14 research outputs found

    Increase of telomerase activity and hTERT expression in myelodysplastic syndromes

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    Telomerase enzyme, containing a catalytic subunit, the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), and a small integral RNA component, synthesises the telomeres, the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. Inhibition of telomerase activity leads the cells to senescence and death. Myelodysplastic syndromes (MSD) are hematological malignancies characterized by peripheral blood cytopenia and ineffective hematopoiesis. Telomerase activity and hTERT expression in MDS patients were independently investigated by different groups obtaining contradictory results. We analyzed telomerase activity and hTERT expression in the bone marrow of ten control, 15 MDS patients and two patients with AML, likely evolved from a previous MDS. Moreover, the expression of c-myc, mad1, p53 (transcription factors involved in hTERT expression regulation), has been investigated. Telomerase activity and hTERT expression increased in the MDS patients with respect to the controls. The analysis of the MDS subgroups, indicated that patients with more severe disease demonstrated significantly higher levels of hTERT expression and telomerase activity with respect to the patients with more favorable disease. c-Myc and p53 expressions were not significantly different between controls and MDS patients, whereas mad1 expression was increased in MDS patiens, particularly in those with more favorable disease. We hypothesize that mad1 increase can contribute to reduce the hTERT expression in the early stage of disease and we suggest that hTERT expression and telomerase activity, whether confirmed in larger series of cases could support other parameters in the diagnosis and stadiation of MDS

    Heavy metals in sediments from canals for water supplying and drainage: mobilization and control strategies

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    One of the most critical aspects of the maintenance of canals forwater supplying and drainage is the managingof deposited sediments, which must be periodically removed. Deposited sediments, if containinganthropogenic pollutants with a concentration exceeding specific law limits, must be stored as industrialwastes, thus raising additional economic and logistic problems to deal with. Our research considers pollutedsediments from an area close to the south side of Po river, in order to characterize heavy metalsassociated with different mineral species, thus defining effective treatments for their inertization, andsuggesting a possible process for their recycle. Our results demonstrate that the composition of thesesediments is suitable for the production of tiles and bricks. Several testswere thus performed to optimizesample treatment and other process parameters, finally giving very encouraging results. Releasing testson fired products reveal that all the heavy metals are well retained

    Sorption kinetics and chemical forms of Cd(II) sorbed by thiol-functionalized 2:1 clay minerals

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    The interaction between Cd(II) in aqueous solution and two 2:1 expandable clay minerals (i,e., montmorillonite and vermiculite), showing different layer charge, was addressed via batch sorption experiments on powdered clay minerals both untreated and amino-acid (cysteine) treated. Reaction products were characterized via X-ray diffraction, chemical analysis (Elemental Analysis and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), thermal analysis, mass spectrometry and synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques. Namely, the uptake of Cd(II) from each adsorbent was measured by analyzing, via atomic absorption spectroscopy, the liquid portion separated after centrifugation following a controlled period of exposure. The main outcome was thus the definition of the sorption behavior of Cd(II) as a function of the features of the substrates (e.g. different layer charge, presence or not of the amino acid cysteine). Thermal decomposition of Cd-cysteine treated clay minerals evidences the evolution of H2O, H2S, NO2, SO2, and N2O3. EXAFS studies suggest that Cd(II) coordinates with oxygen atoms, to give monomer complexes or CdO molecules, either on the mineral surface and/or in the interlayer. For Cd-cysteine complexes XAS data agree with the existence of Cd-S clusters, thus suggesting a predominant role of the thiol group in the bonding of Cd with the amino acid

    Thermal behavior of Cu(II)-, Cd(II)-, and Hg(II)-exchanged montmorillonite complexedwith cysteine

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    The thermal behavior of montmorillonite and organically modified montmorillonite, both treated with heavy metal cations [Cu(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II)], was characterized via thermal analyses (TG, DTG and DTA) combined with evolved species gas mass spectrometry (MS-EGA), and X-ray diffraction at in situ controlled temperature (HTXRD). The reactions involving Cu(II)-and Cd(II)-montmorillonite samples are mostly related to H2O and OH loss, unlike Hg(II)-montmorillonite, where effects associated to Hg(II) loss are also present. Finally reactions related to dehydration, dehydroxylation and to organic matter decomposition can be observed in montmorillonite samples treated with cysteine

    Polluted sediments from canals for water supplying and drainege: treatment and recycle

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    One of the most critical aspects of the maintenance of canals for water supplying and drainage is the managing of deposited sediments, which must be periodically removed. Deposited sediments, if containing anthropogenic pollutants with a concentration exceeding specific law limits, must be stored as industrial wastes, thus raising additional economic and logistic problems to deal with. Our research considers polluted sediments from an area close to the south side of Po river, in order to characterize heavy metals associated with different mineral species, thus defining effective treatments for their inertization, and suggesting a possible process for their recycle. Our results demonstrate that the composition of these sediments is suitable for the production of tiles and bricks. Several tests were thus performed to optimize sample treatment and other process parameters, finally giving very encouraging results. Releasing tests on fired products reveal that all the heavy metals are well retained

    Osumilite from Mount Arci (Sardinia, Italy): bulk and surface crystal chemistry

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    This study is focused on osumilite crystal chemistry and on its surface chemical characteristics and properties. Osumilite belongs to the milarite mineral group. This mineral, with the ideal formula XIICIXB’2VIA2(T2)3IV(T1)12O30 crystallizes in the space group P6/mcc. T1 is mainly occupied by Si and to a smaller amount by Al, T2 is usually occupied by Al with Fe and little Mg, whereas A octahedron mostly contains Mg and Fe. The ring arrangement defines structural channels occupied by the twelve-coordinated C site which is characterized by the presence of alkaline cations (Na, K).The osumilite from Mt Arci (Sardinia) occurs in thin fissures and small cavities within a rhyolite from the volcanic massif of Mt. Arci, Sardinia. The mineral forms regular dark blue hexagonal prismatic-tabular crystals associated to trydimite and sporadic phlogopite crystals. The osumilite structure was refined by single crystal X-ray diffraction and the final refinement yielded the following agreement factors R = 0.0199. The sample studied is hexagonal, with symmetry P6/mcc and unit cell parameters a = 10.1550(6) c = 14.306(1) (Å). The structural formula is (K0.729)C (Na0.029)B’ (Si10.498 Al1.502)T1 (Al2.706 Fe2+0.219 Mg0.075)T2 (Mg0.660 Mn0.091 Fe2+1.258)AO30. In respect of data from literature [2], osumilite sample from Mt. Arci is characterized by a significantly high Fe content (1.478 apfu).In order to study the morphology of osumilite from Mt. Arci, an atomic force microscopy (AFM) filtered images of osumilite was performed. The (001) surface roughness of osumilite is about 0.40 nm, thus it confirms the presence of the channels defined by the double rings of tetrahedra. The distance between two dark areas, defining channel position, is 1 nm, which well agree with the unit cell parameter a value.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis was carried out to measure chemical composition and quantity of each element on the osumilite surface. Higher resolution spectra in the region of Si2p, Al2p, Mg1s and Fe2p core levels were measured. From data collected, we could say that the osumilite surface is chemically well characterized and the elemental composition of surface totally corresponds to the bulk chemical composition. Moreover, comparing our results to data from literature we obtained also crystal chemical information on Fe, Mg, Si and Al high resolution spectra, compared to the crystal chemical characteristics of the bulk.In order to confirm the valence of Fe and the position of this element in the A site, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) was also made in the L2,3 edge of iron comparing data from literature

    The relationships of bulk structure, surface structure, chemistry, and physical properties of mineral phases with six- and eight-membered silicate rings

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    The goal of this research is to better understand the relationship between chemical composition and atomic structure (both bulk and surface structure) of minerals having six-membered silicate rings, such as osumilite and eight-membered silicate rings, such as vesuvianite. Osumilite under investigation occurs in thin fissures within a rhyolite from the volcanic massif of Mt. Arci, Sardinia (Italy). Vesuvianite sample is from skarns of Somma-Vesuvius volcano (Italy) instead.The osumilite and vesuvianite bulk structures were refined via single crystal X-ray diffraction. Osumilite sample is hexagonal, with symmetry P6/mcc and unit cell parameters a = 10.1550(6) c = 14.306(1) (Å). The structural formula is (K0.729)C (Na0.029)B’ (Si10.498 Al1.502)T1 (Al2.706 Fe2+0.219 Mg0.075)T2 (Mg0.660 Mn0.091 Fe2+1.258)AO30. When compared to literature data [1], osumilite sample from Mt. Arci is characterized by a significantly high Fe2+ content (1.478 apfu).X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) enabled the crystal chemical characterization of osumilite surface, where iron was still observed in its divalent state, thus confirming a similarity in osumilite surface and bulk chemical composition. A further evidence of Fe oxidation state at osumilite surface is provided from X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at Fe-L2,3 edge.Vesuvianite is a complex tetragonal silicate. Vesuvianite ideal formula is Ca19(Al,Mg)13(B, Si)18O68(OH, O, F)10 and crystallizes, generally, in the space group P4/nnc. Vesuvianite presents in nature two different structural type: a high temperature type (at about 1000 °C) and a low temperature type (at about 900 °C). To recognize which type of vesuvianite, our sample belongs to, we studied its thermal decomposition via X-ray powder diffraction method by using a Philips X’Pert PRO diffractometer equipped with X’Celerator area detector. Finally we could assure that our sample is a high temperature vesuvianite with high symmetry P4/nnc.Unlike osumilite, vesuvianite surface is very complex to study because of its roughness on given faces of the crystal. However we could obtain preliminary information on the chemical composition of the surface via XPS and subsequently compare these data to bulk chemical composition. Moreover, unlike osumilite sample, vesuvianite presents Fe in octahedral site both in divalent and trivalent state, as confirmed by XAS experiments performed at the L2,3 edge of iron