31 research outputs found

    Field trial performance of Norway spruce families from Opsahl Seed Orchard

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    Field trials with Norway spruce seedlings from 84 full-sib families from a factorial cross in Opsahl Seed Orchard and 11 provenances were planted at eight sites between altitudes between 600 and 900 m in Oppland County in Norway. Measurements of tree heights and assessments of stem and branch defects were made at regular intervals until 34 years from seed. Data from measurements made in nursery trials and from artificial freezing trials were also available. The families from the seed orchard had on average 12 % better height growth than the provenances. For volume growth per hectare, measured in two of the trials 30 years after planting, the families had a superiority of more than 30 %. A large variation among families was present for height growth and additive genetic variation was the main genetic factor. For the maternal half-sib families, the ranking of families for height was stable after 15 years from seed, and the five best families selected for height at that age were at age 34 years 6 % taller and produced 13 % more volume per hectare compared with the mean of all families. Weak relationships were present between traits measured in the nursery trial, the freezing test and the field trials. Assessments were made of cone production at age 20 years after planting and showed variation among families for the frequency of trees with cones.Field trial performance of Norway spruce families from Opsahl Seed OrchardpublishedVersio

    Weak relationships between injuries in freezing tests and performance in short-term and field trials of Norway spruce families from Stange Seed Orchard

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    Artificial freezing tests were performed on seedlings from Norway spruce families at the end of the first growing season. Similar tests were made on twigs collected from trees in a progeny test at the end of growing season nine. The 26 families in the early test were included in the short-term progeny test with 100 full-sib families from a 10 x 10 factorial cross. All families were also planted in seven field trials in Norway, Sweden and Finland, from which data on mortality, tree heights and stem damage at age 10 years are available. Significant difference was found among families for freezing test injuries on whole intact seedlings at the end of the first growing season and for lethal temperature of needles on detached twigs collected at the end of growing season nine. However, no relationships were found between the freezing test scores of families in the two types of tests or few between these scores and the traits measured in the short-term and field trials. The results show that frost hardiness testing of families at a young age, grown under artificial temperature and light conditions in nursery, is a weak predictor of their performance under natural conditions in field at older ages.Weak relationships between injuries in freezing tests and performance in short-term and field trials of Norway spruce families from Stange Seed OrchardWeak relationships between injuries in freezing tests and performance in short-term and field trials of Norway spruce families from Stange Seed OrchardpublishedVersio

    Rolling front landscape breeding

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    Forest tree breeding must undergo significant revisions to adapt to the evolving challenges posed by climate change. Addressing the shifts in environmental conditions requires a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach that includes theoretical work and practical application. Specifically, there is a need to focus on developing new breeding strategies that are theoretically sound and practically feasible, considering the economic constraints of actual tree breeding programs. We present a novel concept utilizing genetic evaluation of multiple traits in forest stands of successive ages across wide ecological ranges. Incorporating genomics allows for detailed genetic evaluation, making use of high-density SNP markers and sophisticated algorithms like GBLUP for genetic parameter estimates. High-throughput phenotyping is conducted using drone-borne lidar technology to capture tree height and survival data across various forest stands. Assisted migration is considered to strategically position genotypes across predicted environmental climatic gradients, thereby accommodating the dynamic nature of ecological shifts. Mathematical optimization acts as an essential component for logistics, guiding the spatial allocation and timely substitution of genotypes to ensure a continually adaptive breeding program. The concept replaces distinct breeding cycles with continuous evaluation and selection, enhancing the rate of genetic response over time

    Høstskudd hos gran kan være et økende fenomen

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    Grana avslutter normalt strekningsveksten midtsommers, og begynner forberedelsene til høsten og vinteren. Av og til kan en imidlertid se at knoppene som dannes etter vekstavslutningen bryter på nytt senere samme sommer, og treet utvikler høstskudd. Dette pågår utover sensommeren og tidlig høst, og resulterer i en forsinket vekstavslutning og innvintring. Det nye skuddet tåler lite frost så lenge det er i aktiv vekst, og risikoen for frostskader på høsten øker derfor. Forsinket innvintring kan også resultere i dårligere vinterherdighet, og øke risikoen for frostskader gjennom vinteren.publishedVersio

    Oppdatering av kunnskapsgrunnlag for klimatiltak i skog: Gjennomgang av 11 utvalgte tiltak i bestandsskogbruket

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    På oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet og Landbruksdirektoratet har vi gått gjennom kunnskapsstatus på 11 ulike tiltak utvalgt av direktoratene. Alle tiltakene ligger innenfor det tradisjonelle bestandsskogbruket. Tiltakene er vurdert ut fra hvordan de kan øke skogens netto CO2-opptak (karbonlagring), men for noen tiltak også betydning for andre klimagasser og for biogeofysiske effekter som albedo. Utvalget er ikke uttømmende, og også andre tiltak gjennom omløpet vil ha effekt på skogens CO2-opptak. Potensielle substitusjonseffekter gjennom tilgang på mer tømmer eller tømmer med høyere kvalitet er ikke inkludert. Klimatilpasning har vært med i vurderingen av alle tiltak. Det er korte omtaler av tiltakenes effekter på naturmangfold.Oppdatering av kunnskapsgrunnlag for klimatiltak i skog: Gjennomgang av 11 utvalgte tiltak i bestandsskogbruketpublishedVersio

    Klimakur 2030 – beskrivelse av utvalgte klimatiltak knyttet til skog

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    Skogen i Norge har et årlig netto opptak i underkant av 30 mill. tonn CO2. Størrelsen på opptaket påvirkes av forvaltningen av skogarealene, både gjennom endringer i totalarealet (avskoging og påskoging), og forvaltningen av de eksisterende skogarealene. I denne rapporten presenteres en første vurdering av syv klimatiltak som ikke tidligere er utredet, en kunnskapsoppdatering av noen tidligere utredede klimatiltak, og en framskrivning av mulige effekter på netto CO2-opptak av ulike nivå på implementerte tiltak. Rapporten er skrevet på bestilling fra Landbruksdirektoratet og Miljødirektoratet, og det er direktoratene som har gjort utvalget av tiltak....publishedVersio

    Variation among and within provenances of Norway spruce from Trøndelag and Nordland

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    Seedlings from seeds collected in three natural populations of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L. Karst)) in each of 21 provenances distributed between latitudes 63ºN to 66º20’N and altitudes from 25 to 500 m in Trøndelag og Nordland counties were tested in nursery trials and one long-term field trial. Large provenance variation was found for phenology traits and early height growth in the nursery trials. A strong clinal variation was found for these traits relative to latitude and altitude. These relationships were weaker for height and diameter at ages 26 and 40 years. The timing of bud flush was strongly related to the temperature conditions at the seed collection sites, whilst terminal bud set and lammas shoot percentages showed high correlation coefficients with the provenance latitude. Provenances in the same geographic region showed large differences in height and diameter Growth in the field trial. The long-term experimental site Spelrem is situated within the northern Natural range of Norway spruce and the general trend in this material is that provenances from the Northern part of the range perform better compared with provenances from more southern areas. Hence, the gain from provenance transfer seems to be limited under the present climatic conditions in this region.publishedVersio

    Performance in early tests, short-term trials and field trials of selected families of Norway spruce from Svenneby Seed Orchard

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    Norway spruce parents selected from results in progeny trials for testing Svenneby Seed Orchard clones were crossed in a factorial crossing design, and full-sib families were planted in short-term and field trials in southern Norway. Artificial freezing tests with the same families were made the first growing season and at ages 10 and 12 years. Offspring of parents selected for superior growth were taller in the field tests than those from parents with heights lower than the mean in the progeny test. However, the correlations between half-sib family performance in the initial progeny test and in the offspring field tests were only moderate. The variation among families in injury scores in the freezing tests was large, but the relationships with field trial performance were weak, indicating that frost hardiness testing at a young age is not valuable for predicting later field performance. Families with a late timing of bud flush had the highest frequency of injuries after a frost event at mid-summer. These families were also the tallest in the field tests. The families from crosses among Svenneby Seed Orchard clones had better height growth than commercial provenances. Foreldretrær av gran, valgt ut fra resultater i avkomforsøk for å teste kloner i Svenneby frøplantasje, ble krysset etter en faktoriell krysningsplan, og full-søsken familiene ble plantet i kortidsforsøk og i langsiktige feltforsøk. Fryseforsøk med familiene ble gjort etter første vekstsesong og ved alder 10 og 12 år. Avkom fra foreldre valgt ut for god høydevekst var høyere i feltforsøkene enn de fra foreldre som ble valgt ut med midlere høyde. Det var bare moderate korrelasjoner mellom høyder til halv-søsken i de første avkomforsøkene og i feltforsøkene. Det var betydelig variasjon mellom familiene i skader etter frysforsøkene, men sammenhengene var svake mellom frostskader og vekst og skader i feltforsøkene. Dette indikerer at resultater fra testing av frostherdighet i ung alder sier lite om hvordan trær fra familiene senere vokser i felt. Familier med sen skuddskyting fikk mest skader etter frostnetter 22.-23. juni. De sent skytende familiene hadde best høydevekst i feltforsøkene. Trærne fra familiene fra Svenneby frøplantasje var høyere enn de fra hadde handelsprovenienser.publishedVersio