1,325 research outputs found

    The Steep Spectrum Quasar PG1404+226 with ASCA, HST and ROSAT

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    (abridged) We present and discuss our observations of the NL quasar PG1404+226 with ASCA and HST, and a re-analysis of our earlier observations with ROSAT. The soft X-ray spectrum is very steep and displays an absorption feature (edge or line at ~1.1 keV). We have applied a variety of models to the ASCA and ROSAT spectra without finding a completely satisfactory fit, and the identification of the edge remains uncertain. A satisfactory fit of the ASCA spectrum assuming that the edge is produced by highly ionized iron (using the code absori in XSPEC) is obtained with an overabundance of iron by a factor > 25 compared to solar, a suggestion supported by the extremely high equivalent width of the Fe K_alpha line at 6.4 keV. A warm absorber model fitting the absorption feature with NeVII-NeX edges and assuming a peculiar oxygen/neon abundance ratio is consistent with the ROSAT data but not the ASCA data. Finally, it is also possible that the observed edge is caused by a OVIII or OVII edge or line, blueshifted by z_abs=0.2 to 0.5 depending on the specific identification, as has been suggested previously for 2 other NL quasars, but there are no other features in the UV and X-ray spectra in support of this suggestion. Two systems of UV absorption lines, one nearly at rest in the source frame, the other blueshifted by ~1900 km/s are identified in the HST/FOS spectra. Photoionization models indicate that the UV absorption and the ~1 keV absorption are probably caused by absorbers with different physical conditions. PG1404+226 is one more case of AGN where both UV and X-ray absorption features are detected, thereby increasing further the significance of the previously noted statistical association of the two types of absorbers.Comment: 11 pages, A&A in pres

    pZHK2, a bi-functional transformation vector, suitable for two step gene targeting

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    Homologous recombination is a prerequisite for the generation of knock out strains by means of DNA-mediated transformation. In filamentous fungi however, the frequency of ectopic integration events is rather high and the actual efficiency of homologous recombination depends upon the length of homologous DNA flanking the transformation marker. Recently, d´Enfert and coworkers (Chaveroche et al., 2000) presented a two-step technology for the integration of a bi-functional zeocin-pyrG cassette into a target sequence of interest using anEscherichia coli strain expressing the phage lambda Red functions. In the resulting recombinant cosmids, the selection marker is flanked by fungal DNA sequences longer than 1 kb, which can be used to transform appropriate fungal recipient strains. For selection of fungal transformants, those workers used the A. nidulanspyrG gene encoding orotidine-5´-monophosphate decarboxylase, which confers prototrophy in appropriate uridine/uracil auxotrophic recipient strains. Here, we describe the novel bi-functional transformation vector pZHK2, which carries in addition to the zeocin resistance gene the hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene often used as a dominant selectable marker gene in fungal recipient strains. The applicability of the vector is demonstrated by generating a ura3- knock out strain from Sordaria macrospora showing auxotrophy

    Release of TNF-α during myocardial reperfusion depends on oxidative stress and is prevented by mast cell stabilizers

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    Objectives: Our study sought to elucidate the role of oxidative stress for shedding of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and for activating TNF-α-converting enzyme (TACE). Background: TNF-α, a central inflammatory cytokine, is discussed as one of the mediators of reperfusion injury. Shedding of membrane-bound pro-TNF-α is thought to be largely due to TNF-α-converting enzyme (TACE). Methods: Release of TNF-α and TACE dependency were studied in isolated rat hearts and in the human mast cell line HMC-1. Results: In reperfused hearts, interstitial release of TNF-α occurred in two phases (2–10 and >45 min). It depended on the presence of oxygen during reperfusion and was attenuated by reduced glutathione. Infusion of the oxidants H2O2 or HOCl elicited release in non-ischemic hearts. TNF-α release was inhibited in hearts treated with degranulation inhibitors ketotifen or cromoglycate, suggesting mast cells as major source for myocardial TNF-α. This was confirmed by tissue staining. Post-ischemic release of histamine, however, did not parallel that of TNF-α. Heart tissue contained mainly mature TACE. HMC-1 expressed abundant pro-TACE and cleaved the pro-TNF-α-peptide Ac-SPLAQAVRSSSR-NH2. However, cleavage was nonspecific and only partly inhibited by TACE inhibitor TAPI-2 (10–100 μmol/l), while it was stimulated by H2O2 and HOCl and fully blocked by the nonspecific metalloprotease inhibitor o-phenanthroline. Conclusions: The mechanism underlying TNF-α release from post-ischemic myocardium is oxidation-dependent but largely independent of activation of TACE. Mast cell stabilizers may be useful in preventing TNF-α release during reperfusion

    Reduced inclination of cervical spine in a novel notebook screen system : implications for rehabilitation

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    Background: Professional working at computer notebooks is associated with high requirements on the body posture in the seated position. By the high continuous static muscle stress resulting from this position at notebooks, professionals frequently working at notebooks for long hours are exposed to an increased risk of musculoskeletal complaints. Especially in subjects with back pain, new notebooks should be evaluated with a focus on rehabilitative issues. Methods: In a field study a new notebook design with adjustable screen was analyzed and compared to standard notebook position. Results: There are highly significant differences in the visual axis of individuals who are seated in the novel notebook position in comparison to the standard position. Also, differences are present between further alternative notebook positions. Testing of gender and glasses did not reveal influences. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that notebooks with adjustable screen may be used to improve the posture. Future studies may focus on patients with musculoskeletal diseases

    Etablierung von Hochdurchsatz-Kultivierungs- und -Screeningmethoden für phototrophe Einzeller

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    Mit Hochdurchsatz-Kultivierungs- und -Screeningmethoden können viele Proben parallel, miniaturisiert und kostengünstig bearbeitet werden. Für phototrophe Organismen wie Mikroalgen und Cyanobakterien sind Hochdurchsatz-Kultivierungsverfahren jedoch bis heute kaum etabliert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden diese Verfahren beispielhaft für das Cyanobakterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 etabliert. Die benötigte technische Automatisierung wurde hierbei durch den Einsatz eines Tecan Genesis RSP 150 Pipettierroboters erreicht. Die Kultivierung erfolgte in Deepwell-Mikrotiterplatten innerhalb einer speziell angefertigten Kammer mit programmierbaren Schüttlern, einstellbarer Belichtung und CO2-Atmosphäre. Die in diesem System erreichten Wachstumsraten sind vergleichbar mit publizierten Kultivierungsmethoden. Das Hochdurchsatz-Screening wurde mit Hilfe eines in den Roboter integrierten Tecan Genios Plus Plattenreaders durchgeführt. Es wurden beispielhaft Methoden zur Bestimmung von optischer Dichte und Chlorophyllgehalt etabliert. Die hier vorgestellte Plattform kann vielseitig zur Analyse phototropher Organismen eingesetzt werden und ist durch entsprechende Assays leicht zur Messung anderer Parameter erweiterbar.High-throughput cultivation and screening methods allow a parallel, miniaturized and cost efficient processing of many samples. These methods however, have not been generally established for phototrophic organisms such as microalgae or cyanobacteria. In this work we describe and test high-throughput methods with the model organism Synechocystis sp. PC6803. The required technical automation for these processes was archived with a Tecan Genesis RSP 150 pipetting robot. The cultivation was performed in deepwell microtiter plates within a specially constructed cultivation chamber. The chamber is outfitted with programmable shaking conditions, variable illumination and an adjustable CO2 atmosphere. The growth rates archived within this system are comparable to those achieved with established methods such as bioreactors. The high-throughput screening was achieved with a Tecan Genios Plus plate reader integrated within the pipetting robot. Methods for determination of optical density and amount of chlorophyll were established within the scope of this work. The presented platform can be used for a variety of analyses of phototrophic organisms and is easily expandable with further assays to screen for additional targets

    Next-generation Process Management with ADEPT2

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    Short time-to-market, easy adaptation to changes in business environment, and robustness of processes are key requirements in today’s business world. In the IT area of Business Process Management (BPM), solutions claim to satisfy these new demands, but are still not sufficient.\ud In this paper we present a short overview on how these challenges are tackled by the ADEPT and AristaFlow projects and demonstrate a prototypical implementation

    Assessing the adherence behavior of glaucoma patients to topical eye drops

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    Purpose: The goal of this study was to determine the adherence of glaucoma patients to their topical glaucoma medication. Furthermore, the relationships between the adherence behavior and the patients' demographic data, clinical characteristics, and their knowledge about glaucoma were evaluated. Methods: This was a prospective study of 123 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma who were given two standardized questionnaires. The first questionnaire at time point T1 comprised a knowledge assessment and the self-reported adherence measures Adherence to Refills and Medication Scale 2 (ARMS2),visual analogue scale for adherence (VAS-AD),and missed doses in the past 14 days. Two months later at time point T2, a second questionnaire reevaluated the adherence measures ARMS2, VAS-AD, and missed doses in the past 14 days. Results: There was a good correlation among all the three adherence measures at T1 and T2. The mean values of ARMS2 were in the lower range, with 3.38 at T1 and 2.8 at T2. The VAS-AD detected that 18.5% of patients always took their eye drops correctly, and 77.9% of patients reported not to have missed a single dose in the past 14 days. There was no significant correlation between the patients' demographic data or knowledge about glaucoma and the adherence measures ARMS2 or VAS-AD. Among the clinical characteristics, only single-eye blindness showed a significant correlation with VAS-AD. Conclusion: In this study, no general relationships were found between medication adherence and the patients' demographic data, clinical characteristics, or knowledge about glaucoma. It may be assumed that more individualized strategies are required to optimize adherence behavior

    On Representing, Purging, and Utilizing Change Logs in Process Management Systems

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    In recent years adaptive process management technolgy has emerged in order to increase the flexibility of business process implementations and to support process changes at different levels. Usually, respective systems log comprehensive information about changes, which can then be used for different purposes including process traceability, change reuse and process recovery. Therefore the adequate and efficient representation of change logs is a crucial task for adaptive process management systems. In this paper we show which information has to be (minimally) captured in process change logs and how it should be represented in a generic and efficient way. We discuss different design alternatives and show how to deal with noise in process change logs. Finally, we present an elegant and efficient implementation approach, which we applied in the ADEPT2 process management system. Altogether the presented concepts provide an important pillar for adaptive process management technology and emerging fields (e.g., process change mining)

    Assessing the adherence behavior of glaucoma patients to topical eye drops

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    Purpose: The goal of this study was to determine the adherence of glaucoma patients to their topical glaucoma medication. Furthermore, the relationships between the adherence behavior and the patients' demographic data, clinical characteristics, and their knowledge about glaucoma were evaluated. Methods: This was a prospective study of 123 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma who were given two standardized questionnaires. The first questionnaire at time point T1 comprised a knowledge assessment and the self-reported adherence measures Adherence to Refills and Medication Scale 2 (ARMS2),visual analogue scale for adherence (VAS-AD),and missed doses in the past 14 days. Two months later at time point T2, a second questionnaire reevaluated the adherence measures ARMS2, VAS-AD, and missed doses in the past 14 days. Results: There was a good correlation among all the three adherence measures at T1 and T2. The mean values of ARMS2 were in the lower range, with 3.38 at T1 and 2.8 at T2. The VAS-AD detected that 18.5% of patients always took their eye drops correctly, and 77.9% of patients reported not to have missed a single dose in the past 14 days. There was no significant correlation between the patients' demographic data or knowledge about glaucoma and the adherence measures ARMS2 or VAS-AD. Among the clinical characteristics, only single-eye blindness showed a significant correlation with VAS-AD. Conclusion: In this study, no general relationships were found between medication adherence and the patients' demographic data, clinical characteristics, or knowledge about glaucoma. It may be assumed that more individualized strategies are required to optimize adherence behavior
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