaiserslautern. The session was recorded by video in order to reanalyse both, situations and also certain gestures of the participants when arguing. This report deals with the analysis of the session, concentrating on the development of a flow chart reviewing the constructional steps and methods which lead to the final solution. Statements concerning the discussion management were especially focused because of their high importance for the solution of the design manager\u27s coordinational tasks. Finally, an ontology for the the systematic analysis of the domain \u27Pressure Tanks made of Fiber Composites\u27 was established, which shall enable users of the expert system to interpret different specific terms correctly by giving appropriate definitions. As the material field was not especially represented in the expert\u27s discussion, a separate so called \u27Material Ontology\u27 as a sub-ontology of the prior general ontology was additionally created in order to give a better impression of the large variety of materials on both, the fiber and the polymer matrix side

    Zur Substitution metallischer Fahrzeug-Strukturbauteile durch innovative Faser-Kunststoff-Verbund-Bauweisen

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    Um eine weitere Zunahme der Umweltbelastung infolge des stetig anwachsenden Leergewichtes heutiger Kraftfahrzeuge zu vermeiden, wird dem vermehrten Einsatz von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbundwerkstoffen (FKV) auch fĂŒr hochbelastete SekundĂ€rstrukturen zukĂŒnftig eine zentrale Rolle beim intelligenten Fahrzeug-Leichtbau zukommen. Die hierzu erforderliche Substitution metallischer Bauweisen durch FKV-Lösungen bietet das Potential, aufgrund des herausragenden gewichtsspezifischen Eigenschaftsprofils der Werkstoffgruppe und der Möglichkeit einer weitreichenden Teile- und Funktionsintegration eine deutliche Gebrauchswerterhöhung und auch Kostenreduktion zu erzielen. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgefĂŒh1ie Analyse des heutigen Entwicklungsstandes von Fahrzeug-Sitzstrukturen und Fahrwerkselc1nenten in FKV-Bauweise zeigte, daß bei vorderen Pkw-Sitzen die Grenzen des mit FKV derzeit Umsetzbaren erreicht sind. Bei Pkw-Fahrwerken konnte festgehalten werden, daß bislang keine lĂ€ngsorientierte, nicht angetriebene Hinterachse in FKV-Bauweise ohne zusĂ€tzliches Querelement bekannt ist, obwohl diese Achsbauart zunehmend eingesetzt wird. Zielsetzung der Arbeit war es daher, innovative AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die integrierte Gestaltung vorderer Sitzstruktur-Komponenten zu entwickeln, die Leichtbau und hohe FunktionalitĂ€t mit Großserienfertigung verbinden und weiter VorschlĂ€ge zur Gestaltung lĂ€ngsorientierter, nicht angetriebener Pkw-Hinterachsen in FKV-Bauweise zu erarbeiten. Die Arbeit geht zunĂ€chst detailliert auf die Besonderheiten der FKV-Bauweisenentwicklung im Vergleich zum klassischen Konstruktionsablauf bei metallischen Strukturen ein. Darauf aufbauend wird die werkstoff- und fertigungsgerechte Spritzgieß-Konstruktion einer oberen Lehnen-Quertraverse aus diskontinuierlich langglasfaserverstĂ€rktem Thermoplasten (DLFRP oder LFT) vorgestellt, die zwei KopfstĂŒtzen-FĂŒhrungselemente und die eigentliche metallische Quertraverse integriert. Zudem ermöglicht die Funktionserweiterung der axialen Drehbarkeit des gesamten Bauteils ein verbessertes Anstellen der KopfstĂŒtze an den Insassen-Hinterkopf. Quasi-statische und auch dynamische Kopfaufprall-PrĂŒfungen an Prototypen zeigten eine gute Übereinstimmung mit den numerischen Simulationsergebnissen und bestĂ€tigten das geforderte „gutmĂŒtige" Versagensverhalten des Bauteils durch den Einsatz von Langfasern. Im weiteren stellt die Arbeit erstmals ein schlĂŒssiges werkstoff- und fertigungsgerechtes Konzept fĂŒr eine lĂ€ngsorientierte, nicht angetriebene Hinterachse in FKV-Bauweise auf der Basis eines funktionsintegrierten CFK-Doppel-Blattfeder-Elementes mit in Reihe geschalteter FKV-Drehrohrfeder-Anordnung vor. Die im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Metallbauweisen um etwa 40 % leichtere Konstruktion verzichtet auf ein mitfederndes Querelement zur Aufnahme der SeitenkrĂ€fte und ermöglicht ein elastokinematisch basiertes In-Vorspur-Gehen des kurvenĂ€ußeren Hinterrades. Die grundsĂ€tzliche FunktionstĂŒchtigkeit der Konstruktion konnte in ausfĂŒhrlichen strukturmechanischen Simulationsrechnungen nachgewiesen werden

    Carbon sequestration and stabilization in a 40-year agronomic long-term experiment

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    Soils contain more carbon (C) in the form of organic matter (soil organic matter = SOM) than the entire atmosphere and global vegetation put together. They are thus a central component of the global C cycle and its largest dynamic reservoir. On the one hand, intelligent agricultural practices are discussed as a way of mitigating climate change because they can increase the amount of SOM and thus actively remove C from the atmosphere. On the other hand, all intensively used soils lose C in the long term. Central questions in this context revolve around the extent and dynamics of storage, the stabilisation mechanisms involved and the impact of agricultural use on the C budget
