30 research outputs found

    Towards Automatic Digitalization of Railway Engineering Schematics

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    Relay-based Railways Interlocking Systems (RRIS) carry out critical functions to control stations. Despite being based on old and hard-to-maintain electro-mechanical technology, RRIS are still pervasive. A powerful CAD modeling and analysis approach based on symbolic logic has been recently proposed to support the re-engineering of relay diagrams into more maintainable computer-based technologies. However, the legacy engineering drawings that need to be digitized consist of large, hand-drawn diagrams dating back several decades. Manually transforming such diagrams into the format of the CAD tool is labor-intensive and error-prone, effectively a bottleneck in the reverse-engineering process. In this paper, we tackle the problem of automatic digitalization of RRIS schematics into the corresponding CAD format with an integrative Artificial Intelligence approach. Deep learning-based methods, segment detection, and clustering techniques for the automated digitalization of engineering schematics are used to detect and classify the single elements of the diagram. These elementary elements can then be aggregated into more complex objects leveraging the domain ontology. First results of the method’s capability of automatically reconstructing the engineering schematics are presented

    Semi-ProtoPNet Deep Neural Network for the Classification of Defective Power Grid Distribution Structures

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    Power distribution grids are typically installed outdoors and are exposed to environmental conditions. When contamination accumulates in the structures of the network, there may be shutdowns caused by electrical arcs. To improve the reliability of the network, visual inspections of the electrical power system can be carried out; these inspections can be automated using computer vision techniques based on deep neural networks. Based on this need, this paper proposes the Semi-ProtoPNet deep learning model to classify defective structures in the power distribution networks. The Semi-ProtoPNet deep neural network does not perform convex optimization of its last dense layer to maintain the impact of the negative reasoning process on image classification. The negative reasoning process rejects the incorrect classes of an input image; for this reason, it is possible to carry out an analysis with a low number of images that have different backgrounds, which is one of the challenges of this type of analysis. Semi-ProtoPNet achieves an accuracy of 97.22%, being superior to VGG-13, VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet-34, ResNet-50, ResNet-152, DenseNet-121, DenseNet-161, DenseNet-201, and also models of the same class such as ProtoPNet, NP-ProtoPNet, Gen-ProtoPNet, and Ps-ProtoPNet

    Aggregating Prophet and Seasonal Trend Decomposition for Time Series Forecasting of Italian Electricity Spot Prices

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    The cost of electricity and gas has a direct influence on the everyday routines of people who rely on these resources to keep their businesses running. However, the value of electricity is strongly related to spot market prices, and the arrival of winter and increased energy use owing to the demand for heating can lead to an increase in energy prices. Approaches to forecasting energy costs have been used in recent years; however, existing models are not yet robust enough due to competition, seasonal changes, and other variables. More effective modeling and forecasting approaches are required to assist investors in planning their bidding strategies and regulators in ensuring the security and stability of energy markets. In the literature, there is considerable interest in building better pricing modeling and forecasting frameworks to meet these difficulties. In this context, this work proposes combining seasonal and trend decomposition utilizing LOESS (locally estimated scatterplot smoothing) and Facebook Prophet methodologies to perform a more accurate and resilient time series analysis of Italian electricity spot prices. This can assist in enhancing projections and better understanding the variables driving the data, while also including additional information such as holidays and special events. The combination of approaches improves forecast accuracy while lowering the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) performance metric by 18% compared to the baseline model

    OCR Applied for Identification of Vehicles with Irregular Documentation Using IoT

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    Given the lack of investments in surveillance in remote places, this paper presents a prototype that identifies vehicles in irregular conditions, notifying a group of people, such as a network of neighbors, through a low-cost embedded system based on the Internet of things (IoT). The developed prototype allows the visualization of the location, date and time of the event, and vehicle information such as license plate, make, model, color, city, state, passenger capacity and restrictions. It also offers a responsive interface in two languages: Portuguese and English. The proposed device addresses technical concepts pertinent to image processing such as binarization, analysis of possible characters on the plate, plate border location, perspective transformation, character segmentation, optical character recognition (OCR) and post-processing. The embedded system is based on a Raspberry having support to GPS, solar panels, communication via 3G modem, wi-fi, camera and motion sensors. Tests were performed regarding the vehicle’s positioning and the percentage of assertiveness in image processing, where the vehicles are at different angles, speeds and distances. The prototype can be a viable alternative because the results were satisfactory concerning the recognition of the license plates, mobility and autonomy

    Structure Optimization of Ensemble Learning Methods and Seasonal Decomposition Approaches to Energy Price Forecasting in Latin America: A Case Study about Mexico

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    The energy price influences the interest in investment, which leads to economic development. An estimate of the future energy price can support the planning of industrial expansions and provide information to avoid times of recession. This paper evaluates adaptive boosting (AdaBoost), bootstrap aggregation (bagging), gradient boosting, histogram-based gradient boosting, and random forest ensemble learning models for forecasting energy prices in Latin America, especially in a case study about Mexico. Seasonal decomposition of the time series is used to reduce unrepresentative variations. The Optuna using tree-structured Parzen estimator, optimizes the structure of the ensembles through a voter by combining several ensemble frameworks; thus an optimized hybrid ensemble learning method is proposed. The results show that the proposed method has a higher performance than the state-of-the-art ensemble learning methods, with a mean squared error of 3.37E−9 in the testing phase

    Video-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Deep Learning Approaches

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    Due to its capacity to gather vast, high-level data about human activity from wearable or stationary sensors, human activity recognition substantially impacts people’s day-to-day lives. Multiple people and things may be seen acting in the video, dispersed throughout the frame in various places. Because of this, modeling the interactions between many entities in spatial dimensions is necessary for visual reasoning in the action recognition task. The main aim of this paper is to evaluate and map the current scenario of human actions in red, green, and blue videos, based on deep learning models. A residual network (ResNet) and a vision transformer architecture (ViT) with a semi-supervised learning approach are evaluated. The DINO (self-DIstillation with NO labels) is used to enhance the potential of the ResNet and ViT. The evaluated benchmark is the human motion database (HMDB51), which tries to better capture the richness and complexity of human actions. The obtained results for video classification with the proposed ViT are promising based on performance metrics and results from the recent literature. The results obtained using a bi-dimensional ViT with long short-term memory demonstrated great performance in human action recognition when applied to the HMDB51 dataset. The mentioned architecture presented 96.7 ± 0.35% and 41.0 ± 0.27% in terms of accuracy (mean ± standard deviation values) in the train and test phases of the HMDB51 dataset, respectively

    Optimized EWT-Seq2Seq-LSTM with Attention Mechanism to Insulators Fault Prediction

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    Insulators installed outdoors are vulnerable to the accumulation of contaminants on their surface, which raise their conductivity and increase leakage current until a flashover occurs. To improve the reliability of the electrical power system, it is possible to evaluate the development of the fault in relation to the increase in leakage current and thus predict a shutdown might occur. This paper proposes the use of empirical wavelet transform (EWT) to reduce the influence of non-representative variations and combines the attention mechanism with long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent network for prediction. The Optuna framework has been applied for hyperparameter optimization, resulting in a method called Optimized EWT-Seq2Seq-LSTM with Attention. The proposed model had a 10.17% lower mean square error (MSE) than the standard LSTM and a 5.36% lower MSE than the model without optimization, showing that the attention mechanism and hyperparameter optimization is a promising strategy

    Complex graph neural networks for medication interaction verification

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    This paper presents the development and application of graph neural networks to verify drug interactions, consisting of drug-protein networks. For this, the DrugBank databases were used, creating four complex networks of interactions: target proteins, transport proteins, carrier proteins, and enzymes. The Louvain and Girvan-Newman community detection algorithms were used to establish communities and validate the interactions between them. Positive results were obtained when checking the interactions of two sets of drugs for disease treatments: diabetes and anxiety; diabetes and antibiotics. There were found 371 interactions by the Girvan-Newman algorithm and 58 interactions via Louvain

    Group Method of Data Handling Using Christiano–Fitzgerald Random Walk Filter for Insulator Fault Prediction

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    Disruptive failures threaten the reliability of electric supply in power branches, often indicated by the rise of leakage current in distribution insulators. This paper presents a novel, hybrid method for fault prediction based on the time series of the leakage current of contaminated insulators. In a controlled high-voltage laboratory simulation, 15 kV-class insulators from an electrical power distribution network were exposed to increasing contamination in a salt chamber. The leakage current was recorded over 28 h of effective exposure, culminating in a flashover in all considered insulators. This flashover event served as the prediction mark that this paper proposes to evaluate. The proposed method applies the Christiano–Fitzgerald random walk (CFRW) filter for trend decomposition and the group data-handling (GMDH) method for time series prediction. The CFRW filter, with its versatility, proved to be more effective than the seasonal decomposition using moving averages in reducing non-linearities. The CFRW-GMDH method, with a root-mean-squared error of 3.44×10−12, outperformed both the standard GMDH and long short-term memory models in fault prediction. This superior performance suggested that the CFRW-GMDH method is a promising tool for predicting faults in power grid insulators based on leakage current data. This approach can provide power utilities with a reliable tool for monitoring insulator health and predicting failures, thereby enhancing the reliability of the power supply

    Interpretable visual transmission lines inspections using pseudo-prototypical part network

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    To guarantee the reliability of the electric energy supply, it is necessary that the transmission lines are operating without interruptions. To improve the identification of faults in the electrical power system, the unmanned aerial vehicle is used for inspection by recording photos. Based on computer vision, deep learning structures stand out for image classification have been an alternative to improve the identification of defects in transmission lines inspections. In this paper, the PseudoPrototypical Part Network (Ps-ProtoPNet) model is applied to perform the classification of missing insulators of high voltage transmission lines. To identify the position of the insulators chain and have the focus of the classification on the difference of insulators with failure, the YOLOv5 (n, s, m, l, and x), YOLOv6 (n, t, s, m, and l), YOLOv7 (std and x), and YOLOv8 (n, s, m, l, and x) are compared. The YOLOv8m is defined as the standard architecture for object detection since it has an mAP[0.5] of 0.9950 and mAP[0.5:0.95] of 0.9125. To classify the images, the Ps-ProtoPNet compares its various parts with the prototypes from all classes, and the image is classified based on the closest similarity to the prototypes class. The results show that the Ps-ProtoPNet achieves accuracy values sufficient to be applied in field inspections