18 research outputs found

    Reasoning about Explanations for Negative Query Answers in DL-Lite

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    In order to meet usability requirements, most logic-based applications provide explanation facilities for reasoning services. This holds also for Description Logics, where research has focused on the explanation of both TBox reasoning and, more recently, query answering. Besides explaining the presence of a tuple in a query answer, it is important to explain also why a given tuple is missing. We address the latter problem for instance and conjunctive query answering over DL-Lite ontologies by adopting abductive reasoning; that is, we look for additions to the ABox that force a given tuple to be in the result. As reasoning tasks we consider existence and recognition of an explanation, and relevance and necessity of a given assertion for an explanation. We characterize the computational complexity of these problems for arbitrary, subset minimal, and cardinality minimal explanations

    Introducing EDEN ISS - A European project on advancing plant cultivation technologies and operations

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    Plant cultivation in large-scale closed environments is challenging and several key technologies necessary for space-based plant production are not yet space-qualified or remain in early stages of development. The EDEN ISS project foresees development and demonstration of higher plant cultivation technologies, suitable for future deployment on the International Space Station and from a long-term perspective, within Moon and Mars habitats. The EDEN ISS consortium will design and test essential plant cultivation technologies using an International Standard Payload Rack form factor cultivation system for potential testing on-board the International Space Station. Furthermore, a Future Exploration Greenhouse will be designed with respect to future planetary bio-regenerative life support system deployments. The technologies will be tested in a laboratory environment as well as at the highly-isolated German Antarctic Neumayer Station III. A small and mobile container-sized test facility will be built in order to provide realistic mass flow relationships. In addition to technology development and validation, food safety and plant handling procedures will be developed. This paper describes the goals and objectives of EDEN ISS and the different project phases and milestones. Furthermore, the project consortium will be introduced and the role of each partner within the project is explained

    Evaluating conjunctive and graph queries over the EL profile of OWL 2

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    OWL 2 EL is a popular ontology language that is based on the EL family of description logics and supports regular role inclusions,axioms that can capture compositional properties of roles such as role transitivity and reflexivity. In this thesis, we present several novel complexity results and algorithms for answering expressive queries over OWL 2 EL knowledge bases (KBs) with regular role inclusions. We first focus on the complexity of conjunctive query (CQ) answering in OWL 2 EL and show that the problem is PSpace-complete in combined complexity, the complexity measured in the total size of the input. All the previously known approaches encode the regular role inclusions using finite automata that can be worst-case exponential in size, and thus are not optimal. In our PSpace procedure, we address this problem by using a novel, succinct encoding of regular role inclusions based on pushdown automata with a bounded stack. Moreover, we strengthen the known PSpace lower complexity bound and show that the problem is PSpace-hard even if we consider only the regular role inclusions as part of the input and the query is acyclic; thus, our algorithm is optimal in knowledge base complexity, the complexity measured in the size of the KB, as well as for acyclic queries. We then study graph queries for OWL 2 EL and show that answering positive, converse- free conjunctive graph queries is PSpace-complete. Thus, from a theoretical perspective, we can add navigational features to CQs over OWL 2 EL without an increase in complexity. Finally, we present a practicable algorithm for answering CQs over OWL 2 EL KBs with only transitive and reflexive composite roles. None of the previously known approaches target transitive and reflexive roles specifically, and so they all run in PSpace and do not provide a tight upper complexity bound. In contrast, our algorithm is optimal: it runs in NP in combined complexity and in PTime in KB complexity. We also show that answering CQs is NP-hard in combined complexity if the query is acyclic and the KB contains one transitive role, one reflexive role, or nominals—concepts containing precisely one individual. </p

    Answering conjunctive queries over EL knowledge bases with transitive and reflexive roles

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    Answering conjunctive queries (CQs) over EL knowledge bases (KBs) with complex role inclusions is PSPACE-hard and in PSPACE in certain cases; however, if complex role inclusions are restricted to role transitivity, a tight upper com-plexity bound has so far been unknown. Furthermore, the ex-isting algorithms cannot handle reflexive roles, and they are not practicable. Finally, the problem is tractable for acyclic CQs and ELH, and NP-complete for unrestricted CQs and ELHO KBs. In this paper we complete the complexity land-scape of CQ answering for several important cases. In par-ticular, we present a practicable NP algorithm for answering CQs over ELHOs KBs—a logic containing all of OWL 2 EL, but with complex role inclusions restricted to role transi-tivity. Our preliminary evaluation suggests that the algorithm can be suitable for practical use. Moreover, we show that, even for a restricted class of so-called arborescent acyclic queries, CQ answering over EL KBs becomes NP-hard in the presence of either transitive or reflexive roles. Finally, we show that answering arborescent CQs over ELHO KBs is tractable, whereas answering acyclic CQs is NP-hard.

    Small Datalog Query Rewritings for EL

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    Description Logics are a key technology in data management scenarios such as Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA), a paradigm in which a DL ontology is used to provide a conceptual view of the data [1]. An OBDA system transforms a conjunctive query over the ontology into a query over the data sources [2]. Thi

    Introducing Nominals to the Combined Query Answering Approaches for EL

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    So-called combined approaches answer a conjunctive query over a description logic ontology in three steps: first, they materialise certain consequences of the ontology and the data; second, they evaluate the query over the data; and third, they filter the result of the second phase to eliminate unsound answers. Such approaches were developed for various members of the DL-Lite and the EL families of languages, but none of them can handle ontologies containing nominals. In our work, we bridge this gap and present a combined query answering approach for ELHO r ⊥—a logic that contains all features of the OWL 2 EL standard apart from transitive roles and complex role inclusions. This extension is nontrivial because nominals require equality reasoning, which introduces complexity into the first and the third step. Our empirical evaluation suggests that our technique is suitable for practical application, and so it provides a practical basis for conjunctive query answering in a large fragment of OWL 2 EL

    The complexity of answering conjunctive and navigational queries over OWL 2 EL knowledge bases

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    OWL 2 EL is a popular ontology language that supports role inclusions---that is, axioms that capture compositional properties of roles. Role inclusions closely correspond to context-free grammars, which was used to show that answering conjunctive queries (CQs) over OWL 2 EL knowledge bases with unrestricted role inclusions is undecidable. However, OWL 2 EL inherits from OWL 2 DL the syntactic regularity restriction on role inclusions, which ensures that role chains implying a particular role can be described using a finite automaton (FA). This is sufficient to ensure decidability of CQ answering; however, the FAs can be worst-case exponential in size so the known approaches do not provide a tight upper complexity bound. In this paper, we solve this open problem and show that answering CQs over OWL 2 EL knowledge bases is PSPACE-complete in combined complexity (i.e., the complexity measured in the total size of the input). To this end, we use a novel encoding of regular role inclusions using bounded-stack pushdown automata---that is, FAs extended with a stack of bounded size. Apart from theoretical interest, our encoding can be used in practical tableau algorithms to avoid the exponential blowup due to role inclusions. In addition, we sharpen the lower complexity bound and show that the problem is PSPACE-hard even if we consider only role inclusions as part of the input (i.e., the query and all other parts of the knowledge base are fixed). Finally, we turn our attention to navigational queries over OWL 2 EL knowledge bases, and we show that answering positive, converse-free conjunctive graph XPath queries is PSPACE-complete as well; this is interesting since allowing the converse operator in queries is known to make the problem EXPTIME-hard. Thus, in this paper we present several important contributions to the landscape of the complexity of answering expressive queries over description logic knowledge bases.</p