6 research outputs found

    Вплив окремих етіологічних факторів на розвиток гінекологічної пато-логії та неплідності кішок

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    The article provides an overview of professional literature on reproductive studies of cats, the definition of the main factors influencing the development of infertility in cats: hormonal changes, lack of sufficient stimulus during pairing, leading to ovulation, inability to fuse, ovarian cyst, chronic inflammatory processes in reproductive organs systems, infections, some parasites or the simplest, hereditary problems, including chromosomal abnormalities (genetic or congenital defects such as pseudoharmophioditis, true hermaphroditism, mosaicism, infantilism, freemantry) described congenital aplasia of the ovaries, trauma affecting the reproductive organs. The conditions of detention that considerably affect the reproductive system are considered. It has been established that insufficient stimulation is one of the most common causes of infertility, which is relevant for cats because they are characterized by induced ovulation. Most animals with an abnormal set of sex chromosomes are infertile, treatment methods have not been developed. Inadequate feeding is perhaps the most important cause of infertility in cats. The connection between lack and (or) excess in the diet of Calcium, Phosphorus, Iodine, Cobalt, Cuprum, Manganese, other macro-and micro elements, and inability to reproduce is established. The role of microorganisms in the emergence of infertility of cats of infectious diseases (leukemia, infectious peritonitis, panleukopenia, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis) is considered. Extension of the intraperitoneal period arises from the stage of the anestrus. Such clinical picture is observed in cats older than 8 years with hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism, obesity and cachexia, the appointment of drugs with antinuclear activity. Among gynecological diseases in cats, the most common diseases are pyometra, endometritis and vaginitis. It has been established that the most frequently diagnosed diseases of the uterus of female dogs and cats are cystular hyperplasia of the endometrium in combination with the pythometer, data on the etiopathogenesis of these diseases is given. The scientific data on the application of ultrasound diagnostics, hormonal level studies, vaginal cytology, the use of hysterosalpingography, x-ray for more accurate diagnostics of causes of infertility of cats are given.У статті наведено огляд фахової літератури з  репродуктології котів, визначення основних факторів, що впливають на розвиток неплідності у кішок: гормональні зміни, відсутність достатнього стимулу під час парування, що призводить до овуляції,  нездатність до парування, кісти яєчників, хронічні запальні процеси в органах репродуктивної системи, інфекції, деякі паразити або найпростіші, спадкові проблеми, у тому числі хромосомні аномалії (генетичні або вроджені дефекти, такі як псевдогермафродитизм,  істинний гермафродитизм, мозаїцизм, інфантилізм, фримартинізм) , описано вроджену гіпоплазію, або аплазію яєчників, травми, що впливають на репродуктивні органи. Розглядаються умови утримання, що істотно впливають на репродуктивну систему. Встановлено, що недостатня стимуляція є однією з найпоширеніших причин неплідності, що є актуально саме для кішок, тому що для них характерна індукована овуляція. Більшість тварин з анормальним набором статевих хромосом є неплідними, методи лікування не розроблені. Неповноцінна годівля є чи не найголовнішою причиною неплідності у кішок. Встановлено зв’язок між нестачею і (або) надлишком у раціоні Кальцію, Фосфору, Йоду, Кобальту, Купруму, Мангану, інших макро- і мікроелементів та нездатністю до відтворення. Розглянуто роль мікроорганізмів у виникненні неплідності кішок інфекційних захворювань (лейкемія, інфекційний перитоніт, панлейкопенія, хламідіоз, токсоплазмоз). Подовження міжестрального періоду виникає за рахунок стадії анеструсу. Таку клінічну картину спостерігають у кішок, віком понад 8 років при гіпотиріоїдозі і гіперадренокортицизмі, ожирінні і кахексії, призначенні препаратів з антигонадною активністю. Серед гінекологічних захворювань у кішок найпоширенішими є піометра, ендометрит та вагініт. Встановлено, що найчастіше діагностованим захворюванням матки сук та кішок є кістозна гіперплазія  ендометрію  в комплексі з піометрою, подано дані про етіо-патогенез цих захворювань. Наведено наукові дані щодо застосування ультразвукової діагностики, дослідження рівня гормонів, вагінальної цитології, застосування гістеросальпінгографії, рентгену для точнішої діагностики причин неплідності кішок

    Сучасні досягнення розвитку наукових досліджень з отримання in vitro ембріонів овець

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    New literature data on research aimed at improving the in vitro production of sheep embryos presents in the article. An analysis of the achievements of scientists from different countries to increase the efficiency of the main stages of embryo production in vitro: maturation of oocytes in vitro, their in vitro fertilization and in vitro embryo culture. In the literature experience has shown that the efficiency of oocyte maturation in vitro is significantly influenced by the experience and qualifications of scientists, the age of the egg donor, the improvement of the environment by adding roscovitin to inhibit meiosis, α-linolenic acid, cerium dioxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs) and sericin to accelerate nuclear maturation and increase the number of oocytes of the second meiotic metaphase (MII). The main factors influencing the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization have been identified, and the parameters of the limited time of fertilization ability of sperm and the ability of oocytes to fertilize, which is called the “fertile span”, have been determined. The main effective medium that increases the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization – synthetic oviduct fluid (SOF) with the addition of heparin and serum of cattle or sheep. The main parameters of sheep embryo culture in vitro are presented with the definition of the most commonly used media and their influence on embryonic development. Potential ways to improve the production of sheep embryos in vitro with the determination of morphological evaluation of categories of oocytes, methods of synchronization of their maturation in vitro are also highlighted. At the same time, literature data on the synchronization of oocyte-cumulus complexes with the use of a large number of inhibitors of meiotic division are presented, which according to many scientists may be a key factor in improving the efficiency of sheep embryo production in vitro. In addition, the results of studies of many scientists on the expansion of the fertile gap of oocytes of sheep cultured in vitro using certain biologically active substances were analyzed. In conclusion, the prospect of using the technology of in vitro production of sheep embryos in biomedical research is highlighted.У статті наведено нові літературні дані щодо досліджень з удосконалення виробництва in vitro ембріонів овець. Проаналізовано досягнення науковців різних країн з підвищення ефективності основних етапів продукції ембріонів in vitro: дозрівання ооцитів in vitro, їх запліднення in vitro та культивування ембріонів in vitro. У джерелах літератури експериментально доведено, що на ефективність дозрівання ооцитів in vitro значний вплив мають досвід і кваліфікація науковців, вік донора яйцеклітини, поліпшення середовища додаванням росковітину для гальмування мейозу, α-лінолевої кислоти, наночастинок діоксиду церію (CeO2 NPs) та серицину для прискорення ядерного дозрівання і збільшення кількості ооцитів другої мейотичної метафази (МІІ). Встановлено основні чинники, які впливають на результативність запліднення in vitro, визначено параметри обмеженого часу запліднювальної здатності сперміїв і здатності ооцитів до запліднення, який називають “фертильним проміжком”. Визначено основне ефективне середовище, яке підвищує результативність запліднення in vitro – синтетична яйцепровідна рідина (SOF) з додаванням гепарину та сироватки великої рогатої худоби або овець. Наведено основні параметри культивування ембріонів овець in vitro з визначенням найбільш вживаних середовищ та їх вплив на ембріональний розвиток. Також висвітлено потенційні шляхи поліпшення продукції ембріонів овець in vitro з визначенням за морфологічною оцінкою категорій ооцитів, методів синхронізації їх дозрівання in vitro. Водночас наведено літературні дані щодо синхронізації ооцит-кумулюсних комплексів з використанням великої кількості інгібіторів мейотичного поділу, що, на думку багатьох вчених, може бути ключовим чинником для підвищення ефективності виробництва ембріонів овець in vitro. Крім того, проаналізовано результати досліджень багатьох науковців з розширення фертильного проміжку ооцитів овець культивованих in vitro використанням окремих біологічно активних речовин. На завершення висвітлена перспектива використання технології виробництва in vitro ембріонів овець у біомедичних дослідженнях

    The effectiveness of the treatment of cows with mastitis

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    The main sector of agriculture in Kazakhstan, including the East Kazakhstan region is cattle breeding and, in particular, cattle breeding, which is determined by climatic and geographical conditions. However, successful reproduction and increase in livestock productivity is largely hampered by infertility and mastitis, and as a result they cause significant economic damage and reduce the reproduction rate and profitability of dairy cattle. Recently, the number of subclinical mastitis in cows has increased, which subsequently lead to profound morphological and functional changes in the mammary gland, a decrease in milk productivity and quality. Mastitis can be caused by various reasons, primarily poor or inadequate feeding, poor care, improper maintenance and use of animals, negligent attitudes towards organizing and conducting artificial insemination, due to various diseases of the genital organs, which appear most often during childbirth and the postpartum period. The quality control of the milk of cows was investigated by California test and DEDM (Device for Express Diagnostic of Mastitis). The express methods that we used allowed us to identify the subclinical and clinical forms of mastitis and timely treat it. Laboratory studies on the presence of somatic cells in milk were also conducted. After the detection of breast diseases, complex symptomatic treatment was performed. For the treatment of various forms of mastitis, drugs were used: mastiet forte - intracisternally for five days at a dose of 10 ml 2 times a day for five days in a row. Mastiet Forte has a high therapeutic efficacy in subclinical and clinical forms of cow mastitis. And the drug ketoprof  has also been used. Ketoprof  as an anti-inflammatory agent was used intramuscularly – 3 ml per 100 kg of animal weight 1 time per day for 3 days in a row. Klineksin 5%, as an antibacterial agent, was used intramuscularly at a dose of 1 ml per 50 kg of body weight 1 time per day for 3 days in a row. Antimicrobial agents and biologically active substances needed to be combined for successful therapy. Such biologically active substances include vitamin of Helsivit. They were used subcutaneously – 6 ml once

    Чутливість рецепторів клітин ендометрію до естрогенів та прогестерону у корів хворих на субклінічний ендометрит

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    Pathological processes that strongly affect the uterine endometrium lead to infertility and abortion. The most common of these pathologies are clinical and subclinical endometritis. Subclinical endometritis is characterized by endometrial inflammation in the absence of clinical signs of endometritis. In this study, we used uterine samples obtained from Ukrainian black-and-white dairy cows aged 4 to 7 years to compare the histology of the uterine endometrium and changes in estrogen-α (ER-α), estrogen-β (ER-β) and progesterone (PgR) nuclear receptor sensitivity in cows with subclinical endometritis. Cows were separated based on cytological examination of the endometrium into a healthy group, or those presenting with subclinical endometritis. From these groups endometrial and epithelial tissue samples were obtained using biopsy forceps and an endoscope then analyzed using immunohistochemistry. Our results demonstrate that the sensitivity of ER-α and ER-β is lower while PgR sensitivity is elevated in cows with subclinical endometritis compared to the healthy control group. Additionally, we observed markedly altered histological changes characterized by enlargement of uterine glands, epithelial desquamation, and infiltration of leukocytes. These results suggest that there are significant changes in the endometrium linked to the sensitivity of nuclear steroid hormone receptors that may also play an immunoregulatory role in cows with subclinical endometriosis. While the interaction of steroid hormones and immunoregulation in the uterus remains to be elucidated, it may provide key insights into the uterine immune response.В основі патологічних процесів, що проходять у матці приводять до неплідності та абортів, важливу роль відіграє ендометрій. Найбільш поширеними патологіями, що проходять у матці є клінічний та субклінічний ендометрит. Субклінічний ендометрит характеризується запальним процесом у ендометрії без клінічних ознак. Метою нашої роботи було проаналізувати гістологічні зміни та зміни чутливості ендометрію матки до естроген-α (ER-α), естроген-β (ER-β) та прогестерону (PgR), що відбуваються у матці здорових корів та у корів за субклінічного ендометриту. Дослідження проводилось на двох групах корів української чорно-рябої молочної породи віком від 4 до 7 років. На основі цитологічного дослідження ендометрію, корови були поділені на дві групи. Контрольну групу (К), що включала клінічно здорових корів, та дослідну (Д), що включала корів хворих на субклінічний ендометрит. Надалі проводили забір зразків за допомогою біопсійних щипців та ендоскопу. Наші результати дають змогу більш глибоко зрозуміти процеси, що відбуваються у ендометрії корів хворих на субклінічний ендометрит. Активність рецепторів ядер ER-α, ER-β та PgR спостерігали у епітелії ендометрію, епітелії маткових залоз та стромі ендометрію. Активність рецепторів ядер ER-α та ER-β була нижчою у корів з субклінічним ендометритом, ніж у корів контрольної групи. Активність рецепторів ядер PgR була вищою у корів хворих на субклінічний ендометрит, ніж у корів контрольної групи. На основі отриманих даних встановлено, що ендометрій хворих на субклінінчий ендометрит зазнає значних змін, що характеризується появою лейкоцитів, розширенням маткових залоз та ділянками десквамації епітелію. Зміни відбуваються на основі чутливості ядер ендометрію до рецепторів ER-α, ER-β та PgR. Чутливість ендометрію до гормонів є важливою у локальному захисті матки. В перспективі подальших досліджень слід вивчити експресію стероїдних гормонів та цитокінів у корів хворих на субклінічний ендометрит

    Hematological indicators and sperm quality of rams during the sexual rest period when fed a liposomal vitamin and mineral supplement

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    The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of feeding a liposomal vitamin and mineral supplement during the period of sexual rest on hematological indicators and quality of ram sperm. The experiment was conducted at the PE “Kogut BM” in Horodotsky district, Lviv region, on 12 clinically healthy Texel rams, aged 2–4 years, during the period of sexual rest (March-May). Animals were divided into two groups — control and experimental, 6 animals per group. The control rams received the basic diet containing hay, corn silage, and compound feed. For 45 days, the sheep of the experimental group were individually added to the combined feed a feed additive containing vitamins A, D3, E, C and zinc gluconate in the form of a liposomal emulsion. At the beginning and at the end of feeding, we took blood samples, in which hematological indicators were determined. After the end of supplement feeding, ejaculates were collected twice a week in doublets for three weeks. Physiological indicators of ejaculate quality (volume, sperm concentration, percentage of live sperm, as well as sperm viability, morphological disorders and percentage of degenerative sperm) were determined using the CASA computerized system. It was established that feeding liposomal vitamin-mineral supplements to rams during the period of sexual rest improves hematological indicators: the content of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, platelets and hematocrit increase significantly (P<0.05–0.001) while the content of leukocytes decreases by 24.2% (P<0.05). Accordingly, the erythrocyte indices of the blood of experimental breeding rams were higher than those of control animals. Feeding rams with a liposomal vitamin and mineral supplement ensured an increase in ejaculate volume by 17.6% (P<0.05), sperm concentration (P<0.01), their viability, as well as a decrease in the number of immature (P<0.001) and degenerated (P<0.05) sperm. Higher quality indicators of ejaculates of rams under the influence of vitamins A, D3, E, C and zinc gluconate indicate the possibility of obtaining sperm from breeding rams during the period of sexual rest


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    The main sector of agriculture in Kazakhstan, including the East Kazakhstan region, is cattle breeding and, in particular, cattle breeding, which is determined by climatic and geographical conditions. However, successful reproduction and increase in livestock productivity is largely hampered by infertility and mastitis, and as a result they cause significant economic damage and reduce the reproduction rate and profitability of dairy cattle. Recently, the number of subclinical mastitis in cows has increased, which subsequently lead to profound morphological and functional changes in the mammary gland, a decrease in milk productivity and quality. Mastitis can be caused by various etiological factors, the main of which is microbial, primarily poor or inadequate feeding, poor care, improper maintenance and use of animals, negligent attitudes towards organizing and conducting artificial insemination, due to various diseases of the genital organs, which appear most often during childbirth and the postpartum period (I.G. Konopeltsev and V.N. Shulyatev, 2006; N.T. Klimov, 2008; M.S.Kondrashov and V.Yu. Stefanik, 2013; A.I. Kaldyrkaeva&nbsp; 2014; A. Lazarevich, 2015; N.N.Mukhamadieva et all.,&nbsp; 2018). The aim of this work was to study the therapeutic efficacy of applying of various treatment schemes for the cows with subclinical and clinical mastitis. 120 cows of the farms of “Balke”, “Kalikhanuly” and “Madi-R” served as the research&nbsp; material, where we diagnosed&nbsp; subclinical form of mastitis in 53.2%&nbsp; and the clinical form in&nbsp; 11.8% of cases. Therefore, the study of specific causes contributing to the occurrence of mastitis, its diagnosis, treatment and prevention are of great practical importance. The diagnosis was established on the basis of the collection of anamnesis of clinical and laboratory research results. The quality control of the milk of cows was investigated by Californian test and DEDM (Device for Express Diagnosis of Mastitis). The express diagnostic methods used by us allowed us to identify the subclinical and clinical forms of mastitis and timely treat it. Laboratory studies on the presence of somatic cells in milk were also conducted. After the detection of breast diseases, complex symptomatic treatment was used. For the treatment of various forms of mastitis, drugs were used: Mastiet Forte - intracisternally for five days at a dose of 10 ml 2 times a day for five days in a row. Mastiet Forte has a high therapeutic efficacy in subclinical and clinical forms of cow mastitis. In addition, the drug ketoprof has also been used. Ketoprof as an anti-inflammatory agent was used intramuscularly - 3 ml per 100 kg of animal weight 1 time per day for 3 days in a row. As an antibacterial agent, was used Klineksin 5%, intramuscularly at a dose of 1 ml per 50 kg of body weight 1 time per day for 3 days in a row. Antimicrobial agents and biologically active substances needed to be combined for successful therapy. Such biologically active substances include vitamins, Helsivit. They were used subcutaneously - 6 ml once. In order to determine the therapeutic efficacy of the drug in three farms during the year, two research groups were formed: the first 64 cows sick with subclinical mastitis, the second 8 with catarrhal, and 7 with purulent-catarrhal mastitis. For treatment, two schemes were used. For cows with catarrhal and purulent-catarrhal mastitis in the first scheme, Mastiet forte, ketoprof and vitamin Khelsivit were used. And cows with subclinical mastitis were treated with mastiet forte and clinex 5%, with vitamin Helsivit. To determine the effectiveness of the applied treatment schemes for cows sick with various forms of mastitis 3-5 days after the start of treatment, laboratory studies were conducted by DEDM and the Californian test for the presence of somatic cells in milk. In addition, laboratory studies were conducted for the presence of somatic cells in milk. So, at the beginning of the experiment their number was determined within 590 thousand - 620 thousand, and 3 days after the first treatment scheme, the number of somatic cells was within 480 thousand, and in the second treatment regimen 490 thousand somatic cells. Thus, our research and complex treatment gave a very good result not only in the treatment of these cows, but also prophylactic effectiveness of the research carried out on the farmsThe main sector of agriculture in Kazakhstan, including the East Kazakhstan region, is cattle breeding and, in particular, cattle breeding, which is determined by climatic and geographical conditions. However, successful reproduction and increase in livestock productivity is largely hampered by infertility and mastitis, and as a result they cause significant economic damage and reduce the reproduction rate and profitability of dairy cattle. Recently, the number of subclinical mastitis in cows has increased, which subsequently lead to profound morphological and functional changes in the mammary gland, a decrease in milk productivity and quality. Mastitis can be caused by various etiological factors, the main of which is microbial, primarily poor or inadequate feeding, poor care, improper maintenance and use of animals, negligent attitudes towards organizing and conducting artificial insemination, due to various diseases of the genital organs, which appear most often during childbirth and the postpartum period (I.G. Konopeltsev and V.N. Shulyatev, 2006; N.T. Klimov, 2008; M.S.Kondrashov and V.Yu. Stefanik, 2013; A.I. Kaldyrkaeva&nbsp; 2014; A. Lazarevich, 2015; N.N.Mukhamadieva et all.,&nbsp; 2018). The aim of this work was to study the therapeutic efficacy of applying of various treatment schemes for the cows with subclinical and clinical mastitis. 120 cows of the farms of “Balke”, “Kalikhanuly” and “Madi-R” served as the research&nbsp; material, where we diagnosed&nbsp; subclinical form of mastitis in 53.2%&nbsp; and the clinical form in&nbsp; 11.8% of cases. Therefore, the study of specific causes contributing to the occurrence of mastitis, its diagnosis, treatment and prevention are of great practical importance. The diagnosis was established on the basis of the collection of anamnesis of clinical and laboratory research results. The quality control of the milk of cows was investigated by Californian test and DEDM (Device for Express Diagnosis of Mastitis). The express diagnostic methods used by us allowed us to identify the subclinical and clinical forms of mastitis and timely treat it. Laboratory studies on the presence of somatic cells in milk were also conducted. After the detection of breast diseases, complex symptomatic treatment was used. For the treatment of various forms of mastitis, drugs were used: Mastiet Forte - intracisternally for five days at a dose of 10 ml 2 times a day for five days in a row. Mastiet Forte has a high therapeutic efficacy in subclinical and clinical forms of cow mastitis. In addition, the drug ketoprof has also been used. Ketoprof as an anti-inflammatory agent was used intramuscularly - 3 ml per 100 kg of animal weight 1 time per day for 3 days in a row. As an antibacterial agent, was used Klineksin 5%, intramuscularly at a dose of 1 ml per 50 kg of body weight 1 time per day for 3 days in a row. Antimicrobial agents and biologically active substances needed to be combined for successful therapy. Such biologically active substances include vitamins, Helsivit. They were used subcutaneously - 6 ml once. In order to determine the therapeutic efficacy of the drug in three farms during the year, two research groups were formed: the first 64 cows sick with subclinical mastitis, the second 8 with catarrhal, and 7 with purulent-catarrhal mastitis. For treatment, two schemes were used. For cows with catarrhal and purulent-catarrhal mastitis in the first scheme, Mastiet forte, ketoprof and vitamin Khelsivit were used. And cows with subclinical mastitis were treated with mastiet forte and clinex 5%, with vitamin Helsivit. To determine the effectiveness of the applied treatment schemes for cows sick with various forms of mastitis 3-5 days after the start of treatment, laboratory studies were conducted by DEDM and the Californian test for the presence of somatic cells in milk. In addition, laboratory studies were conducted for the presence of somatic cells in milk. So, at the beginning of the experiment their number was determined within 590 thousand - 620 thousand, and 3 days after the first treatment scheme, the number of somatic cells was within 480 thousand, and in the second treatment regimen 490 thousand somatic cells. Thus, our research and complex treatment gave a very good result not only in the treatment of these cows, but also prophylactic effectiveness of the research carried out on the farm