115 research outputs found

    Crowdsourcing Peer Review in the Digital Humanities?

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    We propose an alternative approach to the standard peer review activity that aims to exploit the otherwise lost opinions of readers of publications which is called Readersourcing, originally proposed by Mizzaro [1]. Such an approach can be formalized by means of different models which share the same general principles. These models should be able to define a way, to measure the overall quality of a publication as well the reputation of a reader as an assessor; moreover, from these measures it should be possible to derive the reputation of a scholar as an author. We describe an ecosystem called Readersourcing 2.0 which provides an implementation for two Readersourcing models [2, 3] by outlining its goals and requirements. Readersourcing 2.0 will be used in the future to gather fresh data to analyze and validate

    readersourcing scholarly publishing peer review and barefoot cobbler s children

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    In this talk, I will start from an introduction to the field of scholarly publishing, the main knowledge dissemination mechanism adopted by science, and I will pay particular attention to one of its most important aspects, peer review. I will present scholarly publishing and peer review aims and motivations, and discuss some of their limits: Nobel Prize winners experiencing rejected papers, fraudulent behavior, sometimes long publishing time, etc. I will then briefly mention Science 2.0, namely the use of Web 2.0 tools to do science in a hopefully more effective way. I will then move to the main aspect of the talk. My thesis is composed of three parts. 1. Peer review is a scarce resource, i.e., there are not enough good referees today. I will try to support this statement by something more solid than the usual anecdotal experience of being reject because of bad review(er)s -- that I'm sure almost any researcher has experienced. 2. An alternative mechanism to peer review is available right out there, it is already widely used in the Web 2.0, it is quite a hot topic, and it probably is much studied and discussed by researchers: crowdsourcing. According to Web 2.0 enthusiasts, crowdsourcing allows to outsource to a large crowd tasks that are usually performed by a small group of experts. I think that peer review might be replaced -- or complemented -- by what we can name Readersourcing: a large crowd of readers that judge the papers that they read. Since most scholarly papers have many more readers than reviewers, this would allow to harness a large evaluation workforce. Today, readers's opinions usually are discussed very informally, have an impact on bibliographic citations and bibliometric indexes, or stay inside their own mind. In my opinion, it is quite curious that such an important resource, which is free, already available, used and studied by the research community in the Web 2.0 field, is not used at all in nowadays scholarly publishing, where the very same researchers publish their results. 3. Of course, to get a wisdom of the crowd, some readers have to be more equal than others: expert readers should be more influential than naive readers. There are probably several possible choices to this aim; I suggest to use a mechanism that I proposed some years ago, and that allows to evaluate papers, authors, and readers in an objective way. I will close the talk by showing some preliminary experimental results that support this readersourcing proposal

    Teaching of web information retrieval: web first or IR first?

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    When teaching Web Information retrieval (IR), a teacher has two alternatives: (i) to teach the classical pre-Web IR issues first and present the Web specific issues later; or (ii) to teach directly the Web IR discipline per se. The first approach has the advantages of building on prerequisite knowledge, of presenting the historical development of the discipline, and probably appears more natural to most lecturers, who have followed the historical development of the field. Conversely, the second approach has the advantage of concentrating on a more modern view of the field, and probably leads to a higher motivation in the students, since the more appealing Web issues are dealt with at course start. I will discuss these issues, I will mention the approaches followed in the (rather few) Web IR books available, I will make some comparisons with the teaching of related disciplines, and I will also summarize my experience and some feedback from my students (I have been teaching a Web IR course for two Master's degrees in Computer Science and Information Technology at Udine University for the last two years; I had about twenty students each year; and I followed the first approach)

    negotiating a multidimensional framework for relevance space

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    This work reports the results of an enquiry on the concept of relevance and on relevance judgments carried out during the MIRA workshops activities in 1998/1999. Starting from a previous proposal [23], we present the multidimensional relevance space, a framework for describing the various kinds of relevance, which has been negotiated with experts belonging to the MIRA community. The relevance dimensions of information needs, information resources, and information use context are presented, and a three dimensional graphical representation of the framework is proposed. The differences between the original framework and the revised one, and the advantages of the latter, are discussed. Some implications of the framework for the design and evaluation of information access systems and their user interfaces are also derived and, finally, an exploratory study on the issue of agreement in relevance judgments, and its consequences for the design of multimedia test collections, are presented

    Exploiting news to categorize tweets: Quantifying the impact of different news collections

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    Short texts, due to their nature which makes them full of abbreviations and new coined acronyms, are not easy to classify. Text enrichment is emerging in the literature as a potentially useful tool. This paper is a part of a longer term research that aims at understanding the effectiveness of tweet enrichment by means of news, instead of the whole web as a knowledge source. Since the choice of a news collection may contribute to produce very different outcomes in the enrichment process, we compare the impact of three features of such collections: volume, variety, and freshness. We show that all three features have a significant impact on categorization accuracy. Copyright \ua9 2016 for the individual papers by the paper's authors

    An Effectiveness Metric for Ordinal Classification: Formal Properties and Experimental Results

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    In Ordinal Classification tasks, items have to be assigned to classes that have a relative ordering, such as positive, neutral, negative in sentiment analysis. Remarkably, the most popular evaluation metrics for ordinal classification tasks either ignore relevant information (for instance, precision/recall on each of the classes ignores their relative ordering) or assume additional information (for instance, Mean Average Error assumes absolute distances between classes). In this paper we propose a new metric for Ordinal Classification, Closeness Evaluation Measure, that is rooted on Measurement Theory and Information Theory. Our theoretical analysis and experimental results over both synthetic data and data from NLP shared tasks indicate that the proposed metric captures quality aspects from different traditional tasks simultaneously. In addition, it generalizes some popular classification (nominal scale) and error minimization (interval scale) metrics, depending on the measurement scale in which it is instantiated.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of ACL 202

    Preliminary results from a crowdsourcing experiment in immunohistochemistry

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    Background: Crowdsourcing, i.e., the outsourcing of tasks typically performed by a few experts to a large crowd as an open call, has been shown to be reasonably effective in many cases, like Wikipedia, the Chess match of Kasparov against the world in 1999, and several others. The aim of the present paper is to describe the setup of an experimentation of crowdsourcing techniques applied to the quantification of immunohistochemistry. Methods: Fourteen Images from MIB1-stained breast specimens were first manually counted by a pathologist, then submitted to a crowdsourcing platform through a specifically developed application. 10 positivity evaluations for each image have been collected and summarized using their median. The positivity values have been then compared to the gold standard provided by the pathologist by means of Spearman correlation. Results: Contributors were in total 28, and evaluated 4.64 images each on average. Spearman correlation between gold and crowdsourced positivity percentages is 0.946 (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Aim of the experiment was to understand how to use crowdsourcing for an image analysis task that is currently time-consuming when done by human experts. Crowdsourced work can be used in various ways, in particular statistically agregating data to reduce identification errors. However, in this preliminary experimentation we just considered the most basic indicator, that is the median positivity percentage, which provided overall good results. This method might be more aimed to research than routine: when a large number of images are in need of ad-hoc evaluation, crowdsourcing may represent a quick answer to the need. \ua9 Della Mea et al